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I am Itsumaden. I am Capsuleer.

Roga Dracor
Gladiators of Rage
#21 - 2012-10-25 14:01:32 UTC

It was sarcasm and dark humor of a sort. Hardly suprising that it was lost on you, Tiberius.. You are of the model I advised he avoid..

Only extreme cynicism would lead to the abandonment of free will in what small measure is still available to us, such as you display. Ask your master to tweak your comprehension algorythems. They appear to need it.Blink

It's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then, and it's a poor sort of memory that only works backward.

Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#22 - 2012-10-25 14:08:35 UTC
Roga Dracor wrote:

It was sarcasm and dark humor of a sort. Hardly suprising that it was lost on you, Tiberius.. You are of the model I advised he avoid..

Only extreme cynicism would lead to the abandonment of free will in what small measure is still available to us, such as you display. Ask your master to tweak your comprehension algorythems. They appear to need it.Blink

Yes. Cynicism is what makes me fight for the only feasable path to Utopia.
Jev North
#23 - 2012-10-25 14:43:19 UTC
Tiberious Thessalonia wrote:
Who are the "Brethren"? Last I looked, capsuleers were anything but brotherly.

Did you grow up with brothers, Tibs?

Even though our love is cruel; even though our stars are crossed.

Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#24 - 2012-10-25 14:52:39 UTC
Jev North wrote:
Tiberious Thessalonia wrote:
Who are the "Brethren"? Last I looked, capsuleers were anything but brotherly.

Did you grow up with brothers, Tibs?

Yes, and with any luck, none of them got the particular genetic anomaly that is the ability to be capsuleers. So far so good!
Logan Fyreite
Grim Bit Interface
#25 - 2012-10-25 15:45:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Logan Fyreite
If simple graduation were the means to true ascendancy then that would be something.

The question of your ascendancy remains to be answered. Perhaps over time you will ascend beyond the moral trappings impressed upon you and leave the petty beliefs and prejudices of your, or any, planet bound life behind. Perhaps when you can look at the old republics, empires, and stagnant baseliner governments and see their rules and laws as just so many useless words, perhaps then you will be truly ascended into something new, something beyond what you were yesterday and are on this day.

Perhaps when you, when we, are able to let go of those things, the things that tie you down and keep you from your true potential, then you will have ascended. I too hope that one day I rise to that level as well, but at least now I, we have the time to try.

Welcome to the community as it were. Good luck.
Jev North
#26 - 2012-10-25 15:46:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Jev North
Tiberious Thessalonia wrote:

So did I - although there might be cultural differences, it's why I think that 'brotherly' is fairly apt. They fought a fair deal, but though that involved lots of noise and fury, most of the real damage was, hm - collateral.

I'll excuse myself from further conversation in this thread, though. I think it's far enough off topic as it is..

Even though our love is cruel; even though our stars are crossed.

Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#27 - 2012-10-25 15:49:33 UTC
Uraniae Fehrnah wrote:
You'd do well to see capsuleerhood for what it truly is; the product of a series of genetic quirks. We are no more special than people with naturally red hair...

Wait a minute now, I was feeling pretty pleased with myself until you said this Pilot Fehrnah. You mean that I didn't hit the jackpot twice by being genetically compatible with pod technology AND being a natural redhead? I am disappointed... Cry

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.

Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#28 - 2012-10-25 15:58:19 UTC
Jev North wrote:
Tiberious Thessalonia wrote:

So did I - although there might be cultural differences, it's why I think that 'brotherly' is fairly apt. They fought a fair deal, but though that involved lots of noise and fury, most of the real damage was, hm - collateral.

I'll excuse myself from further conversation in this thread, though. I think it's far enough off topic as it is..

When me and my brothers fought, my parents took our toys away and punished us in accordance with our crimes.

Concord does not have the ability to punish us in accordance with our crimes.
Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#29 - 2012-10-25 17:40:03 UTC
Itsumaden wrote:
My first thought, after regaining consciousness, ...

Plug me in, New Eden, and put me to work.

Congratulations Itsumaden-haan! Welcome to the family. You are now one of the Lords of the Stars. I'm very glad that you were able to avoid the wet-grave, it is a miserable experience which I wouldn't wish on anyone.

Please be aware that your greatest test is just beginning, however. You are not immortal - though it feels like it, sometimes. You are not superhuman - though baseline concerns seem smaller, now. Your thoughts are still dominated by emotions - though they take a detour through processing networks form time to time.

The greatest threat to a Capsuleer isn't an enemy fleet, or the eldrich machinations of the Jove. The greatest threat to you is yourself. You are now vulnerable to a host of cognitive diseases you were earlier immune to. Fragmentation, cognitive dissonance, psychosis, hallucination, and the eponymous Capsuleer's dementia name only a few. Your very sense of self, your identity, will slowly be picked apart in the coming years, through copying, processing, forceful modification and the occasional involuntary bout through a fluid router. This does nothing to mention the emotional strain of dictating the lives of thousands and ending the lives of many more.

Gird yourself, Itsumaden-haan. Be aware that your thoughts can and will betray you, and your emotions will lead you to dark places whether you wish them to or not - and whether you follow them or not.

May the solar wind always warm your hull, and may it lead you to happy harbours.
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#30 - 2012-10-25 21:22:01 UTC
Take the time now as a new capsuleer and decide to use your power for others rather than exercising it over others. Decide now to be a servant of others rather than a lord over others. Selfishness is your greatest enemy and greatest temptation.

May New Eden be a better place because you choose well.


The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

State War Academy
Caldari State
#31 - 2012-10-25 21:44:48 UTC
Scherezad wrote:
Fragmentation, cognitive dissonance, psychosis, hallucination, and the eponymous Capsuleer's dementia name only a few...Gird yourself, Itsumaden-haan. Be aware that your thoughts can and will betray you, and your emotions will lead you to dark places whether you wish them to or not - and whether you follow them or not.

