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Official Protest - Mittani should be removed from CSM - *** UPDATED RESPONSE POSTED ***

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Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#701 - 2011-10-18 07:39:53 UTC
Deopheel Dalonne wrote:
You do not. You are just a grown child trying to exorcise his fears.

It is pathetic.

I know you are, but what is he??

(stooping to your level ITP)
Deopheel Dalonne
Eridu Productions
#702 - 2011-10-18 09:07:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Deopheel Dalonne
Feligast wrote:
Deopheel Dalonne wrote:
You do not. You are just a grown child trying to exorcise his fears.

It is pathetic.

I know you are, but what is he??

(stooping to your level ITP)

Come on! Enjoying onself becaus one is able to spread "misery" in a video game without any risk to oneself ? Obviously you do not know what real misery is ...

A bunch of perverted sadistic bored rich grown kids. Isn't that the very definition of pathetic ?

Look at the guys in this picture. Look at how they take themselves seriously. Aren't they the epitome of pathetic ?
Amarr Empire
#703 - 2011-10-18 09:16:34 UTC
Deopheel Dalonne wrote:

Come on! Enjoying onself becaus one is able to spread "misery" in a video game without any risk to oneself ? Obviously you do not know what real misery is ...

There's a pretty big risk in the form of flubbing a gank embarrassingly and then being taunted. We in GSF take our space skills very seriously, and some never recover from the stress of being humiliated.

There's also the trauma of accidentally reading posts like yours Sad
Deopheel Dalonne
Eridu Productions
#704 - 2011-10-18 09:26:42 UTC
ExhumeToConsume wrote:
Deopheel Dalonne wrote:

Come on! Enjoying onself becaus one is able to spread "misery" in a video game without any risk to oneself ? Obviously you do not know what real misery is ...

There's a pretty big risk in the form of flubbing a gank embarrassingly and then being taunted. We in GSF take our space skills very seriously, and some never recover from the stress of being humiliated.

There's also the trauma of accidentally reading posts like yours Sad

Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#705 - 2011-10-18 09:30:13 UTC
Deopheel Dalonne wrote:

Look at the guys in this picture. Look at how they take themselves seriously. Aren't they the epitome of pathetic ?

How is sitting around smoking a joint taking yourself seriously?

Apparently, I'm the most serious person on the planet Pirate

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

kari bourza
Shield of Iron Crown
#706 - 2011-10-18 10:18:26 UTC  |  Edited by: kari bourza
TL;DR : Mittani ganked my ship and since he is CSM he shouldn't be allowed to play the game as it was intended to be played (

great logic ), i petitioned him to daddy - CCP because i cant deal with it, and despite the fact that no rules were broken or

cheating involved ( in case you wonder why your serious petition take so long ), can i haz a medal ?

i would like to read your petition for the giggles, since no rules were broken and no cheating was involved, what would you

petition about ? i m curious
Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#707 - 2011-10-18 10:22:55 UTC
hay gaiz, chek dis oot!

caerberz gonna untie to pul daun goonz!!!!

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#708 - 2011-10-18 11:06:53 UTC
so basically since i last posted in this thread you have been laid at least 6 times and it's still as pathetic now as it was then...I blatantly think you need some time off from Eve for comparing the CSM to Nazis..that's an insult of the lowest order.....they are players in an internet space game the characters they play as can be as different as sides of a dice depending on the mood they're in.....alts are different facets and as such can be whatever the person in rl wants them to be.....ITS JUST A GAME

No one is to be trusted in this game that's just a given I do however trust implicitly that the current CSM is serving the interests of the playerbase I mean seriously if they're corrupt what do they get? SOME MORE MADE UP SPACE MONEY.....jesus how hard can it be to see that the OP has way too much invested in this game to even think straight bet his kids sit there hungry cos daddies got to mine a rock first.....seriously someone ban him before social services come round ala that Farmville incident
Fat Angry Toe Tappin Inbreds
#709 - 2011-10-18 12:06:57 UTC
So the official petition was submitted to CCP, right? What's the official response? Lol
Azami Nevinyrall
#710 - 2011-10-18 12:35:32 UTC
There is other ways of dealing with issues like goonswarm in a sandbox MMO.

