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Cloaking Revisited- game balancing- AFK cloakers

Mary Annabelle
Moonlit Bonsai
#61 - 2012-10-09 15:37:05 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Since it is possible to fight back, and has been repeatedly shown in game as such, your request to handicap cloaked vessels suggests a lack of desire to do so.
Not a lack of ability.

Stating the obvious for the WIN!
Beach Boys
The Minions.
#62 - 2012-10-09 15:48:35 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:
(afk) cloakers are needed for various reasons and thats fine.
suck it up and deal with it. if you cant its your problem but not of game mechanics.
afk cloaking is fine.

and now stop posting in this sh*tty thread, everything has been said millions of times,
if you are interested, check those old countless threads. There is no need for another rant thread like this.

Well as i seen all old threads were closed case of flame not because of lack of argument.
And if you dont want to post in this threat why even come here at first place. And post too :P

As for the discusion at hand, all im saying there should be same rules for everyone in nullsec,
and now obviously one group of people is untouchable, even tho nullsec should bring some risk for everyone.
And if someone could telll me what the ccp have to tell about this i would be really gratefull as i could not find
anything about this.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#63 - 2012-10-09 15:59:21 UTC
maciek9 wrote:
As for the discusion at hand, all im saying there should be same rules for everyone in nullsec,
and now obviously one group of people is untouchable, even tho nullsec should bring some risk for everyone.
And if someone could telll me what the ccp have to tell about this i would be really gratefull as i could not find
anything about this.

That is my point.

This discussion has gone on for years.

CCP, by not reacting, has in fact endorsed things to remain as is.

You should understand, you cannot change one side of this equation alone. For balance, you need to change the factors that descended from those details as well.

Do you really believe cloaked vessels are designed to not be hunted?
Unlikely, but it would break the game unless local intel was balanced to compensate.
Then they would need to address cyno usage, since it devolved from local used as intel.
At some point, wormholes would be changed so drastically, that it would require redesign from the concept level.

Nothing is as simple as it seems.

Be glad tactics and strategies exist to counter cloaking. Use them.
Beach Boys
The Minions.
#64 - 2012-10-09 16:40:13 UTC
Hmm i can understand what you are saying, but can't agree. Maybe i just dont know enough about this mechanics...
But since you cross gate to acces a system you are visible in local, cant argue with that. Don't know much about WH,
but since you cross thru portal and not gate, cloak should negate your apperance in WH space in Local.
However no technology to counter cloak is just not logical and promotes efortless activieties in null.
How is that mining, rat etc. in hi-sec is more dangerous than cloaked-intel, or some other cloak activieties in null ?

About the CCP not reacting... Well we all know that for CCP to addres some flaws in eve it takes a lot of effort from players :P
I think they avoiding some threads is just matter of "OMG more codding" issue.

I still think there needs to be posibility to counter cloak, noone says that an easy one but just a posibility.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#65 - 2012-10-09 16:51:00 UTC
maciek9 wrote:
Hmm i can understand what you are saying, but can't agree. Maybe i just dont know enough about this mechanics...
But since you cross gate to acces a system you are visible in local, cant argue with that. Don't know much about WH,
but since you cross thru portal and not gate, cloak should negate your apperance in WH space in Local.
However no technology to counter cloak is just not logical and promotes efortless activieties in null.
How is that mining, rat etc. in hi-sec is more dangerous than cloaked-intel, or some other cloak activieties in null ?

About the CCP not reacting... Well we all know that for CCP to addres some flaws in eve it takes a lot of effort from players :P
I think they avoiding some threads is just matter of "OMG more codding" issue.

I still think there needs to be posibility to counter cloak, noone says that an easy one but just a posibility.

Consider this post, it might help.

I do in fact support cloaks being hunted, but only under conditions where balance is respected.
You can't add more ability to hunt cloaked vessels without balancing it.
Bunnie Slayers
#66 - 2012-10-09 20:17:20 UTC
Robert Caldera wrote:
There is no need for another rant thread like this.

There is ! :)

Atm its the only weapon we have that can target afk cloakers.. ranting!

And I am as stated I before; all for removing local or something similar.

The problem with afk cloakers is that they are afk, I have no problem whatsoever with active cloakers.
I'll admit to half baked ideas and unintentionally hitting active cloakers as well- but this thread was created in a creative spirit "with tea and pinkes" and all that.

There should be some way for a dedicated player with the right skill to track down a 5 day toon with a noob cloak spweing intel all over his red buddies for weeks. And he should take a serious risk leaving his character in space for 8 hours or more unattended.

Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#67 - 2012-10-09 20:23:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Asuka Solo
I see some points from respected peeps in here that I agree and disagree with.

I will just say this. For passers by, cov ops cloaking should be an i-win tool... provided you know how to play Eve and not get caught..

But for afk cloakers.... cloaking should be a curse that results in death by afk or sitting still like a dumbass waiting to get shot in something shiney....

Provide ways to detect & target prolonged cloaking or something.....modules.... or drawbacks beyond this ***** speed nerf.... probes going all Spock and Bones doing surgery on a torpedo etc etc..

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#68 - 2012-10-09 20:37:47 UTC
The meta gaming bunch are the only ones happy with the current situation.

I love cloaking. I also am heavily invested in mining, to the point I rarely do anything outside of mining.
(I am not set up to ghost systems for hours on end, I don't want to play cloaked that way)
(Yes, this means I don't do a lot cloaked as a result. Thank goodness I cross trained in Logi or I would never see any PvP)

The current situation, as many understand, involves local blocking any fast or slow cloaked ship from doing anything.
Local says hostile present, and everyone poofs like roaches when the lights turn on, to use a metaphor.

This totally betrays cloaking's primary function, of stealth and secrecy.
Seriously? max out skills, buy the special ship, the modules, prepare it all...

... and get busted by a chat channel the moment you enter a system.

But on the plus side, noone can find you, ever, unless you let them or screw up.

I don't care if they can hunt me cloaked, so long as I can hunt them.
I can't hunt them so long as local keeps blabbing my SB is in system.

Most of you aren't null bears, you want the fight to happen.
But Local has to quit messing it up before you get to find and shoot at the cloakers too.
Beach Boys
The Minions.
#69 - 2012-10-09 21:30:01 UTC
Hmm so one of things I thought of was to make possible to scan the cloakers with some time and effort and add another ship
to game which could lets say hack the gate it's passing so that it wont log his presence in system, but be pure scout ship
without any combad abilities only with cloak and ability to roam unnoticed. You could see the visuall effects on the gate still
if you near tho.

Because just removing Local chat log for cloakers and adding timeconsuming way to scan them its just buffing
something that has no counter.

That would make more sense i think than just invisibility hat without any countermeasures.

What do you think about this guys ?
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#70 - 2012-10-09 22:06:39 UTC
There are many threads detailing pretty decent ideas about how to search / hunt for cloaked ships.

The realistic ones accept that it is reasonable only when local no longer reports the presence of cloaked vessels.

If you are curious, this one is evolved from my idea:

The gate hacking idea has also appeared before, more than once, along with system upgrades with several variations.
Imigo Montoya
Triglavian Outlaws and Sobornost Troika
#71 - 2012-10-10 00:28:23 UTC
Anybody who thinks that travelling through nullsec with a cloak fitted has no risk involved clearly has very limited experience travelling through nullsec with a cloak fitted.
Rotten Legion
#72 - 2012-10-10 00:55:19 UTC

Is this thread still going? Do us a favour and look up the old ones, everything you anti-cloakers are saying has been covered literally hundreds of times in previous threads. Do some god damn reading. I am done baby sitting you lot and slowly and patiently explaining why the hundreds of terrible ideas you people come up with are crap.

I just don't get it. What is so wrong with you people that your so damn scared of 1 person in a system? If someone is there and you want to run anomalies, move next door. Is that really that scary?

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Bunnie Slayers
#73 - 2012-10-10 07:23:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Panchatantra
Arduemont wrote:

Is this thread still going? Do us a favour and look up the old ones, everything you anti-cloakers are saying has been covered literally hundreds of times in previous threads.

So has what you say :) .. and in many many threads on various topics.
I did look up the old ones, I was not happy with what I found, there is still way more ranting to be done here!

Arduemont wrote:
I am done baby sitting you lot and slowly and patiently explaining why the hundreds of terrible ideas you people come up with are crap.

Empty pompous troll-bull.

Arduemont wrote:
I just don't get it. What is so wrong with you people that your so damn scared of 1 person in a system? If someone is there and you want to run anomalies, move next door. Is that really that scary?

Scared? Meh? Sometimes moving next door is not an option, especially when renting.
There should be a way to countering cloakies- even if its redonkeyusly hard, takes hours and 100m sp. Or at least put the cloak on a 20h manual CD- cus I'll be spamming combat probes until then
Bunnie Slayers
#74 - 2012-10-10 07:35:01 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
maciek9 wrote:
As for the discusion at hand, all im saying there should be same rules for everyone in nullsec,
and now obviously one group of people is untouchable, even tho nullsec should bring some risk for everyone.
And if someone could telll me what the ccp have to tell about this i would be really gratefull as i could not find
anything about this.

That is my point.

This discussion has gone on for years.

CCP, by not reacting, has in fact endorsed things to remain as is.

You should understand, you cannot change one side of this equation alone. For balance, you need to change the factors that descended from those details as well.

