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Minmatar Capitals are being re-worked

First post
Goonswarm Federation
#121 - 2011-10-17 13:36:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Kazanir
Now for some discussion of shield and armor mechanics and how fleet bonuses are applied. This is the topic that SMT008 just mentioned -- the fact that shield fleet bonuses are not applied upon jumping in properly. Here is why:

Shield hit points in EVE are measured with two variables: Your maximum shield hitpoints, and your current "shield charge", or your current hit point total. Both of these are positive variables and are used in the equation for your shield recharge rate, just like capacitor.

By contrast, armor hit points are measured differently: Your maximum armor hit points are still there, but instead of tracking "how much armor" you have, the game tracks "how much armor is damaged" as a value. This means that your armor damage is essentially a negative variable -- to calculate your current armor, the game takes your maximum armor and subtracts your current armor damage number.

This essentially means that when fleet bonuses are applied to your shields, that you don't gain any shield HP at all until you recharge them, which (in the case of supercapitals) is an extremely long and painful process, even with remote shield transporters available. This is because when a fleet jumps to a cynosural field or jump beacon, your shield charge temporarily drops to your maximum shield without any fleet bonuses. (If your squad/wing/fleet booster leaves the system first, your hit points drop when he jumps out. If you jump out before your booster, you arrive before them and your hit points drop at that time before they cyno in.)

Let's watch a demonstration:

Our Wyvern from the previous example (tricked out with our theoretical Pithum A-Type Invulns) has a total of 2,726,950 shield hit points. He jumps along with his squad commander, which is a Leviathan with maximum fleet command skills, a siege warfare mindlink, and a shield harmonizing warfare link. Once they arrive, he has 2,726,950 shield hit points, but his maximum with fleet bonuses applied is now 3,749,557 shield hit points. He is only at 72.7% shields now! His theoretical EHP has increased from 49.9M to 68.9M, but his actual EHP is only 51.3M -- he got a small bonus from the Levi's gang link and from armor and structure increases, but the entire shield hit point bonus is useless to him since it isn't applied properly.

Now our Aeon from the previous example also jumps in. He has a base of 3,942,361 armor hit points, of which 0 are missing. (Remember, armor is measured by "how much damage have you taken" and he is at full HP.) Now he jumps to his squad commander, a perfect Erebus with the passive defense gang link and an armored warfare mindlink. Suddenly, his maximum armor hit points go up to 5,420,746, and since he has 0 damage, his current armor hit points go up by the same amount. (He also gains 10% shields, leaving him at 91% shield capacity when he arrives.) This means that his EHP has just increased from 55.4M to 79.3M EHP.

This means that, in practice, not only does an Aeon already have a small EHP advantage over a Wyvern (because of the Slave set) the Aeon's ability to have fleet bonuses applied instantly means that he has an 55% EHP advantage over the Wyvern in an actual fleet fight where they need to jump to engage.

Frankly, that is pretty absurd.

Solution #1: Fix shield hit points to be measured as a negative number, just like armor and structure hit points are measured. This will require re-working of all the code that touches shield hit points (like the shield regen formula) but is the overall best way.

Solution #2: Change fleet bonuses so that they are only removed or un-applied if they are not present for 5 minutes or more. This would allow shield-tanked supercapitals the ability to get their shields repaired to full and then jump without losing their fleet bonuses if they all jump within a reasonably short time. This solution is not ideal, but it is workable and fixes most of this problem.

Either way, this is an absolutely fundamental issue that needs to be addressed or shield-tanking supercapitals will NEVER be competitive with armor tankers -- it isn't even close.

Edit: Wyvern numbers fixed for better fitting and Slave set complaint removed.
Cameron Freerunner
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#122 - 2011-10-17 14:19:38 UTC
I recently bought a Nid, but I've never flown it in combat. I'm not familiar with the more particular issues some of you bring up. However, I found myself wondering if there were changes that could be made that weren't strictly focused on shields or weapons.

I always thought of the Minmatar capitals in relation to the Thukker nomads wandering about and never docking. Is there any value to buffing things like its cargohold/ship fit bay/corp bay/fuel bay? I liked one of the posters ideas to make it take less cap to jump. Perhaps also a faster cap regen time? A little extra jump distance? More agility or speed to fit the typical Minnie bonuses?
Goonswarm Federation
#123 - 2011-10-17 15:10:50 UTC
Cameron Freerunner wrote:
I recently bought a Nid, but I've never flown it in combat. I'm not familiar with the more particular issues some of you bring up. However, I found myself wondering if there were changes that could be made that weren't strictly focused on shields or weapons.

I always thought of the Minmatar capitals in relation to the Thukker nomads wandering about and never docking. Is there any value to buffing things like its cargohold/ship fit bay/corp bay/fuel bay? I liked one of the posters ideas to make it take less cap to jump. Perhaps also a faster cap regen time? A little extra jump distance? More agility or speed to fit the typical Minnie bonuses?

This is already true for the Nomad jump freighter actually, it takes the least fuel (and the least fuel-per-cubic-meter) to jump, and regens cap so fast that it can jump again before your session timer expires if you have good skills.
Goonswarm Federation
#124 - 2011-10-17 16:25:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Kazanir
Now for a very Minmatar-specific problem: The Hel's racial ship skill bonus, which is 5% remote armor/shield repairer effectiveness, mimicing the Nidhoggur.

This is a terrible bonus, and basically a vestigial feature of the pre-Dominion era, when supercarriers were motherships that could fit triage modules. It was never fixed, and it is completely subpar compared to the other supercarrier racial bonuses:

Aeon: Armor resists
Wyvern: Shield resists
Nyx: Fighter / fighterbomber damage

All of those bonuses directly affect a supercarrier's current and future role -- anticapital DPS machines and hard-to-kill capital & titan support vessels. While in theory repping is part of a supercarrier's primary role (especially in a brawl with other capitals and supercapitals) in practice the Hel's bonus is so small that it makes it irrelevant compared to the tens of millions of HP gained by the Wyvern and Aeon, or to the +25% damage the Nyx receives. The strength of reps is found in their numbers, and the Hel's bonus just isn't enough to make a difference.

Solution: The Hel's bonus needs to either be completely changed, or majorly upgraded, to make it competitive with the other supercarrier bonuses.

Here are a few ideas that we have thrown around:

1. Make the Hel the only supercarrier capable of fitting a triage module. (This would probably require a boost to its cap regen stats.) This would make the Hel the only supercarrier able to change roles from DPS machine to essentially an impervious spacepriest.

2. Similar to the above, make the Hel's bonus simply much better, such as a 10%/level bonus to shield transporter and remote armor rep effectiveness and cycle time. This would make the bonus an "always-on" kind of partial triage mode.

3. Do something else related to remote rep effectiveness, such as making the Hel's shield transporters and remote armor reps apply a small resist bonus or signature radius bonus to the ship it is repairing. This would be a lot of new code, but might be possible.

4. Change the Hel's bonus to something completely different. The problem here is that it is hard to find another bonus that relates to a supercarrier's role without simply mimicing the Nyx, and that CCP probably wants something that is in-line with the Minmatar capital line in terms of flavor.

5. Nerf all the other supercarrier bonuses intensely. Something like changing the Aeon/Wyvern bonuses to 1.5% resists per level and the Nyx bonus to 2% fighter/fighterbomber damage per level might be enough to make the Hel's 5%/level repping power competitive.

Personally I favor one of the first two ideas, since it would make the Hel truly unique on the battlefield and introduce real choices about which supercarriers to target first -- the Nyx who is dealing the most damage, or the Hel who is a real remote repping machine compared to his friends.

Whatever choice is made though, the bottom line is that the Hel's current bonus is a relic of a bygone age and needs major attention.

Edit: Fixed punctuation.
#125 - 2011-10-17 16:55:33 UTC
I mentioned this earlier, but what about this...
Nidhoggur: 7.5% bonus to local and remote armor and shield repair modules per level.
Hel: 7.5% bonus to remote armor shield shield repair modules per level, 7.5% bonus to shield hit points per level.
Ragel Tropxe
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#126 - 2011-10-17 19:27:46 UTC
Id also like to add that if you make any changes to the general tanking type of any of the ships, please make arrangements for mods to be swapped =)

In previous "balance" passes I've swapped my Shield tanked Nidhoggur to an armour tanked one, and my armour tanked Naglfar to a shield tanked one.

