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[Updated][Winter] Missile Rebalance 2.0 + Hurricane tweak

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#1781 - 2012-09-20 00:27:53 UTC
Anhenka wrote:
Also, at this point, just as a rough popularity poll, this is post 1775, and the op has 48 likes.

Less than one in 30 for likes/post, closer to 1 in 40. Obviously unpopular.

I have two problems with this line of thinking

1. People dont always vote for whats best for the game, just whats best for them.
2. The number of posts is deceptive because one person could post multiple times.
Daniel Plain
#1782 - 2012-09-20 00:37:37 UTC
this post summarizes several solutions to the drake/tengu problem that do not include breaking heavy missiles:

- reduce heavy missile flight time
- switch CPU and power grid requirements of HMLs and HAMLs

- reduce heavy missile flight time
- remove one launcher slot from the drake
- make both drake and tengu's range bonuses apply only to HAMs

- reduce heavy missile flight time
- switch rage and precision ranges

- reduce heavy missile flight time
- change the way defender missiles work in a way that makes them useful without causing server lag (for example change the mechanic to be a hardcoded extra tank that only helps against missile damage while keeping the client side missile animation).

none of these require awkward tinkering with tracking enhancers and none of these of these will make tracking disruptors mandatory in small scale pvp.

I should buy an Ishtar.

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#1783 - 2012-09-20 00:38:57 UTC
Michael Harari wrote:
Oh yeah, this is totally a buff to missiles Roll

Heh, it is a massive buff to missiles and only your reliance on using a long range weapon as a close range weapon would make you not see it. :)


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Elza Laduko
Suddenly Carebears
#1784 - 2012-09-20 00:51:01 UTC
Nerf everything plz!!!

Cant wait for the new bump dmg to leave eve
Ark Anhammar
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1785 - 2012-09-20 00:51:52 UTC
Lili Lu wrote:
Except, I don't think it is reasonable to expect TDs for each gun and missile type. Amarr typically gets the fewest mids, even on the ewar boats. But certainly a turret TD mod and a missile TD mod appear to be being considered. The idea of a general purpose TD mod with an even weaker effect is a worthy concept to consider.

I think is a pretty salient point, but I have two follow-ups:

1) It is true that Amarr, the TD specializing race, has fewer mid slots, which would serve to limit the amount of TDs useable, much as the same as Caldari need to use their mids for shields in addition to ECM (to a lesser degree, sure, with the BB's range, but consider 4 slots have to be used for rainbow ECM), but here is the question: why would TDs need separate modules for Missiles or guns? How would this be equitable to TDs, when damps work universally against all targets? How would it be "fair" to the other races who have all their systems disrupted when only one universal TD is used vs having to have special missile TDs just for missile carrying ships? In fact, having a roulette-wheel-style chance of whether the TD ship is carrying missile or non-missile would only push winmatar strategy farther ahead, since many of their dual-weapon ships would still be combat effective absent both TD varieties locking them down.

2) ECM has separate racial variants, I'd argue, because the effect of a "universal' ECM would be game-breakingly powerful. ECMs stop the jammed ship from doing almost literally anything. The ship is, in effect, completely out of commission for the battle. This reason alone justifies having various racial ECM variants. To separate TDs into missile and non-missile versions would just add undue burden to Amarr pilots (and everyone else, too, who fits TDs) to fit their already limited midslot space with one or the other variety of TD. This, combined with the fact that there's only one damp "model" and one, universal TP, shows that two varieties are unjustified and, more importantly, uncalled for.
OT Smithers
A Farewell To Kings...
Dock Workers
#1786 - 2012-09-20 00:53:39 UTC
Dante Lioncourt wrote:
But seriously guys do you not think that CCP has
got plan for the rest of the caldari missile boats that never get used that
would balance this out ?

For example the cerb which could be a awesome long range missile boat with wicked speed
Or maby they have a suprise for the ferox ?
This is EVE anything is possible , just be positive Big smile

Actually no, I do not think CCP has a plan for the other missile boats.

