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Allegations of breaking the NDA

First post
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#181 - 2011-10-18 23:02:00 UTC
Signal11th wrote:
digi wrote:
Helena Russell Makanen wrote:
Personally whenever you see a swarm of goons yapping endlessly on the forums about something, simply ask yourself "what's in it for them?", and you usually have your answer.

So what are they after....?

1) The destruction of Darius with slander?
2) Justice and making Eve a better place?***

*** FYI #2 made me laugh so hard I almost spat tea on my keyboard lol P

Honestly, nothing is in it for us. Darius contributes very little to any endeavor he takes part. He simply leaked NDA'd information and that's a big problem. You would feel differently if it came out that Darius leaked information in order to get a jump on the market.

When are people going to understand that regardless of the in-game antics, many Goons care about the state of the game?

The thing is Digi is one of perception, You say that many Goons care about the game and you may be right about that, the problem is with how the Goons present themselves to us "pubbies".

My perception of the Goons and many players I have talked to (not many by any stretch of the imagination) perceive the Goons to be a right bunch of knobs. Now more than likely this is wrong but thats what the general perception of the Goons is in my circle of EVE friends.

You guys might be out to save the EVE universe and someday we might even thank you for doing such a great job of it but at the moment like many posts on here have said..."Goons are posting Goons are lying" etc etc

From my own personal view you have a cadre of talented people surrounded by the biggest bunch of strange-uns going. You know what, it's great you lot stick up for yourselves but to what advantage?? Great you are your own masters withing your circles but to what end? alot of people just think "Goon" and automatically have already judged someone without even talking to them.

It's a problem of trust,perception and little bit of the boy who cried wolf and until that's addressed people are always going to think the worst. General things like calling people pubbies, it shows a kind of elitism and general looking down on the rest of us.
Now if that was Albert Einstein doing it I'd probably have to hold my hands up and say fair enough but when it's some scrout who got through on a by through SA forums and can just about read the "you've posted something, hopefully it's good" message
it tends to annoy people.

Your no better no worse than anyone else but the perception of who you are and what you stand for is what counts either negatively or positively.

I'm not sure that you "get" goons. The integrity of the CSM chairman is not on trial here. The allegation of leaking NDA'd materials has been stated and confirmed by riverni himself. It's not a conspiracy. The CSM didn't plant it. Goons didn't lie to you but simply watched for signs of a leak and called those signs out when they appeared.

This isn't a plot, unless you count Darius III and riverni working together for "good leaks". If you want someone to ultimately blame, blame riverni for being a dumbass that couldn't contain himself. Fact: the skype channel is protected, regardless of the content, but you should know the materials themselves aren't to be questioned as it is THE ACT that is in question. I bet if you were to get inside those tiny incestuous brains of D3/riverni, you would probably see full transcripts of conversation from the CSM meetings, just blatantly moving back and forth between the two. Analyzing, plotting, scheming. Ohgod, how can we use this to one-up The Mittani!

We will never know the ultimate truth. All we really know is that a leak occurred and the leaker feels dumb about it.

Now, if I were a bright pubbie, I would be asking about the other leaks we haven't seen yet. If I were a bright pubbie, I might even inquire as to the motives of the leaker and leakee. But I am not a bright pubbie for I already know there is a relationship between D3 and riverni. That relationship has been in place from the start. How can it not exist?

It's clear as day. No troll, no politics. One of your CSM members has violated his NDA.

Mehrdad Kor-Azor
#182 - 2011-10-18 23:23:57 UTC
Anybody else find it ironic that D3's alliance is at war with those of the people accusing him of breaking the NDA?

And anybody else is either saying 'not enough evidence' or 'whatever'.
The Carebear Stare
Hydroponic Zone
#183 - 2011-10-18 23:27:57 UTC
Dunno what the dude was thinking starting this thread. I can only imagine that attention whoring was the motive.

Whatever "dev" it was that removed the pod squish sound probably never even logged into the game.

Goonswarm Federation
#184 - 2011-10-18 23:32:23 UTC
Mehrdad Kor-Azor wrote:
Anybody else find it ironic that D3's alliance is at war with those of the people accusing him of breaking the NDA?

And anybody else is either saying 'not enough evidence' or 'whatever'.

you mean riverini, the person in his alliance he leaked it to and who admitted the leak?

that person?

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Goonswarm Federation
#185 - 2011-10-18 23:36:01 UTC
i must say were I accused of doing something while the second to last and third to last people I'd ever want defending me would be riverini and darius III, the white-noise eveo pubbie would definitely be the last

even darius III's "i capitalize things" defense was at least semicoherent

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Mehrdad Kor-Azor
#186 - 2011-10-18 23:36:20 UTC
Weaselior wrote:
Mehrdad Kor-Azor wrote:
Anybody else find it ironic that D3's alliance is at war with those of the people accusing him of breaking the NDA?

And anybody else is either saying 'not enough evidence' or 'whatever'.

you mean riverini, the person in his alliance he leaked it to and who admitted the leak?

that person?

No, you and the rest of the Goon/TEST minions.
Goonswarm Federation
#187 - 2011-10-18 23:38:44 UTC
Mehrdad Kor-Azor wrote:
Weaselior wrote:
Mehrdad Kor-Azor wrote:
Anybody else find it ironic that D3's alliance is at war with those of the people accusing him of breaking the NDA?

