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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Re Subbed, looking for PvP corp maybe AU TZ

#1 - 2012-09-14 18:03:31 UTC  |  Edited by: K1RTH G3RS3N
Been out of the game for awhile, feeling pretty fresh looking to see what's out there atm.
Look me up on BC for general kill log.
53mil sp 2007 player.
Good attitude, sense of humor, mature (27yo).
Completely isk independent.
Like to pwn face.
*Edit* Still looking around, went to 0.0 for a bit in my own corp but don't really have time for cloaky games.
At this time I will probably only be able to be on a few times a week.
Willing to lose my sec status.
Not really interested in 0.0 blob fests.
A word on my employment history if it bothers anyone, half of them are my own corps.
Thanks Cool
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-10-22 12:45:34 UTC

Point Precision is looking for Subcap and Cap pilots.
We are a Null Sec corp that is a part of the CFC and based in the Branch Region.

Our Player Base is Australian / New Zealand and are experienced players and FCs.
Were a close knit friendly bunch of players who support each other, work together and are in Eve to get kills, make isk and have fun and understand that as serious as Internet Spaceships is, Real Life comes first.

We Can Offer You:
Plenty of combat styles and doctrines (Skirmish, Fleet, BLOPs, Capital and Super Cap)
Ships At Cost (SAC) program (including sub-caps, caps and supers) - yes even titans
Ship Replacement Program (SRP) including capital and super capital replacement

Isk Making and Industry
The corp is focused on making our members wealthy (wealthy members = strong corp)!
Very low corp tax rate (0.1%) and a 0% tax on refining
Advanced industrialists with 100% refining and reprocessing of ore, ice and rat loot in nullsec (fee free)
Very strong industry and logistics backbone
Level 5 industry indexed -1.0 true sec mining with ABC ores
Ratting Military Index 5 systems (anomalies and complexes where you keep 99.9% of the bounties)
A VERY strong focus on passive isk making with a pvp/active isk making balance

Join the EXACT channel for further information.
Crazey Monkey
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-10-30 02:53:36 UTC
Noir. Academy is now recruiting!

New to Eve? Returning player shaking off the rust?
Be part of a team, not a blob. Have a voice, be heard.
Be part of the most active merc corp in EVE
Skill points alone do not get kills. Good pilots do.
Small, medium gang warfare.
Learn to lead and FC.
Learn how and why to fit your ship.

Noir. Academy Requirements:

  • No griefing.
  • 5 mil skill point minimum
  • A passion and patience for learning
  • Willingness to PVP, to kill and be killed over a three month course
  • Mature personality and professional demeanor
  • Ability to use voice coms
  • Real Life comes first. Simply be active when you are online. In game and on the forums.
  • Applications are accepted on the 1st and the 15th. This means you will need to have finished your interview by then.

Who are Noir.? Well you can read about their history Here.

Noir. Academy was founded in September of 2009 as a response to many requests from younger, and inexperienced pilots to be taught the ways of Noir. and learn the basics of PVP.

Talk to a member today. Chat Channel: " Cafe Noir. "

To learn more about Noir. Academy visit. our web site. Here[/
Infinate Horizon
#4 - 2012-10-30 09:33:43 UTC
Hi There,

Please check out for information on our Corp. Sounds like we might be just what you are looking for!

If you are interested, please feel free to pop into our chat channel ingame Choke Recruitment and have a chat!



The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long - and you have burned so very, very brightly..........

#5 - 2012-11-11 12:49:39 UTC
RE: guys above, thanks but...
Im not a cap pilot.
No griefing :(
I really don't need isk at all.
Pulling The Plug
#6 - 2012-11-11 12:51:10 UTC
PGW is small corp that is part of the alliance Disaster Strikes [INB4]

We run small to medium sized gangs and are based out of low sec.
Run both shield and armor fleets.
EU Timezone

Alliance Jabber, Forums and TS3
Relaxed Atmosphere

Last of all RL comes first and we are only here to have a good time!

Visit our Post

If your interested Drop me a mail or join our ingame channel PGW (public)
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2012-11-11 14:33:19 UTC

Have a read m8

Join in game chat channel s0re for a chat
Goonswarm Federation
#8 - 2012-11-11 23:50:22 UTC
Hey, if your still looking for a corp drop me a line ingame via eve mail or in our public channel 'FEN1X PUBLIC'.
Look forward to talking to you