The POINT of this HM change is to reduce lag inducing missile spam in fleet engagements. That's fewer objects their servers need to track the happier things run. The point is to break missiles and replace them with some new non-missile FOTM.

For Caldari pilots, well, it pretty much sucks to be you. But this is nothing new. After this change you will have a couple decent frigates -- but of these even the already anemic damage rocket boats are going to get creamed once TD's become the new must-have tanking module.

You'll have the Caracal, but with these changes you will be pushing T1 frigate DPS against stationary non-TD fitted large targets -- less or much less against something smaller or moving. If the idea of an "attack cruiser" pushing 1 hundred DPS against a frigate sounds interesting, then this is the boat for you. If you go with light missiles you will have what looks on paper to be a decent frigate killer, until you realize that you have no drones, no neuts, and no DPS. You'll be able to tickle frigates from range and die to them if they get close. Few people fly these things today -- they certainly won't post nerf.

Everything I said above applies to the Navy Caracal as well, except in a much more expensive package. It'll be like buying a Fererri with a honda civic engine.

The Cerberus is currently something of a joke and this change will make it more so. The one neet (but generally useless) trick it can do is lobbing underpowered missiles across the galaxy. They wont kill anything of course, but they are annoying. After this change this will go away. Shorter range, lower damage, still no tank, expensive loss mail, and a company with no stated plans to address this.

The Nighthawk, under this change, goes from fail to epic fail. Fly this if you want people to laugh at you.

The Cruise Raven is obviously rarely used. It's a BS that does T1 cruiser DPS -- but only to large targets. The Torp Raven is, again, rarely used as there is basically no reason to do so. The same applies with the Navy Raven in either fitting -- it's just an expensive loss mail.

Like I said, if you are a Caldari missile pilot it sucks to be you (and if you are a Caldari Hybrid pilot what the hell are you thinking?). It's not like this is news. CCP has been F$%^ing Caldari PvP pilots for years. Train another race or cancel.
Eternal Error
#1787 - 2012-09-20 00:57:16 UTC
Ark Anhammar wrote:
Lili Lu wrote:
Except, I don't think it is reasonable to expect TDs for each gun and missile type. Amarr typically gets the fewest mids, even on the ewar boats. But certainly a turret TD mod and a missile TD mod appear to be being considered. The idea of a general purpose TD mod with an even weaker effect is a worthy concept to consider.

I think is a pretty salient point, but I have two follow-ups:

1) It is true that Amarr, the TD specializing race, has fewer mid slots, which would serve to limit the amount of TDs useable, much as the same as Caldari need to use their mids for shields in addition to ECM (to a lesser degree, sure, with the BB's range, but consider 4 slots have to be used for rainbow ECM), but here is the question: why would TDs need separate modules for Missiles or guns? How would this be equitable to TDs, when damps work universally against all targets? How would it be "fair" to the other races who have all their systems disrupted when only one universal TD is used vs having to have special missile TDs just for missile carrying ships? In fact, having a roulette-wheel-style chance of whether the TD ship is carrying missile or non-missile would only push winmatar strategy farther ahead, since many of their dual-weapon ships would still be combat effective absent both TD varieties locking them down.

2) ECM has separate racial variants, I'd argue, because the effect of a "universal' ECM would be game-breakingly powerful. ECMs stop the jammed ship from doing almost literally anything. The ship is, in effect, completely out of commission for the battle. This reason alone justifies having various racial ECM variants. To separate TDs into missile and non-missile versions would just add undue burden to Amarr pilots (and everyone else, too, who fits TDs) to fit their already limited midslot space with one or the other variety of TD. This, combined with the fact that there's only one damp "model" and one, universal TP, shows that two varieties are unjustified and, more importantly, uncalled for.