And anybody else is either saying 'not enough evidence' or 'whatever'.

you mean riverini, the person in his alliance he leaked it to and who admitted the leak?

that person?

No, you and the rest of the Goon/TEST minions.

ahh so when riverini, a member of Darius III's alliance, and known for his hatred of goons, admits darius III did it you somehow do not notice this and think it's all just a bunch of goons accusing him

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Mehrdad Kor-Azor
#188 - 2011-10-18 23:41:20 UTC
Weaselior wrote:
Mehrdad Kor-Azor wrote:
Weaselior wrote:
Mehrdad Kor-Azor wrote:
Anybody else find it ironic that D3's alliance is at war with those of the people accusing him of breaking the NDA?

And anybody else is either saying 'not enough evidence' or 'whatever'.

you mean riverini, the person in his alliance he leaked it to and who admitted the leak?

that person?

No, you and the rest of the Goon/TEST minions.

ahh so when riverini, a member of Darius III's alliance, and known for his hatred of goons, admits darius III did it you somehow do not notice this and think it's all just a bunch of goons accusing him

I noticed it, but I don't see him on the witch-hunt.
Goonswarm Federation
#189 - 2011-10-18 23:54:46 UTC
Mehrdad Kor-Azor wrote:

I noticed it, but I don't see him on the witch-hunt.

so despite someone with no motive to lie admitting all the allegations, you still call it a witch hunt and claim it's nothing but goon accusations

brilliant reasoning

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Rex Scree
Gallente Federation
#190 - 2011-10-18 23:59:13 UTC
He signed his post. What a ******.
oldmanst4r's Corporation
#191 - 2011-10-19 00:00:29 UTC  |  Edited by: oldmanst4r
I think I can speak for the vast majority of the EVE community when I say, no one cares.
Ramacliv's IRA
#192 - 2011-10-19 01:01:07 UTC
non judgement wrote:
If there really was a breach of NDA, I would have thought that CCP should have reacted by now. Since you still seem to have the white CSM tab on your name, I suggest that people should take notice of that, rather than believing anything else. I might be wrong, because I don't know how long these things take to get resolved. Shouldn't this be mostly handled by CCP offically and not like this on these forums. Are you looking for a reply, by someone at CCP?

This quite simply this. If anyone broke the NDA CCPs lawyer would be having a field day with them right now. Any more talk on/about this matter is quite simply put lame political bull.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#193 - 2011-10-19 01:46:31 UTC
oldmanst4r wrote:
I think I can speak for the vast majority of the EVE community when I say, no one cares.

these are the kind of people crying about how the csm election process is unfair and needs reworked.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#194 - 2011-10-19 02:23:02 UTC
It really doesn't matter what CCP does or doesn't do at this point. Darius III has shown that he is not a trustworthy individual. Think about this for a second: he could stay on the CSM but that doesn't mean that anyone has to work with him. He will be shut out of conversations, ostracized from even the simplest of things and completely shunned by his peers. I simply do not see how he can continue politically, regardless of any ruling by CCP.

He has effectively ended his CSM career. And for what?

The Apostle
#195 - 2011-10-19 02:34:48 UTC
Weaselior wrote:

ahh so when riverini, a member of Darius III's alliance, and known for his hatred of goons, admits darius III did it you somehow do not notice this and think it's all just a bunch of goons accusing him

I did NO such thing...

That's of course, if I am Riv.

If I'm not Riv then...

I did NO such thing...

[i]Take an aspirin. If pain persists consult your local priest. WTB: An Austrian kangaroo![/i]

Skunk Gracklaw
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#196 - 2011-10-19 02:53:09 UTC
Mehrdad Kor-Azor wrote:
I noticed it, but I don't see him on the witch-hunt.

Gee I can't imagine why Riverini wouldn't want to draw further attention to the matter by posting about it...
T'amber Anomandari Demaleon
#197 - 2011-10-19 03:14:23 UTC
there is some great marketing going on here, but I'm not sure who is doing it.

Trajan Ultor
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#198 - 2011-10-19 03:30:39 UTC
I fly pixel spaceships !!! ZOOM ZOOM !!!
EVE Stig
#199 - 2011-10-19 03:33:25 UTC  |  Edited by: EVE Stig
I dont see the point in replying to it at all. Id CCP doesnt ban you for it, why should what ppl think matter?

Its a voting grab imo lol

I like the little "m" argument though. thats pretty funny

digi wrote:
The integrity of the CSM chairman is not on trial here.

lol what integrity?

"Some say that he is actually dead, but the Grim Reaper is too afraid to tell him." "Some say he is the 3rd member of Daft Punk and he did the vocals of "Technologic" song. All we know is,he's called EVE Stig"!

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#200 - 2011-10-19 03:56:50 UTC
What is the blazes was going through your mind when you decided to post this after the brouhaha had died down, Darius III? Let sleeping dogs lie. Roll

It's especially absurd to stroke up this particular fire in the way you have, it's like watching Desdemona and Othello all over again.

I feel sorry for the very special people who voted for you.