I'm more aware of the psychological dangers of the capsule than most fresh graduates, I think. Without going into specifics, the dark shadow of pod pilot madness has been a stain on the honor of my family for years. As a capsuleer, I hope to cleanse that stain with service to the State.

Your words aren't falling on deaf ears, however. I appreciate your warnings. I feel like the tendency of capsuleers to succumb to mental illness is a subject often glossed over, especially during a pilot's early years.

Jev North wrote:
Wiyrkomi Honor Guard, I-RED and Lai Dai Infinity Systems spring to mind. Each has their own political, philosophical and practical approach, so at least one of them should fit fairly well, no?

Here's hoping. My own research has led me to similar information, although it's difficult to decide on where to submit my application for employment. I'm finding a serious lack of candid information about the way these corporations operate. Most of what I can find consists of stylized recruitment videos and terse press releases about outdated military operations.
Silas Vitalia
#32 - 2012-10-25 22:20:28 UTC

I'll give you one piece of advice.

The reputation you establish (not the non-existant one you currently have), will be worth more than anything else you acquire as a capsuleer.

Every action you take from now on will be used as a measure for or against your future potential.

Conduct yourself in a consistent manor and you'll find many doors of opportunity opening along the path.

Conduct yourself in an erratic manor, and you might find just as many doors closing.

Let's see if you make something of yourself, shall we?

Sabik now, Sabik forever

Jev North
#33 - 2012-10-26 08:20:16 UTC
Itsumaden wrote:
Here's hoping. My own research has led me to similar information, although it's difficult to decide on where to submit my application for employment. I'm finding a serious lack of candid information about the way these corporations operate. Most of what I can find consists of stylized recruitment videos and terse press releases about outdated military operations.

That's sadly more or less as expected - very few corporations give out details of their day-to-day operations. It's probably best to talk to them directly, and be forthright about what you're looking for. Join for a trial period if you like what you're hearing; but don't feel compelled to stay for a lifetime based on a recruiter's story.

You'll not depend on your corporation for your livelihood, so fitting in well with their culture and the corporation sharing your goals and deepest convictions is important.

Silas Vitalia wrote:
Conduct yourself in an erratic manor, and you might find just as many doors closing.

It's hard to say anything definite about the state of doors in an erratic manor, but on balance, I'd expect about as many doors opening as closing.

Even though our love is cruel; even though our stars are crossed.

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#34 - 2012-10-26 08:51:32 UTC
Itsumaden wrote:
My first thought, after regaining consciousness, was That's funny. I can't feel my legs. My second thought was Please don't be mind-locked. Please, please let me have passed the final test.

What a strange feeling this is, floating weightless above the clouds. I wasn't prepared for the sensation of it. Each conduit, each piece of hardware, flexing within me like a muscle. The itching tension of my shield emitter. The exhalation of my magpulse thrusters.

I have ascended.

Achura glitters beneath me like a jewel. From here I can see settlements, cities, scattered like motes of dust over the planet's night side. It's not the first time I've seen my homeworld from orbit, but it is the first time I've seen it with such clarity. I can see each streetlamp, each glowing window, peering up at me like florescent eyes. I can see my family's estate, sprawling over the countryside in the pre-dawn. The buildings look so small. Like toys, scattered and forgotten.

Normally, I would not indulge in such physical elation. But I have studied, and I have trained, and I have labored tirelessly. I have emerged victorious. And I feel fantastic.

I am seeking employment. What I'm looking for: education, companionship, and State service. What I can offer: diligence, initiative, and loyalty. I am ready for this new life.

Plug me in, New Eden, and put me to work.

You are lucky one, Itsumaden-haan! I don't even want to remember my 'ascension'. What about employment, I'd like to remind you, that there is a war going on. If you truly want to serve the State as a capsuleer, as a combat pilot and not as an 'immortal (I mean reusable) giftbox hauler', you know what you should do.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Gussarde en Welle
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2012-10-29 21:30:32 UTC
Jev North wrote:
Itsumaden wrote:
Here's hoping. My own research has led me to similar information, although it's difficult to decide on where to submit my application for employment. I'm finding a serious lack of candid information about the way these corporations operate. Most of what I can find consists of stylized recruitment videos and terse press releases about outdated military operations.

That's sadly more or less as expected - very few corporations give out details of their day-to-day operations. It's probably best to talk to them directly, and be forthright about what you're looking for. Join for a trial period if you like what you're hearing; but don't feel compelled to stay for a lifetime based on a recruiter's story.

You'll not depend on your corporation for your livelihood, so fitting in well with their culture and the corporation sharing your goals and deepest convictions is important.

Silas Vitalia wrote:
Conduct yourself in an erratic manor, and you might find just as many doors closing.

It's hard to say anything definite about the state of doors in an erratic manor, but on balance, I'd expect about as many doors opening as closing.

Lol I once visited a Minmatar manor without automatic doors. Everything there was very erratic.
Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#36 - 2012-10-30 03:10:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarryn Nightstorm
Graelyn wrote:
That moment you speak of...

I can barely remember anymore...

This was once an amazing blessing, wasn't it? All of this?

Why shouldn't it still be?

Sometimes, you just need to take some time, go for walk somewhere where footwear is optional, and have a few beers before getting back in the goo.

Amazing way to blow the old smoke out of one's head.


[/chuckles darkly] Welcome to the disease, OP. Learn to make good use of these, and get out of CONCORD-patrolled space --best decision I ever made, and skill with the combat variation of the items I linked should also make you eminently employable.

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

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