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How should we improve the inventory UI?

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#481 - 2012-09-11 12:36:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Vermifuge
Unified Inventory is a good idea, it just needs a few tweaks. Adding tabs with eliminate all my gripes with the system.

I'm no UI engineer but adding a few icons to the bottom of the Unified Inventory windows could make it far more efficient. Similar icons have been added to tree view. No new assets would need to be created. Leave the tree view, and allow it to remain collapsable. What should added are tabbed icons for all specialized ship bays, drones, cargo and available ships. You should be able to drag and drop between tabs. Cargo, drone, etc tabs are dependent on the active ship.

See image for example...

Tabbed Unified Inventory mock up
Lady Gwendolyn Antollare
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#482 - 2012-09-12 02:05:48 UTC
CCP Optimal wrote:
The newly formed team Game of Drones is somewhat surprisingly not going to work on drones (for now at least), but instead we're going to take a stab at improving the inventory management UI in EVE. In an attempt to get it right, we're interesting in collecting feedback before we get our hands too dirty so it would make us happy as hell if you could list the biggest beefs you have with the current inventory UI. I was thinking about a format like this:

ISSUE: Explain your issue
FIX: How do you suggest we fix it?

ISSUE: The huge pile of windows that you end up with when performing simple inventory management tasks
FIX: Make it possible to manage your inventory through a single window that lists all the accessible inventory locations as well as making it easy to browse and drag items between them

Oh, and I'll fix lag while I'm at it, so no need to explicitly request that

Thanks in advance.

the sliders are hard to see.

change them to a different is nice

Nerfing Hisec has never fixed Losec or Nullsec

Kaikka Carel
#483 - 2012-09-12 05:41:51 UTC
Total Commander style. With quick search bars and keyboard shortcuts.
CW Itovuo
The Executioners
#484 - 2012-09-12 06:52:18 UTC
Echo Phyber wrote:
just go back to the way it was pre-inferno, it was fine, i had no problems with it.... !!! Give players the alternative to activate the old inventory UI via options !!

Yes yes yes (thumps hands down on table) Oh YES

/ meg ryan
Arec Bardwin
#485 - 2012-09-12 12:02:10 UTC
I have serious doubts of CCP's will and ability to improve significantly on the new UI (is this even on their to-do list anymore?).

As the above poster mentioned, (configurable) TABS would be really helpful to navigate, because the 'directory' tree' in the left pane quickly becomes incredibly cluttered. CCP should aim to develop a next-gen object explorer. Instead they emulated some ancient and crappy version of windows explorer. They need to look at advanced file explorers to see how this could be done.

Example: CubicExplorer (free)

Add option for dual panes and a tab space at the bottom (different scope than top tabs) and it would be perfect for EVE.
Aurelius Valentius
Valentius Corporation
Valentius Corporation Alliance
#486 - 2012-09-14 23:29:58 UTC
Overview Columns

Ability to place columns in each tab... do that one can customize the tabs to have the columns needed - PVP - Agular, ID - Corp and Alliance, etc...

Having to use a default set of column on every tab is combersome... and annoying - it should be make a tab, specialize it with content, columns and so on and save it as a fully save setupm then make the next one as so on...

I would like it if my ID tab has ID columns, my Tactical has PVP needed info, my Mining tab mining stuff, etc... shouldn't be a huge issue to do this
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#487 - 2012-09-15 15:23:04 UTC
Echo Phyber wrote:
just go back to the way it was pre-inferno, it was fine, i had no problems with it.... !!! Give players the alternative to activate the old inventory UI via options !!

Best answer and only real fix for the UI.

I only want to see, interact and manage storage locations I choose too it's simple as that, be it just two or five it should be my choice WITHOUT having to scroll through every location in eyesight to do so. I want to select the mobile lab, gun, ship, silo etc I need to work with and be done, scrolling through a bunch of holds to find the location(s) I need is frustrating and a wast of my game time.

I know this has been said over and over again but the old inventory system was far superior to the UI, the UI would be much better suited for the assets tool or it removed all together.

A crap-ton of money and time was spent (wasted) on coding the UI but it really needs to go away, how the UI got "OK'ed" to go live in the 1st place is beyond me.

Whomever is making the last few years decisions on what changes are to be implemented in this game, must hate Eve with all their being.

Jehan Markow
Wu Si Yuan Luojishan
#488 - 2012-09-16 14:23:57 UTC
I know this thread was started 9 months ago, and inventory changes were implemented in the last patch, which suggests none the Devs are reading it. But still this thread hasn't been locked down, so who knows? I'll give my criticism a shot anyhow.

First, in case you haven't noticed, there have been players who have left because of the new inventory system. You wouldn't believe the grumbling that still goes on in voice comms as people fumble with the new, slower, clumsy system.

