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Allegations of breaking the NDA

First post
Goonswarm Federation
#141 - 2011-10-18 18:48:38 UTC
Andski wrote:
Just Another Toon wrote:
Awww booo hooo - go crying to mummy cos we upsetting poor little goonie pubbie... whahahhaaaaaa

Oh an petition has already been raised...if you bothered to follow the threadnaught....

are you a mentally challenged toddler? because really, you call a whine thread where most of the replies are people mocking you a "threadnaught" and you expect CCP to bother with your petition beyond a canned "We will investigate this but we can't share the results with you" reply where they don't act on it beyond that.

also learn to post with your main

his main gave mittani 12b isk for an aeon I think he wants to try to sweep that under the rug

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Evelyne Durant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#142 - 2011-10-18 18:53:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Evelyne Durant
To be frank, i voted for you, just because i liked the way you fooled people to get that CSM position (scamming plex for votes was it?), thus proving the CSM is a joke.

My vote strengthens that position, so you understand i would only vote for you again if you actually breached the NDA and fooled everyone into believing you did not.

Don't let me down D3!
#143 - 2011-10-18 19:06:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Barakkus
Honestly, CCP should have never done this CSM ****. They should do what everyone else in the industry does.

Hand pick testers to do closed betas of expansions from the community to also give feedback when needed. Let people sign up for beta testing once the beta test is past a critical NDA stage then pick people from there that can be trusted with more sensitive information. Finally do open betas after that on SISI of up coming expansions. Have more communication of potential changes via devblogs.

Hand pick some forum moderators to not only moderate the forums but bring useful things to the developer's attention.

Get one community rep that is responsible for overseeing the moderators AND monitor the forums for anything useful.

Pick some people from the forum community for feedback on non-NDA stuff, you could even let it be voted on. Let them provide feedback for the community, but for god's sake don't give them NDA material. That way you get less NDA garbage leaking (if any at all) and you get useful feedback without the stupid childish **** like the CSM is now.

#144 - 2011-10-18 19:08:52 UTC
Kazanir wrote:
non judgement wrote:
You fools, the only reason the Skype stuff is NDA is there would be a chance they would talk about NDA covered information.

It's completely pointless worrying about NDA covering Skype when nothing important was leaked. It's only incase there was something was leaked. He could've being talking about what he had for dinner the night before. As long as there was no actual leak of information the NDA is a moot point, if all we hear is what he had for dinner.

The background to this whole sordid story is that previously there had been a number of leaks from that CSM Skype channel on various topics, and Darius III was suspected. Vile Rat and Mittani baited him into this as a way of getting Darius to expose himself and it worked pretty well!

Also, no, Goonswarm members are not being paid to post in this thread. If I wanted to I could get them to threadnought it, but that really isn't necessary since the evidence speaks for itself! :)

Interesting though how much YOU claim to know about it... which naturally we should accept as the truth while at the same time accept that Darius is lying. Nice.
Goonswarm Federation
#145 - 2011-10-18 19:15:35 UTC
darius have some dignity and stop posting with obvious alts

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Goonswarm Federation
#146 - 2011-10-18 19:15:55 UTC
i know that is a darius alt because of how hilariously weak that argument is

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Helena Russell Makanen
#147 - 2011-10-18 19:23:07 UTC
Personally whenever you see a swarm of goons yapping endlessly on the forums about something, simply ask yourself "what's in it for them?", and you usually have your answer.

So what are they after....?

1) The destruction of Darius with slander?
2) Justice and making Eve a better place?***

*** FYI #2 made me laugh so hard I almost spat tea on my keyboard lol P

"If a miner needs to go to the bathroom, for instance, I ask that they dock up first, or at the very least ask the Supreme Protector for permission to go."  -  James 315 - aka - the miner bumper

Prince Kobol
#148 - 2011-10-18 19:24:13 UTC
Still waiting
Skunk Gracklaw
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#149 - 2011-10-18 19:28:06 UTC
The funniest thing about this thread is that all this already got discussed to death at k.con where Riverini not only admitted that Darius sent him the logs but bragged about what a coup it was for his dumb blog. The whole issue had blown over until Darius started posting hilarious conspiracy theories about it here.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#150 - 2011-10-18 19:28:08 UTC
Helena Russell Makanen wrote:
Personally whenever you see a swarm of goons yapping endlessly on the forums about something, simply ask yourself "what's in it for them?", and you usually have your answer.

So what are they after....?

1) The destruction of Darius with slander?
2) Justice and making Eve a better place?***

*** FYI #2 made me laugh so hard I almost spat tea on my keyboard lol P

Honestly, nothing is in it for us. Darius contributes very little to any endeavor he takes part. He simply leaked NDA'd information and that's a big problem. You would feel differently if it came out that Darius leaked information in order to get a jump on the market.

When are people going to understand that regardless of the in-game antics, many Goons care about the state of the game?

Elise DarkStar
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#151 - 2011-10-18 19:33:04 UTC
Helena Russell Makanen wrote:
Personally whenever you see a swarm of goons yapping endlessly on the forums about something, simply ask yourself "what's in it for them?", and you usually have your answer.

So what are they after....?

1) The destruction of Darius with slander?
2) Justice and making Eve a better place?***

Ironically it was goons who were "slandered" by the OP, and Goons have offered verifiable evidence to back up their accusation, whether you agree with their conclusion or not.

