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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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45 Mill returning to eve

Holy Duck
The River Isk
#1 - 2012-10-24 04:22:49 UTC
i just reinstated my account.
I'm looking for a null sec corp, pvp, ratting, ...some mining.
Please contact me via eve mail.


holy Duck
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2012-10-24 05:42:06 UTC
Hard Knocks is interested in speaking with you.

Public Channel: Hard Knocks

o7 - Sorany
Successful Troll
Ellipsis Holding
#3 - 2012-10-24 13:15:28 UTC
Dirty Old Bastards!

Our Alliance kills a lot of internet spaceships. Our corp is kinda small but we are expanding.

We have an indy corp in the sister alliance for your hulk toon.

Join 'DOB. Parlour'
Veruca Psalt
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-10-24 13:19:18 UTC
Depending on what timezone you're in Article 47 may be just the thing you are looking for. Mail sent.
Cindara loridian
Mercari Consortium
#5 - 2012-10-24 13:29:06 UTC
East India Ore Trade is an US/EU TZ Industrial Corporation based in null sec space. We are currently recruiting active miners & industrialists to further grow our production capability and mining needs. Additionally we are now recruiting Pvpers and ratters.

Our Goals:

First and foremost, our number one goal is to become an industrial powerhouse that fuels the war machine that is Eve Online whilst being a corporation to be reconned with on the battlefield.. Everyone knows that Internet Spaceships is serious business, and we are no exception as we strive to dominate our alliances' market place and our enemies. However, we also understand that our pilots have real lives and families, so we won't bust your chops for missing an op. We have a very fun and friendly atmosphere, and prefer to keep things light. It is this attitude that allows our pilots and projects to excel. We currently fly NBSI with one of the largest alliances in-game.

What We Are Looking For:

-Pilots with a mature attitude.
-Active (No Trial Accounts please; pilots that are inactive for longer than a month without prior notice will be kicked).
-10 Million Skillpoint Minimum (Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis).
-Able to fly a Covetor or Drake at bare minimum (or corresponding marketing/construction skills).
-Ability to attend at least 1 of our Mining Ops per week (1 Hour minimum requirement).
-Able to take part in alliance wide pvp operations which are not only frequent, but are on a very large scale.

What We Offer:

-Relaxed Environment
-Access to Orca for Hauling
-Teamspeak 3
-Construction for Ships & Modules at Discounted Prices!
-Mineral Refining
-Null Sec Market
-Rorqual bonuses
-A fully functional Ore Buyback Program which includes PI and Ice.
-Capital Ship Construction
-PvP protection and operations.
-A system with a security level of -0.8 which is fantastic for ratters.
-Hidden belts with ABC, as well as ABCM in the regular belts.
-One of the largest alliances in-game.
-Ship Replacement Program

What We Have Coming Soon:

-BPO Investment Opportunities

What We Don't Want:
-Douche Canoes

If this interests you, then join our public channel EIOT PUB and speak to one of our friendly recruiting specialists.

You can also choose to contact one of our recruiters:
* Vasper Conran (CEO)
* Teremir Nailos
*Cindara Loridian (recruitment Director)
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2012-10-24 13:46:09 UTC
Hey m8!

Come check us out!

Apex Ardent Coalition

We're a real friendly bunch and would be happy to have you with us.

Contact me if you're interested.
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-10-24 17:50:28 UTC
We are a 0.0 PVP corp with a long history of 0.0 warfare.

Arrow 0.0 Sov and Stations - fully upgraded space & outposts
Arrow The premier corp in: Soldiers of New EVE alliance
Arrow Deployed with the Southern Coalition (SoCo)
Arrow Experienced leadership, ex-TRI, ED, RZR FCs
Arrow Long lineage of 0.0 warfare
Arrow Capital heavy, 30+ active capitals/super capitals
Arrow Daily PVP with corp / alliance / blues
Arrow Take part in the great fleet battles of EVE, as well as constant roaming PVP!
Arrow We are one of the few SOV holding corps / alliances not dominated by coalition politics and blobs!
Arrow Corp Ships and alliance SRP
Arrow Capital and Supercapital Placement schemes

Recruitment Currently open for:

- 25M SP minimum requirement for PVP'ers Attention
- Limited recruitment for industrialists to help run corp projects Attention

For more info join the ingame-channel: UNSOL pub

or contact JoelCoen, DrunkenOne or Diamond VI ingame
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-10-24 19:33:27 UTC
We are a small gang pvp corp currently basing out of npc null. We don't do a whole lot of group pve, but I thought I'd put our name out there. We are US time zone.

