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Allegations of breaking the NDA

First post
Elise DarkStar
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#121 - 2011-10-18 17:12:17 UTC
War Kitten wrote:
I know CCP is slow to react, but one would think if there was any merit whatsoever to this stuff, CCP would have done something by now if its really been a few weeks.

You're half right. CCP has not said anything because it is not adequate enough for them to actually DO anything in actual legal terms (real life serious business stuff), so they are playing the smart card and just not referencing it at all.

However, there is enough substance there that players may care when it comes to voting time (imaginary spaceships not so serious business stuff), which is why I assume Darius started this thread in the first place when he could have just hid behind the fact that CCP has not outright kicked him.

I personally think it is important to evaluate the evidence for yourself if you might be voting for him in the next election should he decide to run. I personally will not be voting for him because of this.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#122 - 2011-10-18 17:19:57 UTC
Just Another Toon wrote:
Signal11th wrote:
digi wrote:
Big Bad Mofo wrote:
I think there needs to be a public enquiry into the antics of goonswarm CSM members. Along with this

issue, then looks to me Goons are manipulating the game and abusing their position..

Will CCP do anything? Hmmm lets see...

I'll bite on this.

1. Ganking in high sec is allowed.
2. Manipulating the market is allowed.
3. Scamming is allowed.
4. This is not "abusing a position" as the game mechanics AND rules set forth by CCP allow it.
5. There is nothing in the rulebook to say that a CSM representative cannot play the game as CCP intended.
6. If you had an ounce of gumption, you could do the same thing.

If you really want a public inquiry about something, then inquire why Darius III is leaking protected information to Riverni. THIS is against the rules. The skype channel is protected. The questions you should be asking:

1. Darius III leaked. It's admitted. Some people think its trivial. What else was leaked?
2. Did isk change hands between Darius III and Riverni?
3. Darius III has admitted that he knew the Skype channel was NDA'd. Why does he not save what's left of his dignity and resign his CSM position?

1: unknown, baseless accusation, maybe something maybe nothing
2: see above
3: This is starting to feel like a witch-hunt,let CCP decide it's for them to decide.

I'm starting to get the feeling (completely unfounded of course) that this is a seemingly concerted effort by certain people to get a CSM stand-in/delegate(reputedley very anti the people accusing him) booted out of position.

This is for CCP to sort out not us, I would advise against resigning until CCP's position is clarified.

Just to counter my seemingly anti-goon approach if you have been caught with your fingers in the cookie jar Darius you should have a word with the rep from CCP and act accordingly. At least that way if it goes any further you can come away from it with a modicum of respect.

its a witchhunt in respect that justice needs be served not we are picking on poor goons, they are known for scamming people and making peoples live misery in eve, noobs most of all, they people we are trying to keep to make the game survive. Goons will destroy eve. Why would ppl stay and noobs continue the game, when they immediately get scammed when they start.?? They dont... But no CCP cant see this!

You should not be scamming and abusing your position of trust in anyway when on the CSM - Full stop.
Goons are more than doing this, and their leader is the chair of the csm

the csm should be 'clean' they are supposed to be working for the greater good of the whole playerbase, they do not, they manipulate the game for themselves. Now they are in CSM they are abusing this position to further manipulate the game.

Its fact - deal with it.

You want to scam, step out.. no other country, group would accept that a person in any position that serves the players/public could openly scam them...!!! NO ONE!

File a fucking petition to CCP instead of crying about it on the forums if you honestly believe that CSM members should be constrained to a more limited set of rules in-game.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Jowen Datloran
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#123 - 2011-10-18 17:22:10 UTC
Somebody who can incite trolling in the Goons like Ankh-what's-her-name? You will get my vote next time, Darius.

Mr. Science & Trade Institute, EVE Online Lorebook 

Just Another Toon
#124 - 2011-10-18 17:22:24 UTC
Andski wrote:
Just Another Toon wrote:
Signal11th wrote:
digi wrote:
Big Bad Mofo wrote:
I think there needs to be a public enquiry into the antics of goonswarm CSM members. Along with this

issue, then looks to me Goons are manipulating the game and abusing their position..

Will CCP do anything? Hmmm lets see...

I'll bite on this.

1. Ganking in high sec is allowed.
2. Manipulating the market is allowed.
3. Scamming is allowed.
4. This is not "abusing a position" as the game mechanics AND rules set forth by CCP allow it.
5. There is nothing in the rulebook to say that a CSM representative cannot play the game as CCP intended.
6. If you had an ounce of gumption, you could do the same thing.

