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The Rise of the Wolf - A History of the Wolfsbrigade Rise to the Top in the Caldari Militia

Party Lips
#21 - 2011-10-16 13:27:39 UTC
finally a good forum post worth reading while i drink my coffee in the morning.
Stalking Mantis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#22 - 2011-10-16 16:08:40 UTC
Damar Rocarion wrote:
Stalking Mantis wrote:
‘lol RP’ers’ of Draketrain guided by the hand of Lacco, Bad Messenger and Damar. This was not a two party political structure. This was an outright political struggle for the leadership of the Caldari.

Draketrain are completely serious Roleplayers. Says so in corp history.

draketrain was formed by noobs so they could roleplay caldari militia warriors.

We all know that when someone cannot deal with someone else on the battlefield they resort name calling Blink

And by the way Damar I am getting to you. It would be impossible to mention Caldari history without mentioning you. You deserve a full book if not only a chapter.

In the Meantime I appreciate you providing the perfect soundtrack to this thread. Enjoying it as I type away to be honest.

Amarr Liason Officer Extraordinare -->Check Out Amarrian Vengeance/Amarr FW History from 2011 to 2014

Stalking Mantis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#23 - 2011-10-16 17:53:52 UTC
Chapter Seven

The Pendulum Swings

All the previous chapters were leading up to this point. The point where the Inglorious Bastards (by now the leader of the Caldari Old Guard) began to crack.

Unlike other power struggles The Fox and Snake power struggle was not on the battlefield. It was in true Caldari fashion. It was in the backrooms and board meetings of the Caldari corporations Old Guard. While Hidden Snake tried everything he could to swoon FIRST GENERAL to join the ranks of the Inglorious Bastards, the General always maintained a soft spoken philosophy (at least at the time). His philosophy was he did not want to get involved in the petty political struggles of the Caldari Old Guard. He always stated we had plenty of targets to focus our aggression on in the field of battle and if anyone wanted to find FIRST GENERAL that is where he will be.

The Wolfsbrigade did not actively recruit at the time. This was a sly move by FIRST GENERAL as it made him look like less and less of a threat to any of the Caldari corporations biggest assets; pilots and fleet commanders.

General Militia chat was being spammed by the two lone wolfs for two things every Caldari pilot desperately wanted. Free training and fleets. Wolfsbrigade training ‘at first’ was open to all no strings attached. Wolfsbrigade led fleets ‘at first’ were adapted to the ships the fleet members brought.

FIRST GENERAL could lead any type of gang it seemed. From nano BC to ECM backed cruisers and frigates all the way up to Armour Battleships. He had no preference, no strings, any and all were welcome (unless obvious spies of course). The brilliance of his fleet commanding skills came in his divine skill to multi task. FIRST GENERAL would have separate comms for scouts, separate comms for ECM, separate comms for logistic ships, and general comms for the main body of the fleet. He would time and again broadcast a destination and have the fleet moving in towards it only to double back and start heading to his real destination. Not only did he execute these ‘Crazy Ivan’ maneuvers with his fleets but more than once he would breakdown even the main body of the fleet into colors and had these colors moving in different directions. Most fleets in EVE are a solid body moving together with the exception of scouts. FIRST GENERAL fleets where broken down spliced up and brought back together with a stroke of mastery I have never seen. The Gallente Scouts were utterly confused by his fleet movments. This seriously reduced the ability of Gallente agents that might have infiltrated the fleet to report back to their Gallente spy masters. He would have a full map of the region in front of him and made mental notes of each of every scout report. To FIRST GENERAL leading a fleet was akin to one of those ‘war room’ scenes in a movie with him standing over a backlit table with separate grids and miniature spaces ships in different colors being moved with each scouting report. And not to forget my personal favorite quality; no matter what was happening, no matter how stressful the situation was getting in combat. He maintained a voice and a persona as cool as the other side of the pillow. The only times he was liable to raise his voice in fleets was when someone was talking over incoming scout reports, scout reports the main fleet never heard. FIRST GENERAL fleets where marked by long bouts of silence while he digested incoming information, slowly moved the pieces and finally brought it all together in a symphony of destruction and focused aggression.

