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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

Proposal: User generated content.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-09-04 18:14:32 UTC  |  Edited by: betoli
People frequently complain that missions etc are not reniewed, old and stale, not challenging whatever. The pushback is that people would rather not see CCP spending time on this. So....

1. CCP should release a design kit.
2. People can design PVE content on their own PC
3. They can upload it to SiSi to test
4. Get their friends to test it
5. When cooked submit it to CCP for review
6. If accepted collect small prize - say a plex.


  1. CCP don't provide design tools, just document the file format - let the community build the tools - or use a text editor. The spec is articulated as a text file - maybe xml doc.

  2. When you log in to SiSi, you can enter a code to ensure you can play your own content - this must exist already

  3. You need 5 sponsors to submit for review (who ingame mail a CCP account with the code above)

  4. You pay 100m deposit to start the review. Every time it's passed back for improvement you lose 20m (you get one chance free, and a penalty fot listening after the first review)

  5. CCPs review is to categorise difficulty, and to ensure it's balanced.

  6. User created missions are available through unique agents

  7. All user content is in one or more pockets

  8. All user content mission pockets are in empire space, but due to concord not quite grasping the concept, they are 0.3 security levels down from the system they spawn in (but can pay out a little higher than their equivalent npc missions.

  9. Creator gets to choose the title and can name it after themselves

100m risk for earning a plex and getting your name in lights whilst improving PVE for everyone. Minimal energy after setup from CCP.

Shovel Bros
#2 - 2012-09-04 18:59:24 UTC
A. TTP of about 5 minutes
B. Very seriously exploitable to make gimmick missions which can give you an advantage

This has been suggested many many times before, you should search for those other threads and read through them before posting the same idea again.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-09-04 19:03:51 UTC  |  Edited by: betoli
mxzf wrote:
A. TTP of about 5 minutes
B. Very seriously exploitable to make gimmick missions which can give you an advantage

This has been suggested many many times before, you should search for those other threads and read through them before posting the same idea again.

Hence the review part. TTP?

Quick search showed nothing - give me keywords or a link.
Shovel Bros
#4 - 2012-09-04 19:37:08 UTC
TTP A general measurement of how easily and quickly users can pervert given tools.

And review only goes so far. Unless it's thousands or tens of thousands of peer reviews required to approve a mission, users will be able to tell their alliance "here, help me get this approved" and get it through the system.

If you're suggesting having CCP review everything in fine detail looking for loopholes, you should look at how long it takes to get a simple alliance logo approved, cleaned up, and into the game and think about how long it would take to approve entire missions.