The difference is that unbonused TDs are quite powerful, while the rest of the EWAR forms are either underwhelming in general or need bonuses/a specific target (i.e. racial ECMs) in order to really shine. I'm really not sold on the idea that TDs should affect missiles (although I suppose they have to if TCs/TEs will affect missiles), and if this change goes through, you can definitely expect a nerf to TDs to compensate.
Daniel Plain
#1788 - 2012-09-20 00:57:32 UTC
Ark Anhammar wrote:
Lili Lu wrote:
Except, I don't think it is reasonable to expect TDs for each gun and missile type. Amarr typically gets the fewest mids, even on the ewar boats. But certainly a turret TD mod and a missile TD mod appear to be being considered. The idea of a general purpose TD mod with an even weaker effect is a worthy concept to consider.

I think is a pretty salient point, but I have two follow-ups:

1) It is true that Amarr, the TD specializing race, has fewer mid slots, which would serve to limit the amount of TDs useable, much as the same as Caldari need to use their mids for shields in addition to ECM (to a lesser degree, sure, with the BB's range, but consider 4 slots have to be used for rainbow ECM), but here is the question: why would TDs need separate modules for Missiles or guns? How would this be equitable to TDs, when damps work universally against all targets? How would it be "fair" to the other races who have all their systems disrupted when only one universal TD is used vs having to have special missile TDs just for missile carrying ships? In fact, having a roulette-wheel-style chance of whether the TD ship is carrying missile or non-missile would only push winmatar strategy farther ahead, since many of their dual-weapon ships would still be combat effective absent both TD varieties locking them down.

2) ECM has separate racial variants, I'd argue, because the effect of a "universal' ECM would be game-breakingly powerful. ECMs stop the jammed ship from doing almost literally anything. The ship is, in effect, completely out of commission for the battle. This reason alone justifies having various racial ECM variants. To separate TDs into missile and non-missile versions would just add undue burden to Amarr pilots (and everyone else, too, who fits TDs) to fit their already limited midslot space with one or the other variety of TD. This, combined with the fact that there's only one damp "model" and one, universal TP, shows that two varieties are unjustified and, more importantly, uncalled for.

the dampener argument is flawed because damps won't do you any good if your target is fast enough or warps in close enough. all forms of ewar should have their drawbacks, the drawback of TDs is their impotence against missiles.

I should buy an Ishtar.

Life. Universe. Everything.
#1789 - 2012-09-20 01:05:26 UTC
HorseEve wrote:
When this patch is released, can we also get options to get our skillpoints back for the entirety of any training that went into the Caldari Race? You guys are removing the only reason people used heavy missiles. You are removing the only reason people flew drakes. You are removing the most useful ship for any new players that you are supposedly trying to get more of. You are reducing the crappy damage of an already crappy platform.

So, If I can get my Caldari skill points back I would lvoe to go fly other races that matter! Especially the new mid slot layout of the Thorax. On a bright note everyone, most of these new cruiser layouts can kill the new drake layout!

i guess youll have to wait until someone smarter than you posts a new FOTM fit on battleclinic for you to copy :)
Gallente Federation
#1790 - 2012-09-20 01:08:08 UTC  |  Edited by: HELLBOUNDMAN
I'm fishing for comments, but would someone please rate my suggestion on missile changes..
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1791 - 2012-09-20 01:09:46 UTC
Shaalira D'arc wrote:
For all the alarmism about the fate of the Caldari ship line:

Drakes and Tengus are not the only Caldari ships in the game, believe it or not.

you slap our drakes-tengus and all our HML ships in the face...and as an excuse you are telling us that there are more caldari ships to play with?
oh come on...
Life. Universe. Everything.
#1792 - 2012-09-20 01:12:47 UTC
Daniel Plain wrote:
this post summarizes several solutions to the drake/tengu problem that do not include breaking heavy missiles:

- reduce heavy missile flight time
- switch CPU and power grid requirements of HMLs and HAMLs