If you really want a public inquiry about something, then inquire why Darius III is leaking protected information to Riverni. THIS is against the rules. The skype channel is protected. The questions you should be asking:

1. Darius III leaked. It's admitted. Some people think its trivial. What else was leaked?
2. Did isk change hands between Darius III and Riverni?
3. Darius III has admitted that he knew the Skype channel was NDA'd. Why does he not save what's left of his dignity and resign his CSM position?

1: unknown, baseless accusation, maybe something maybe nothing
2: see above
3: This is starting to feel like a witch-hunt,let CCP decide it's for them to decide.

I'm starting to get the feeling (completely unfounded of course) that this is a seemingly concerted effort by certain people to get a CSM stand-in/delegate(reputedley very anti the people accusing him) booted out of position.

This is for CCP to sort out not us, I would advise against resigning until CCP's position is clarified.

Just to counter my seemingly anti-goon approach if you have been caught with your fingers in the cookie jar Darius you should have a word with the rep from CCP and act accordingly. At least that way if it goes any further you can come away from it with a modicum of respect.

its a witchhunt in respect that justice needs be served not we are picking on poor goons, they are known for scamming people and making peoples live misery in eve, noobs most of all, they people we are trying to keep to make the game survive. Goons will destroy eve. Why would ppl stay and noobs continue the game, when they immediately get scammed when they start.?? They dont... But no CCP cant see this!

You should not be scamming and abusing your position of trust in anyway when on the CSM - Full stop.
Goons are more than doing this, and their leader is the chair of the csm

the csm should be 'clean' they are supposed to be working for the greater good of the whole playerbase, they do not, they manipulate the game for themselves. Now they are in CSM they are abusing this position to further manipulate the game.

Its fact - deal with it.

You want to scam, step out.. no other country, group would accept that a person in any position that serves the players/public could openly scam them...!!! NO ONE!

File a fucking petition to CCP instead of crying about it on the forums if you honestly believe that CSM members should be constrained to a more limited set of rules in-game.

Awww booo hooo - go crying to mummy cos we upsetting poor little goonie pubbie... whahahhaaaaaa

Oh an petition has already been raised...if you bothered to follow the threadnaught....
War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#125 - 2011-10-18 17:24:12 UTC
Elise DarkStar wrote:
War Kitten wrote:
I know CCP is slow to react, but one would think if there was any merit whatsoever to this stuff, CCP would have done something by now if its really been a few weeks.

You're half right. CCP has not said anything because it is not adequate enough for them to actually DO anything in actual legal terms (real life serious business stuff), so they are playing the smart card and just not referencing it at all.

However, there is enough substance there that players may care when it comes to voting time (imaginary spaceships not so serious business stuff), which is why I assume Darius started this thread in the first place when he could have just hid behind the fact that CCP has not outright kicked him.

I personally think it is important to evaluate the evidence for yourself if you might be voting for him in the next election should he decide to run. I personally will not be voting for him because of this.

So there's evidence, but it's of questionable use and validity.

But if enough people believe it, it will be true?

Yeah, that's probably enough to sink a future political career in serious internet spaceships games.

Mittens is somehow involved in this conversational evidence, and he's not shy about posting. What's his official position?

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

Comply Or Die
Pandemic Horde
#126 - 2011-10-18 17:28:44 UTC
War Kitten wrote:
Elise DarkStar wrote:
War Kitten wrote:
I know CCP is slow to react, but one would think if there was any merit whatsoever to this stuff, CCP would have done something by now if its really been a few weeks.

You're half right. CCP has not said anything because it is not adequate enough for them to actually DO anything in actual legal terms (real life serious business stuff), so they are playing the smart card and just not referencing it at all.

However, there is enough substance there that players may care when it comes to voting time (imaginary spaceships not so serious business stuff), which is why I assume Darius started this thread in the first place when he could have just hid behind the fact that CCP has not outright kicked him.

I personally think it is important to evaluate the evidence for yourself if you might be voting for him in the next election should he decide to run. I personally will not be voting for him because of this.

So there's evidence, but it's of questionable use and validity.

But if enough people believe it, it will be true?

Yeah, that's probably enough to sink a future political career in serious internet spaceships games.

Mittens is somehow involved in this conversational evidence, and he's not shy about posting. What's his official position?

his position? is probably adjacent to vile rat, spit roasting hilmar... yeah thats it...
Elise DarkStar
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#127 - 2011-10-18 17:34:23 UTC
War Kitten wrote:
So there's evidence, but it's of questionable use and validity.

But if enough people believe it, it will be true?

You'll have to make your own evaluation and opinion.

