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Dev blog: Singularity, Duality ... Buckingham?

First post First post
miner Fonulique
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#141 - 2012-09-20 00:10:24 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:

Duality is now open for testing of frigate and destroyer rebalancing, as well as the Ancillary Shield Booster changes.


can I plz get some feedback above?
The Huskarl's
#142 - 2012-09-27 18:03:59 UTC
Instead of having to make several folders and installations our selves can you make a drop down box one the EVE Launcher with all current servers and notification if it is installed and ready to play and the ability to install it from there?
Sariton Xavian
Mercado Mercator Partners and Associates
#143 - 2012-10-15 07:49:16 UTC
Heh, so I finally got around to setting up a Buckingham client.

After some issues just trying to point my old test install at Buckingham I decided to nuke it and freshly download the Buckingham client linked from the devblog.

That worked fine, except that at the end of the install it asks if you want to launch Eve, and if you say yes it launches you pointed at Tranquility and patches you to the live version of the client. Then you have to change the shortcut to point at Buckingham and relaunch so it can patch you back again :)
Thomas Tryotaphan
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#144 - 2012-10-17 12:37:28 UTC
Everything is goin smooth except one thing: "incorrect username or password" my account works fine on tranquility ive tried everything a million times im sure its not any sort of speling mistake, PLEASE what im i doing wrong?
CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#145 - 2012-10-17 12:58:01 UTC
Thomas Tryotaphan wrote:
Everything is goin smooth except one thing: "incorrect username or password" my account works fine on tranquility ive tried everything a million times im sure its not any sort of speling mistake, PLEASE what im i doing wrong?

Depending on which test server you're trying to access, you'll need to get your account reactivated/resynced on the appropriate test server. The threads to make this happen are:


CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Thomas Tryotaphan
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#146 - 2012-10-17 15:40:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Thomas Tryotaphan
Thanks Goliath, is there any notifications which will show ive been activated? or ill i just have to test it continuesly, and not to keep spamming with questions, but when asking for your activation i presume you have to give you account name "Thomas Tryotaphan" and not your username?

Besides that is there any other reason why my username and password is "incorrect" ignoring all the obvious ones such as spelling mistakes,caps lock numbers and account deactivation, is there anything else once ive activated it t gain access to buckingham?
CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#147 - 2012-10-17 15:47:13 UTC
Thomas Tryotaphan wrote:
Thanks Goliath, is there any notifications which will show ive been activated? or ill i just have to test it continuesly, and not to keep spamming with questions, but when asking for your activation i presume you have to give you account name "Thomas Tryotaphan" and not your username?

Besides that is there any other reason why my username and password is "incorrect" ignoring all the obvious ones such as spelling mistakes,caps lock numbers and account deactivation, is there anything else once ive activated it t gain access to buckingham?

You have to post with the character that needs reactivated. Habakuk usually posts when he's done a spree of reactivations. Your password will be incorrect because it's been changed since our last mirror, is usually the reason.

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

CCP Habakuk
C C P Alliance
#148 - 2012-10-17 16:05:10 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Thomas Tryotaphan wrote:
Thanks Goliath, is there any notifications which will show ive been activated? or ill i just have to test it continuesly, and not to keep spamming with questions, but when asking for your activation i presume you have to give you account name "Thomas Tryotaphan" and not your username?

Besides that is there any other reason why my username and password is "incorrect" ignoring all the obvious ones such as spelling mistakes,caps lock numbers and account deactivation, is there anything else once ive activated it t gain access to buckingham?

You have to post with the character that needs reactivated. Habakuk usually posts when he's done a spree of reactivations. Your password will be incorrect because it's been changed since our last mirror, is usually the reason.

Another option is that your character was created after the mirror was taken (10th of August). In this case you will have to wait for the next mirror.

CCP Habakuk | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five 0 | (Team Gridlock)

Bug reporting | Mass Testing

Thomas Tryotaphan
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#149 - 2012-10-17 20:49:50 UTC
CCP Habakuk wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:
Thomas Tryotaphan wrote:
Thanks Goliath, is there any notifications which will show ive been activated? or ill i just have to test it continuesly, and not to keep spamming with questions, but when asking for your activation i presume you have to give you account name "Thomas Tryotaphan" and not your username?

Besides that is there any other reason why my username and password is "incorrect" ignoring all the obvious ones such as spelling mistakes,caps lock numbers and account deactivation, is there anything else once ive activated it t gain access to buckingham?

You have to post with the character that needs reactivated. Habakuk usually posts when he's done a spree of reactivations. Your password will be incorrect because it's been changed since our last mirror, is usually the reason.

Another option is that your character was created after the mirror was taken (10th of August). In this case you will have to wait for the next mirror.

Okay thanks for all the info.
Echoes of the Hollow
#150 - 2012-11-26 23:34:30 UTC
dear ccp ,
i activated my eve account like a month ago and no when i log on , on test server , it says account dis-abled . But my tq account is active so please if u can activate those 2 characters asap
undead legend

thank you :)


Dkeyzr Noir
USSR Zero Detachment
Peacemakers. Coalition
#151 - 2013-01-18 10:31:30 UTC
Hello, can anyone help me? After new patch (I believe 1.0.11) I cant get in Buckingham server, after I try to launch it I immediatly get an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 44, in
File "lib\initialization.pyc", line 138, in StartLauncher
File "lib\initialization.pyc", line 70, in InitInfo
File "lib\update.pyc", line 1068, in GetUpdateServer
File "lib\update.pyc", line 1106, in GetServerBuildNumber
File "lib\getServerStatusHack.pyc", line 53, in GetServerBuildnumber
File "lib\getServerStatusHack.pyc", line 11, in GetServerResp
File "socket.pyc", line 222, in meth
error: [Errno 10061] Not connected,
Locals by frame, innermost last:
Frame in at line 56:
NoInternetError =
ServerUnreachableException =
Shutdown =
StartLauncher =
__builtins__ =
__doc__ = '\n This is the entry point into the launcher, it handles setting up the working\n directory, logging and finally importing and starting the laucher within a\n log-proof try/exeception clause so we can catch almost any exception and display\n an error message.\n'
__name__ = '__main__'
__package__ = None
exc_plus =
lib =
localization =
os =
socket =
sys =
threading =
urllib2 =
wx =
zipextimporter =
Frame StartLauncher in lib\initialization.pyc at line 141:
app = >
folder = u'G:\\EVE online'
Frame InitInfo in lib\initialization.pyc at line 70:
cacheDir = u'G:\\EVE online\\launcher\\cache'
folder = u'G:\\EVE online'
Frame GetUpdateServer in lib\update.pyc at line 1068:
clientInfo = {'usescriptindexfiles': '1', 'appname': 'EVE', 'region': 'ccp', 'socketio': 'iocp', 'sync': '468177', 'server': '', 'edition': 'premium', 'version': '8.20', 'role': 'client', 'build': '468177', 'branch': '//depot/games/branches/staging/EVE-2012-R8-HELENE/eve', 'aid': '0', 'codename': 'EVE-EVE-2012-R8-HELENE', 'port': '26000', 'cryptopack': 'CryptoAPI'}
folder = u'G:\\EVE online'
server = ''
Frame GetServerBuildNumber in lib\update.pyc at line 1106:
address = ''
Frame GetServerBuildnumber in lib\getServerStatusHack.pyc at line 53:
ip = ''
Frame GetServerResp in lib\getServerStatusHack.pyc at line 16:
ip = ''
s =
Frame meth in socket.pyc at line 222:
args = (('', 26000),)
name = 'connect'
self =