The Gallente Armada was swinging and stumbling to blow after blow from Draketrain to the north of the conflict zone (between Dodixie, Villore and Old Man Star) and FIRST GENERAL fleets to the south of the conflict zone (Tama, Kedama, Deven and Abune). What was once a mighty Armada was now in effect being pinched from both sides and forced to huddle together in the midpoint of their bases of operations Heydieles.

Not to be beaten the Gallente drew a line in the sand on each of Heydieles outbound gates. This line clearly read ‘only this far’ as the Gallente were disorganized by the recent changes the remaining gallente bases of operations did nothing for them but split them up in a time where they needed to band together. Heydieles is to this day the nerve system of the Gallente Armada and no matter how hard any Caldari pressure was exerted the line in the sand drawn by the Gallente was clear.

The balance of power has shifted now both sides saw themselves as more a less equals. As the space lanes from Tama to Villore were scattered with wrecks and patrols from both sides the conflict was now in full swing and PVP was on tap for both sides. It was beautiful. It was savage. It was this pilots training grounds.

Yet the Caldari still had a broken house that needed to be fixed.

To Be Continued

Amarr Liason Officer Extraordinare -->Check Out Amarrian Vengeance/Amarr FW History from 2011 to 2014

Aldan Romar
#24 - 2011-10-16 18:43:33 UTC
I'm saluting one of the best reads I had on these forums.

I'm planning to join the State Protectorate in the near future, and I'm drinking this in...
#25 - 2011-10-16 18:48:24 UTC
/emote blushes

Too much praise =) . I am just a run of the mil pod pilot really.

Looking forward to more story posts Mantis - proud to have flown with you for a year o7
Shadows Of The Federation
#26 - 2011-10-16 19:00:18 UTC
/emote blushes

Too much praise =) . I am just a run of the mil pod pilot really.

Looking forward to more story posts Mantis - proud to have flown with you for a year o7

+1 for the FG manlove fest Blink
Stalking Mantis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#27 - 2011-10-16 19:25:03 UTC
/emote blushes

Too much praise =) . I am just a run of the mil pod pilot really.

Looking forward to more story posts Mantis - proud to have flown with you for a year o7

Best Time I had in EVE

Amarr Liason Officer Extraordinare -->Check Out Amarrian Vengeance/Amarr FW History from 2011 to 2014

Damar Rocarion
Nasranite Watch
#28 - 2011-10-16 20:35:30 UTC
Stalking Mantis wrote:
And by the way Damar I am getting to you. It would be impossible to mention Caldari history without mentioning you. You deserve a full book if not only a chapter..

*shrug*, as far as things go Gallente version is what everyone believes due to constant propaganda they have practiced in forums over the past years. to sum it up, in their opinion I fly cloaked and stabbed t1 frigates and never do pvp. I am also unemployed pedophile and live in a hole in the ground with the corpses of my victims.

And yet for some reason "we are all cool dudes in for good fites and not at all into drama-lama" people from that side of the border wonder why I consider them to be somewhere below the earthworm in evolutionary ladder.
Them Unreliables
#29 - 2011-10-16 20:41:48 UTC
Damar Rocarion wrote:
Stalking Mantis wrote:
And by the way Damar I am getting to you. It would be impossible to mention Caldari history without mentioning you. You deserve a full book if not only a chapter..

*shrug*, as far as things go Gallente version is what everyone believes due to constant propaganda they have practiced in forums over the past years. to sum it up, in their opinion I fly cloaked and stabbed t1 frigates and never do pvp. I am also unemployed pedophile and live in a hole in the ground with the corpses of my victims.

And yet for some reason "we are all cool dudes in for good fites and not at all into drama-lama" people from that side of the border wonder why I consider them to be somewhere below the earthworm in evolutionary ladder.

that pretty much sums it up yeahRoll
Stalking Mantis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#30 - 2011-10-16 21:22:49 UTC
Chapter Eight

Bishop Takes Rook

The game changed. The war changed. You see the thing about EVE is with every passing day your skills increase. The options of ships and tactics available to a pilot are ever-increasing. This golden rule must have slipped by the Old Guards of the Caldari Corporations that made up what remained of the CDI. This was the fatal flaw.

No longer did the Caldari have to use Guerrilla hit and run tactics against a much larger Gallente opponent. The playing field was being leveled and active PVP’ers of months past could field much more sophisticated fleets. Everything from high-tech Recon Ships, Mighty Battleships, Fleet Command ships to Fleet Logistics were now available to the Caldari pilots that in the past where stuck in frigates and cruisers, a new breed of Caldari warriors (no longer in constant fear of being ganked by the mighty Gallente), were fielding more and more of them much to the delight of fleet commanders on both sides of the struggle.