Wining like a little ***** isn't one of them!

If you have an issue with something in game, walk out of your mommys vag and do something about it...

Yes goonswarm isn't playing fair, but they are still playing within the rules...

The most annoying thing about these forums is that players ***** and wine all the time about how ccp is killing this game by letting players do what they want. (isn't that the whole point of this game?) and yet, these same players still pay 1-? subscription fees... ******* awesome!

On the heads side of the coin, keep up the ganks goons! Being an ex highsec Exhumers ganker myself I support people who mix up the game a little...

The tails, high sec miners should start fitting their exhumers in anti gank gang fits. 3-4 Macks in a certain fit can curvive a suicide Battlecruiser or 2. With a little logi and other ship types (50/50 ratio of miners and support) can somewhat survive almost all high sec ganks... (with the odd exception of the smartbombing BS gank)


Blaze Stigma
Remix Industries
#711 - 2011-10-18 13:48:33 UTC
I want to ask you all of the goons and Mittani here a question ..

I want to know how long are you gonna to keep blocking us Ice Miners . this cant last forever .

Mortis vonShadow
Balanaz Mining and Development Inc.
#712 - 2011-10-18 13:58:00 UTC
Blaze Stigma wrote:
I want to ask you all of the goons and Mittani here a question ..

I want to know how long are you gonna to keep blocking us Ice Miners . this cant last forever .

From a hisec miners point of view? Hopefully forever.

+1 to the Goons for bring the excitment back to hisec.

Some days you're the bug, and some days your the windscreen.                   And some days, you're just a man with a gun.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#713 - 2011-10-18 15:08:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Roosterton
Deopheel Dalonne wrote:
Goons like to identify with the IIIrd Reich ("GoonWaffe" and also the uniforms of certain goons like Andski and others).
Goons like to identify with islamic terrorism (Jihad, Osama bin Laden in a recent Mittani post)
Mitanni likes to compare himself to Stalin (same post as above).

Ok, this is a game. But there is a limit. Once it is crossed, it just becomes distasetful.

Look at this quote, for example:
The Mittani wrote:
Pay no attention to this kulak and his revisionist line; the People's Soviets of Goonswarm have a free and open accounting of their finances, and our socialist science has brough about the closest realization of socialism ever seen in EVE.

This is really not funny. When "kulaks" were targeted by the soviets in Ukraine in the 1930s, millions died in a state-induced artificial famine.

Do we really want to play alongside individual who consider such dreadful memories as toys to have fun with ?

Does CCP want to have such people as customers ?


Waffe f (genitive Waffe, plural Waffen)
weapon, arm

So using German words makes one a Nazi now? This is the most racist thing I've ever read.

"Jihad" is just an Arabic translation for "struggle," and doesn't necessarily have any religious implications. It's frequently used in Islamic texts, yes, but not necessarily in a violent purpose. (al-jihad fi sabil Allah: "Striving in the way of god.") The word is by no means a reference to Islamic terrorism.

And what's wrong with comparing oneself to Stalin? He was ruthless; Goons are ruthless. He was influential; Goons are influential. Seems like a pretty decent comparison to me.

And "Kulak" is just a rank of Russian peasant, probably keeping in line with his Soviet Stalin roleplaying.

You really do need to work on your definitions a bit more before trying to use them to make an incoherent argument.
Just Another Toon
#714 - 2011-10-18 15:16:05 UTC
Hmm interesting to see the goons setup on D3, more Goons CSM Corruption.


Mortis vonShadow
Balanaz Mining and Development Inc.
#715 - 2011-10-18 16:09:54 UTC
Just Another Toon wrote:
Hmm interesting to see the goons setup on D3, more Goons CSM Corruption.



