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What might have kept me playing EVE

First post
Iella Wesirri
Dead Rats Tell No Tales
#41 - 2012-09-20 18:31:49 UTC
Hey EP. I doubt you even remember me, but we were corpies once a long time ago in your early days. I remember some of your hopes and dreams years ago. I always thought you would accomplish something great, and I've seen you do some interesting things through your postings here on the forums. I'll be sad to see you go, though we haven't spoken in years. I wish you luck in your next endeavor. Fly safe my friend. o7

- Iella
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#42 - 2012-09-20 19:13:07 UTC
If i left EVE just cos I lost my mouse and got bits of sand under the keys of my keyboard my brother would never let me live it down.

Dont use computer parts in a sand box they break.

You only realise you life has been a waste of time, when you wake up dead.

Kult Altol
The Safe Space
#43 - 2012-09-20 19:34:24 UTC
Can I get the tldr version?

[u]Can't wait untill when Eve online is Freemium.[/u] WiS only 10$, SP booster for one month 15$, DPS Boost 2$, EHP Boost 2$ Real money trading hub! Cosmeitic ship skins 15$ --> If you don't [u]pay **[/u]for a product, you ARE the [u]**product[/u].

Paul Oliver
#44 - 2012-09-20 19:37:59 UTC
TL;DR Why can't EVE be more like Simcity?
Its good to be [Gallente](
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2012-09-20 21:29:58 UTC
Hiro Ceffoe wrote:

You displayed grande arrogance

It's 'grand' arrogance. No need for the 'e'.

Just kidding.

Eve is about the journey.  If you are so focused on making money, that you insist on having the tools to make it be made as autonomous and easy as possible, then you are never going to have as much fun as I will.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#46 - 2012-09-20 21:37:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Methesda
I suppose I should contribute something useful, instead of poking fun at people...

I have to say, posts like the OP kinda worry me. They show a kind of desire for escapism that is, imho, rather unhealthy.

If you want to explore something amazing, go outdoors. Seriously... people take it for granted, but there are incredible things to be seen all over the world. My Dad rasied me on a diet of microscopy, and telescopes (great way to get a sense of your place in the universe). I've always been in awe of the world around me, and at that age, I never even left my back yard.

Eve is a game, and a great one. The content of it has always been about player content, and whilst most people cast this off as CCP being 'lazy' I think it's completely the opposite. They've actually got a hell of a job to keep those systems running smoothly. Whilst a little eye candy might go a long way, there really isn't the possiblity to make content that actually changes things a great deal, because of the risk of upsetting these systems. Take the changes to FW... CCP thought they got everything right, and what did we get? A five trillion isk handout to Goonswarm.

If games like Eve ever got to the point where it was 'Matrix' like, and had so much content to see and do that people where generally more interested to see Eve than the world around them, we'd be in a hell of a state as a society.

Eve is about the journey.  If you are so focused on making money, that you insist on having the tools to make it be made as autonomous and easy as possible, then you are never going to have as much fun as I will.

Eternum Praetorian
#47 - 2012-09-20 22:45:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternum Praetorian
I have also looked through my share of telescopes. The moon, mars and Jupiter look more or less the same every night. You get a much better sense of the universe on google then you do in your backyard, being that everything that mankind has ever aspired to is literally part of the public domain in full color pictures and in black and white text.

You don't see this in your back yard

So when you read my post and see "unhealthy escapism", I in turn read yours and see a dreary dreamless perspective that in large part serves to smother the world that I live in. A bunch of "it's good enough" sloths unwilling to reach out just a little farther in order to touch the proverbial finger of god with their entire hand, instead of merely the lazy tip of their index finger (Michelangelo Painting Reference) Yep, that's you.

[center]The EVE Gateway Blog[/center] [center]One Of EVE Online's Ultimate Resources[/center]

Weiland Taur
The Icarus Expedition
Solyaris Chtonium
#48 - 2012-09-21 19:28:02 UTC

OP that was great and I think sums up a lot of the frustration that a lot of people feel with Eve. We want the sandbox to be a bit more than it can. We want to feel that we are creating that virtual empire rather than recycling pixels. I just resubbed and am already thinking of leaving again as I read about cruiser balancing instead of new POS's, missile nerfs instead of WIS, V3 instead of somehow expanding the universe. CCP seems intent upon staying in editing mode instead of writing new creations. Even the player created content when looked at from afar is the same material recycled. In Eve the metagame and group identity has taken the place of real expansions. Eve is a great game but at some point one must realize it will never be the space simulator it seemed to be that first day I logged in. CCP just doesn't seem to have it in them to make that happen. I remember when they announced that they were stopping Chronicles and I felt a lump in my stomach. The Science Fiction has faded from Eve just leaving the pew pew and endless missioning. The pew pew is fun but I wonder as I imagine you do, what could have been?

You just have to accept it is what it is.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#49 - 2012-09-22 02:06:19 UTC

Honestly, what you describe sounds a lot like the Future Vision that repeatedly got CCP in trouble with the players. I think now is the time to fix things that have been neglected, but I'm patiently waiting for that time to be done.

If you haven't seen these already, look online for the FanFest "CCP Presents" videos. It's where they talk about the crazy long-term ideas they're floating around. If I'm remembering this right, 2012 had ideas of truly modular POSes like what you describe.

Occasionally plays sober

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#50 - 2012-09-22 04:27:58 UTC
Mostly because no one was even out there…

Well written.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Alavaria Fera
#51 - 2012-09-22 04:31:35 UTC
Methesda wrote:
Take the changes to FW... CCP thought they got everything right, and what did we get? A five trillion isk handout to Goonswarm.

If games like Eve ever got to the point where it was 'Matrix' like, and had so much content to see and do that people where generally more interested to see Eve than the world around them, we'd be in a hell of a state as a society.

Yeah, you'd walk outside and be ganked from 100km away by a volley of 8 1400mm shells.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

APEX Unlimited
APEX Conglomerate
#52 - 2012-09-22 04:57:24 UTC
Ginger Barbarella wrote:
Hiro Ceffoe wrote:
Reicine Ceer wrote:
Eternum Praetorian wrote:
I have been inactive for almost 8 months and as my finger hovers over the button of no return, I find myself wondering what might have kept me here indefinitely. When I first started that most definitely was my intention, and now I have more SP then..(snip)

Stopped reading here.

This is why.

Because some people just dont get it.

Wow, I pity you.

And I, like many others, choose not to read posts if people don't have the basic knowledge and consideration to form sentences correctly.

Your a idiot!

(see what I did thar?) P

Heian Galanodel
Shadow Legion Y
Seriously Suspicious
#53 - 2012-09-22 05:51:09 UTC
Full heartedly understand OP. But I have hope that one day EVE will be more than what it is today.

Still waiting. I can wait. Hoping for the best. Fingers crossed. Looks up pleadingly at the vast and awesome universe.

"An acorn that is unafraid to destroy itself in growing into a tree."

-David Zindell, The Broken God (1992)-

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#54 - 2012-09-22 06:28:29 UTC
Even though it seems EVE wasn't exactly what you were looking for in a space ship game, you've made the best of what it could offer.

Thanks for everything you taught me and good luck wherever you venture next o7
Josef Djugashvilis
#55 - 2012-09-22 07:08:43 UTC
Reicine Ceer wrote:
Eternum Praetorian wrote:
I have been inactive for almost 8 months and as my finger hovers over the button of no return, I find myself wondering what might have kept me here indefinitely. When I first started that most definitely was my intention, and now I have more SP then..(snip)

Stopped reading here.

This is why.

Because some people just dont get it.

Nice to see that the grammar police are on patrol.

Poor grammar will be the death of Eve...oh wait...

This is not a signature.

Raya Chandragupta
Observant Eye Inc
#56 - 2012-09-22 07:55:01 UTC
Post got you my first like. For prose style and similar feelings of dissatisfaction about the lack of truly inspiring/inspired content and the sense of wonder a game like Eve could potentially create.
22nd Black Rise Defensive Unit
#57 - 2012-09-22 10:15:36 UTC
I just wanted to add that I support and agreed with the OP completely. I sadly just log in to train my skills, though occasionally I run a few missions. This is because I also have the same desire for the type of features as the OP and this game has so much untapped potential in that regard.