As an officer of the Inglorious Bastards at the time it was becoming more and more apparent that my corporation’s frigate and cruiser guerilla tactics and fleet doctrine where becoming less and less needed as the Caldari Pilots began to experiment with new toys and tactics they wanted a fleet commander that knew how to wield them in battle and win on a consistent basis.

While charismatic and politically adept; Hidden Snake and his tactics where being consumed by the never stopping wheel of evolution. All the while he and Aurora Nyx knew what the Bastards needed to survive as a corporation and voiced these needs loudly in corp chat. They needed Fleet Commanders; not any fleet commanders but fleet commanders that were fluent in the tactics of advanced warfare, the types of fleets that were the equivalent of standing armies instead of the equivalent of special operations forces.

Hidden Snakes Aces as it seemed where all looking around corp chat at each other then across the table to the most obvious answer. That answer was sitting back arms folded behind his head staring at them with a sly smile. It was the Fox of Yria. Why hold onto the past and the tactics of the past when the future was now sitting across from them in a small and obviously welcoming corporation named Wolfsbrigade.

The most amusing aspect of this struggle to me was the fact that FIRST GENERAL never really seemed to exert any effort into letting the pieces fall into place. He would run fleets and run fleets well and as the saying goes, if you build it they will come.

“For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill. “
Sun Tzu

Hidden Snake had one last chance at redeeming the Inglorious Bastards and the rest of what remained of the Caldari Old Guard. It was a risk but he was never a man shy of taking risks. His solution? Drop out of the Caldari Militia and form a Caldari loyalist band of Privateers that would actively seek out the Elite Gallente corporations such as QCATS and SOTF. His vision was that the Inglorious Bastards would swoop down mid engagement with Active War decks against the Elite Gallente Pilots and Pick them off mid combat fairly immune to any other incoming fire from the bulk of the federations forces the Federal Defense Union or any other Gallente Corporation the Inglorious Bastard chose not to hunt by not war decking.

Unconventional? Check. Crazy? Check. Brilliant? Check. That was the beauty of Hidden Snakes mind. If only it worked.

The Inglorious Bastards were in an Uproar. This is madness in its purest form many argued. Hidden Snake worked feverishly behind the scenes with the Officers and CEO’s of whar remained of the CDI.

Coldwing (one of the CDI member corporations) Led by Dan Pyre and JT133 gave snakes idea the cold shoulder.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse (another CDI member) Led by Dark Pangolin and XerxestheGreat promised to think it over but were not that excited about changing the way they conducted war.

Spacetime Enterprises (Another CDI) Led by Thor Gambino and Crew promised support but in the end they had to many fixed assets in space to just up and go.

Pillow Fighters Incorporated-PINK- (another CDI) had just gone through a massive corp theft and where in no position to do anything but recover anything they could if in fact it was not the deathblow of that corporation.

It was all falling apart for Hidden Snake and I felt obligated to stand by him in these darkest of times, I could not turn my back on my mentor. Maybe I had too much of the CDI punch to drink and was intoxicated with the Old Caldari propaganda. Maybe I felt sympathy for a great caldari leader that could do little but sit helplessly on his desk amongst a pile of pilot resignation papers. Even the unseen soldier Aurora Nyx just stopped logging in. The Inglorious Bastards corp chat once full of the best of the best the State had to offer was becoming more and more of a ghost town
At some point in time Snake might have contemplated approaching Draketrain with his idea and asked for some support but I assure you if that happened it would look something like this with me being the guy holding the cocunuts.

Amarr Liason Officer Extraordinare -->Check Out Amarrian Vengeance/Amarr FW History from 2011 to 2014

Stalking Mantis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#31 - 2011-10-16 21:24:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Stalking Mantis
While I tried my best to maintain what remained of the Inglorious Bastards along with Hidden Snake I was soon given the keys to all of Inglorious Bastards asset vaults given the CEO roles and title of what remained of the Inglorious Bastards Militia Office (CDI Milita) and the might Snake himself so disgusted as to how things turned out went on an extended vacation fro m EVE. He needed it if you ask me.

