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Another Tech 2 Battle Ship??

Lin-Young Borovskova
#41 - 2012-09-02 11:27:37 UTC
Kasutra wrote:
Shane Joven wrote:
What I mean is you can crank out other Tech 2 ships, pirate ships require LP points

You can get LP in null.

You can also just get the blueprints in a drop.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Aren't the blueprints drop bug for some time now? -at least at some point they were Oops


M1k3y Koontz
House of Musashi
Stay Feral
#42 - 2012-09-02 18:55:36 UTC
John Ratcliffe wrote:
And a Navy version of the Drake would be sweet too Cool


The last thing we need is a MORE POWERFUL Drake!

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

Lilianna Star
Vagrant Empress
#43 - 2012-09-02 19:47:55 UTC
Apparently you missed the chart where they describe what they're going for in terms of tech.

Tech 2 means specialization

Navy and pirates are tiers of normal

Tech 3 is versatility.

Anyway, what they should do for a new tech 2 is a Mini Carrier thing.

Stay with me on this one.

- They would be based off of BS Tier 3 hulls (Abaddon, Hyperion, Maelstrom, Rokh)
- Bonuses to logistics
- Can fit warfare link modules
- Can use up to five fighters (hard limit)
- Cannot store ships in a corp hanger.
- No hardpoints

Generally less useful than the regular and super carriers, but it can travel through gates.
Tarn Kugisa
Kugisa Dynamics
#44 - 2012-09-03 19:33:35 UTC
We need Tech 2 Tier 3 Battleships (Rokh, Abaddon, Maelstrom, Hyperion)

Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to troll everyone you meet - KuroVolt

Red Teufel
#45 - 2012-09-03 21:21:15 UTC
make me a command ship battleship damn it.
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