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What is the real problem people have with High Sec?

Sunshine and Lollipops
#121 - 2012-10-18 17:22:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Darth Khasei wrote:
This is supposed to be a sandbox game with a complex diversity of players "doing their own thing".
The problem is that highsec players have this silly tendency to forget that EVE is not just a sandbox — it's a multiplayer sandbox. As a result, they erroneously believe that “doing their own thing” means “doing their own thing separate from the rest of the universe”, which kind of overlooks the whole multiplayer part, and then they get angry and confused when reality intrudes on their incorrect assumptions and they want reality to adjust to those assumptions rather than the other way around.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#122 - 2012-10-18 17:23:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Kara Vix wrote:

So many ships lost to PVE yet the forum trolls complain that PVE'ers ruin the economy because they don't lose ships and just add modules and minerals to the market. Seems your numbers would argue against that assertion.

Why don't you go to the link he provided and actually read it? Lots of those ships killed in high sec pve are killed in tutorials, they aren't very expensive ships (in terms of isk or material costs). The loses in null (both pvp and pve) are WAY more expensive and thus better for the economy.

A lot of the ships killed in null pve are CARRIERS caught ratting and such.

After a certain point, High Sec pve pilots stop losing ships.

And what do NPCs manage to destroy? Well, from the looks of things, the tutorials are killing quite a few players:








































Order of Extrodinary Gentlemen
#123 - 2012-10-18 17:25:33 UTC
What about making Null Sec more accessible for smaller corps? As of right now, each time we've tried moving out to null sec it's ended in fail; either due to sovereignty, politics, or not having enough activity. I just dont like being cannon fodder for a larger alliance and having no say at all.

Most of the people i know play the game casually so Hi-sec is the natural place to be because it doesn't require that you are on daily for a couple of hours. Null sec is awesome with the loot and ****, and I don't think hi-sec even compares when you are really trying to make money in null sec. Hell I remember exploring and daily we would make at least 100 mill on just finding **** around the area.

Thanks for reading.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#124 - 2012-10-18 17:28:20 UTC
Tippia wrote:
And the problem with highsec is rather simple: too much of everything for ε investment, cost, risk, and upkeep, making other parts of space completely redundant. If people want to live there, that's fine. If there is no reason to leave because it would be downright stupid to do so because you lose massive benefits and gain very little for doing so, then we have a problem.

And yet people do leave, and not all of those that leave are "downright stupid".

There's apparently something else going on.
Darth Khasei
Wavestar Business Ventures Inc.
#125 - 2012-10-18 17:30:26 UTC
Tippia wrote:
The problem is that highsec players have this silly tendency to forget that EVE is not just a sandbox — it's a multiplayer sandbox. As a result, they erroneously believe that “doing their own thing” means “doing their own thing separate from the rest of the universe”, which kind of overlooks the whole multiplayer part, and then they get angry and confused when reality intrudes on their incorrect assumptions and want reality to adjust to those assumptions rather than the other way around.

Respect. Cool

I am sorry but TBH "ANY" point attempting to be made can and usually is clouded by the generalizations thrown around here such as the bold part.

If that accusation is specifically brought up in the individual cases where it applies that makes sense. However, the blanket you have thrown over "Hi sec players" does not apply to all and therefore your accusation not only does not apply to a lot, but comes off as nothing more than a generalized insult to players that have a different playstyle than yours.

This is why the "generalization discussions" really get nowhere.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#126 - 2012-10-18 17:30:34 UTC
BearJews wrote:
I just dont like being cannon fodder for a larger alliance and having no say at all.

Null has always been envisioned as a place where the strong exercise power over the weak.

Working as intended, so to speak.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#127 - 2012-10-18 17:33:35 UTC
Malphilos wrote:
And yet people do leave, and not all of those that leave are "downright stupid".
Actually, they don't.

Those who step outside still keep a highsec presence for the things (e.g. non-cap production and research) that are downright stupid to do anywhere else.

Darth Khasei wrote:
If that accusation is specifically brought up in the individual cases where it applies that makes sense. However, the blanket you have thrown over "Hi sec players" does not apply to all and therefore your accusation not only does not apply to a lot
…and that's why I didn't make a blanket accusation or generalisation, as noted in the bolded part.
Nerf Burger
#128 - 2012-10-18 17:33:56 UTC
the prob with high sec is that there were too many mechanics to protect douchebags who pick on people who wont fight back. The risk vs reward wasn't there. Crimewatch is fixing that fortunately. Thank you CCP.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#129 - 2012-10-18 17:34:09 UTC
BearJews wrote:
What about making Null Sec more accessible for smaller corps? As of right now, each time we've tried moving out to null sec it's ended in fail; either due to sovereignty, politics, or not having enough activity. I just dont like being cannon fodder for a larger alliance and having no say at all.

This just proves what Tippia just said about " and they want reality to adjust to those assumptions rather than the other way around. "

If you don't have enough activitey, can't navigate the sov and political hurdels and don't want to join with a larger group of players (which comes with the downsides of not having much of a say and being "cannon fodder"), then you don't belong in null sec in the 1st place.

Nullsec (with the exception of NPC null) isn't casual land, its for hard core players and groups.

The obvious answer would be "fix your corp", but the 1st thing you say is "make null accessible to smaller corps".

I sometimes have to interrupt my pwning of NPCs with my Mach to go join a fleet op, even sometimes when I don't want to (although sometimes tbh I just log on my Wormhole guy and keep bearing lol). I accept that as part of the dues I pay for the privilege.


Most of the people i know play the game casually so Hi-sec is the natural place to be because it doesn't require that you are on daily for a couple of hours. Null sec is awesome with the loot and ****, and I don't think hi-sec even compares when you are really trying to make money in null sec. Hell I remember exploring and daily we would make at least 100 mill on just finding **** around the area.

Thanks for reading.

High sec is the natural place for casual players, the problem I have with some of them is that that want all the rewards us more dedicated players get with less effort on their part. IRL I deal with people on welfare everyday and they remind me soooo much of some high sec residents.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#130 - 2012-10-18 17:36:45 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Malphilos wrote:
And yet people do leave, and not all of those that leave are "downright stupid".
Actually, they don't.

Those who step outside still keep a highsec presence for the things (e.g. non-cap production and research) that are downright stupid to do anywhere else.

Not all who "step outside" keep a high sec presence. That's trivial.

But you're getting closer. It looks like the different areas are actually for different things, doesn't it?
Praxis Ginimic
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#131 - 2012-10-18 17:39:28 UTC
Jim Era wrote:
Praxis Ginimic wrote:
High sec is necessary but I would love to see it choked off. One small region for each empire would be perfect.

I would like to see this as well, I think it could be achieved via a number of 0.5 systems having their status lowered to 0.4 via player actions (not pve), I think this should be a temporary effect and I think it could be worked into FW. Downside is it could be exploited, ie false conflicts, somebody far cleverer than me would have to work out the details.

I'd probly stop playing if that happened honestly.
It needs diversity.

High sec is too static as it is. Cutting the empires off into little bubbles of safety would provide more diversity. Don't get me wrong, I'm no 1337 pvp'er. This young toon IS my main and I'm an adult with a full rl schedule which makes,me as casual a player as they come. I didn't make the suggestion to blow the pvp playground all over the map. I want push the pve out of high sec. The lawless frontier is what makes the game exciting to me and I think it would capture more permanent players. I got through the tutorial, the sisters' epic arc and started doing missions in high sec then almost quit out of boredom. Right before unsub'ing I decided to go check out low blown up right away. Fit another ship and lost it too. Then I met some cool people out there who weren't exclusively interested in WOW-style grinding, joined their corp, learned stuff, met more people. That is how I got hooked. I'm only here now because of the diversity that I found OUTSIDE of empire. It made the game dynamic and truly different from anything else I'd ever played.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#132 - 2012-10-18 17:39:41 UTC
Malphilos wrote:
Not all who "step outside" keep a high sec presence. That's trivial.
It's not trivial — it's the core issue, and yes, they do… if not immediately then very soon thereafter because it turns out that what they had planned doesn't work all that well outside of highsec.

It looks like the different areas are actually for different things, doesn't it?
Seeing as how highsec offers everything, no, it doesn't.
Goonswarm Federation
#133 - 2012-10-18 17:41:44 UTC  |  Edited by: highonpop
Malphilos wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Malphilos wrote:
And yet people do leave, and not all of those that leave are "downright stupid".
Actually, they don't.

Those who step outside still keep a highsec presence for the things (e.g. non-cap production and research) that are downright stupid to do anywhere else.

Not all who "step outside" keep a high sec presence. That's trivial.

But you're getting closer. It looks like the different areas are actually for different things, doesn't it?

I left highsec back in February, after returning to highsec from lowsec. I now reside in Fade (obv). Myself and my alt moved. I kept no presence.

I now have another alt in highsec using up one of my extra character slots. I log him in, train, and log off. It is my intention to sell him one day. That is about it. Aside from having an alt perma-docked in Jita for market purposes, there is not really any need for a highsec presence.

What can I do in highsec that I can't do BETTER and MAKE MORE MONEY in nullsec?

Rats have higher bounties and I get to mine the rarest ORE. Aside from just sitting in station doing station stuff, like research (which I can do at almost any outpost in nullsec) there is no purpose.

FC, what do?

Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#134 - 2012-10-18 17:44:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicolo da'Vicenza
BearJews wrote:
What about making Null Sec more accessible for smaller corps? As of right now, each time we've tried moving out to null sec it's ended in fail; either due to sovereignty, politics, or not having enough activity. I just dont like being cannon fodder for a larger alliance and having no say at all.

Most of the people i know play the game casually so Hi-sec is the natural place to be because it doesn't require that you are on daily for a couple of hours. Null sec is awesome with the loot and ****, and I don't think hi-sec even compares when you are really trying to make money in null sec. Hell I remember exploring and daily we would make at least 100 mill on just finding **** around the area.

Thanks for reading.

The problem with the idea of making 'nullsec more accessible for smaller corps' is that nearly any mechanic designed to benefit a newbie small corp could just as easily be gamed to work for the benefit of larger, more organized alliances, corps and blocs. This isn't a value judgement against small corps, it's just recognizing that a large alliance has more minds in it, and all it takes is one clever brain to figure out a system which the large alliances can legally preserve their dominance against the developer's intent. A good example of the amount of hard game limitations needed to be inserted to give a natural bias towards small corps would be the mass limitations in wormhole space.

I figure the best way to help small corps make the jump into 0.0 would be to make things that small corps rely on in 0.0 more appealing then their highsec equivalents for example. Why belt rat when you have L4s? Why mine veld in dangerous 0.0 when you can mine veld in highsec for a higher refine rate in an invulnerable, free station? etc etc.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#135 - 2012-10-18 17:47:48 UTC
highonpop wrote:
What can I do in highsec that I can't do BETTER and MAKE MORE MONEY in nullsec?
Research and production, most notably and while the rats may pay more, they are in limited supply and subject to interruption. Oh, and the ores aren't particularly valuable since the minerals are in plentiful supply in relation to the overall mineral basket.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#136 - 2012-10-18 17:50:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Malphilos
Tippia wrote:
Malphilos wrote:
Not all who "step outside" keep a high sec presence. That's trivial.
It's not trivial — it's the core issue, and yes, they do… if not immediately then very soon thereafter because it turns out that what they had planned doesn't work all that well outside of highsec.

Your experience is not comprehensive. I know people who exist exclusively in null. I know people who move back and forth, I know people who lead entirely separate existences in both null and empire. Your blanket declaration is false.

Tippia wrote:
Seeing as how highsec offers everything, no, it doesn't.

That's untrue. It apparently offers everything you're interested in, but again: your experience is not comprehensive.

Is there anything you can do in null that you can't do in Empire?
Litla Sundlaugin
#137 - 2012-10-18 17:55:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Piugattuk
Risk vs rewards....I know this will get blown back but from my point of view when I lived in dull I would rat and the bounty on rats (BS) paid nicely often million a pop, where in hi sec I get a measly 4000 to 8000 a pop, so I accept that I don't get spawns of BS to shoot with possible officer drops with bpc's worth billions I get that, im not complaining its the price for being more less safeI am training an alt right now to head down to dull so I can enjoy mega payouts and tons of minerals from hi end ores doing sanctums in hi sec there's no hope matching the drops, abundance, of dull, sure there's mega fleets here that decend on belts and make millions and are more less safe but I felt safer in dull because if local spikes with hostles or nuets you new who your enemies were. Leave hi sec alone, I call it dull sec for a reason don't blame hi sec for your boredom you can only make so much then say ok now what? And blowing up shepple is not gonna fix your life boredom.
The Scope
#138 - 2012-10-18 17:59:24 UTC
Krixtal Icefluxor wrote:
Nothing can be done in Low, without being at least stalked.

As it should be. This has the potential to be equally true in High Sec, but for the paywall aggressors face when wanting to consummate the hunt. I have no issue with players feeling safe in High Sec, but that feeling should always be mere delusion.

As far as the population imbalance, I don't believe buffing Null / Low payouts and minerals will encourage High Sec lifers to move. Likewise, neither will nerfing High Sec payouts and minerals, as this will just drive them back to the theme park from whence they came. They don't pay to play the game for excitement, creativity, or intrigue. They pay for interactive Flying Toasters with an integrated instant messenger.

But they pay, and I assume that as far as CCP is concerned that means they are here to stay.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#139 - 2012-10-18 18:00:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Malphilos wrote:
Your experience is not comprehensive.
My experience is from every kind of space EVE has to offer. So it's about as comprehensive as it gets.

Is there anything you can do in null that you can't do in Empire?
Own space.

The point you're missing is that, no, different areas are not for different things. All areas offer the same. Highsec just offers them for far less effort and risk (and often with vastly improved availability) to the point where doing stuff outside of highsec only means you're making it harder for yourself for no reason. This is not because the game says the activity in question belongs in highsec but rather because it's not scaled properly in terms of what you get for your investment.

At one point, there was this idea that all areas would be interdependent and that different areas [ı]would[/i] offer different things, but that was on the level of raw materials and it's still largely true… but that's by geography, not by sec level. Once you've collected all the basic stuff from across the cluster gone to Jita where people bring stuff from all over the cluster, everything depending on those materials — from production up to destruction — can be done pretty much anywhere you please.
HollyShocker 2inthestink
#140 - 2012-10-18 18:03:55 UTC
Davis TetrisKing wrote:
Karl Hobb wrote:

A lot of null-sec dudes have pointed out that their people make money in high-sec and only really fight out in null, and that there isn't much to fight over in null because there isn't good money-making out there. I don't know about you, but that sounds like a big problem. Bigger risks, and having to defend your space, should mean bigger rewards.

Firstly thanks for the overall great reply.

I actually think this is a really great point.

While I personally feel that there should be some amount of ISK people can earn in High Sec with practically no risk (but much lower than current L4s), if people are coming to high-sec from their low/null homes to make ISK then I think we have a problem.

So exactly how much is goofswarm making from null-sec and moon goo? Where is the risk?