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Exploration Ishtar - Sansha Space

Hash Arzi
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2012-09-28 02:24:41 UTC
Hi all,

I am looking for tips and/or advice. If anybody has something that they believe can be useful to a pilot learning how to fly an exploration Ishtar in Sansha space, please leave it in the comment section down below. Any little piece of advice helps. My current fit, currently far from optimal, is the following:

[Ishtar, pve]

Drone Damage Amplifier II
Medium Armor Repairer II
Medium Armor Repairer II
True Sansha Armor EM Hardener
True Sansha Armor Thermic Hardener

10MN Afterburner II
Large Peroxide Capacitor Power Cell
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II

[Empty High slot]
[Empty High slot]
Salvager I
Core Probe Launcher I, Core Scanner Probe I
Prototype Cloaking Device I

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Sentry Damage Augmentor I

Curator II x5
Curator II x2
Hammerhead II x5
Warrior II x5
Hornet EC-300 x5
Infiltrator II x5

The set-up above is for the harder complexes. Note that I am in an isolated pocket in stain. It is designed to be cheap and replaceable. I have no idea if I am currently using the optimal drone set-up.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#2 - 2012-09-28 08:21:34 UTC
You might have a hard time scanning out the weakest sigs with that equipment. Maybe use a covops to scan the sites, then come back with the Ishtar if you are in an area with little competition. Saves some CPU.

Guns are cool on ships (!), and I'd seriosly recommend at least one Omnidirectional Tracking Link, Curators don't track that well and it will increase your applied damage nicely.

I always use a cap booster, saves many slots for better use, and makes you immune to neuting as well. Small sig and speed is your main tank in the Ishtar. You might also want to take a look at the Proteus if you prefer a tankier setup, it's much easier to fit and reaches nearly same levels of sentry dps as it can fit more damage amps. You can also use it for scanning in the same ship.


The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-09-28 08:29:28 UTC
You state this is designed for harder complexs? are you thinking Ports/hubs as well as Sanctums/Havens or 7-8-10-10? or all of the above?

I cannot see this fit soloing Havens/Sanctums but I've no personal experience of using an Ishtar as the ship that takes aggro and then speed tanks it. It may well be enough..

Personally if this was me, I would lose the sentry rig and T1 CCC and use a T2 CCC and a T2 nano pump this will then have 450 DPS tank against Sansha. That's an extra 75 on your original fit put some speed on there and "then" id go into a sanctum with it..

I see you don't have room for hacking analyser modules, are these in your cargo bay ready for swapping out?
Hash Arzi
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2012-09-29 03:31:49 UTC
Other modules are indeed in my cargo bay. I have easily done a 6/10 as of now. The hardest I have come across is the sansha fortress because of the webbing towers. It can handle pretty much anything easily as of now - unless when the ship is web.

To answer Roime, I will most likely be adding an omnidirectional tracking link soon. The "ideal" cap stability at the moment is simply to play it safe. As of the cap booster I tend to disagree, it's one more thing I need to worry about. The proteus, however, is an excellent idea. I hadn't really thought of it honestly. Could you share a fit?
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#5 - 2012-09-29 15:01:03 UTC
T3s aren't cheap and replaceable, which you mentioned, and like I said I normally opt for a cap booster, but here is something relatively cheap (~800mil) for a T3 fit, hot from pyfa:

[Proteus, Explorer 1rep Sansha Cap]

Centum C-Type Medium Armor Repairer
True Sansha Armor Thermic Hardener
True Sansha Armor EM Hardener
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

10MN Afterburner II
Large Capacitor Battery II
Omnidirectional Tracking Link II
Omnidirectional Tracking Link II

Heavy Ion Blaster II, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster II, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge M
Heavy Ion Blaster II, Federation Navy Antimatter Charge M
Expanded Probe Launcher II
Improved Cloaking Device II
Drone Link Augmentor I

Medium Anti-EM Pump II
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II
Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump II

Proteus Defensive - Nanobot Injector
Proteus Engineering - Augmented Capacitor Reservoir
Proteus Offensive - Drone Synthesis Projector
Proteus Propulsion - Gravitational Capacitor
Proteus Electronics - Emergent Locus Analyzer

Warrior II x5
Ogre II x4
Curator II x4

521 hp/s cap stable tank (firing guns will reduce cap life to 10+ minutes, but since they are blasters you won't be firing them all the time) Standard Exile and overheating gives you +1000 hp/s burst tank.

450 dps w/Curators (drone damage amps seem to be getting a new buff, which pumps this above your Ishtar fit), guns add 143-200 dps depending on ammo.

Weak point of the sentry Proshtar is drone bay, you don't have the versatility of Ishtar. Furthermore compared with other T3s, cargo bay is too small for the subsystems and drones, that using a covops/nullified travel setup is not really viable.


Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#6 - 2012-09-29 15:47:55 UTC
Don't bother with getting an Ishtar fit for solo explorer work, you will only be able to use it for a couple more months.
The new AI completely destroys the utility of this boat, and any drone boat.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#7 - 2012-09-29 16:23:37 UTC
No, it doesn't. Especially not sentries.

And if you are going to litter these forums with your inane trolling, Dinsdale, please make an effort to add at least some content to your posts. Until you do that, nobody will take you seriously. Whiner.


Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#8 - 2012-09-30 01:08:51 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Don't bother with getting an Ishtar fit for solo explorer work, you will only be able to use it for a couple more months.
The new AI completely destroys the utility of this boat, and any drone boat.

You know, not every drones-pilot A/F/Ks level 4s in hisec whilst half-asleep/drunk/watching porn in another window/all of the above.

And anyone who tries that outside of hisec deserves what they get.

1/10, try harder.


Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#9 - 2012-09-30 22:06:18 UTC
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Don't bother with getting an Ishtar fit for solo explorer work, you will only be able to use it for a couple more months.
The new AI completely destroys the utility of this boat, and any drone boat.

You know, not every drones-pilot A/F/Ks level 4s in hisec whilst half-asleep/drunk/watching **** in another window/all of the above.

And anyone who tries that outside of hisec deserves what they get.

1/10, try harder.


You know, I ran the Gallente epic arc for the first time, finished it on Friday.
In the last spawn, of the last mission, there is ONE guy who switches targets.
I was running wardens at targets 60 km out. I was orbiting at 1,000 m.
I managed to get them back in with one in structure, from ONE rat.

Now tell me how this will work when I have 10 BS rats on me in the Sansha Blockade.
How about telling me how I will take on Mordus Headhunters when I have 15 frigs out there, and the 2 Bounty Hunters web like crazy?

Oh, and Roime already specified he runs wormhole sites, so has ZERO credibility when it comes to operating drones solo in a mission site.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#10 - 2012-09-30 22:08:19 UTC
Bottom line, the people saying "oh, this new AI is to make things more enjoyable, and only targets the AFK mission runners are lying. Most of them are likely null sec zealots who want high sec destroyed at all costs.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-09-30 22:52:25 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Don't bother with getting an Ishtar fit for solo explorer work, you will only be able to use it for a couple more months.
The new AI completely destroys the utility of this boat, and any drone boat.

You know, not every drones-pilot A/F/Ks level 4s in hisec whilst half-asleep/drunk/watching **** in another window/all of the above.

And anyone who tries that outside of hisec deserves what they get.

1/10, try harder.


You know, I ran the Gallente epic arc for the first time, finished it on Friday.
In the last spawn, of the last mission, there is ONE guy who switches targets.
I was running wardens at targets 60 km out. I was orbiting at 1,000 m.
I managed to get them back in with one in structure, from ONE rat.

Now tell me how this will work when I have 10 BS rats on me in the Sansha Blockade.
How about telling me how I will take on Mordus Headhunters when I have 15 frigs out there, and the 2 Bounty Hunters web like crazy?

Oh, and Roime already specified he runs wormhole sites, so has ZERO credibility when it comes to operating drones solo in a mission site.


Not to derail, but what did you run the arc in? Did you solo or have an alt with you? What kinda fit?

Just curious. I ran it about 4 months ago in a Domi. Ended up bringing a tengu alt for tank. Also didnt like all the travel in a battleship so I've wanted to try something else.

And while I am concerned about the new AI, we won't really know anything until people start testing, so I'm holding my comments until we see how it actually plays out.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#12 - 2012-09-30 23:53:38 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Don't bother with getting an Ishtar fit for solo explorer work, you will only be able to use it for a couple more months.
The new AI completely destroys the utility of this boat, and any drone boat.

You know, not every drones-pilot A/F/Ks level 4s in hisec whilst half-asleep/drunk/watching **** in another window/all of the above.

And anyone who tries that outside of hisec deserves what they get.

1/10, try harder.


You know, I ran the Gallente epic arc for the first time, finished it on Friday.
In the last spawn, of the last mission, there is ONE guy who switches targets.
I was running wardens at targets 60 km out. I was orbiting at 1,000 m.
I managed to get them back in with one in structure, from ONE rat.

Now tell me how this will work when I have 10 BS rats on me in the Sansha Blockade.
How about telling me how I will take on Mordus Headhunters when I have 15 frigs out there, and the 2 Bounty Hunters web like crazy?

Oh, and Roime already specified he runs wormhole sites, so has ZERO credibility when it comes to operating drones solo in a mission site.


Not to derail, but what did you run the arc in? Did you solo or have an alt with you? What kinda fit?

Just curious. I ran it about 4 months ago in a Domi. Ended up bringing a tengu alt for tank. Also didnt like all the travel in a battleship so I've wanted to try something else.

And while I am concerned about the new AI, we won't really know anything until people start testing, so I'm holding my comments until we see how it actually plays out.

I ran it in a shield tanked Ishtar, solo, with a 10MN Repub Fleet a/b.. Used a combo of heavy, light and sentry drones, mostly therm and explosive. Tried a combination of running away from the heavy DPS Veteran Gallente boats, or orbiting sentries when damage was lower.

That arc proves the fallacy of all the statements about how using sentries will work just fine post drone nerf. It is absolutely impossible to orbit sentries when the vet gallente ships throw out HUGE damage at 20 km.

And the same concept will utterly fail in low sec plexes when drones are attacked.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2012-10-01 00:01:43 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Don't bother with getting an Ishtar fit for solo explorer work, you will only be able to use it for a couple more months.
The new AI completely destroys the utility of this boat, and any drone boat.

You know, not every drones-pilot A/F/Ks level 4s in hisec whilst half-asleep/drunk/watching **** in another window/all of the above.

And anyone who tries that outside of hisec deserves what they get.

1/10, try harder.


You know, I ran the Gallente epic arc for the first time, finished it on Friday.
In the last spawn, of the last mission, there is ONE guy who switches targets.
I was running wardens at targets 60 km out. I was orbiting at 1,000 m.
I managed to get them back in with one in structure, from ONE rat.

Now tell me how this will work when I have 10 BS rats on me in the Sansha Blockade.
How about telling me how I will take on Mordus Headhunters when I have 15 frigs out there, and the 2 Bounty Hunters web like crazy?

Oh, and Roime already specified he runs wormhole sites, so has ZERO credibility when it comes to operating drones solo in a mission site.


Not to derail, but what did you run the arc in? Did you solo or have an alt with you? What kinda fit?

Just curious. I ran it about 4 months ago in a Domi. Ended up bringing a tengu alt for tank. Also didnt like all the travel in a battleship so I've wanted to try something else.

And while I am concerned about the new AI, we won't really know anything until people start testing, so I'm holding my comments until we see how it actually plays out.

I ran it in a shield tanked Ishtar, solo, with a 10MN Repub Fleet a/b.. Used a combo of heavy, light and sentry drones, mostly therm and explosive. Tried a combination of running away from the heavy DPS Veteran Gallente boats, or orbiting sentries when damage was lower.

That arc proves the fallacy of all the statements about how using sentries will work just fine post drone nerf. It is absolutely impossible to orbit sentries when the vet gallente ships throw out HUGE damage at 20 km.

And the same concept will utterly fail in low sec plexes when drones are attacked.

Mind throwing up your fit? I'm very curious to try the arc in an Ishtar this time, but I've never shield fit it.

And we still won't know until people start testing and giving feedback. The epic arc still isn't a great example, as it isn't going to be the same AI that we will necessarily see when it goes live.

I've spent my last year mostly in wormholes. Like Roime, I have tried drone boats. While I've had success in terms of not losing drones (and sleepers hit harder than anything Elise I've fought PVE). I still found it annoying to the point that my gallente toon plays scout for PVE and is mostly around for PVP.

I've used wave aggro in current missions (forget the name as it has been a long time since I ran a mission) in order to mitigate damage off my ship. Sentries can tank surprisingly well sometimes.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#14 - 2012-10-01 05:08:51 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:

Mind throwing up your fit? I'm very curious to try the arc in an Ishtar this time, but I've never shield fit it.

And we still won't know until people start testing and giving feedback. The epic arc still isn't a great example, as it isn't going to be the same AI that we will necessarily see when it goes live.

I've spent my last year mostly in wormholes. Like Roime, I have tried drone boats. While I've had success in terms of not losing drones (and sleepers hit harder than anything Elise I've fought PVE). I still found it annoying to the point that my gallente toon plays scout for PVE and is mostly around for PVP.

I've used wave aggro in current missions (forget the name as it has been a long time since I ran a mission) in order to mitigate damage off my ship. Sentries can tank surprisingly well sometimes.

I was in a group called D6 that existed within Eve UNI. We had our 1st wormhole POS up 5 hours after Apochrypha went live.
We started in a C3, and moved up to a C4, and eventually a C5 as our home. Total time in wh's was over a year.
I started with spider-tanking Domi's using sentries until we found more efficient ships.
We ended up running the lower end C3 sites with a pair of RR Domi's. But such fits and tactics have ZERO bearing when it comes to running missions solo in a drone boat, since the AI selects RR as a primary target, and it is impossible to fit an internal repping boat with RR and be anywhere near cap stable
So yeah, when I read about this crap about the new AI won't crush drone boat operators, I do know a little of what I speak when I say that is complete lies.

As for running this Ishtar in the Gallente arc, be very very careful. The passive resist is mandatory because of the neut cruisers. The only run to successfully beat the neut cruisers plus the Veteran Gallente boats is to run, run very fast away from them. Kill the neut cruisers first and hope your Ogre II's take down the Veteran's before they reach you doing over 1 km / sec.
That passive resist must also be changed depending on damage type per rat wave. I used a faction or Pithum C-Type EM, Them, or Explosive depending on the rat damage.

Oh, and this fit is easily altered for low sec plexes, except for ones that require a mid slot. You cannot gimp your tank by taking away from the mids.

[Ishtar, shield mission]
Beta Reactor Control: Shield Power Relay I
Beta Reactor Control: Shield Power Relay I
Beta Reactor Control: Shield Power Relay I
Beta Reactor Control: Shield Power Relay I
Beta Reactor Control: Shield Power Relay I

Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Dread Guristas EM Ward Amplifier
Republic Fleet 10MN Afterburner

Small Tractor Beam II
Salvager I
650mm Artillery Cannon II, EMP M
650mm Artillery Cannon II, EMP M
[empty high slot]

Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II

Hobgoblin II x5
Hornet II x5
Warrior II x5
Hammerhead II x5
Garde II x5
Ogre II x5
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#15 - 2012-10-01 05:33:57 UTC
So yeah, when I read about this crap about the new AI won't crush drone boat operators, I do know a little of what I speak when I say that is complete lies.

Yet it's possible to solo C3 anomalies with an Ogre Proteus.


Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#16 - 2012-10-01 05:49:13 UTC
Roime wrote:
So yeah, when I read about this crap about the new AI won't crush drone boat operators, I do know a little of what I speak when I say that is complete lies.

Yet it's possible to solo C3 anomalies with an Ogre Proteus.

Sure it is...keep on spewing the lies out there.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#17 - 2012-10-01 05:56:32 UTC
Well, guess you run into problems if you passive shield tank your poor Proteus as well :)


Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#18 - 2012-10-05 04:26:28 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Don't bother with getting an Ishtar fit for solo explorer work, you will only be able to use it for a couple more months.
The new AI completely destroys the utility of this boat, and any drone boat.