- reduce heavy missile flight time
- remove one launcher slot from the drake
- make both drake and tengu's range bonuses apply only to HAMs

- reduce heavy missile flight time
- switch rage and precision ranges

- reduce heavy missile flight time
- change the way defender missiles work in a way that makes them useful without causing server lag (for example change the mechanic to be a hardcoded extra tank that only helps against missile damage while keeping the client side missile animation).

none of these require awkward tinkering with tracking enhancers and none of these of these will make tracking disruptors mandatory in small scale pvp.

heavy missiles are already broken though
Gallente Federation
#1793 - 2012-09-20 01:13:44 UTC
M4NOS theGREEK wrote:
Shaalira D'arc wrote:
For all the alarmism about the fate of the Caldari ship line:

Drakes and Tengus are not the only Caldari ships in the game, believe it or not.

you slap our drakes-tengus and all our HML ships in the face...and as an excuse you are telling us that there are more caldari ships to play with?
oh come on...

If there were a missile boat that was effective in pve apart from the drake and tengu, I wouldn't be too upset about people nerfing them and heavy missiles.

However, there isn't.

Maybe once they rebalance battleships I might get one, but until then I'll have a nerfed tengu that is in capable of lvl 4 missions anymore, which defeats the purpose for me even training for it.
Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#1794 - 2012-09-20 01:18:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Michael Harari
Eternal Error wrote:

The difference is that unbonused TDs are quite powerful, while the rest of the EWAR forms are either underwhelming in general or need bonuses/a specific target (i.e. racial ECMs) in order to really shine.

Believe me, Lillu knows this, seeing as he fits TDs to everything already
Isaiah Harms
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1795 - 2012-09-20 01:22:27 UTC
Krell Kroenen wrote:
As some one else posted I have a feeling these changes will merely bring a new age of "Amarr supremacy". *Shrugs* It's CCP's game and they can make what ever changes they wish.

It seems that after this my armor canes will be rather borked, so I'll just have to trade them in for harby's when I can be arsed to do it. (though they are fugly in comparison to the cane even after the v3 nerf to their looks) I just find it funny that they are getting gutted due to a fit setup I never favored.

So I guess my feed back is this, I think the PG nerf on the cane for an armor tanker might be extreme, but if other fits are causing problems because of it so be it. You can't keep everyone happy all the time. And if my faded frown means 3 other people smile then that is what you should do.

As for the HML changes, by all means go full speed ahead. Misery loves company after all.

Yes CCP. Muck the game up more. "Try" to redefine the sandbox for all the noobs who don't understand that "sandbox" means YOU affect YOUR game not "I get my favorite Dev to affect the entire sandbox for me."

Sure.. Make Amarr and Gallente great. I got those skills too. The crybabies will still being crying no matter how you adjust the game.. Of course the greatness of this game will be tarnished until someone with sense fixes all of CCP Fozzies mistakes.

Hey! Another reason to patch!
Easthir Ravin
Easy Co.
#1796 - 2012-09-20 01:22:27 UTC
This kind of action is typical of a cradle to grave society. Punish the successful rather than looking into how to make others perform better.

This will basically make Caldari ships useless in any fleet, except for EWAR boats which is probably in the pipe as everyone bitches about it as well.

There are already counters for both drakes and tengus. Stop being lazy people and figure out how to use the thousands of Mods to counter them yourselves.

Tinfoil hat ON: It is just a CCP counter to the CFC as they use these two ship doctrines with great success. And CCP sees the CFC as a threat to something? Not sure, but its out there...Tinfoil hat OFF.


#1797 - 2012-09-20 01:27:10 UTC
Daniel Plain wrote:
this post summarizes several solutions to the drake/tengu problem that do not include breaking heavy missiles:

- reduce heavy missile flight time
- switch CPU and power grid requirements of HMLs and HAMLs

This change I would probably go with in addition to the current changes, it makes no sense that HAMs which are short range are harder to fit.

