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Easy fix to afk cloakers: Cumulative Cap Upkeep

First post
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#61 - 2012-10-16 14:56:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
Baroness Vulna wrote:
The point is to keep players honest, those who just go afk while cloaked should have things to worry about.

no they shouldnt.
Only if they went afk in a wrong place (like 30km off gate inline with celestials).
Baroness Vulna
Armada vi Vulnezia
#62 - 2012-10-16 14:57:02 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:
Baroness Vulna wrote:
The point is to keep players honest, those who just go afk while cloaked should have things to worry about.

no they shouldnt.
Only if they went afk in a wrong place (like 30km off gate inline with celestials).

Yes they should!

brought to you by -Barony of Vulnezia MMO micro nation- Be a part of the world's first MMO Micro Nation

Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#63 - 2012-10-16 14:58:10 UTC
no. why?
Baroness Vulna
Armada vi Vulnezia
#64 - 2012-10-16 15:05:39 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:
no. why?

Because the current way cloak ships are decloaked is kind of game-tarded. CCP needs to think outside the box on this one.

Oh no... he is almost too close he will decloak me

remember when can's use to decloak people? why did they change it? Notice how the whole cloak decloak thing is just a ring around the rosey never ending balance fest?

My idea of destroyers and decloak mechanisms fixes all that. How?

1. cloaked ships no longer have to worry about ever decloaking just because they get to close to something!!

2. It makes destroyers very important in the anti cloak warfare game.

Thus, cloakers are VERY happy and it adds a whole new dynamic to the game that having destroyers is very important if you want to combat cloakers.

brought to you by -Barony of Vulnezia MMO micro nation- Be a part of the world's first MMO Micro Nation

Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#65 - 2012-10-16 15:08:26 UTC
but afk cloaker are broken now. This is why your idea fails.
Baroness Vulna
Armada vi Vulnezia
#66 - 2012-10-16 15:09:13 UTC
CCP also needs to remove many of the big penalties ships get with cloaking devices...why should cloaked ships be so gimped? Wouldnt it be more fun if cloaking wolfpacks were just that...wolfpacks and not sheeppacks.

also with cloaks on black ops, take away the penalties give those cloak ships more freedom and power they deserve it and it would be TONS OF FUN until.....oh **** destroyers....

you will see so much more destroyer activity and so much more cloaked ships....FUN

brought to you by -Barony of Vulnezia MMO micro nation- Be a part of the world's first MMO Micro Nation

Baroness Vulna
Armada vi Vulnezia
#67 - 2012-10-16 15:10:48 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:
but afk cloaker are broken now. This is why your idea fails.

My destroyer idea would counter cloaking ships even with how powerful cloakers are. Destroyers could actively hunt and destroy cloakers or help the fleet destroy them.

destroyers would hunt afk cloakers and blow them up while they are not at their computer, serves them right!

brought to you by -Barony of Vulnezia MMO micro nation- Be a part of the world's first MMO Micro Nation

Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#68 - 2012-10-16 15:11:27 UTC
Baroness Vulna
Armada vi Vulnezia
#69 - 2012-10-16 15:12:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Baroness Vulna
Robert Caldera wrote:

You are bad mr Caldera!

gosh... i really want to play eve but its still down :(

brought to you by -Barony of Vulnezia MMO micro nation- Be a part of the world's first MMO Micro Nation

Buzzy Warstl
Quantum Flux Foundry
#70 - 2012-10-16 15:44:12 UTC
Really, the primary reason for AFK cloaking is psyops against people who feel like they should be able to be safe in nullsec.

Every thread like this that pops up confirms that it is working in accordance with that plan. Richard Bartle: Players who suit MUDs

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#71 - 2012-10-16 16:15:13 UTC
Baroness Vulna wrote:
Robert Caldera wrote:
but afk cloaker are broken now. This is why your idea fails.

My destroyer idea would counter cloaking ships even with how powerful cloakers are. Destroyers could actively hunt and destroy cloakers or help the fleet destroy them.

destroyers would hunt afk cloakers and blow them up while they are not at their computer, serves them right!

So what about people who ARE at their computer but aren't moving? Just because they don't talk to you in local doesn't mean they aren't there.

This is the biggest flaw in your logic, that everyone who is cloaked in your system is afk cloaking. If they ARE afk cloaking then the game punishes them by denying them the ability to kill any potential targets that pop up. It's a self balancing mechanism that you are deliberatly trying to un-balance.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#72 - 2012-10-16 16:27:56 UTC
every idea which breaks afk cloaking is a terribad one as long as no solution to local is provided in the same time.
Baroness Vulna
Armada vi Vulnezia
#73 - 2012-10-16 17:27:12 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:
every idea which breaks afk cloaking is a terribad one as long as no solution to local is provided in the same time.

k, read this thread and particularly my idea about cloakers not showing up in local while cloaked.... thats the power cloakers should have i thinkj.

brought to you by -Barony of Vulnezia MMO micro nation- Be a part of the world's first MMO Micro Nation

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#74 - 2012-10-16 17:37:25 UTC
DJ P0N-3
Table Flippendeavors
#75 - 2012-10-16 19:20:03 UTC
Came into this thread expecting a Magic card mockup. Left disappointed.
Angeal MacNova
Holefood Inc.
Warriors of the Blood God
#76 - 2012-10-17 02:03:54 UTC
You've been in a Wormhole before right?

Send out a bunch, position around the system, scan, detect..... Nothing else. You now have a list of all the ships in the system (as long as your probes cover the system). Granted you dont have a 100% warpable point to these ships, but knowing they are there and what they are can be enough.

My point stands.... Covert Probes break Wormholes.

Been through them, lost a Rohk with my old account in one. I was way under skilled (basically just able to pilot and fit with T1 gear), yeah it was stupid of me.

So what? People would go into W-space, scan the system for cloaked ships and leave if they find some?

Sorry but that doesn't break W-space.

Someone enters a wormhole, they check local for any other players. If there are other players they leave.

Unless wormhole space is not what it was back then.

CCP's true, butthurt, colors.

Because those who can't do themselves keep others from doing too.

Maraque Enterprises
Just let it happen
#77 - 2012-10-17 02:05:31 UTC
Angeal MacNova wrote:
You've been in a Wormhole before right?

Send out a bunch, position around the system, scan, detect..... Nothing else. You now have a list of all the ships in the system (as long as your probes cover the system). Granted you dont have a 100% warpable point to these ships, but knowing they are there and what they are can be enough.

My point stands.... Covert Probes break Wormholes.

Been through them, lost a Rohk with my old account in one. I was way under skilled (basically just able to pilot and fit with T1 gear), yeah it was stupid of me.

So what? People would go into W-space, scan the system for cloaked ships and leave if they find some?

Sorry but that doesn't break W-space.

Someone enters a wormhole, they check local for any other players. If there are other players they leave.

Unless wormhole space is not what it was back then.

You don't appear in local unless you talk, in a wormhole. The issue is that you could have a veritable army cloaked up. All it takes to see how many there are is one blanket probe that pings back 50 signatures. Even assuming half of those are doubles, you can see the enemy has at least 25 ships cloaked up in system.
Angeal MacNova
Holefood Inc.
Warriors of the Blood God
#78 - 2012-10-17 02:20:05 UTC
In that case, all it breaks is wormhole campers who are there to gank people who are there to do the things that wormhole space was designed to provide. It also only ruins it for cloaked ships since such probes would not pick up on uncloaked ships and I'm pretty sure regular probes don't pick up ships (only anomalies).

So now the people who enter can D-scan you? Well, I would hope that if you are in a gank squad that you are spread out with active D-scans going. Oh-no, you'll have to actually be paying attention at the keyboard to pull off an ambush.

I see no problem with that.

CCP's true, butthurt, colors.

Because those who can't do themselves keep others from doing too.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#79 - 2012-10-17 03:22:20 UTC
Angeal MacNova wrote:
In that case, all it breaks is wormhole campers who are there to gank people who are there to do the things that wormhole space was designed to provide. It also only ruins it for cloaked ships since such probes would not pick up on uncloaked ships and I'm pretty sure regular probes don't pick up ships (only anomalies).

So now the people who enter can D-scan you? Well, I would hope that if you are in a gank squad that you are spread out with active D-scans going. Oh-no, you'll have to actually be paying attention at the keyboard to pull off an ambush.

I see no problem with that.

Combat scanner probes detect ships, and what's with your idea that people ganking passers by wasn't an intended part of wormholes to begin with?

I especially like the part where you suggest that it's possible to kill someone when you aren't paying attention. (hint: it isn't. If you aren't paying attention "at the keyboard" then the target will escape without having to do anything.)
Resbroko Liberation Fleet
#80 - 2012-10-17 05:24:49 UTC
I came here to sing the song of my people, the ones that go unseen, the ones know as...


And it goes like this (/me clears throat):

Every breath you take
And every move you make
Every rock you mine
Sending chills down your spine
I'll be watching you

Every single day
And every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay
I'll be watching you

Oh you can't see me
You belong to me
How my trigger-finger itches
With every step you take

Every time you undock
And every time you feel safe
You'll only hear me lock
Oh, I'll be watching you