Check us out.

Public in-game channel - KOK Open

Good luck in your search.
Appetite 4 Destruction
#9 - 2012-10-24 23:27:03 UTC
MachineGun Matt
State War Academy
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-10-25 00:54:08 UTC
Run out of deep 0.0, not much high sec/low sec gangs coming out.. almost pure 0.0 gangs

H A V O C Industrial
#11 - 2012-10-25 04:28:15 UTC
WOW, look at all the copy/pasta...

Ignore all these nubs and come to our public channel SNAKE LAIR. I will be honest with you and tell you we are the best alliance at mining KM's.

Here is proof of how good the alliance is:

SSE is a relatively small corp in this giant of an alliance, which even the Goons with double membership can't match. We are also the most stable and resilient alliance. We have lost our space several times (epic fun) and are the only alliance to have grown instead of fail cascade. I'd like any other alliance in game to boast the same. This shit's got to go - Jacque Fresco

Loed Kane
Rote Kapelle
#12 - 2012-10-25 11:29:27 UTC
well if you want a good pvp corp in null sec Join Segmentum Solar [SEGM] We are a well respected pvp corp with good fcs and good people we are very active with daily fleets well i lie hourly fleets and a good place to make isk. Want to shine as a fc? go ahead and try! Segm is a great place to grow as a fc and a pvp pilot. we have a forum post here . You can talk to me about joining via Eve mail or in game, or join seg job centre plus to talk to a recruiter today. if you dont want to look at our forum post here is a link to our killboard I hope to hear from you! have a nice day and good hunting.
Rico Minali
Sons Of 0din
Commonwealth Vanguard
#13 - 2012-10-25 14:57:19 UTC
Hi duck, take a look at Sons Of 0din, could be what you are looking for to get back into Eve, very social and fun.

Trust me, I almost know what I'm doing.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#14 - 2012-10-28 11:34:20 UTC
Hi mate
We are a corp that is enjoying life and fights in the east. We are looking to bolster our PVP capability and mixing it with PVE to keep the wallet full. So we are interested in you i hope you are interested in us too.
If so give me a poke when online or a mail offline (not often lol)

Our KB

And Ad

Fly safe
Mortis Angelus
Kybernauts Clade
#15 - 2012-10-28 13:25:12 UTC
I see you got some great corps posting here on your thread.

Well i just send you an ingame mail

hope you like our offer

fly safe

Mortis Angelus: 11 Years and still kicking, One family One Goal

Tau Phoenix
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#16 - 2012-10-28 15:44:11 UTC
Public Channel:

Greetings one and all!

Eternal Darkness are currently on the lookout for new members to join their ranks. Those who apply and are accepted will become members of a small group of tightly knit individuals spread over multiple time-zones. Prior to accepting any applications you will need to contact one of our recruiters either via private chat or mail. We can also be found in our public channel listed above.

Be advised that all applicants must meet the following criteria before they are accepted:

- Working microphone with both Mumble and Teamspeak 3 installed.
- Be able to both speak and understand English.
- Be active. Holidays are one thing, but we'd like to see you more than once in a blue moon.
- Be at least fairly mature. Winners, not whiners, are what we are after.
- 10 mill SP + (We may make exceptions, see below)
- We are a PvP corp with an industrial backing. Not the other way around. If you are not willing to PvP do not apply.
- You will need to provide us with a limited API key, a full one will also be necessary at some stage.

Although we are not strictly speaking a newbie-friendly corp, we are happy to allow a couple of younger pilots (at least cruiser/battlecruiser capable) join up. We will do our level best to assist you in gaining plenty of experience in a decent learning environment. We will also help provide you with ships and skills books (except for the titan one, you are on your own there).

For those who do wind up within our ranks you will be a member of a solid and social corporation who do our best to help each other out when its needed. We have a strong leadership backed up by excellent pilots along with 0.0 access and all its perks. If this all sounds right for you, get in contact and we'll see if you are right for us.

Contact us for further info or if interested.
Crazey Monkey
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2012-10-29 05:08:27 UTC
Consider Noir. we are the most active Merc corp in the game. There will always be something to do and someone that needs killing.

Join the channel "cafe noir." Dont forget the dot.

More info can be found here :
Infinity Nova
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2012-10-29 05:22:22 UTC
Hello Holy Duck,

I think Skulldogs would be a great match for you.

I sent you a mail with more details.

Fly Dangerously!!

Infinity Nova
US Director

Infinity Nova

CEO of Shadow.