Two systems down the pipe in Yria the corporation office of the Wolfsbrigade had a line two miles long. Pilots came out of the woodwork to join Wolfsbrigade and experience what it was like to fly with FIRST GENERAL. For the first time what little officers W-BR had they where absolutely overwhelmed with applications.

For the first time ever FIRST GENERAL made his first political move, he waited and positioned all the pieces on the chessboard just right and with one fell swoop; Bishop Takes Rook, checkmate. And just like that, the dance between the Fox and the Snake was over.

The Old Guard was dead.
CDI was Dead.

Wolfsbrigade was born and each and every pilot that joined Wolfsbrigade brought everything he had with him they all had the utmost faith in FIRST GENERAL. His charisma was all the leadership Wolfsbrigade needed and the Fleets he provided fed a pack of wolves now hungry and growling for blood. Blood it seemed was never too far away in the form of a Gallente Militia that had no idea what was about to hit them. Every night FIRST GENERAL provided the pack with blood and the pack of wolves grew and grew and grew............

To Be Continued

Amarr Liason Officer Extraordinare -->Check Out Amarrian Vengeance/Amarr FW History from 2011 to 2014

Stalking Mantis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#32 - 2011-10-16 21:37:22 UTC
"It wasn't the beginning of the end. It wasn't the end of the beginning. It was the beginning of the beginning and the end of the end." - Ancient Gibberish

Amarr Liason Officer Extraordinare -->Check Out Amarrian Vengeance/Amarr FW History from 2011 to 2014

Stalking Mantis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#33 - 2011-10-17 01:11:39 UTC
Chapter Nine

Running with the Wolves

Beaming with confidence now FIRST GENERAL would greet pilots in Caldari chat channels and fleet voice comms with ‘So when are you going to join Wolfsbrigade?’ It kind of became the unwritten Wolfsbrigade corporation motto for a short time as the few Caldari Pilots that held out from the initial surge of applications were not only left with the question searing in their minds but all the welcome opportunity to join in the making of something Epic. A young Corporation filling up with top notch pilots and top notch Fleet Commanders. Resistance was truly futile.

In fact the only thing holding me back from applying to the Wolfsbrigade at the time is that I was suddenly left in charge of a two or three man corporation that was all that remained of the Inglorious Bastards. If I could not do anything to stop the downfall of the Inglorious Bastards the least I could do is hold up one last gesture of appreciation and gratitude to Hidden Snake. He deserved at least that much.

With the CDI dead and Hidden Snake missing from action I was relieved to see Hidden Snake log on from his two week vacation from EVE as I had him on my watch list. Without hesitation I opened a trade window with him and handed him back all the mods/ships and isk that remained in the corporation hangers and corporation wallet of the once high and mighty Inglorious Bastards. Well over 3 billion isk in both hard and liquid assets. I never was a big fan of corporation thieves and by God the impact Hidden Snake had on recent caldari history demanded he be shown nothing but courtesy an honesty from my side.

A few clicks on the mouse and Hidden Snakes Alt was reassigned CEO roles of what little had remained of the Once Mighty Inglorious Bastards.

I was free of the burden of responsibility.

I was now free to run with the Wolves.

Among my hanger of ships and mods I was thinking to myself what the fastest ship I had. It came down to a Raptor or a Crow. The Raptor had a warp speed of 13.5 au/s and a Crow had a warp speed of 9 au/s, hmmmm, Raptor it is then. I needed the fastest travel ship I could muster for the trip over to the nearest station with a Wolfsbrigades Office. Not contempt with the warp speed alone I fitted nano’s to the low slots of the Raptor. I was in such a hurry to get to the Wolfsbrigades office I truthfully compared the warpspeed of both ships to see which one would take me there faster.

After submitting all the required information to FIRST GENERAL my corp chat was transformed in an instant from what seemed to be like a private chat with myself to a fanfare of all the famous pilots I loved to fly with of months and months past. W-BR corp chat was absolutely bustling with the faces of finest Caldari PVP’ers I could name off the top of my head and then some. With a corporation so young to be blessed with so much experience in such a short notice of its lifetime the sky was truly the limit.

There comes a moment when you do fleet PVP. It is right after your ship explodes and you either are in warp in your tiny pod or suddenly in a station miles away. The moment when you think to yourself ‘things can be so much better if we were more organized’.