The biggest difficulty I have with the new inventory system is that windows don't stay in place. When I do my work, I like to have multiple inventory windows open. Why? Because every time you click the drop-down or open a new window, the client queries the server. On my crappy little connection, this can mean 15 spent managing inventory when 5 minutes used to suffice. My current work-around is to open up all the windows I need in separate locations.

Issue: Under the new system, many of these inventory windows forget their locations when closed or when I undock.
Fix: Allow each ship hangar, drone bay, ore hold, fuel bay, or station container/warehouse/vault/other container to "remember" the location it last appeared. Seeing as this used to be in the code before the latest patch messed it all up for the players, I'm sure you can dig up the old code and do a little copy-and-paste to fix it.

One thing that also has helped me is the hot-keys for opening certain locations. Items, Ships, and corporation Market Deliveries all open up as necessary.

Issue: We need a hot-key for opening the Corporation Hangars.
Fix: Make a goddamn hot-key for opening Corporation Hangars. Don't tell me it's too difficult. I could probably code the entire thing in under 30 minutes. CCP should have done this years ago.

Under the previous system, one of your containers/windows would be the "spawn point" for all new containers to appear. It would be useful under any revamp to allow players to choose one of their inventory windows as the window spawn point. Just a little right-click in the box in the upper left would be all we need.

Issue: Every time I open the sidebar on an inventory window to view the drop-down, it reverts to its "useless" state, in which drop-downs I don't need ("my filters" especially) are opened wide, making scrolling take forever, while drop-downs I do need (Corporation Hangar) are closed.
Fix: Have the client/server save the settings on the sidebar that way it doesn't lag while querying all the various submenus unless the player chooses it.

The most useless thing that pops up in the sidebar is the "My filters" submenu. I have never needed to use this function, but every time I open an inventory window I have to minimise it in order for the rest of the inventory sidebar to function. Seeing as it takes an extra two seconds and I have to do that at least 60 times a day, I estimate I waste well over an hour of my time every month closing the darned thing. Please consider whether you really want your players to be wasting their time on this and give us a break.

Every time I try open the corporation hangar drop-down, the triangle points downward and nothing drops down. If I click it again, the triangle goes back to pointing right. If I've waited about 20-30 seconds, I can try again to click the triangle at which point it will respond with the actual drop-down of what's inside. If the sidebar settings were saved, it would simply open that window showing all the corporation hangar menus dropped-down as I last left them. Instead, I have to go through and close some of the submenus so I can scroll competently through the options in such a tiny space. The alternative is to make the inventory window so large that I can't see anything else (like my ship, fitting, market window, etc.)

Issue: The drop-downs I do need tend to lag out when I try to open them, meaning it takes a minimum of three clicks and 20 seconds where one click and 2 seconds should suffice.
Fix: I am not sure how you guys bungled this one so badly, but you really need to fix it.

As I said above, I'm not sure that the Devs are monitoring this thread anymore. I hope you are, and it would be great to see these issues fixed. On the other hand, if you can't spare the 4-5 hours of manpower it would take to fix these problems, you could just bring back the previous inventory system and most of us would be happy with it....
Tess La'Coil
Messerschmitt Vertrieb und Logistik
#489 - 2012-09-17 08:38:55 UTC
ISSUE: Browser on the left resizes % wise when you resize the window. The Unified Inventory is the only window with this behaviour.
Further explained here:

FIX: Stop the Auto-Scaled resizing and make it user defined only.
Someone once said I was a muppet. If that's so, I'm quite sure the Swedish Chef is my brother. 
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#490 - 2012-09-18 22:25:20 UTC
Oh well, you want the issues? Where to start? Lol

Issue: Corp-hangar's (Pos/Orca/etc.)

Problem is, that Corp-hangars are needed to haul stuff (from a miner PoV), but everytime you leave the grid, and come back later, you have to reopen the corporate hangar you want to put stuff in. This automatically window-closing if object is off-grid is annoying.

FIX: Just enable the windows to stay even if you leave / are not on the same grid (maybe enable this as default, but give atleast an option to do it please - maybe through pinning the window).

Issue#2: Re-sizing windows after login

As a miner, I'm using multiple accounts, and multiple inventory's. In an attempt to sort stuff and make it take as less space as possible ( multiple clients allready take up enough space on the screen, and in window-mode, you just have not THAT much space), I allways open the ore bay on my ships. To do so, I have to re-enable the tree-view, chose the ore bay and then disable the tree view again ( this tree view is just annoying, I don't want to use it, but I have to, so it should stay away ffs, I don't wanna see it).

FIX: Give a memory to the UI, which saves the last opened window you had, instead of magically using the ships cargo bay by default.