I can understand your angst, but what I don't understand is your drive to accuse someone and others of being corrupt. Why? because they play the game within the boundries set forth thru CCP? You assume that because they roleplay a certain way they are miscreants or they are abusing their positions in real life.

Lets expand your thought process a bit. Bear with me, I'm feeling very ill today.

When I first started playing EVE, I was a pirate, and did all the things you are up in arms against. Does that make me a ****** person in real life?

When I was 22 years old, I was a young Marine that went to Liberia and helped rescue 5000 people from the horrors of the civil war that was raging hardcore back in 1990. In 1989 I was with the battalion of Marines that got Noriega out of power. In 1991 I was in the First Gulf War.

Today at the age of 44, I own and run a restaurant that has over 100 employees. I help my employees with their quest for a better education, if I find they are here in the US other than legally, I hire attorneys to help them overcome the barriers to becoming a legal citizen and I have currently hired an english teacher to teach them the language. I am very active in the neighborhood watch program, and because me and few others like me in my subdivision, our crime rate is almost non-exsistant.

Currently, in EVE I'm a hisec miner. But, I also, go out and gank hisec miners and ice miners when I get bored, because lets face it, the mining lasers sometimes just get old. Or I go into mission areas and try and gank hisec mission runners, not successful as of yet. But, mostly I try and get some good 1v1 in hisec without getting blobbed.

So what am I? Am I a knuckle dragging ******* as you make all the Goons out to be? No, I'm just like every other EVE player, I don't take it too seriously and I don't care if someone comes in and ruins my mining operation(s).

Relax a bit, take a deep breath, organize a resistance to what is going on in the game, and enjoy yourself. YOU are what drives EVE. There is very little content developed by the Devs. Its that way for a reason. The Goons and those like them, like you, and like me are the content of the game.

Some days you're the bug, and some days your the windscreen.                   And some days, you're just a man with a gun.

David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#716 - 2011-10-18 16:49:03 UTC
Deopheel Dalonne wrote:
Goons like to identify with the IIIrd Reich ("GoonWaffe" and also the uniforms of certain goons like Andski and others).
Goons like to identify with islamic terrorism (Jihad, Osama bin Laden in a recent Mittani post)
Mitanni likes to compare himself to Stalin (same post as above).

Ok, this is a game. But there is a limit. Once it is crossed, it just becomes distasetful.

Look at this quote, for example:
The Mittani wrote:
Pay no attention to this kulak and his revisionist line; the People's Soviets of Goonswarm have a free and open accounting of their finances, and our socialist science has brough about the closest realization of socialism ever seen in EVE.

This is really not funny. When "kulaks" were targeted by the soviets in Ukraine in the 1930s, millions died in a state-induced artificial famine.

Do we really want to play alongside individual who consider such dreadful memories as toys to have fun with ?

Does CCP want to have such people as customers ?

Amusingly, you'll find that McDonalds also has such people as customers.
Goonswarm Federation
#717 - 2011-10-18 16:51:05 UTC
Just Another Toon wrote:
Hmm interesting to see the goons setup on D3, more Goons CSM Corruption.


would you like an aeon, i've got one for sale

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#718 - 2011-10-18 17:29:20 UTC
Just Another Toon wrote:
Hmm interesting to see the goons setup on D3, more Goons CSM Corruption.


Ousting Darius The Third as the leak in the CSM is corruption?

The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#719 - 2011-10-18 17:49:07 UTC
Deopheel Dalonne wrote:

You do not. You are just a grown child trying to exorcise his fears.

It is pathetic.

Could be worse - I could be a random forum poster obsessed with national socialists lurking in the shadows, seeing swastikas on the walls where there are none.

Care to grace us with some more conspiracy theories about how everyone in Goonwaffe goose-steps?

In the meantime I'll get back to being a man-child!


Blawrf McTaggart
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#720 - 2011-10-18 18:00:51 UTC
Official Protest - Just Another Toon should stop posting.