P.S: I was trying to launcg it with and without an internet, and error was the same.
I have such shortcut for Buck: "G:\EVE online\eve.exe" /server: . And this was working fine untill last patch. Also I've tried repair - didnt help. Any suggestions?
CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#152 - 2013-01-18 10:35:43 UTC
Dkeyzr Noir wrote:
Hello, can anyone help me? After new patch (I believe 1.0.11) I cant get in Buckingham server, after I try to launch it I immediatly get an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 44, in
File "lib\initialization.pyc", line 138, in StartLauncher
File "lib\initialization.pyc", line 70, in InitInfo
File "lib\update.pyc", line 1068, in GetUpdateServer
File "lib\update.pyc", line 1106, in GetServerBuildNumber
File "lib\getServerStatusHack.pyc", line 53, in GetServerBuildnumber
File "lib\getServerStatusHack.pyc", line 11, in GetServerResp
File "socket.pyc", line 222, in meth
error: [Errno 10061] Not connected,
Locals by frame, innermost last:
Frame in at line 56:
NoInternetError =
ServerUnreachableException =
Shutdown =
StartLauncher =
__builtins__ =
__doc__ = '\n This is the entry point into the launcher, it handles setting up the working\n directory, logging and finally importing and starting the laucher within a\n log-proof try/exeception clause so we can catch almost any exception and display\n an error message.\n'
__name__ = '__main__'
__package__ = None
exc_plus =
lib =
localization =
os =
socket =
sys =
threading =
urllib2 =
wx =
zipextimporter =
Frame StartLauncher in lib\initialization.pyc at line 141:
app = >
folder = u'G:\\EVE online'
Frame InitInfo in lib\initialization.pyc at line 70:
cacheDir = u'G:\\EVE online\\launcher\\cache'
folder = u'G:\\EVE online'
Frame GetUpdateServer in lib\update.pyc at line 1068:
clientInfo = {'usescriptindexfiles': '1', 'appname': 'EVE', 'region': 'ccp', 'socketio': 'iocp', 'sync': '468177', 'server': '', 'edition': 'premium', 'version': '8.20', 'role': 'client', 'build': '468177', 'branch': '//depot/games/branches/staging/EVE-2012-R8-HELENE/eve', 'aid': '0', 'codename': 'EVE-EVE-2012-R8-HELENE', 'port': '26000', 'cryptopack': 'CryptoAPI'}
folder = u'G:\\EVE online'
server = ''
Frame GetServerBuildNumber in lib\update.pyc at line 1106:
address = ''
Frame GetServerBuildnumber in lib\getServerStatusHack.pyc at line 53:
ip = ''
Frame GetServerResp in lib\getServerStatusHack.pyc at line 16:
ip = ''
s =
Frame meth in socket.pyc at line 222:
args = (('', 26000),)
name = 'connect'
self =

P.S: I was trying to launcg it with and without an internet, and error was the same.
I have such shortcut for Buck: "G:\EVE online\eve.exe" /server: . And this was working fine untill last patch. Also I've tried repair - didnt help. Any suggestions?

We aren't using Buckingham right now. We have moved back to Sisi. It should be up at some point today with accompanying announcement.

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Rothschild's Sewage and Septic Sucking Services
The Possum Lodge
#153 - 2013-01-18 12:31:19 UTC
Sooo, we can now delete our Duality and switch our Bucky back to SiSi now to free up the space on our limited SSHD's?

I'm guessing this will come with a new mirror as well eh?    < Unified Inventory is NOT ready...

CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#154 - 2013-01-18 12:33:13 UTC
Panhead4411 wrote:
Sooo, we can now delete our Duality and switch our Bucky back to SiSi now to free up the space on our limited SSHD's?

I'm guessing this will come with a new mirror as well eh?

Yes there is an updated mirror.

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Dkeyzr Noir
USSR Zero Detachment
Peacemakers. Coalition
#155 - 2013-01-18 14:08:38 UTC
Ok, thank you.
Celestial One
Militant Miners
#156 - 2013-01-18 18:20:58 UTC
Getting an incompatible build error on singularity. It shows as online though.