Originally I thought most or even all MMOs would progress into that sort of game, instead they have gone much in the opposite direction. Its a shame MMO companies have gone the way of making nearly clone games. Spaghetti sauce was made better when all kinds of sauce types became available, something gaming companies need to learn.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#58 - 2012-09-24 02:47:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Methesda
Eternum Praetorian wrote:
I have also looked through my share of telescopes. The moon, mars and Jupiter look more or less the same every night. You get a much better sense of the universe on google then you do in your backyard, being that everything that mankind has ever aspired to is literally part of the public domain in full color pictures and in black and white text.

You don't see this in your back yard

So when you read my post and see "unhealthy escapism", I in turn read yours and see a dreary dreamless perspective that in large part serves to smother the world that I live in. A bunch of "it's good enough" sloths unwilling to reach out just a little farther in order to touch the proverbial finger of god with their entire hand, instead of merely the lazy tip of their index finger (Michelangelo Painting Reference) Yep, that's you.

I express concern, and you insult me?

What you are describing is akin to saying you can just as easily look at a picture of a glacier or a mountain and experience it by proxy rather than being there.

I heartily disagree with your attitude that looking at pertty bits of artwork in Eve is equal to 'reaching for the stars'.

Eternum Praetorian wrote:
I in turn read yours and see a dreary dreamless perspective.

Dreamless hey? So I left everything I had where I was born and raised to come and live in New Zealand. I live with Mountains and the sea. I go snowboarding every winter, and during the summer I like to go Kayaking, where I fish for my family, and enjoy the company of some of the most awesome creatures on the planet. I live in Middle-*******-Earth. Don't talk to me about dreamless.

Eternum Praetorian wrote:
A bunch of "it's good enough" sloths

Accepting the tenacity and organisation to move half way around the Earth, in order to live in the environment I choose, I think you underestimated me when I talked of backyards and telescopes. The backyard I remember more for the microscopy, and the life that used to grow in a pond at the back of a garden. Sure, you might have been stuck with 'moon, mars and Jupiter', but my interest caused me to start hanging around with the local astronomy Guru, a gentleman by the name of Lawrence Harris, the founder of the local astronomy society. I was looking at a lot more than the 'moon, mars and jupiter'.

If you seriously think that playing a space video-game is helping you touch the 'proverbial hand of God', you are badlymisguided... and until your socially inept post, I gave a ****.

Eve is about the journey.  If you are so focused on making money, that you insist on having the tools to make it be made as autonomous and easy as possible, then you are never going to have as much fun as I will.

Eternum Praetorian
#59 - 2012-09-24 12:14:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternum Praetorian
Upset you enough to earn your RL internet story did I Methesda?

The thing about the internet is.... anyone can be anything with anonymity. I can say that I am special forces, I can say that I live in the wild lands of Alaska or I am a professional novelist. You can't really know what is true and what is not, so I don't really want to hear your imagined view of yourself. Even if you did all of that, and even if you are that thing, it does not mean that other people would see you the way that you see yourself. Furthermore, from my own vantage point it is just as likely that you are talking out of your ass.

If you presume that when I say that "I prefer access to the images that the Hubble create" for example, that I also mean that I can experience a mountain by looking at a computer screen, then you have your head shoved so far up your own "fantastic-new-Zealand-outdoorsman" ass that you can no longer see anything but "how fantastic you think that you are". The two things are not related.

Accepting the tenacity and organisation to move half way around the Earth, in order to live in the environment I choose I think you underestimated me when I talked of backyards and telescopes

I did underestimate you. You are describing the ultimate act of "i hate my old life" escapism that I have ever heard. Is this why you are singling out my post as being "bad escapism"? Because you have discovered "awesome" escapism and anything less then your awesome version of escapism is a lesser creature?

If I lived in New Zealand I might be outside playing survivor man not wasting my life here arguing with forum trolls. So maybe you should go practice what you preach, presuming that you don't just live in Idaho. Oh and here is a picture of me after I scaled mount Everest

Or did I.... Blink

[center]The EVE Gateway Blog[/center] [center]One Of EVE Online's Ultimate Resources[/center]

#60 - 2012-09-24 12:30:43 UTC
I agree with having some sort of 'life form' in space.

Like the Jovians/Sleepers CCP could do a lot here lore-wise in the same vein of the elusive unknown and frightening 'others' that inhabit New Eden. This would flesh out the space a bit and give more life to the game.

Perhaps they could randomly spawn anywhere in the universe, but very rarely?