How about cutting us some slack on this one guys?
Goonswarm Federation
#127 - 2011-10-17 19:39:01 UTC
Ragel Tropxe wrote:
Id also like to add that if you make any changes to the general tanking type of any of the ships, please make arrangements for mods to be swapped =)

In previous "balance" passes I've swapped my Shield tanked Nidhoggur to an armour tanked one, and my armour tanked Naglfar to a shield tanked one.

How about cutting us some slack on this one guys?

When I made my post about the Nid I didn't remember that it had already been "swapped" from a really bad shield tanker to a moderately effective armor tanker. There probably isn't a reason to change it back under the circumstances, but it could use a little more armor hit points to bring it more in line with the Archon and Thanatos instead of having exactly equal shield and armor HP.
Ragel Tropxe
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#128 - 2011-10-17 20:50:30 UTC
I agree it should be changed back to a shield tanked ship, if they do that (and I hope so), I would rather they make a decent shield tanked ship.

tbh the Nid wasn't that bad even with the shield tank it used to have, the critical thing, as usual with shield ships, was the appallingly tight fitting requirements of the remote shield transporters

again - if they do this please throw us a bone and get concord to trade in cap armour reps for shield reppers (or some such arrangement)
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#129 - 2011-10-17 20:56:19 UTC
Nidhoggur needs to be shield-tanked to maintain balance in carrier tanking styles - two armour, two shield. Moving the medslot to a lowslot was a really stupid idea at the time and has, along with the other obvious problems, helped engrain the dominance of armour at the capital level, reducing the value of the Chimera in particular. With six medslots and no resist bonus it still won't be very good at tanking, so moving two lowslots to medslots would probably be necessary, really. And several million more CPU, ofc.

I'm a bit wary of getting rid of the missiles on the Naglfar. It restricts missiles to the Phoenix, making it even less attractive. It's a case of helping one ship to the unintentional, and unneeded, detriment of another.
Goonswarm Federation
#130 - 2011-10-17 21:12:36 UTC
Gypsio III wrote:
I'm a bit wary of getting rid of the missiles on the Naglfar. It restricts missiles to the Phoenix, making it even less attractive. It's a case of helping one ship to the unintentional, and unneeded, detriment of another.

Note that my post specifically doesn't say this. Keeping 2 launcher hardpoints on the Naglfar is fine and hurts nothing. If people want to fit a capital Typhoon-style, and have the skills for it, then let them.

But you shouldn't be forced to train both to fly such a key ship in the Minmatar line; it is a severe penalty to any pilot who trains Minmatar Battleship V which has no justification outside of lore (and the new art that would be required for a 3rd turret on the Naglfar.)
David Carel
SWAT Team Sales Consultants
#131 - 2011-10-17 22:05:13 UTC
Aamrr wrote:
On the subject of meta-13 invulns, it is worth pointing out that a faction invuln gives a 37.5% resistance bonus. Even with all-5 compensation skills, you only get 35.4% from an a-type EANM. I know that one is active and one is passive, but...on a capital, the capacitor draw from a hardener isn't exactly the dominant factor in your capacitor consumption. The only real factor here is whether you can turn it off with energy neutralizers.

Just food for thought.

It very much matters when you're neuted to 0 cap by 200 hurricanes.
#132 - 2011-10-17 22:15:24 UTC
Sure it does. Which is why I mentioned it. But it doesn't change the fact that invulns are inherently more potent than EANMs.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#133 - 2011-10-17 22:17:11 UTC
I believe that the Hel and Wyvern have no access to a shield based slave set is because of the CN PDU.

Maybe CCP can introduce some deadspace PDUs that give a bigger increase to shield amount, rather than a shield based slave set? Fit a few of them, a couple of good CPRs, and a better remote repping bonus, and the Hel may be fixed

Australian Fanfest Event

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#134 - 2011-10-17 22:18:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Headerman
Aamrr wrote:
Sure it does. Which is why I mentioned it. But it doesn't change the fact that invulns are inherently more potent than EANMs.

Don't forget that Armour inherently is more resistant to damage than shields are.

On the other hand, a shield hardener has the advantage of being able to overheat. Does overheating happen on a super carrier much though?

Also, a Hel with a typical CN PDU, T2 extenders and 6 resists (x type hardeners and 2 CN Invulns, has 2,861,000 shield HP, and 22m EHP before boosting.

With a Levi and Tengu boosting, the Hels shields increase to 3,934,000, and it's EHP jumps to 32.7m. If i was flying a Hel, there is no way i would ever hot drop into a situation where i would lose 1/3 of my defence simply because of a session change. The total shield amount needs to be applied instantly, ala Armour.

Australian Fanfest Event

Goonswarm Federation
#135 - 2011-10-17 22:41:15 UTC
Aamrr wrote:
Sure it does. Which is why I mentioned it. But it doesn't change the fact that invulns are inherently more potent than EANMs.

The Slave set is essentially what fixes this. But with most shield-tankers limited to Meta 9 invulns right now, instead of Meta 13, there is a vast imbalance between the two. Look at the math I'm doing and you'll see that with the fixes I'm proposing, the combination of "better invulns" plus the Slave set puts the Aeon/Wyvern and Hel/Nyx on extremely even footing. This is how EANMs and Invulns should be balanced against each other, and would be with these proposed fixes.

The point about overheating is a good one, and shield-tankers do have an advantage in that case, but even with max skills you can only overheat a single invuln for about 10 minutes, and overheating your whole rack burns you out in 1.5 minutes. The single invuln overheating does add around 13% EHP (Wyvern example here) for the duration of your overheat, but your tank (i.e. your invulns) can be neuted off well before that period expires, especially against a fleet designed to kill supercaps.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#136 - 2011-10-17 23:04:04 UTC
I do like the idea of a Meta 13 deadspace invuln. Combined with a touch more shield added to the Hel, they may free up 1 or 2 low slots for some decent CPR modules, and add in a better RR bonus as well as the ships 4k + natural regen, they could be an effective spider tanker.

personally though, i don't want a spider tanking SC. I want a Hel that out damages its opponent.

Australian Fanfest Event

Kazia Fey
Caldari State
#137 - 2011-10-17 23:53:02 UTC
This whole Officer Invul vs A-Type EANM argument is a bit insane.

We want Titans and Moms to be more expensive, not less.

Reduce the availability of the A-Type EANM's instead of making a A-Type invuln.
Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#138 - 2011-10-18 00:05:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Gypsio III
Kazanir wrote:
Gypsio III wrote:
I'm a bit wary of getting rid of the missiles on the Naglfar. It restricts missiles to the Phoenix, making it even less attractive. It's a case of helping one ship to the unintentional, and unneeded, detriment of another.

Note that my post specifically doesn't say this. Keeping 2 launcher hardpoints on the Naglfar is fine and hurts nothing. If people want to fit a capital Typhoon-style, and have the skills for it, then let them.

But you shouldn't be forced to train both to fly such a key ship in the Minmatar line; it is a severe penalty to any pilot who trains Minmatar Battleship V which has no justification outside of lore (and the new art that would be required for a 3rd turret on the Naglfar.)

I don't understand. You say that the Naglfar should be able to fit a full rack of turrets, but if it could, then that's exactly what everyone would fit. As you say, why would anyone bother training up the capital missiles when they didn't need to, and why would they fit the capital missiles when not only are they undesirable in large fleets, but also result in inefficient use of damage mods? If the Naglfar could fit a full rack of turrets, nobody would ever use missiles on it ever again.

There is no Typhoon choice here, there is simply a change that restricts capital missiles to the Phoenix, and hence makes Phoenix pilots get told to fly a turret dreadnought to simplify fleet coordination. By trying to help one dreadnought, you make another useless and hated. Not clever.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#139 - 2011-10-18 00:10:32 UTC
One big advantage the phoenix does have though (and the Nag as well) is that Citadel Torps get 50km range, easily enough to hit a POS, at it's full DPS.

Fit up any other dread to deal it's top damage at 40km or so (an average distance to bash a POS) and you will be having serious issues. Swap out to medium range ammo and you will be hitting for similar DPS as a Phoenix does.

The only places that is valid though is a POS bash, killing Outposts, TCUs, SBUs, I-Hubs etc and you can close in pretty well and hit hard.

Australian Fanfest Event

CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#140 - 2011-10-18 15:34:38 UTC
Off topic posts removed.

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer