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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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This game is great. Scammed before I even subscribed!

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1 - 2011-10-17 17:31:20 UTC
Didn't know much about the buddy-invite system and was approached by someone offering a 21-day trial plus one-hundred's of millions, in ISK. Thought what an ace-deal. I was going to sub any but this way I could start-off with a noice pile-of-loot.
Made 21-day trial, subbed within minutes, sent email to this random-goof. Never heard from him since. Hopefully, at least CCP will remove the reward from the this...person. Why should he benefit from my RL-$ using trial-accounts to hide his identity? Ugh

Question is. This sub is good until the New-Year but the toon is only a couple of weeks old. Would it be better (for me Blink ) to send a buddy-invite to myself, get the plex for this toon and prolly just transfer everything over to a new-account. I'd keep both accounts but the thought of paying for two but only being able to one at a time isn't cuttin-it Smile

Done before? Allowable ("rewarding myself")?
Blatant Alt Corp
#2 - 2011-10-17 17:40:25 UTC
I'm not sure that I understand what you're asking, but I'll try and answer:

If you are trying to have 2 separate accounts that you can play at the same time, with two skill queues running at the same time, then yes - send yourself a buddy invite and make a second account that way. You'll receive a free PLEX for money you were going to spend anyways.

If you just want to get a PLEX, it is easier and cheaper to just purchase one for your current account. There's no reason to transfer to a second account if you're not going to pay for and use two accounts at the same time.

Hope this answers your question, fly safe.
XS Tech
#3 - 2011-10-17 18:06:01 UTC
yes, it's allowable ... but it's pretty, well, daft.

yeah, the other guy lied about the ISK (CCP *MIGHT* be a bit touchy about this, since this affects account subscriptions ... but for the most part, anything goes with scamming).

Your best bet at this point in time is just play through the new toon and don't bother with the buddy invite to yourself until you have a need for an alt (it'll happen sooner or later). you've now got about 51 days of playtime before you have to pay again, so go have fun.

if you REALLY want a few hundred million ISK (and $35 isn't "too much") go buy a GTC from shattered crystal or battleclinic, convert to 2x PLEX, and sell said plex for ~350 million each or so.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Arctic Light Inc.
Arctic Light
#4 - 2011-10-17 18:55:51 UTC
Scamming with invitation PLEX is definitely not allowed as it directly influences subscription numbers.

I suggest you contact you friendly GM about the issue.
Tenebrae Delucescere
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2011-10-17 19:37:39 UTC
Baneken wrote:
Scamming with invitation PLEX is definitely not allowed as it directly influences subscription numbers.

I suggest you contact you friendly GM about the issue.

Confirming this. There have been a couple attempts of late to scam people using buddy invites, and the GMs have stepped in to enforce the rules. Petition a GM, and they will get your payment.
warsong nerds
Mars Industrial
#6 - 2011-10-17 19:43:48 UTC
hey mate...
.... Welcome to Eve


Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#7 - 2011-10-17 20:21:32 UTC
Tenebrae Delucescere wrote:
Baneken wrote:
Scamming with invitation PLEX is definitely not allowed as it directly influences subscription numbers.

I suggest you contact you friendly GM about the issue.

Confirming this. There have been a couple attempts of late to scam people using buddy invites, and the GMs have stepped in to enforce the rules. Petition a GM, and they will get your payment.

He's been reported. The email he used was prolly a fake/for trial.
Yeah, after reading about the of just converting time codes or buying plex-direct, the invite-myself idea isn't what I want, atm.

Quick question about the Commissioned Officer Edition. Would "that" be worth starting a new-account for?


New Account Key

30 Days Paid Game- Time Subscription

Cerebral Accelerator - Military-grade implant that significantly increases a new pilot’s skill development. While they are a very strong boost to nearly all abilities, these bonuses are temporary and are only effective for the first 30 days of a pilot’s life as they get up to speed in the universe.

Could this be used with a buddy-invite?

Thanks for the welcome. Been mulling aboot teh door, for a while and decided to step-on through Cool
XS Tech
#8 - 2011-10-17 20:27:34 UTC
Tenebrae Delucescere wrote:
Baneken wrote:
Scamming with invitation PLEX is definitely not allowed as it directly influences subscription numbers.

I suggest you contact you friendly GM about the issue.

Confirming this. There have been a couple attempts of late to scam people using buddy invites, and the GMs have stepped in to enforce the rules. Petition a GM, and they will get your payment.

He's been reported. The email he used was prolly a fake/for trial.
Yeah, after reading about the of just converting time codes or buying plex-direct, the invite-myself idea isn't what I want, atm.

Quick question about the Commissioned Officer Edition. Would "that" be worth starting a new-account for?


New Account Key

30 Days Paid Game- Time Subscription

Cerebral Accelerator - Military-grade implant that significantly increases a new pilot’s skill development. While they are a very strong boost to nearly all abilities, these bonuses are temporary and are only effective for the first 30 days of a pilot’s life as they get up to speed in the universe.

Could this be used with a buddy-invite?

Thanks for the welcome. Been mulling aboot teh door, for a while and decided to step-on through Cool


One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Tenebrae Delucescere
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2011-10-18 13:27:10 UTC
The Officer edition cannot be used with a buddy invite. As far as taking a buddy invite, or opting for the Accelerator, both options have advantages and disadvantages.

If you take the Accelerator, you get an automatic +3 to all stats to help learning times, as well as a +25% damage and rate of fire bonus. For the first 35 days, this speeds up skill training, as well as making PvE combat missions a breeze. The downside is that after the 35 days, the bonuses are gone. This means your training times come down, obviously, but it can also mean that if you've learned to rely on your boosted combat stats, you may see some ship losses in the near future when the boosts are gone and you damage output drops.

If you take a buddy invite, most players will pay out around 300 million ISK. Some will simply contract you the Plex which is currently selling for around 415 million ISK. If you go this route, you can afford a full set of permanent +3 implants, or possibly a combination of +3s and +4s. The advantage of this route is that you can, in some areas, get even faster training times than with the accelerator (wherever you plugged in 4s), and those bonuses are permanent (as long as you don't get podded). The disadvantages are that you lose out on the damage bonus from the accelerator, and that having that much money in your pocket can lead you to be unconcerned with ship losses, or to buy and lose ships you aren't ready to fly.

Ultimately, the "best" option is to do both. Get some cash for permanent implants, and tack the accelerator on top of those. You'll get +6 or +7 stats for 35 days, making those initial skill hurdles easier to overcome. This takes two accounts, obviously, but most people in EVE run multiple accounts. I started out intent on just one account. I just activated my third. The important thing is to decide what you want an alt for before you just activate another account. I have my mission character, as well as a science and industry character, for example. In either case, don't let the bonuses to the new character experience spoil you. EVE is a harsh place, and requires learning, diligence, and toughening up. Don't rely on any crutches, they will cripple you in the long run. If you have 400 million ISK in your wallet, remember you are broke and can't afford to lose your ship. Learn about your encouters before you charge in, guns blazing, letting boosted damage plow you a path.

Also, if you do find someone who will just contract you a Plex, be careful how you go about claiming it. Ask them to redeem the Plex in a major trade hub (Jita, Rens, Dodixie) and contract it to you there. If they contract it to you in some random station and you try to cart it to a trade hub in a noob ship, you will get suicided and go home with nothing. =) Welcome to EVE!
#10 - 2011-10-18 16:28:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Farrina
The funny thing is you I paid you already.

Next time maybe give the person a chance to come online before you throw a cryfit and rage on the forums and make petitions?

Or maybe check your wallet to see that the balance was in fact deposited?

Or perhaps follow their instructions regarding sending them an e-mail to the designated address immediately following your subscription?

You could have done any number of things to prevent yourself from looking like an ass.

But pleasure doing business with you.
Tir Capital Management Group
#11 - 2011-10-18 17:12:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Bloodpetal
Didn't know much about the buddy-invite system and was approached by someone offering a 21-day trial plus one-hundred's of millions, in ISK. Thought what an ace-deal. I was going to sub any but this way I could start-off with a noice pile-of-loot.
Made 21-day trial, subbed within minutes, sent email to this random-goof. Never heard from him since. Hopefully, at least CCP will remove the reward from the this...person. Why should he benefit from my RL-$ using trial-accounts to hide his identity? Ugh

Question is. This sub is good until the New-Year but the toon is only a couple of weeks old. Would it be better (for me Blink ) to send a buddy-invite to myself, get the plex for this toon and prolly just transfer everything over to a new-account. I'd keep both accounts but the thought of paying for two but only being able to one at a time isn't cuttin-it Smile

Done before? Allowable ("rewarding myself")?

No, this isn't allowed. Anything that interferes with new player subscriptions is a petitionable offense.

I can find you more links on this if you want, but trust me. However, if your Buddy Invitee did pay you, then you're the one being the trolling offending griefer.

The funny thing is you I paid you already.

Next time maybe give the person a chance to come online before you throw a cryfit and rage on the forums and make petitions?

Or maybe check your wallet to see that the balance was in fact deposited?

Or perhaps follow their instructions regarding sending them an e-mail to the designated address immediately following your subscription?

You could have done any number of things to prevent yourself from looking like an ass.

But pleasure doing business with you.

Welcome to EVE, you'll fit right in.Lol

Where I am.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#12 - 2011-10-18 18:01:03 UTC
Farrina wrote:
The funny thing is you I paid you already.

Next time maybe give the person a chance to come online before you throw a cryfit and rage on the forums and make petitions?

Or maybe check your wallet to see that the balance was in fact deposited?

Or perhaps follow their instructions regarding sending them an e-mail to the designated address immediately following your subscription?

You could have done any number of things to prevent yourself from looking like an ass.

But pleasure doing business with you.

You paid me? Why thanks for the $170'ish million...but I make no apologies. I sent you confirmation from the trial account, from the subbed account and an extra mail about how I figured you were a scammer. Perhaps if you offered the deal from your main instead of using trial-accounts (for what-reason, other than to hide you identity? Roll) the mails would've been seen the same day.
Only after I published your trial-toons name on these forums did you make-right, your promises.

Perhaps dealing with your promises, in a professional manner would prevent these "cryfits, forum-rage and petetions". Perhaps Straight
#13 - 2011-10-18 18:16:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Farrina
You paid me? Why thanks for the $170'ish million...but I make no apologies. I sent you confirmation from the trial account, from the subbed account and an extra mail about how I figured you were a scammer.

The instructions were to send me an e-mail after you subscribed telling me your new character name. I am looking at the e-mail address I provided you, and there is no mail from you.

Perhaps if you offered the deal from your main instead of using trial-accounts (for what-reason, other than to hide you identity? Roll) the mails would've been seen the same day.

I could just as easily do these transactions from my main... but then I would risk having my reputation tarnished by fools. This thread is a good example of that.

Only after I published your trial-toons name on these forums did you make-right, your promises.

Three things:
1) Trail accounts cannot send Buddy Invites.
2) You didn't actually publish any of my character names in this thread. And even if you did, if it was a disposable trial account, why would I care?
3) Perhaps if you'd followed my instructions, you wouldn't have had to make a thread in the first place, no?

Perhaps dealing with your promises, in a professional manner would prevent these "cryfits, forum-rage and petetions". Perhaps Straight

"These"? So far you're the only one who's had a problem. Something to think about.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#14 - 2011-10-18 18:38:46 UTC
You're fooling yourself. The only contact I have was your trial-toon. I know the buddy-invite came from your main but I did not know your main's-name to mail-direct. I mailed your trial-toon, repeatly.

Re: 21day trial
From: Subesebe
Sent: 2011.10.08 20:32

Excellent. LEt me know as soon as you've subscribed.

21day trial
Sent: 2011.10.08 20:22
To: Subesebe,

hey, thanks again. email used was x@y.z

This is the only reply I've gotten from you. I sent it from my subbed account..duh! P plus, check the date..

Anyway. Thanks for slandering me because you lack the skills to manage mails for two accounts Roll But you made things right! and I thank you for that. It was the lack of communication that found us on opposite sides of the road What?
Paid 170ish million ISK + 1500 AUR.
#15 - 2011-10-18 18:51:21 UTC
Thanks for slandering you? Such a victim! This game is going to eat you alive and spit out your bones.

Look broski, I told you to e-mail me, not message me in game. You didn't e-mail me, and it was only days later when I was looking through my account manager that I was able to trace everything back to you and send payment.

The fault lies with you, and if you plan to make it very far in EVE, you're going to have to be willing to let go of that ego of yours and admit when you're wrong.


DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2011-10-19 15:00:09 UTC
Hmmm, sounds like someone got contacted by CCP and decided to make good on their promise and is now trying to save face.


#1 rule about this game, NEVER ever trust anyone you don't know. If it sounds too good to be true, then it is too good to be true.
#17 - 2011-10-19 18:22:03 UTC
Yes, I'm trying to save the reputation of my anonymous, disposable alt.


Re: 21day trial
From: Subesebe
Sent: 2011.10.08 20:32

Excellent. LEt me know as soon as you've subscribed.

21day trial
Sent: 2011.10.08 20:22
To: Subesebe,

hey, thanks again. email used was x@y.z

Note how I ask him to let me know as soon as he's subscribed. Note how he never does?

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#18 - 2011-10-20 12:18:37 UTC
Farrina wrote:
Yes, I'm trying to save the reputation of my anonymous, disposable alt.


Re: 21day trial
From: Subesebe
Sent: 2011.10.08 20:32

Excellent. LEt me know as soon as you've subscribed.

21day trial
Sent: 2011.10.08 20:22
To: Subesebe,

hey, thanks again. email used was x@y.z

Note how I ask him to let me know as soon as he's subscribed. Note how he never does?


You're an idiot. Perhaps when you redeemed the free-plex, the thought occurred "where did this come from?!"

I sent you three ingame mails to your alt. The only INGAME contact that I know for you. I sent one on the 8th, the 9th and a final one on the 11th calling you a scammer.

I'd respond imediately to an email calling me a scammer but it took you almost a week, a petition and a topic in the forum for you to send the ISK/AUR and then respond in this topic, stating to check my transactions first..lmao, you aint fool'n no-one.

I dont even know 100% if you're the main or just an other alt, since the person who sent the money is not the person who saying it's my fault for almost being scammed "outside the sandbox/game" -.- meh an alt for an alt's-alt

/topic o7
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#19 - 2011-10-20 12:22:29 UTC
Quick question in regards to the buddy-invite system. If I were to buy a 60-day and convert half to a plex...would be the same if I were to buddy-invite myself and sub with that plex to receive a free-plex. I have a friend whos interested and Id like to provide an opportunity for them to try Eve Big smile
Sparkle Motion.
#20 - 2011-10-20 12:23:14 UTC
I sent you three ingame mails to your alt. The only INGAME contact that I know for you.

Since he told you to email him out of game, all you're doing is bolding the parts where you were stupid.


I give your lifespan on this game 3 months.

"Do not touch anything unnecessarily. Beware of pretty girls in dance halls and parks who may be spies, as well as bicycles, revolvers, uniforms, arms, dead horses, and men lying on roads -- they are not there accidentally." -Soviet infantry manual,

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