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Can't wait anylonger for smuggling.

Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#1 - 2012-10-12 05:01:29 UTC
Its one thing that you scrapped WIS. I understand why it happened, and have lived with it for quite a while now. But When I started Eve, I wanted to be a smuggler. This is not a viable choice right now, nor has it been for quite some time.

For those of you that never heard, here is what was supposed to happen;
Drugs (boosters) were in need of looking at. Soundwave wanted them buffed so that they would be more desirable. In this case, the buff was changing the negative effects to be less severe. They were going to set it up so that boosters were not available on the market, you would have to use the WIS to go meet your dealer. NPC's would no longer scan you for contraband, but players would be able to scan you and mark you for PvP if you did not pay the fine (very similar to the upcoming bounty changes). This information was given in an interview with Soundwave at fanfest 2011 I believe, maybe 2010.

So what happened was they made the Orca cargo-hold scannable, but then didn't make any of the other changes. Smuggling went from life support to DNR and that's where it is now.

So that's that. Reversed a PLEX on my main today and I'll come back when they get enough sand to fill the whole box. I sincerely hope CCP gets their **** together sooner than later.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

#2 - 2012-10-12 05:04:39 UTC
Nobody wants boosters bad enough to put up with all that bullshit.
Darth Gustav
Sith Interstellar Tech Harvesting
#3 - 2012-10-12 05:07:57 UTC
Cipher Jones wrote:
Its one thing that you scrapped WIS. I understand why it happened, and have lived with it for quite a while now. But When I started Eve, I wanted to be a smuggler. This is not a viable choice right now, nor has it been for quite some time.

For those of you that never heard, here is what was supposed to happen;
Drugs (boosters) were in need of looking at. Soundwave wanted them buffed so that they would be more desirable. In this case, the buff was changing the negative effects to be less severe. They were going to set it up so that boosters were not available on the market, you would have to use the WIS to go meet your dealer. NPC's would no longer scan you for contraband, but players would be able to scan you and mark you for PvP if you did not pay the fine (very similar to the upcoming bounty changes). This information was given in an interview with Soundwave at fanfest 2011 I believe, maybe 2010.

So what happened was they made the Orca cargo-hold scannable, but then didn't make any of the other changes. Smuggling went from life support to DNR and that's where it is now.

So that's that. Reversed a PLEX on my main today and I'll come back when they get enough sand to fill the whole box. I sincerely hope CCP gets their **** together sooner than later.

Oh man Cipher.

It was you and me buddy. X

We were the ones who kept on paying. I know you remember. Blink

What's the galaxy coming to? What?

He who trolls trolls best when he who is trolled trolls the troller. -Darth Gustav's Axiom

Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#4 - 2012-10-12 05:08:16 UTC
SmilingVagrant wrote:
Nobody wants boosters bad enough to put up with all that bullshit.

Some people do. What?

Boosters go a long way for me personally because I find myself in uneven situations using active-tanked ships pretty often. But it's really, really difficult to stage them without taking standings hits and paying fines. So I completely agree with Cipher.

PS: don't forget they further nerfed smuggling by removing the smuggling bonus from Snake implants.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Section 8.
#5 - 2012-10-12 05:12:53 UTC
I love boosters, but not enough to ever wish the hell that is WIS on anyone.
Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#6 - 2012-10-12 05:13:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Cipher Jones
I use boosters for PvP and clearing sites in Wspace. My main PvP toon has all 5's in that stuff.

I want to smuggle contraband for a living, not just boosters, but primarily so.

I want it to be like Cardamine in Freelancer.

KrakizBad wrote:
I love boosters, but not enough to ever wish the hell that is WIS on anyone.

Yeah that was their plan not mine. I admit I liked it but would have been perfectly happy for there being a demand for contraband and player intervention, or a way to smuggle it past NPC's.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

#7 - 2012-10-12 05:17:31 UTC
They should make you go all the way and smuggle them up your butt. Then when one of the bags break your body explodes.
No More Heroes
Boomer Humor
Snuffed Out
#8 - 2012-10-12 05:30:49 UTC
I wanna be a smuggler like Han Solo. But then again, I just buy my boosters off the market in 0.0

Why are drugs illegal anywhere in the cold, harsh universe? Straight


Raiz Nhell
Tactically Challenged
The Initiative.
#9 - 2012-10-12 05:51:59 UTC
No More Heroes wrote:
I wanna be a smuggler like Han Solo. But then again, I just buy my boosters off the market in 0.0

Why are drugs illegal anywhere in the cold, harsh universe? Straight

Han Solo dropped his load at the first sign of an Imperial patrol, costing Jabba a fortune...