Issue#3: the tree view:

Tree-view is pretty small if you use small windows. You either have to re-size it everytime you are forced to use it (!), or you have to scroll down, because the tree-view has limited space. More clicks with no benefit >.<

FIX: give us an option to enhance the tree view by disabling the filter-options.

In my eyes, 3 "easy" fixes which would help me a lot :/

Cid SilverWing
#491 - 2012-09-19 10:45:25 UTC
Problem - Unified Inventory.


Why is it so hard to understand? No sane player can endorse this epic failure. Stop ignoring the complaints and FIX IT ALREADY.
Malice Redeemer
#492 - 2012-09-19 14:56:00 UTC
I have another thing I would like added. when you drag items to your ship hanger, they should go to you item hanger, and vice versa. It used to work this way and it was great. Why we didn't add folder functionality when we did these massive changes is boggling, but we actually removed the little bit of folder like function we had.

To be clear, I should be able to select a mix of ships and items, pull them to my item or ship hanger, and have the same thing happen regardless, the ships go in the ship hanger and the items do to the item hanger.

Does that just not make sense or did something you learned from your UI design classes tell you that this not right, eh?
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#493 - 2012-09-19 16:52:02 UTC
Cid SilverWing wrote:
Problem - Unified Inventory.


Why is it so hard to understand? No sane player can endorse this epic failure. Stop ignoring the complaints and FIX IT ALREADY.

I have a sneaky feeling that since CCP spent so much time and money coding that mess they're going to use it even if it was a documented fact it caused cancer in 95% of those who use it.

I have never hated anything in Eve more than I do the UI, every time I'm forced to use it it reminds me of that fax machine in Office Space.

Whomever is making the last few years decisions on what changes are to be implemented in this game, must hate Eve with all their being.

M1k3y Koontz
House of Musashi
Stay Feral
#494 - 2012-09-19 20:33:49 UTC
All inventory windows close when I jumpclone and stay closed

Change the inventory so that jump cloningn doesnt close the inventory

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

K'Loth Mech
Incendiary Industries
#495 - 2012-09-22 14:54:37 UTC
Problem: Working with assets is a huge pain and is a much better problem to solve with Unified Inventory

Fix: Add Assets to Unified Inventory in New Subheading.

Problem: Working with remote containers is a Huge PITA. I hate my life every time I want to know if I already bought faction Module X for new unfit ship Y

Fix: Allow View, Drag and Drop between remote containers.

Problem: (annoyance) Creating Courier and other contracts is a pain.

Fix: Auto-create Courier Contracts when Dragging between locations and add a 'market' drop point in inventory to 'batch-sell' items, or batch-create trade contracts.

Problem: My trade window is a huge pain because my unified inventory window is necessarily large.

Fix: Add Trade window to Inventory Management so I don't have to hunt for it and resize my windows before and after in-station trades. ALSO. Add Focus on Hover so I can drag between two overlapping UI windows.
Utsen Dari
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#496 - 2012-09-29 15:23:26 UTC
Problem: When dragging and dropping an item from one location in the unified inventory to another, the target location begins to load in the unified inventory window as soon as the mouse pointer hovers over its name. If there are a lot of items at the target location, this chokes the client and the transfer fails, often with the goods in transfer winding up in some intermediate third location as the framerate drops to 1/5 and the mouse pointer location no longer corresponds to its graphical representation.

Solution: Don't do this. Drag and drop of an item should not trigger any sort of window re-load. If I'm messing with the contents of one hangar I very, very rarely want to suddenly be presented with the contents of another hangar. Certainly not by default. And certainly not when there are so many items in the hangars that the bloated new inventory system practically crashes EVE every time it tries to load one of these hangars. Default functionality was much better with the old system, where dragged items disappeared onto the tabs of target hangars and those target hangars stayed closed until you wanted to use them.
Acac Sunflyier
The Ascended Academy
#497 - 2012-09-30 10:25:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Acac Sunflyier
That little side scroley bit opens different at strange widths. Let us set a set with and not have the game randomly set the width depending from where we open the inventory. If I want the side scroll to take up half the window, then I want it to take up half the window. It should also be clear that the behavior will be based on the last window closed.

Edit: By side scrolley bit, I mean the window where we see our ships, our corp hangars, etc.
Gallente Federation
#498 - 2012-10-05 01:13:28 UTC
l0rd carlos
the king asked me to guard the mountain
#499 - 2012-10-06 12:08:11 UTC
If i klick on the "Kill Rights" tab in Character Sheet, eve hangs up for 1 or 2 seconds because so many people have kill rights on me.

Youtube Channel about Micro and Small scale PvP with commentary: Fleet Commentary by l0rd carlos

Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#500 - 2012-10-10 09:27:59 UTC
scrap it

still unintuitive to use pile of ****