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PI for isk

William Bowman
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2012-09-08 16:50:25 UTC
thanks for all the info guys! well i better get stuck in then haha, the whole I am in has the NPC customs so i am going to pop those then see what I can get out of it..

I think ill start with my fuel, to start with that is, interesting idea about the alts feeding into an account making p4 though! considering this once I have POCOs up.

Pink Marshmellow
Caucasian Culture Club
#22 - 2012-09-10 10:22:00 UTC
Trying to make P4 products is a waste of time and effort and does not yield you as much profit as making P2's that yield the highest profit per unit cycle.
Xen Solarus
Furious Destruction and Salvage
#23 - 2012-09-13 07:03:55 UTC
I use multipul accounts in my C3 specifically for PI, though i can't give you exact figures on my income, its a crap-load. Though i've my planets setup to mostly extract, with a few dedicated factory planets to convert everything up to P4 level. When in full flow, i can make 12 of each P4 material per day.

With POCOs setup as well you can really start printing that isk! Cool

Sure is alot of clicking mind, defiantely not everyones taste.

Post with your main, like a BOSS!

And no, i don't live in highsec.  As if that would make your opinion any less wrong.  

Proudly Snoring
#24 - 2012-10-04 12:30:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Ryanis
If you have 3 accounts, it can mean 3 toons per account with max skills, meaning 6 planets per toon for a total of 6x3x3=54 planets.

If the WH has good PI, I go with 150M / planet / month (with only one restart per day on each planet) : 150M x 54 planets ~= 8b / month.

So 2b per week seems doable finally.
That's with perfect skills and no import/export tax.

Anyway, PI is worth doing it : I have an account with 3 lvl4 PI toons wich can generate a good cash ammount and I monitore it daily or more often each 2 days(it should be enought to pay.

Pink Marshmellow wrote:
Trying to make P4 products is a waste of time and effort and does not yield you as much profit as making P2's that yield the highest profit per unit cycle.

=> That's totally true in WH.
Fish Alabel
A Big Enough Lever
#25 - 2012-10-04 17:37:39 UTC
Ryanis wrote:
If you have 3 accounts, it can mean 3 toons per account with max skills, meaning 6 planets per toon for a total of 6x3x3=36 planets.

=> That's totally true in WH.


anyway i think pl is a good passive income and i do enjoy to earn isk while i am offine
Proudly Snoring
#26 - 2012-10-05 07:41:34 UTC
Fish Alabel wrote:
Ryanis wrote:
If you have 3 accounts, it can mean 3 toons per account with max skills, meaning 6 planets per toon for a total of 6x3x3=36 planets.

=> That's totally true in WH.


anyway i think pl is a good passive income and i do enjoy to earn isk while i am offine

Corrected, sorry for the error.
And the conclusion is quite different : 2b/week seems doable, even if I think that managing 54 planets daily is quite long and boring.
Borlag Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2012-10-05 10:29:19 UTC
5 planet P4 makes you about 450-600M (depending on how often you can be bothered to restart the extractors) a month quite easily on a single character set up. The drawback is that you generally need to haul in one of the components, but that's easily covered on the same trip you use to haul out the end products. You don't need that much of the p1 products anyway.

All you need is 4 extraction planets with each pushing two separate P1 products out from 3 factories, and a single factory planet that does the rest.
#28 - 2012-10-05 12:48:21 UTC  |  Edited by: LordAssasin
I am a PI master...i have taken this into the automated zone. Basicaly is how much time you have. So lest take 3 Bill isk /30 you get that you need to make 100 mils a day to obtain that figure. Now the more accounts you have the more time you will spend. I have 6 and i spend like 2 h every 2 days...after all process is automated..The most important thing is like this is the extraction. Now what you do from here is interesting. I always go for more extraction then combining...this goes withaut saying that on every planet i have a extractor with 10 heads and a minimum of 4 basic industry. Now then depending on how much you extract for 3 bil a month you need at list a 1.2 mil p0 extract in order to power the 4 basic industy 24/7(48 h extractor shifts). Going further this 4 povide one of the ingredients of the next 4 advance building lets say mechanical part, well part of it is providede by the extractor and part of it you import it. This beeing said every planet of the 35 planets i have are part extractor part part combiner. This for sure is super redundand...but i never run out of material:) in fact damn it with every move i leave like a full hangar of Pi .
SO get out ther make some PI happen.:) But first put your poco on...then do the much time you have ...and from experience go for time and confort..meaning put anoter launch pad instead of a basic industry...try to calcule that you put stuff for processing only 2 times a week..and it will not feel like a click fest...if you like it thumbs up and give me a reply so we can see how we can improve your PI:)later

Ah end P4 is the absolute way to go in terms of space need to move your stuf any way..why not move it in stile...lets say 48 units of p4 take obtain this you must have 95 040 space thinc about this...the higher you get the lower the space:) and imagine the cost reduction in tax:) 0 tax:)
Kisogo Magellin
Kostura RnD
#29 - 2012-10-07 23:22:06 UTC
1. Do one month of PI w/ 2 chars, make 1-2b
2. Invest said money into station trading in Jita
3. Print money
4. Profit (If it wasn't already obvious)


Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#30 - 2012-10-17 09:23:07 UTC
Kisogo Magellin wrote:
1. Do one month of PI w/ 2 chars, make 1-2b
2. Invest said money into station trading in Jita
3. Print money
4. Profit (If it wasn't already obvious)

Station trading done well is time consuming and comes with a risk.
Pi however, is a quick fix once the facilities are up and running, not to mention its pretty much risk free.
Obviously possible to make "much" more money in station trading.
But if you just need a steady flow of a bil or so/ month, to cover a couple of canes and a bomber or two Pirate then PI is fantastic.
Merchants of the Golden Goose
#31 - 2012-10-17 13:52:43 UTC
I do some PI on side side, when I am waiting for fleets to form up.
Nothing I fret about tho. But it does pay the fuel-bill.

Go kill some sleepers :D

Wormholes have the best accoustics. It's known. - Sing it for me -

BLUE Regiment.
#32 - 2012-10-18 11:31:40 UTC
If you have good planets and u know how to set up your structures, it is possible.
Obviously more toons u use, the better isk u get. But the growth is exponential - not linear. (considering you know how to set everything up -took me weeks to find optimal extractor/processor/per toon ratio)
Producing tier 3 commodity i was making:

1 toon: 450mil/month
2 toons: 1B+/month
3 toons: 1,7B+/month

All this didnt take more than 30 min/day for me.
Also more time you invest and shorter the cycles = more ISK.

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