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Why is there not any children chars in EVE?!

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#21 - 2012-09-07 13:22:12 UTC
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Aracimia Wolfe wrote:
Azami Nevinyrall wrote:
Alayna Le'line wrote:
Oh yeah, blowing kids up. That'll go over well with the general (and even more so: US) public.

Apperently you never read any of the books. Children not only get slaughtered, but the Amarrs **** them on a daily basis, in disturbingly high detail...

And thats why I joined a caldari corp!

I failed to mention that the Amarr hold Minnie children as slaves, drug them, THEN **** them...

Your a very "up" person.

Btw.. Caldari and Amarr are BFF..

Now that I used the term BFF.. I will go hang myself.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Yokai Mitsuhide
#22 - 2012-09-07 14:47:09 UTC
Kids suck, keep them out of games period. That is all.
Nathan Ernaga
Applesauce Brigade
#23 - 2012-09-07 15:23:48 UTC
pedobear approves

If you have in your hands the key to the fulfillment of your life's ambition and superiority over most, if you are aware that there is an absolute power on hand (just over the basic moral principles) how far are you willing to go and through what you are willing to tread?

Paul Oliver
#24 - 2012-09-07 15:30:28 UTC
Actually the OP sorta has a point, if we're immortal capsuleers capable of uploading our consciousness into clone after custom clone why would we choose such regular human looking forms? Why not choose a clone that has the form of a child, or a male and female hybrid, or a human and animal hybrid? Obviously the game mechanics don't allow for this but if this clone uploading tech ever becomes real life I suspect we'll see some very interesting aesthetical variations on the human form (not that I support transhumanism, just sayin).
Its good to be [Gallente](
Jim Era
#25 - 2012-09-07 15:30:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Jim Era
well, there are no children avatars because children do not qualify to become capsuleers.
only asians think children can do things,

Also, OP is probably a pedophile.


Cede Forster
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#26 - 2012-09-07 15:38:47 UTC

or they are all used up in ECM modules, that is why none are around. instead of jamming the targeting system, there is a kid sitting in every modules calling the target ship and screaming in their ear, keeping them from locking the target
Verge of Collapse
#27 - 2012-09-07 15:54:52 UTC
Yokai Mitsuhide wrote:
Kids suck, keep them out of games period. That is all.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#28 - 2012-09-07 16:00:46 UTC
Gibbo3771 wrote:
Yokai Mitsuhide wrote:
Kids suck, keep them out of games period. That is all.

I thought the same. Just found this too embarrassing to point it out.
Paul Oliver
#29 - 2012-09-07 16:04:16 UTC
Honestly I think the reason we don't see any children is because they're all stuck in the gates working twenty hour shifts.
Its good to be [Gallente](
Bernie Nator
Seal Club Six
Plug N Play
#30 - 2012-09-07 16:38:28 UTC
Why don't you have a seat, right over there...
Adam Junior
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2012-09-07 16:39:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Adam Junior
Paul Oliver wrote:
Actually the OP sorta has a point, if we're immortal capsuleers capable of uploading our consciousness into clone after custom clone why would we choose such regular human looking forms? Why not choose a clone that has the form of a child, or a male and female hybrid, or a human and animal hybrid? Obviously the game mechanics don't allow for this but if this clone uploading tech ever becomes real life I suspect we'll see some very interesting aesthetical variations on the human form (not that I support transhumanism, just sayin).

Because they're your clone.
They have your DNA.
That's why they're "clones" and not "host bodies".
If they weren't you clone, your conciousness wouldn't fit into your brain because it would be different.
You can undergo plastic surgery (face transplants?) but trying to alter the body growing process too much could cause all sorts of physical defects, including a malformed nervous system.

Also last thing EVE needs is people who think they're animals inside.
Paul Oliver
#32 - 2012-09-07 16:40:57 UTC
Adam Junior wrote:
Paul Oliver wrote:
Actually the OP sorta has a point, if we're immortal capsuleers capable of uploading our consciousness into clone after custom clone why would we choose such regular human looking forms? Why not choose a clone that has the form of a child, or a male and female hybrid, or a human and animal hybrid? Obviously the game mechanics don't allow for this but if this clone uploading tech ever becomes real life I suspect we'll see some very interesting aesthetical variations on the human form (not that I support transhumanism, just sayin).

Because they're your clone.
They have your DNA.
That's why they're "clones" and not "host bodies".
If they weren't you clone, your conciousness wouldn't fit into your brain because it would be different.

Also last thing EVE needs is people who think they're animals inside.

Ah yea didn't account for the furry factor, fair enough. Ugh
Its good to be [Gallente](
Jimmy Jank
Templar Services Inc.
#33 - 2012-09-07 16:51:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Jimmy Jank
Jovan Geldon wrote:
How many 12 year old spaceship pilots do you know then

lolRP reason: A child's brain is not fully developed and is therefore not compatible with the cloning and consciousness transfer process

realRP reason: 20K years in the future (give or take a dozen centuries), mankind figured out how to genetically remove childhood and adolescence from the human experience. Women don't like it so much, but its the price a society has to pay to not have to suffer brats and other types of horrible kids.
Paul Oliver
#34 - 2012-09-07 16:53:01 UTC
Jimmy Jank wrote:
Jovan Geldon wrote:
How many 12 year old spaceship pilots do you know then

lolRP reason: A child's brain is not fully developed and is therefore not compatible with the cloning and consciousness transfer process

realRP reason: 20K years in the future (give or take a dozen centuries), mankind figured out how to genetically remove childhood and adolescence from the human experience. Women don't like it so much, but its the price a society has to pay to not have to suffer brats and other types of horrible kids.
And suddenly the sociopathic nature of many capsuleers made sense. hehe
Its good to be [Gallente](
Brooks Puuntai
Solar Nexus.
#35 - 2012-09-07 16:55:39 UTC
There usually a good reason why playing children on a MMO isn't done. It would attract every pedo out there and probably would lead to lawsuits for indecent actions done by players.

CCP's Motto: If it isn't broken, break it. If it is broken, ignore it. Improving NPE / Dynamic New Eden

s1n1ster m1n1ster
Brutor Tribe
#36 - 2012-09-07 16:55:44 UTC
just imagine...

there is plenty of people that refer to a logi as a priest...

you see where I am going....?

just no
Caldari State
#37 - 2012-09-07 17:01:00 UTC
me : hey you can destroy kidclones in this game
my wife : takes keyboard and smashes it into my face
me: has qwerty in mirror writing on his forehead for life


Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2012-09-07 17:06:16 UTC
Just imagine, there would be a character with a name like Boogie Man or Freddy, that floated around highsec in a ganking ship killing child avatars indiscriminately and collecting their corpses. Then a year down the line someone would post a picture of a station inventory window filled with child corpses.

It would happen.
Jim Era
#39 - 2012-09-07 17:10:07 UTC
this thread is bad


Ice Shard
Smile just smile inc
#40 - 2012-09-07 17:22:22 UTC
Well those Child chars (clones) is not so easy to pod after all Twisted In the Eve future those low skilled pilots (below 3 m) have a new ship class to fly, former Fighter bombers Shocked But the problem is, that it needs two noob pilots to fly them! Two noobs take down my officer fitted Vindi Oops WTF!

We have all been children, some plays EVE.....