That would be like making it easier to fit beam lasers than pulse.

at any rate, this still leaves the drake and tengu hopelessly overpowered

Daniel Plain wrote:
- reduce heavy missile flight time
- remove one launcher slot from the drake
- make both drake and tengu's range bonuses apply only to HAMs

The HAM bonus is an amaarian thing

Daniel Plain wrote:
- reduce heavy missile flight time
- switch rage and precision ranges

this still leaves the drake and tengu hopelessly overpowered, most people dont use the T2 missiles anyway cause theyre utter crap

Daniel Plain wrote:
- reduce heavy missile flight time
- change the way defender missiles work in a way that makes them useful without causing server lag (for example change the mechanic to be a hardcoded extra tank that only helps against missile damage while keeping the client side missile animation).

While this is a good work around, the problem is that it still only effects your ship. What defender missiles really need to do is defend your allies, you should just be able to keep the missile pods cycling and when a missile is launched against anyone youre blue to, and is in range, the defender should auto launch and attack the offending missile.

This would create point defense ships as another role in the fleet, the problem is that the number of calculations this would require would cook the servers.
Gallente Federation
#1798 - 2012-09-20 01:27:40 UTC
Just had a thought.

Ok, so...

Use my proposed missile change

I.E. precision becomes long range, and fury becomes short range, which is the same as every other weapon system (greater range = reduced dps)

Then, reduce drake recharge rate so that it can't fit a passive shield tank. (will will reduce it's EHP)

Then, take the tengu and reduce its power and cpu so that it can't fit as much tank and/or a 100mn afterburner, and reduce the range bonus of the tengu.

This will either reduce tengu dps, or tengu tank depending on what you'd prefer to lose/gain.

Now, if you took my suggested change, then a tengu at all skill lvl 5 built with my pvp fit(max dps)
I would still get the same dps out of it that I do now, only

I would have 465 dps at max range possible range with precision, and fury would become the range that precision is now with 687 dps.

So, 465 at we'll say 80 kms and 687 at, we'll say 56km.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1799 - 2012-09-20 01:31:31 UTC
Isaiah Harms wrote:
Krell Kroenen wrote:
As some one else posted I have a feeling these changes will merely bring a new age of "Amarr supremacy". *Shrugs* It's CCP's game and they can make what ever changes they wish.

It seems that after this my armor canes will be rather borked, so I'll just have to trade them in for harby's when I can be arsed to do it. (though they are fugly in comparison to the cane even after the v3 nerf to their looks) I just find it funny that they are getting gutted due to a fit setup I never favored.

So I guess my feed back is this, I think the PG nerf on the cane for an armor tanker might be extreme, but if other fits are causing problems because of it so be it. You can't keep everyone happy all the time. And if my faded frown means 3 other people smile then that is what you should do.

As for the HML changes, by all means go full speed ahead. Misery loves company after all.

Yes CCP. Muck the game up more. "Try" to redefine the sandbox for all the noobs who don't understand that "sandbox" means YOU affect YOUR game not "I get my favorite Dev to affect the entire sandbox for me."

Sure.. Make Amarr and Gallente great. I got those skills too. The crybabies will still being crying no matter how you adjust the game.. Of course the greatness of this game will be tarnished until someone with sense fixes all of CCP Fozzies mistakes.

Hey! Another reason to patch!

Wait, Gallente are great now? Weren't people still harping about how point blank weapons and armor tanking don't mix well, the drawbacks of drones as primary DPS and the terrible tracking of rails?
Isaiah Harms
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1800 - 2012-09-20 01:31:57 UTC
Synthetic Cultist wrote:
If there is to be a separate module type to disrupt missiles, it should be called a "missile dazzler". Dazzler is used nowadays for some anti-missile devices.

Tracking disruptor to counter guns, Missile dazzler to counter missiles. Yaay.

I support this idea. 1 ewar module to counter all turrets/launchers is overpowered.