To Be Continued

Amarr Liason Officer Extraordinare -->Check Out Amarrian Vengeance/Amarr FW History from 2011 to 2014

Dark Pangolin
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#34 - 2011-10-17 01:49:03 UTC
Epic tale of epicness... further confirming Mantis as one of my favorite EVE pilots :)

2 nits to pick...

  • I was never and have never been a CEO/Director of The4 :) Nevare, Xerx, & At' is where the leadership titles belong...I just like pew pew...organized pew pew :P

  • I'm going to go ahead and claim credit for the "Red Squad" "Blue Squad" "Green Squad" color split fleet maneuvers...because i like credit and because it works well with an organized fleet and everyone should do it :)

Stalking Mantis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#35 - 2011-10-17 02:37:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Stalking Mantis
Chapter Ten

The Caldari Dream

If I ever wanted a United Caldari Front to Face a Beast Called the Gallente then the days of dreams and wishes were over. I was watching Wolfsbrigade make that dream a reality in front of everyone. A United Caldari without internal fighting and wardecs, a United Caldari above and beyond petty political disputes and territorial chest beating a United Caldari without Ego wars. A United Caldari with shared voice comms that insured information traveled as fast as light and with a few clicks of mumble any Caldari pilot could jump into the voice comms of any other corporation.

A Caldari Army Reborn and Standing Proud.

A United Caldari that Could actually now field Capital Ships fully confident it had the support it needed something unheard of just a few months earlier.

It did not matter what Caldari corporation you belonged to. If you needed help then help is what you got. If your POS was attacked you better believe at least 900 Million Tons of Battle ready pilots and ships was there to support you the second it came out of reinforce.

50-80-100-120 Man Caldari Gangs were becoming not a dream but something Pirates and Gallente had to deal with.

What was once only whispered in hush tones between young and wishful Caldari Pilots was now a reality for all to see.

When FIRST GENERAL or anyone in Wolfsbrigade asked for x’s in the general Militia chat for a ‘FIRST GENERAL FLEET’ the number of x’s was literally a mile long and took more than an hour just to organize into a fleet. I am not exaggerating. No shortage of People wanting to Experience a Wolfsbrigade Fleet.

This was not limited to the Caldari Militia. Even the Local Pirates wanted nothing more than to avoid being on the receiving end of a Wolfsbrigade Fleet. If pirates were not at the very least asking for blue standings they were docking the f*** up when they saw a Wolfsbrigade Fleet in local.

This brought a new level of PVP to Blackrise. When Wolfsbrigade finally moved to Enaluri it became the Capitol of Caldari PVP. Wolfsbrigade pilots and anyone blessed with living in Enaluri rarely needed to go to Jita. Wolfsbrigade Pilots did not go to Jita. Jita came to Wolfsbrigade Pilots.

We had an internal mailing list where all a pilot needed to do was drag a certain fitting to an evemail and less than 24 hours later his ship was on contract for him. Mods rigs and all.

Pilots flocked to join Wolfsbrigade from not only the Caldari but from Pirates in the Region and even Gallente pilots applied to join Wolfsbrigade.

An unspoken agreement was in place between Draketrain and Wolfsbrigade. Not only did they avoid fighting each other but they eyed each other with a mutual sense of respect. They knew that if they needed each other each would lend a helping hand. Not that any of these two parties needed any help to be honest.

Draketrain became so massive and organized that they started roaming nullsec to gank Supercarriers and look for someone, anyone, willing to face the Wall of Drakes usually reserved for the kind of fights seen only on SOV wars.

Wolfsbrigade became so massive that they actually started shooting POS’s in lowsec begging for a fight, begging for someone to drop a carrier or a dread fleet. They actively sought Large POS Towers with Faction Guns and Faction Mods to shoot and haul said faction mods away to fund the Wolfsbrigade warchest.

I recall a time when Wolfsbrigade wardecked a pirate corporation for nothing more than the fact that one of their pilots was camping the Ichoriya Gate and just happened to be in a smart bombing Raven. This Smart bombing Raven just Happened to Destroy the pod of a Wolfsbrigade Pilot named Rigel Vex peacefully on his way to highsec to buy something. Destroying a full set of expensive implants.

This cannot stand! This Will Be Dealt With!

The pilot was personally convoed by me and asked nicely to reimburse Rigel Vex for his lost implants and given 2 days to remove his corp pos from Ichoriya (the same POS he safed up in his cute little Smart Bombing Raven) his answer was:

“Lol Faction war noobs”


Less than an hour later all of his corporation received a nice little evemail informing them that Wolfsbrigade has declared war and them. It is not like we needed to declare war on them. We were in lowsec and I assure you Wolfsbrigade pilots had no qualms about going pirate against anyone. The wardeck was just to let them know exactly where their next fight was going to come from.

The POS was removed-Forcefully- and More than enough isk in loot was picked out of what remained of the corporation hangers to reimburse our pilot and keep our war machine funded for weeks to come. I personally transferred the reimbursement to Rigel Vex from the corporation Wallet.

You might think I am exaggerating. I assure you Wolfsbrigade Killboard is not hard to find.

To Be Continued

Amarr Liason Officer Extraordinare -->Check Out Amarrian Vengeance/Amarr FW History from 2011 to 2014

Death Metal Rooster
#36 - 2011-10-17 03:34:19 UTC
Stalking Mantis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#37 - 2011-10-17 03:38:02 UTC
Final Chapter

From the Shoulders of Giants

Towards the End of Wolfsbrigades time in The Caldari militia Wolfsbrigade simply became too big of a beast.

For a long period Wolfsbrigade leadership had a problem that any Pilot in EVE would love to have. Wolfsbrigade was to Strong.

If Wolfsbrigade came out in Full Force no one in their right mind would undock and face them. A fully decked Wolfsbrigade fleet was the equivalent of an Armored Battalion shaking literally shaking the ground.

What was once the Mighty Gallente Armada controlling the Space lanes from Tama to Old Man Star was now The Mighty Caldari Armada controlling the Space lanes from Tama to Old Man Star .

The Mighty Caldari Armada Made up of Draketrain and Wolfsbrigade.

It is unhealthy for a PVP corporation not to have fights. If a PVP corporation does not get fights then the wisest thing that corporation needs to do is move somewhere where there are fights.

And Blackrise was simply not big enough for Wolfsbrigade.

If you ask me I believe Wolfsbrigade outgrew even the wildest dreams of its founders.

The time for Wolfsbrigade to limit itself to the Caldari Gallente conflict was over.

Although this is not the whole story of the Wolfsbrigade and other chapters exist and are being written everyday it is the end of this story.

The story of Wolfsbrigades rise to the top of the Caldari Militia.

The Rise Of The Wolf

Amarr Liason Officer Extraordinare -->Check Out Amarrian Vengeance/Amarr FW History from 2011 to 2014

Stalking Mantis
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#38 - 2011-10-17 03:41:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Stalking Mantis

I am no longer a part of Wolfsbrigade. But for the time I spent in Wolfsbrigade I was literally flying among giants. I was blessed to fly under the flags of the best of the best Caldari War Machines.

I merely wanted to document a short time period in the life of the Caldari-Gallente Conflict for past, current and future Soldiers of both sides.

When you are flying through the Space from Tama to Enaluri to Old Man Star rest assured you are flying the same space lanes of countless battles.

You are treading on the same ground that giants walked and did battle in.

You are being watched by the spirits of countless Caldari and Gallente Soldiers that took it upon themselves to hold either the Gallente or Caldari flag high. If you listen closely you can hear their whispers. The Spirits of Thousands of Soldiers before You watching over your battles and edging you to fight harder.

What are you going to do?

Who will write the next chapter in the Saga that is the Caldari and Gallente War?

That is a legacy I hope the new breed of Gallente and Caldari Pilots continue.

The future is now yours now go out and shape it.

I am a Caldari Pilot.

My Name Is Stalking Mantis. And I once Flew With the Wolfsbrigade.

Amarr Liason Officer Extraordinare -->Check Out Amarrian Vengeance/Amarr FW History from 2011 to 2014

Damar Rocarion
Nasranite Watch
#39 - 2011-10-17 03:42:43 UTC
Stalking Mantis wrote:
An unspoken agreement was in place between Draketrain and Wolfsbrigade. Not only did they avoid fighting each other but they eyed each other with a mutual sense of respect.

I dont think you mentioned this but things went south rapidly after Caldari militia threw a tantrum because Draketrain refused to play ball and let them merge fleets with gallente to fight R&K. You dont talk or play with your enemy, you hate them and kill them.
Mister Swift
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#40 - 2011-10-17 07:02:50 UTC