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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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14.5mil sp Falcon pilot looking for pvp null corp.

El Retties
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-09-06 17:20:12 UTC
Im a returning player looking to get into nul sec pvp / soverignty alliance. Im currently training to recon 5 and most all other ECM skills are to level 4. I started out mining and exploring and moved onto Ecm, i believe it would be most fun for me in fleet encounters. I have always been a high sec player and am looking into getting into pvp. I have plenty of experience in other mmorpgs in pvp.

I have a large playtime available monday-thursday anytime. I work weekends so i am not able to play at all on fri-sat-sun.

I am United states EST timezone.

Ellis Razors
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-09-06 19:09:36 UTC
About us

TLC. is a newer corp but the main members have known eachother for 6 months+. We are currently living in drone region and are pround members of Black Core Alliance. We are blue with Solar and the other alliance's in and around their space so we have easy and good information about where the reds are and what they are flying. We do lots of PvP as a corp with Corp roams and alliance + Coalition CTA's. We have a corp and an alliance ship replacement for ships lost in CTA's. We rat in our home system and other alliance systems.

What we offer

- PVP ops with corp, alliance and coalition
- Active members in both corp and alliance
- TS3
- Many available systems in nullsec to rat, mine, PI etc....
- Rorquals for mining boosts
- Carriers for ratting support and logistics
- A skill queue to work for to help you in nullsec
- A friendly atmosphere with lots of help and support
- Solid Leadership
- Friends all over the map and main regions in nullsec

What we expect from you

- A mic and always on Comms when online
- Attend CTA's
- Be active and give notice if your not online for longer than 1 month
- Have a minimum of 10 kills a month
- Attend corp ops and help out when called upon
- Full API When Applying
- 15mil SP Minimum


TLC. is mainly active in EU TZ, but we are looking to improve our US and Russian TZ and other parts of the world :) everyone is welcome as long as they can speak english.


As a corp we understand and obey the rule ''RL comes 1st'' . But we do expect to see a regular apperance and contribution to the corp.

If your are interested in joining contact:
Ellis Razors
Marius Tonne
Matarella ........ And join our public channel: TLC. Public

We look foward to speaking to you and having you onboard
Merciless Markus
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-09-06 23:00:23 UTC
We See Dead People, est. 2007, is an old school, new tricks pirate corporation. We are a null sec corp working together to meet corp and alliance goals. We offer a mature and friendly atmosphere, with helpful and knowlegable leadership. We understand that Eve is a game, played for fun and entertainment. All members are US players and all ages. (20-50) We are a well-rounded corp, proficient in every part of the game. We are all about hanging out on ts, having a good time while playing Eve. WE SE believes that the corporation should work for its members, not just its members working for the corp. We want to work with people, not just tell you what to do or how to do it.

The one complaint I hear over and over again, is the lack of people online to fly with. If every US pilot joined, this would no longer be a problem. Pilots of all types and occupations welcome. We have everything sov space has to offer. Our alliance space is pretty stable, but still expanding. All pilots and occupations welcome.

We have nothing against non US players. If they play Eve the same time as us, we would be more then happy to accept their apps. We just want to insure that members well be online during our time zones. Nobody likes playing alone.

Join "WE SE FRIENDS" channel ingame.
For more imfo and corp requirements click link: