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EVE Fiction

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EVE, the people, the JOVE, us...

Black Mountain Research Inc.
#1 - 2012-09-28 04:46:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Helsdottir

First of all, I want to apologize for my not so perfect linguistic skills, as the english language is not my mother tongue.

Second, I want to apologize, for this is going to be a long one. I hope you bear with me.

As an avid reader of EVE fiction, a whole lot of questions sprang to my mind as I tried to puzzle together all the pieces of EVE lore as far as I have read it in hopes that this summary can contribute to the discussions revolving around EVE history and some of you come up with a few helpful suggestions or corrections, of which both are highly appreciated:


After the EVE gate was crossed and New Eden filled with settlers, the EVE timeline mentions a first, second and third Jovian empire. They fell right into the timespan between 8100-16000 AD (not exact). The so-called Dark Ages.

- who were the inhabitants of that empire?
- were we or our ancestors part of Jovian empire ourselves once, or did we only life at its fringes, left by the empire to die alone?
- how far did it span, the whole new eden cluster as we know it?

As we learned from EVE fiction (I think it was "A burning life"), the Jovians as we know them now, as they call themselves now, were part of the lowest caste, better...of the broad populace in this realm, the architects and the Enheduanni were clearly above them (how about the sub-empires / corporations of the Talocan, the Yan-Jung ?) and the driving force behind all technological and cultural development of that time.


Superintelligent even before they joined in the construct, a select few savants of which you will find only one i a few million, without the technical means to share their giftedness with the rest of he populace, but clearly on the path to technological enlightenment and singularity if given enough time within virtuality.
If they could not bring enlightenment to all the people but only make for a more comfortable life in the here and then by seeding some technological advancements through their "mouths", the Enheduanni (with the exception of a select few who were susceptible to certain devices found or rediscovered by the Jove of today and last put to use in the Black Mountain Incident a few years back), they could at least provide for a life bathing in the light they shed for those who were willing to join.

They would be the Architects of that world, as the others would sleep and live in the dream they created for them, the heaven they build.


Beyond everything we, the New Eden commoners could ever counter, but seemingly still not nearly close enough to elevate the Jovians as a whole to a spiritual and mental stage the blessed few Architects have reached more than 16000 years before. Was technology ever the answer and the way?
Did the Architects know?


- what means the disease to the Jovians now, what did it mean to them when it first emerged? They never said, but as we know, even diseases change with time. And a whole lot of time passed.

- did it grow in severity as the Jovians, desperate to counter it by genetically enhancing and changing themselves, grew more and more apart from their former self until the disease reached a stage were it did no more degenerate the affected to regular human potential but killed it?

- if the Jovian disease was not fatal in its early stages but bring you back to a life with emotions which the Jovians eradicated from their gene pool, but which harbored the rich potential to seek and maybe reach enlightenment where technology could not.

Isn't it understandable that,...
...where some Jovians chose to live with the Architects in blissful sleep...
...others doubted their intentions, even blamed them, turned away and fled, clinging on the "good, genetically altered, intelligence boosted life" they had...
...and again others accepted the disease and took it as a gift, a chance for a new start on the path the Architects were taken on by birth, a path they could tread by faith, spiritual understanding, empathy and sharing; a path tomes like the book of emptiness could deliver and bears witness of. As humans.

This was the door the Architects were able to open for their children as they couldn't bear to leave them behind, bereft of any hope and chance to reach the light as they had already begun to change their flesh until it could neither see nor feel the light anymore, let alone attempt to reach it, their emotions ripped apart in willingly inflicted self-castration.

So they forced a choice upon them by spreading the disease as the Jovians rightly guessed:
- The choice to either take the stony road as a human being or live in the splendor of virtual paradise.

But there was another choice: to deny humanity or blissful slumber altogether and sacrifice it all for the illusion of survival unharmed, a life in denial. How couldn't they foresee?


The Architects left New Eden and took a good part of the Jovians with them, and the first Jovian empire ended.

The second empire of the Jovians, much smaller than the first one, with fewer Jovians left and the numbers of those degenerating to human like life, not welcome in the confines of the second empire anymore, grew with every passing day.

The third empire of the Jovians saw them grown apart from their original gene pool to an extent that the point of no return was reached, the alterations became irreversible and the disease became finally lethal.
The exodus began...

...and the cast out, human again, after centuries of struggling for survival on barren and wasted planets, flourished.


We were and we are the living, breathing and feeling first Jovian empire of old reborn. We are the children that chose to fight, to strive and to flourish, to try to break the cycle of history repeating, to live and to die...

... not in vain but in...

Black Mountain Research Inc.
#2 - 2012-09-28 05:39:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Helsdottir
SOME BITS AND PIECES that added to my, ahem, view on EVE and its history:

- the Society of Conscious Thought is not purely altruistic in its attempts to nurture and promote human potential, but to study what it means to be human, what emotions define us and how they can be reintegrated by the Jovians without giving away their desperation and cold dread, always knowing but self-denying that we are the children of the disease and they are doomed to perish, slowly but steadily. They begin to grasp that the disease was the answer, not the problem, that us humans hold the key to their salvation.
Now the disease is going to eat them alive if they cannot make it out fast enough.

* Modifiers are more susceptible to the disease than the rest of the Jovian population. Modifiers delve heavily into bioreengineering themselves, even for jovian standards.

"The exact origin and history of the Jovian Disease is mysterious, with the Jove only offering bits of information about it. While it is possible that the disease existed, at least in some form, during earlier parts of Jove history, its current fatal variant ..."

- some planets where civilizations arose (or were cast out to to live on) were barren wastelands (Caldari Prime), some were laid to waste by the Jovians or fell into decline as their technology was far too advanced already for degraded humans to handle or even maintain (Matari Prime, archaeological findings). Over time, what was left of the first Jovian empire but abandoned by the second empire soon fell into disrepair, became forgotten and finally myth and archaeology.

- the Architects, as ambitious as they were in bringing their brethren into their dream-fold in hopes of creating a better, if only virtual world are now beginning to realize that even their technological solution is eventually doomed to fail, as real enlightenment needs the body to feel and to suffer, a tangible reality to truly transcend, and aeons spent in virtuality cannot compensate for it. Now their dead-born children ("The Other"), hungry for real living, opened the door to their realms for us to pillage and they are going to eat them alive if they cannot make it out fast enough. A disease of different sorts.

- They both realize that technology was always a means, never the answer.


Spaceships, Spaceships. Oh how I love spaceships.
When a Sci-Fi MMORPG that lives from people gathering in virtuality, feeds on our passion for technology, our imaginations and the proposal of living in a tomorrow world, tells you a story about how neither the pure-corporeal-way of spaceship future and genetic over-enhancement nor the mind-only way of pure sleeper-like virtuality, is the way to strive for as it holds doom on both sides...and we the players gather in both, playing it and living it in trade battles, space fights, SOV wars and CSM politics,...

...yet at the same time literally tells you that the key lies in not to play, not to delve into illusions, of how our human potential for growth lies in what we are and have in us already, not in what we build and harvest from the world around us,...

...and continues to do so for almost 10 years...

...isn't it tantalizing to know...and play it nonetheless?

CCP, you devious little...chapeaux. Dropbear. You will be missed.
("He chose life over eve." - Darius Shakor)


- EVE-Gate: "If it is not a gate but something else altogether?"
Once a gate to terran space but now the technological and corporeal singularity of our former birthplace that once reached its technological culmination, concentrated at its only former exit point the universe created itself and thereby "outsourced" what could not be incorporated in the process of transformation to be inhabited and settled by those humans that were not ready for the change? Not a primal home to simply return to but the oneness that old universe achieved, right at our doorstep, inviting us to strive and join and become part of...all of us.
Or was our old home utterly destroyed in an event not unlike the Seyllin incident, only on an even grander scale that led to the seemingly closure of the gate, concentrating all that was left of the old universe's systems at its very center and stands as a constant reminder of humanities follies?
The Sisters of EVE might at least have some answers or daring questions towards that topic.

- where, wormhole space? Has it always existed and got discovered in the first or was it created, powered by the suns in each center and maybe even feeding on the EVE gate itself in an attempt to forcibly duplicate the fist mentioned EVE gate effect in some way? Or are they the fragmented remnants of universes before, after or next to ours?