Do you really believe cloaked vessels are designed to not be hunted?
Unlikely, but it would break the game unless local intel was balanced to compensate.
Then they would need to address cyno usage, since it devolved from local used as intel.
At some point, wormholes would be changed so drastically, that it would require redesign from the concept level.

Nothing is as simple as it seems.

Be glad tactics and strategies exist to counter cloaking. Use them.

I am very glad you joined this discussion
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#75 - 2012-10-10 08:49:06 UTC
maciek9 wrote:
Well as i seen all old threads were closed case of flame not because of lack of argument.

yet, yours have been discussed there and answered so no need to reiterate over and over again. Go read there.
these threads are flamed down for a good reason btw.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#76 - 2012-10-10 08:56:25 UTC
Posting in yet another nerf afk cloaking thread.

Or, as the good reverend used to say, "Why, we are here today we will never know. But one thing I do know, is that afk cloaking will emerge victorious, once again."


Issaku Tanaka
Galaxy Eaters
#77 - 2012-10-10 09:57:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Issaku Tanaka
Has anyone considered making cloaks escalate in cap cost as you stay cloaked?

I got this idea particularly from Mass Effect: to achieve 'stealth' in space, they're actually keeping in all signals inside the ship, keeping it from radiating out. Sure, they can go stealthy, but eventually they have to come up for air, so to speak, because otherwise they'd roast the crew.

Now, to bring this across to Cloaks, you'd have to make it a small, perhaps even tiny escalation in the capacitor cost for keeping your cloak running. So each cycle adds something like 0.1 GJ to the cost of running the cloak per cycle, and eventually - if you stay cloaked too long - you get Aura whispering in your ear: the capacitor is empty...

This could be anywhere in length-of-time, depending on how CCP wants to balance it. Maybe have cloakies stay cloaked for about half an hour or an hour. Perhaps even six or more.. Might even be longer than that, but the point is that eventually you'd have to decloak. For someone at the keyboard, this is simple to overcome; just tap that cloaking device again and you're good, since your cloak resets to a 0 modifier to the activation cost as soon as you decloak (and vent all the heat that you've been holding), and you'd be sweet until the next time the buildup hits a critical level.

Using Cap Rechargers, Batteries and what-have-you will let you run your cloak for longer, of course, for the obvious drawback of not having another module that would otherwise be in that mid/low slot.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#78 - 2012-10-10 10:43:07 UTC
Lets not fix something thats not broken. Whats the point of a cloak, if when cloaked everyone knows your in system and waiting. Yes AFK cloaking sucks, but guess what. If there was no AFK Cloakers then normal cloaking ships would never get a target (save WH) because you would just dock up. Cloaked ships don't do well against other combat ships unless they get the drop. Its hard to get a drop if someone knows your actively stalking them.

Born Amarrian Raised Minmatar.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#79 - 2012-10-10 11:18:46 UTC
Imigo Montoya wrote:
Anybody who thinks that travelling through nullsec with a cloak fitted has no risk involved clearly has very limited experience travelling through nullsec with a cloak fitted.

Jint Hikaru
OffWorld Exploration Inc
#80 - 2012-10-10 11:26:20 UTC
Issaku Tanaka wrote:
Has anyone considered making cloaks escalate in cap cost as you stay cloaked?

I got this idea particularly from Mass Effect: to achieve 'stealth' in space, they're actually keeping in all signals inside the ship, keeping it from radiating out. Sure, they can go stealthy, but eventually they have to come up for air, so to speak, because otherwise they'd roast the crew.

Now, to bring this across to Cloaks, you'd have to make it a small, perhaps even tiny escalation in the capacitor cost for keeping your cloak running. So each cycle adds something like 0.1 GJ to the cost of running the cloak per cycle, and eventually - if you stay cloaked too long - you get Aura whispering in your ear: the capacitor is empty...

This could be anywhere in length-of-time, depending on how CCP wants to balance it. Maybe have cloakies stay cloaked for about half an hour or an hour. Perhaps even six or more.. Might even be longer than that, but the point is that eventually you'd have to decloak. For someone at the keyboard, this is simple to overcome; just tap that cloaking device again and you're good, since your cloak resets to a 0 modifier to the activation cost as soon as you decloak (and vent all the heat that you've been holding), and you'd be sweet until the next time the buildup hits a critical level.

Using Cap Rechargers, Batteries and what-have-you will let you run your cloak for longer, of course, for the obvious drawback of not having another module that would otherwise be in that mid/low slot.

Are you sure you are talking about AFK cloaking?

because it looks to me that you are trying to nerf all cloaking, especially those 'Active' ones who need cap to also warp etc.

Jint Hikaru - Miner / Salvager / Explorer / SpaceBum In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.