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Easy fix to afk cloakers: Cumulative Cap Upkeep

First post
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#21 - 2012-10-15 14:40:49 UTC
The only problem with AFK Cloaking vessels is that you are aware of them.

If you could not see them in local, you would not be troubled at all, and would be happy PvE'ing to your hearts content.
Since they are AFK, they are docile and harmless, and will not hurt you at all.

Now, if they are active playing, you seem to be asking for an advantage over them with no balance.
You automatically know they are present, AND you have the means to hunt them?

You should see this as obviously over powered without it being pointed out.
Baroness Vulna
Armada vi Vulnezia
#22 - 2012-10-15 16:02:10 UTC
Mallak Azaria wrote:
An AFK pilot has never blown up a ship or actively stopped people from playing.

Love this, brilliant!

thanks for feedback peeples

brought to you by -Barony of Vulnezia MMO micro nation- Be a part of the world's first MMO Micro Nation

Buzzy Warstl
Quantum Flux Foundry
#23 - 2012-10-15 17:08:52 UTC
This thread is proof that AFK cloaking is not broken.

Carry on. Richard Bartle: Players who suit MUDs

Gizznitt Malikite
Agony Unleashed
Agony Empire
#24 - 2012-10-15 19:16:35 UTC

I understand your desire to eliminate all hostiles in your system, as it would make your nullsec system essentially 100% safe.

Learn to adapt, or move back to highsec!

Baroness Vulna
Armada vi Vulnezia
#25 - 2012-10-16 01:48:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Baroness Vulna
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

I understand your desire to eliminate all hostiles in your system, as it would make your nullsec system essentially 100% safe.

Learn to adapt, or move back to highsec!

Adapting is easy with afk cloakers if you know how to, and it is a brilliant strategy that I have used in the past, but it takes advantage of a flawed game mechanic. It is a game so if the code says cloak devices are 100% reliable or that there is no way to actively hunt down cloaked ships, cloakers know they can go afk all day.

My whole point is that i think afk cloaking is not the intended purpose of the game, same thing with log off/log in tactics. Someone who is in a hostile system cloaked should not feel safe going afk 18 hours knowing his cloaking device is 100% cap stable, or that no one can find him in his safe spot. There is no such safe warfare tactic in any war I know of that involves mechanical things and enemies hunting you down.

OK, so i am biased, i want to see destroyers have the ability to hunt down cloaked ships, I just think that would be so darn cool and fun (more fun than probing :P)

Maybe what i should do is change the subject to read Support my idea for cloak hunting destroyers?

So, ok those who don't want anyone to mess with those wonderful, perfect cloaked bombers and cov ops tactics, i get it i understand you dont want another thing to worry about.....but this is war..combat...fighting... why shouldn't you have to worry about people hunting you down even if you are cloaked in a safe spot for 10 hours or even 10 min with enemy all around?

I like the idea of hunter/killer destroyers more than the cumulative cap upkeep for cloak machines.

brought to you by -Barony of Vulnezia MMO micro nation- Be a part of the world's first MMO Micro Nation

Maraque Enterprises
Just let it happen
#26 - 2012-10-16 03:16:09 UTC
Baroness Vulna wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

I understand your desire to eliminate all hostiles in your system, as it would make your nullsec system essentially 100% safe.

Learn to adapt, or move back to highsec!

Adapting is easy with afk cloakers if you know how to, and it is a brilliant strategy that I have used in the past, but it takes advantage of a flawed game mechanic. It is a game so if the code says cloak devices are 100% reliable or that there is no way to actively hunt down cloaked ships, cloakers know they can go afk all day.

My whole point is that i think afk cloaking is not the intended purpose of the game, same thing with log off/log in tactics. Someone who is in a hostile system cloaked should not feel safe going afk 18 hours knowing his cloaking device is 100% cap stable, or that no one can find him in his safe spot. There is no such safe warfare tactic in any war I know of that involves mechanical things and enemies hunting you down.

OK, so i am biased, i want to see destroyers have the ability to hunt down cloaked ships, I just think that would be so darn cool and fun (more fun than probing :P)

Maybe what i should do is change the subject to read Support my idea for cloak hunting destroyers?

So, ok those who don't want anyone to mess with those wonderful, perfect cloaked bombers and cov ops tactics, i get it i understand you dont want another thing to worry about.....but this is war..combat...fighting... why shouldn't you have to worry about people hunting you down even if you are cloaked in a safe spot for 10 hours or even 10 min with enemy all around?

I like the idea of hunter/killer destroyers more than the cumulative cap upkeep for cloak machines.

I'm all for it (except the probes should have a small-ish radius, and should require an overlap to find the target, so you can't just put a couple out and find the exact number of cloaky ships in system), however, I'm only all for it when they remove the 100% reliable intelligence device that is local chat. As it is, I can be as sneaky and as stealthy as I want. But the moment I enter system, or an enemy enters system, they see that I'm there. And they'll be careful. And they'll do all they can to deny me my kill because of the 100% reliable intel they recieve from local.

Just by looking at a little list given to you, you can see that I'm there. You don't need to probe, you don't need to scan, nothing. Just... read a tiny list.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#27 - 2012-10-16 04:17:24 UTC
Baroness Vulna wrote:
Gizznitt Malikite wrote:

I understand your desire to eliminate all hostiles in your system, as it would make your nullsec system essentially 100% safe.

Learn to adapt, or move back to highsec!

Adapting is easy with afk cloakers if you know how to, and it is a brilliant strategy that I have used in the past, but it takes advantage of a flawed game mechanic. It is a game so if the code says cloak devices are 100% reliable or that there is no way to actively hunt down cloaked ships, cloakers know they can go afk all day.

My whole point is that i think afk cloaking is not the intended purpose of the game, same thing with log off/log in tactics. Someone who is in a hostile system cloaked should not feel safe going afk 18 hours knowing his cloaking device is 100% cap stable, or that no one can find him in his safe spot. There is no such safe warfare tactic in any war I know of that involves mechanical things and enemies hunting you down.

OK, so i am biased, i want to see destroyers have the ability to hunt down cloaked ships, I just think that would be so darn cool and fun (more fun than probing :P)

Maybe what i should do is change the subject to read Support my idea for cloak hunting destroyers?

So, ok those who don't want anyone to mess with those wonderful, perfect cloaked bombers and cov ops tactics, i get it i understand you dont want another thing to worry about.....but this is war..combat...fighting... why shouldn't you have to worry about people hunting you down even if you are cloaked in a safe spot for 10 hours or even 10 min with enemy all around?

I like the idea of hunter/killer destroyers more than the cumulative cap upkeep for cloak machines.

But you forget that covert ops and recons pay for this 100% reliable hiding mechanism by being highly vulnerable in direct combat. Bombers have to kill the target quickly in one or two shots before the target has a chance to get a lock on them. Recons have to use their ewar to prevent their victims from doing too much damage while they slowly eat away at their target's health. They are also in serious trouble if the targets fly in pairs.
Angeal MacNova
Holefood Inc.
Warriors of the Blood God
#28 - 2012-10-16 05:37:27 UTC
So one ping of your Covert Probes and you instantly know how many people are cloaked

You've scanned using probes before right?

Send out a bunch, position around the system, scan, detect, reposition with a shorter scan range, scan, detect with a greater strength, rinse and repeat until 100% scan strength and only then you can warp there?

How is that in anyway a 'one ping and found'?

And that scanning is just to track down where they are in the solar system. Once you warp there they will be somewhere within a 50, 100, whatever km range of where you warped in and in who knows which direction. Both range and direction would vary. So then you have to basically wander around with this module active which would send out a ping up to a limited range once per cycle. So then you have the cycle time. 5, 10, 15 sec cycle time.

Those at the keyboard can stay cloaked, they just have to periodically reposition and those that can use the covert ops cloak could probably just fly while cloaked to maintain a safe range from the searching ship.

CCP's true, butthurt, colors.

Because those who can't do themselves keep others from doing too.

Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#29 - 2012-10-16 07:22:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
Baroness Vulna wrote:

Adapting is easy with afk cloakers if you know how to, and it is a brilliant strategy that I have used in the past, but it takes advantage of a flawed game mechanic. It is a game so if the code says cloak devices are 100% reliable or that there is no way to actively hunt down cloaked ships

there is also no way to disable 100% reliable local, all you can do is revert its use against these people you are hunting for by sitting in their precious local afk forever. Here is why your idea of hunting is flawed. People feel neccessary sitting afk cloaked somewhere doing it exactly for that reason, you cant change the one without the other. The same goes for log-in/-off tactics - because of local as intel.
You should not have the ability to scan down cloaked ships, giving out terms of engagement entirely in hands of big blobs would give them too much power over sov space - this shouldnt happen.
#30 - 2012-10-16 07:44:31 UTC
If they nerf 100% safe cloaking tey gotta nerf 100% safe hidey in stations too. You wouldn't like that.
Beach Boys
The Minions.
#31 - 2012-10-16 09:47:38 UTC
Angeal MacNova wrote:
So one ping of your Covert Probes and you instantly know how many people are cloaked

You've scanned using probes before right?

Send out a bunch, position around the system, scan, detect, reposition with a shorter scan range, scan, detect with a greater strength, rinse and repeat until 100% scan strength and only then you can warp there?

How is that in anyway a 'one ping and found'?

And that scanning is just to track down where they are in the solar system. Once you warp there they will be somewhere within a 50, 100, whatever km range of where you warped in and in who knows which direction. Both range and direction would vary. So then you have to basically wander around with this module active which would send out a ping up to a limited range once per cycle. So then you have the cycle time. 5, 10, 15 sec cycle time.

Those at the keyboard can stay cloaked, they just have to periodically reposition and those that can use the covert ops cloak could probably just fly while cloaked to maintain a safe range from the searching ship.

Could not say that better, but this thread will get shut down by outcry and trolling of afk cloakers like every other did.
Beach Boys
The Minions.
#32 - 2012-10-16 09:49:59 UTC
Doddy wrote:
If they nerf 100% safe cloaking tey gotta nerf 100% safe hidey in stations too. You wouldn't like that.

Totally stupid argument, you can capture station with enough time and force, you cant do anything to afk cloak.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#33 - 2012-10-16 10:24:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
maciek9 wrote:
Could not say that better, but this thread will get shut down by outcry and trolling of afk cloakers like every other did.

yes. because its the right way to deal with rant threads.
afk cloaking isnt because people have fun doing that, its emergent gameplay which evolved from existing game mechanics.

People who start these threads refuse to understand the concept of eve, that space is free for everyone and they have no exclusive claim to any part of space in eve. Everyone pays for the game so everyone is allowed to hang around whereever he wants. This is all right. There wont be safe ratting place in 0.0 free of neutrals - this is absolutely fine.
Beach Boys
The Minions.
#34 - 2012-10-16 10:34:46 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:
maciek9 wrote:
Could not say that better, but this thread will get shut down by outcry and trolling of afk cloakers like every other did.

yes. because its the right way to deal with rant threads.
afk cloaking isnt because people have fun doing that, its emergent gameplay which evolved from existing game mechanics.

People who start these threads refuse to understand the concept of eve, that space is free for everyone and they have no exclusive claim to any part of space in eve. Everyone pays for the game so everyone is allowed to hang around whereever he wants. This is all right. There wont be safe ratting place in 0.0 free of neutrals - this is absolutely fine.

Trolling is for people lacking logical arguments. And noone wants safe place for ratting. So far the afk cloakers are the only
people that are safe in 0.0. This should be restricted to hi sec space as you said yourself....
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#35 - 2012-10-16 10:36:57 UTC
maciek9 wrote:
Trolling is for people lacking logical arguments. And noone wants safe place for ratting. So far the afk cloakers are the only people that are safe in 0.0. This should be restricted to hi sec space as you said yourself....

you are either that dumb or got simply absolutely no f*cking clue about 0.0.
Beach Boys
The Minions.
#36 - 2012-10-16 10:40:27 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:
maciek9 wrote:
Trolling is for people lacking logical arguments. And noone wants safe place for ratting. So far the afk cloakers are the only people that are safe in 0.0. This should be restricted to hi sec space as you said yourself....

you are either that dumb or got simply absolutely no f*cking clue about 0.0.

typical answer of a guy lacking argument. no comment.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#37 - 2012-10-16 10:50:30 UTC
I gave you some arguments why afk cloaking is fine.
Beach Boys
The Minions.
#38 - 2012-10-16 10:57:37 UTC  |  Edited by: maciek9
Robert Caldera wrote:
I gave you some arguments why afk cloaking is fine.

all your arguments were wrong and i stated why they wrong. Then you flamed :P

Ah just to be clear I dont consider afk cloakers to be a big issiue, they are just iritating to not fall to the same set of rules as
everyone else in 0.0. Something that is broken and should be fixed.
Christopher AET
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2012-10-16 11:04:48 UTC
Being cloaked in a system for days or weeks at a time is valid. That said I do not think you should be able to play the game withoutbbeing there to play. Solution.....cloak feedback generator. A pos mod that sends a pulse through system causing all active cloaks to slowly overheat. Does not effect cloaky play as takes 10+ mins to burn out. To stop overheat you decloak and decloak. All cloaker has to do is pay a small amount of attention . Boom. At computer mechanics totally unaffected. Cloaky camping not changed. All you have to do is be aware. Just like your prey.

I drain ducks of their moisture for sustenance.

Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#40 - 2012-10-16 11:09:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Robert Caldera
its not about cloak, safety end everything else, its actually all on a more trivial level - "You use local against me, I will return fire and use it against you" thing, whilst the latter is being applied very little. There is nothing wrong with that, at least I never encountered a valid argument why this is wrong.