- what are those mechanics we do not yet grasp to unlock to further the wormhole storyline? Is it possible to not destroy the sleeper sites, but "force" the sleepers out of torpor by, say ECM-jamming, heavy-neuting/NOSing their sites, destroying their main power storages or rerouting energy transmissions by combined use of NOS and energy transfers, reactivating inactive systems by remote repairing them in addition and thereby finishing off their sleep-supportive apparatus? Has it ever been attempted on a grander scale? Sounds much like a game of combinatorics, but we encountered such mechanisms in different games already, why not here as well?
Is it possible to really wake up all those that sleep?

Pray discuss, and share...
#3 - 2012-09-30 11:42:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Borascus
Helsdottir wrote: Dropbear. You will be missed.
("He chose life over eve." - Darius Shakor)


- EVE-Gate: "If it is not a gate but something else altogether?"
Once a gate to terran space but now the technological and corporeal singularity of our former birthplace that once reached its technological culmination, concentrated at its only former exit point the universe created itself and thereby "outsourced" what could not be incorporated in the process of transformation to be inhabited and settled by those humans that were not ready for the change? Not a primal home to simply return to but the oneness that old universe achieved, right at our doorstep, inviting us to strive and join and become part of...all of us.
Or was our old home utterly destroyed in an event not unlike the Seyllin incident, only on an even grander scale that led to the seemingly closure of the gate, concentrating all that was left of the old universe's systems at its very center and stands as a constant reminder of humanities follies?
The Sisters of EVE might at least have some answers or daring questions towards that topic.

- where, wormhole space? Has it always existed and got discovered in the first or was it created, powered by the suns in each center and maybe even feeding on the EVE gate itself in an attempt to forcibly duplicate the fist mentioned EVE gate effect in some way? Or are they the fragmented remnants of universes before, after or next to ours?

- what are those mechanics we do not yet grasp to unlock to further the wormhole storyline? Is it possible to not destroy the sleeper sites, but "force" the sleepers out of torpor by, say ECM-jamming, heavy-neuting/NOSing their sites, destroying their main power storages or rerouting energy transmissions by combined use of NOS and energy transfers, reactivating inactive systems by remote repairing them in addition and thereby finishing off their sleep-supportive apparatus? Has it ever been attempted on a grander scale? Sounds much like a game of combinatorics, but we encountered such mechanisms in different games already, why not here as well?
Is it possible to really wake up all those that sleep?

1. The EVE Gate is where we came from, no matter what any Amarr says. Listed here

No one can really provide an answer as it was that long ago "official records" don't have anything concrete to go on.
The EVE Gate is listed in each factions Timeline with the Amarrian Colony Ship being of note, as it is the last recorded crossing into New Eden that has been documented.

2. Wormhole Space has been found to contain components for Spaceships from 11-13k years ago with a similar component discovered on Matar ( in a chronicle at least ). Other than that the answers are still classed as speculation until something posted by CCP adds to the details. Most of the fiction and lore produced holds that the Wormhole Space inhabitants were originally living in New Eden before moving there. As to their effect on the EVE Gate one element of the Sleeper Preservation Conduit has "A strange electronic interference emanating from deep within, pulsing randomly every few seconds." - Again akin to the use of interference to mask, whereas the EVE Gate has constant interference in storms. No concrete definitions are available.

3. There is a fully fleshed discovery process in the investigation of W-Space, from the first Class-1 wormholes upto the Class-6 wormholes, using NOS and Energy Transfers has been tested as well as Codebreaker/Analyzer modules, no breaking news has yet to change the political landscape forever, but there has been loads of news to come from W-Space though, it's the birthplace of Tech-3 Modular Spaceship Technology. A lot of the buildings have right-click info's ascribed to them, most can be found here You'll be able to see that of the 3 "Arch-types" of Sleeper there are Awakened (only seem to be able/allowed to fly the older ship designs), Emergent (flying the new ships) and Sleep(er?)less (which have been given a hammering over the years) with Emergent denoting Frigate, Awakened denoting Cruiser and Sleepless denoting Battleship classes.

The deeper into W-Space difficulty the more storyline, some of the most difficult sites contain the Assembly Hall and Circuitry Disassembler - kind of the like the scrapyard and production line, the more difficult (and essential) the facility the more likely there is to be a Talocan presence (their vessels are "Abandoned/Deserted/Derelict" and not "Destroyed")

The databanks that can be tapped up are - Ejected, Deformed, Obsolete, Broken and Spavined.

There are several credible W-Space Corporations that are willing to take players in and show them round, its all worth seeing at least once.