I know that sucks, sorry. :P:P
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#128 - 2011-10-18 17:35:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Darkil
I personally think that they shouldn't be held to any extra rules. If they were then we would never know what they were really like or what their agenda is. Acting like they are now without any extra restrictions you now know who you will and will not vote for next time. Why should the game be any different than RL. I mean in RL politicians promise the world and then usually go back on it and deliver nothing but crap. EvE = sandbox. Quit complaining about it, get more people to vote next time but untill then play, have fun and get some sand in your shoes.

Edit spelling
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#129 - 2011-10-18 17:37:18 UTC
Above post does not include NDA info
Risktech Analytics
#130 - 2011-10-18 17:46:32 UTC
The one are two anti-goons are derailing this thread. Lol

Darius its kind of dumb when you say you don't do x (leave proper nouns uncapitalized) and then in your provided link you can be seen doing just that.

Enjoy your last term as CSM.
Ideal Mechanisms
#131 - 2011-10-18 17:52:37 UTC
Elise DarkStar wrote:
[quote=War Kitten]
I personally will not be voting for him because of this.

*Pulls out candidate flyer*
*Has band playing with confetti flying through the air*

I'm sure i'll have a cabinet post available. Maybe a job with concord? You want a fix for "pharmaceuticals" entering hi sec for humanitarian aid Blink? I'm sure we can work this out...

*Shakes hand and walks quickly away*
*Two brute thugs approach* "You wanna this hot dog?"
Goonbine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles
Goonswarm Federation
#132 - 2011-10-18 18:00:50 UTC
War Kitten wrote:
I meant to go check for links before posting but forgot - terribly sorry to have sullied your reputation. :)

Still, chatlogs and a screenshot is proof? And what exactly was this leak?

I know CCP is slow to react, but one would think if there was any merit whatsoever to this stuff, CCP would have done something by now if its really been a few weeks.

Chatlogs and a screenshot aren't proof, but the chatlogs were posted by Riverini -- the person to whom the leak was made, and then he admitted that his source was Darius in a later post. My screenshots were taken directly from k* (sorry word filter) and I gave the post numbers so anyone can go read them -- the posts in question were also made by Riverini, who runs EveNews24 and who was the recipient of the leak.

The leak in question wasn't really "sensitive CCP material" which is what the NDA is supposed to protect, but the entirety of the CSM Skype channel is supposed to be protected by NDA no matter what, which is why people are up in arms about it. Additionally, that Skype channel has seen leaks before and so this incident naturally makes everyone suspect Darius of those leaks as well.
#133 - 2011-10-18 18:01:58 UTC
Ilkahn wrote:
"You wanna this hot dog?"

Thanks for picking my lunch for me, I was having a hard time deciding.

Ideal Mechanisms
#134 - 2011-10-18 18:11:01 UTC
Barakkus wrote:
Ilkahn wrote:
"You wanna this hot dog?"

Thanks for picking my lunch for me, I was having a hard time deciding.

*Thugs hold out relish and mustard*
"Youz looks like good peoples, enjoyz.... and remember who yous votin for"
Prince Kobol
#135 - 2011-10-18 18:13:11 UTC
I'm still waiting for somebody to tell me why we should care?
The Milkmen
Churn and Burn
#136 - 2011-10-18 18:16:24 UTC
Darius III wrote:

#137 - 2011-10-18 18:23:43 UTC

GM Guard > I must ask you not to use the petition option like this again but i personally would finish the chicken sandwich first so it won´t go to waste. The spaghetti will keep and you can use it the next time you get hungry. Best regards.

Dunbar Hulan
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#138 - 2011-10-18 18:33:40 UTC
Good God almighty, Storm in a tea cup., Handbags at dawn, mind numbing childish drama from the CSM. Look at the who's on the CSM, PL-Goons and Brick squad, yup- decent balance of the eve community right there.
If that lot want to tittle tattle at each other then let them, nowt to do with me. Looks like like a load of crap that the majority of us don't even care about.

 ** Manchester United - Paul Scholes= Genius**

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#139 - 2011-10-18 18:34:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Andski
Just Another Toon wrote:
Awww booo hooo - go crying to mummy cos we upsetting poor little goonie pubbie... whahahhaaaaaa

Oh an petition has already been raised...if you bothered to follow the threadnaught....

are you a mentally challenged toddler? because really, you call a whine thread where most of the replies are people mocking you a "threadnaught" and you expect CCP to bother with your petition beyond a canned "We will investigate this but we can't share the results with you" reply where they don't act on it beyond that.

also learn to post with your main

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Goonswarm Federation
#140 - 2011-10-18 18:47:51 UTC
i see darius III has finally retained a space lawyer who explained what you do when you're guilty as all hell is shut the hell up and stop trying to talk your way out of it

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.