So what you thought was a clever method of approaching issues actually outs you as a silly bigot.
Helena Russell Makanen
#152 - 2011-10-18 19:35:35 UTC
Skunk Gracklaw wrote:
The funniest thing about this thread is that all this already got discussed to death at k.con where Riverini not only admitted that Darius sent him the logs but bragged about what a coup it was for his dumb blog. The whole issue had blown over until Darius started posting hilarious conspiracy theories about it here.

Ummm I think the point you goons keep ignoring is you think because Riverini 'admitted' Darius sent him logs, it makes that some sort of unquestionable fact and proof positive we should all believe.

I mean I could 'admit' that you sent me a dozen roses. Proof positive you did right? Roll

What is really standing out is WHY you are putting so much effort into this?

"If a miner needs to go to the bathroom, for instance, I ask that they dock up first, or at the very least ask the Supreme Protector for permission to go."  -  James 315 - aka - the miner bumper

Helena Russell Makanen
#153 - 2011-10-18 19:41:11 UTC
Elise DarkStar wrote:
Helena Russell Makanen wrote:
Personally whenever you see a swarm of goons yapping endlessly on the forums about something, simply ask yourself "what's in it for them?", and you usually have your answer.

So what are they after....?

1) The destruction of Darius with slander?
2) Justice and making Eve a better place?***

Ironically it was goons who were "slandered" by the OP, and Goons have offered verifiable evidence to back up their accusation, whether you agree with their conclusion or not.

So what you thought was a clever method of approaching issues actually outs you as a silly bigot.

Ahhh 'verifiable evidence' lol. No one including you has shown any here. Keyword=Verifiable aka Trustworthy. As for being a bigot, you are a silly monkey.

"If a miner needs to go to the bathroom, for instance, I ask that they dock up first, or at the very least ask the Supreme Protector for permission to go."  -  James 315 - aka - the miner bumper

Goonswarm Federation
#154 - 2011-10-18 19:42:07 UTC
Helena Russell Makanen wrote:
Skunk Gracklaw wrote:
The funniest thing about this thread is that all this already got discussed to death at k.con where Riverini not only admitted that Darius sent him the logs but bragged about what a coup it was for his dumb blog. The whole issue had blown over until Darius started posting hilarious conspiracy theories about it here.

Ummm I think the point you goons keep ignoring is you think because Riverini 'admitted' Darius sent him logs, it makes that some sort of unquestionable fact and proof positive we should all believe.

I mean I could 'admit' that you sent me a dozen roses. Proof positive you did right? Roll

What is really standing out is WHY you are putting so much effort into this?

so your brilliant refutation is that riverini, a member of Darius III's alliance, and someone who hates goons with a passion, is lying to slander his alliance leader for us

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Goonswarm Federation
#155 - 2011-10-18 19:44:16 UTC
remember earlier in the thread when darius III was claiming that there was an influx of no-name people with 0-3 likes and they must be goon alts

ahh, memories

no reason i'm bringing this up, just reminicing

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Elise DarkStar
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#156 - 2011-10-18 19:50:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Elise DarkStar
Helena Russell Makanen wrote:
Ahhh 'verifiable evidence' lol. No one including you has shown any here. Keyword=Verifiable aka Trustworthy. As for being a bigot, you are a silly monkey.

No, the evidence is verifiable. You can verify that the facts they are bringing to the table are true. Now you may not come to the same conclusion, and in this you are perfectly justified as the facts do not add up to a 100% certain and undeniable conclusion. However, the mere fact that they are presenting an argument supported by evidence that anyone can see and evaluate for themselves takes such accusations as "slander" off the table, although the same can not be said in the case of the OP.

For example, it is a verifiable fact that riverini posted what goons have said he posted, how you interpret that fact in terms of the reliability of riverini and so on is entirely up to you. However, it remains a verifiable fact and an element of their accusation that they have presented that you can interpret for yourself.

So, once again, you come off looking silly and bigoted, and I recommend you reevaluate your approach to posting if you wish to avoid appearing as such in the future.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#157 - 2011-10-18 19:51:23 UTC
Weaselior wrote:
Helena Russell Makanen wrote:
Skunk Gracklaw wrote:
The funniest thing about this thread is that all this already got discussed to death at k.con where Riverini not only admitted that Darius sent him the logs but bragged about what a coup it was for his dumb blog. The whole issue had blown over until Darius started posting hilarious conspiracy theories about it here.

Ummm I think the point you goons keep ignoring is you think because Riverini 'admitted' Darius sent him logs, it makes that some sort of unquestionable fact and proof positive we should all believe.

I mean I could 'admit' that you sent me a dozen roses. Proof positive you did right? Roll

What is really standing out is WHY you are putting so much effort into this?

so your brilliant refutation is that riverini, a member of Darius III's alliance, and someone who hates goons with a passion, is lying to slander his alliance leader for us

to be fair, riverini is pretty much ********
EvEa Deva
#158 - 2011-10-18 20:04:55 UTC
below is a list of what the CSMs have done for me

Tez Saurus
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#159 - 2011-10-18 20:13:13 UTC
Darius III wrote:

The 'evidence' that people use claiming I broke the NDA shows my innocence.

Darius III wrote:

I understand that this does not "prove" that I did not leak anything

Says it all.
Walter Stine
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#160 - 2011-10-18 20:21:18 UTC
I have further described my feelings on Darius the Third's recent actions in the following blog post.