Then he flew straight into a busted up planet and was captured pretty darn quick, falling for a pretty girl into the bargain...

Then attempting to blockade run with the aforementioned pretty girl his ship failed, and he was captured and turned into a wall hanging...

If I'm going be a smuggler, I wanna be a hell of a lot better than Han Solo...

But I still must agree, it would be pretty cool...

There is no such thing as a fair fight...

If your fighting fair you have automatically put yourself at a disadvantage.

Rivinshield Trading Inc.
#10 - 2012-10-12 08:45:19 UTC
I think the main reason there isn't a large demand for boosters is because 1, many players aren't versed in just how awesome they are and how the "negative" side effects usually don't matter and can even make your experience a bit more interesting and 2, importing them is a pain and coupled with the fact that there isnt huge demand its not worth it to smuggle them in. I like the idea of players enforcing customs as opposed to npcs. I think it would help a lot to get more supply into high sec.
Exotic Dancers Union
Hatakani Trade Winds Combine
#11 - 2012-10-12 09:57:20 UTC
Like the Idea. Would match perfectly with the new Crimewatch mechanics and lead to more pvp in Highsec.
#12 - 2012-10-12 10:02:57 UTC
CCP should add a skill for it, call it Black Market Trading or something.

"Stay the course, we have done this many times before." - (CCP) Hilmar, June 2011

Staleward Ad'mraa
#13 - 2012-10-12 10:50:00 UTC
I can see bribes being brought into this as well. NPC should be in high sec, while players in low sec could bring their own security at the gates, being paid by the hour by NPC's from factions. To smuggle through low sec, you would have to bribe your way and then when you are in high sec, hope your lucky and successful in bribe because prices would be higher up there. It would reward your risk to bring those hard sought after boosters.
Wolf Kruol
1st Tikiona Lancers
Citizen's Star Republic
#14 - 2012-10-12 14:16:00 UTC
Ya I need my drugs.. Hard to get in some areas of space.. Aside from my exotic chicks and tobaco.. I need my fix.. Pirate

“If you're very very stupid? How can you possibly realize you're very very stupid?

You have to be relatively intelligent to realize how stupid you really are!”

Jhan Niber
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2012-10-12 16:21:43 UTC
We've got the best virtual market out there. It's a shame we don't have a great black market to complement it.
#16 - 2012-10-12 16:31:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Taiwanistan
Just make all markets in lowsec and null sec considered "black markets", or are you just trying to be all edgy with the barbie loving? Adding avatars to the task of "buying stuff" really adds nothing.

TA on wis: "when we have a feature that is its own functional ecosystem of gameplay then hooks into the greater ecosystem of EVE as a whole, and it provides good replayability."

Grumpy Owly
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2012-10-12 16:41:28 UTC
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2012-10-12 16:42:16 UTC
one of the things i do not understand in eve is why certain modules or ships are allowed in certain areas of space. why should the caldari allow the use of rattlesnakes and gilas in their space ? let alone selling them there. it makes no sense
Darth Khasei
Wavestar Business Ventures Inc.
#19 - 2012-10-12 16:49:42 UTC
I would love to see this profession get some attention.
No More Heroes
Boomer Humor
Snuffed Out
#20 - 2012-10-12 16:49:49 UTC
Momoyo wrote:
I think the main reason there isn't a large demand for boosters is because 1, many players aren't versed in just how awesome they are and how the "negative" side effects usually don't matter and can even make your experience a bit more interesting and 2, importing them is a pain and coupled with the fact that there isnt huge demand its not worth it to smuggle them in. I like the idea of players enforcing customs as opposed to npcs. I think it would help a lot to get more supply into high sec.

They should add a slot to your ship where you can "load" boosters, like maybe 2-3 enough for a fight. Boosters being loaded in that manner would not cause criminal flags. Then they should make transporting boosters through high sec to cause a criminal flag to where you can be fired upon by anyone and completely remove faction police from the equation Let players police it.

This would create a whole new "smuggling" side profession where drugs could be ferried to different markets by those with the balls and a blockade runner or fast, agile ship to do so.


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