You know, not every drones-pilot A/F/Ks level 4s in hisec whilst half-asleep/drunk/watching **** in another window/all of the above.

And anyone who tries that outside of hisec deserves what they get.

1/10, try harder.


You know, I ran the Gallente epic arc for the first time, finished it on Friday.
In the last spawn, of the last mission, there is ONE guy who switches targets.
I was running wardens at targets 60 km out. I was orbiting at 1,000 m.
I managed to get them back in with one in structure, from ONE rat.

Now tell me how this will work when I have 10 BS rats on me in the Sansha Blockade.
How about telling me how I will take on Mordus Headhunters when I have 15 frigs out there, and the 2 Bounty Hunters web like crazy?

Oh, and Roime already specified he runs wormhole sites, so has ZERO credibility when it comes to operating drones solo in a mission site.

Try using something other than sentries on the small stuff, like first. Draw aggro, kite off on AB (or pulse MWD if so equipped -- works even better, at least in losec 'plexes, just watch the cap.) whilst the smalls eat the frigs, then recall, then poop out sentries and orbit on AB, assuming you've pulled some range.

Sometimes, it really helps to, like, fly the ship.

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2012-10-05 04:57:07 UTC
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Don't bother with getting an Ishtar fit for solo explorer work, you will only be able to use it for a couple more months.
The new AI completely destroys the utility of this boat, and any drone boat.

You know, not every drones-pilot A/F/Ks level 4s in hisec whilst half-asleep/drunk/watching **** in another window/all of the above.

And anyone who tries that outside of hisec deserves what they get.

1/10, try harder.


You know, I ran the Gallente epic arc for the first time, finished it on Friday.
In the last spawn, of the last mission, there is ONE guy who switches targets.
I was running wardens at targets 60 km out. I was orbiting at 1,000 m.
I managed to get them back in with one in structure, from ONE rat.

Now tell me how this will work when I have 10 BS rats on me in the Sansha Blockade.
How about telling me how I will take on Mordus Headhunters when I have 15 frigs out there, and the 2 Bounty Hunters web like crazy?

Oh, and Roime already specified he runs wormhole sites, so has ZERO credibility when it comes to operating drones solo in a mission site.

Try using something other than sentries on the small stuff, like first. Draw aggro, kite off on AB (or pulse MWD if so equipped -- works even better, at least in losec 'plexes, just watch the cap.) whilst the smalls eat the frigs, then recall, then poop out sentries and orbit on AB, assuming you've pulled some range.

Sometimes, it really helps to, like, fly the ship.

Hate to break it to you, but you kinda missed the entire point of his post...
Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#20 - 2012-10-06 06:27:56 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Tarryn Nightstorm wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Don't bother with getting an Ishtar fit for solo explorer work, you will only be able to use it for a couple more months.
The new AI completely destroys the utility of this boat, and any drone boat.

You know, not every drones-pilot A/F/Ks level 4s in hisec whilst half-asleep/drunk/watching **** in another window/all of the above.

And anyone who tries that outside of hisec deserves what they get.

1/10, try harder.


You know, I ran the Gallente epic arc for the first time, finished it on Friday.
In the last spawn, of the last mission, there is ONE guy who switches targets.
I was running wardens at targets 60 km out. I was orbiting at 1,000 m.
I managed to get them back in with one in structure, from ONE rat.

Now tell me how this will work when I have 10 BS rats on me in the Sansha Blockade.
How about telling me how I will take on Mordus Headhunters when I have 15 frigs out there, and the 2 Bounty Hunters web like crazy?

Oh, and Roime already specified he runs wormhole sites, so has ZERO credibility when it comes to operating drones solo in a mission site.

Try using something other than sentries on the small stuff, like first. Draw aggro, kite off on AB (or pulse MWD if so equipped -- works even better, at least in losec 'plexes, just watch the cap.) whilst the smalls eat the frigs, then recall, then poop out sentries and orbit on AB, assuming you've pulled some range.

Sometimes, it really helps to, like, fly the ship.

Hate to break it to you, but you kinda missed the entire point of his post...

No, I didn't.


Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

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