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[Service]Boris Sandstorm Faction Standings - All Factions and Alliance Creation

Boris Sandstorm
Electro Manufacturing
#1 - 2011-09-09 13:07:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Boris Sandstorm
POS Anchoring and Corp Standings Division.

Over 200 Corporations created or boosted so far... I've stopped counting now.
Old thread

Over the past three years we have helped many corporations deal with Concord bureaucracy surrounding the anchoring of POS in high security empire systems. We are now proud to add Alliance Creation, CEO Skill update (allowing you to have up to 1300 members) to our growing service. Already entrusted with several billion ISK in sales you can rely on us to deal with your corporation's needs swiftly and discretely.

Stock corporations from 200,000,000 ISK
Custom Corporations from 200,000,000 ISK
Standing boosting 200,000,000 ISK For 7 Day Boost

Alliance Creation 50M isk (Available today)


Corporate Standings Options:

1) Buy a stock corporation.
We have a number of stock corporation that already have high enough standing for you to anchor a POS is high security space. You can not choose the name or ticker but they can be yours in just a few minutes or hours! Once sale is agreed you will join the corp and CEO role will be assigned to you. You should anchor your POS before seven downtimes before the corp standing starts to drop.

2) Create a custom corporation.
You pick the corp name and ticker. We will create the corp and wait for the standing to reach the required level (usually 7 days). You will then join the corp and CEO role will be assigned to you. You should anchor your POS before seven downtimes before the corp standing starts to drop.

3) Get your corp standing boosted.
If you want to get the standing of your existing corp boosted we can do that too. You will need to get everyone without neutral standing to leave the corp during the boosting.


Current Anchoring Rights

Option 1 - Caldari and Amarr (boosted by Boris)
Caldari Empire up to security level 0.7
Amarr Empire up to security level 0.7
Ammatar Mandate up to security level 0.7
Khanid Kingdom up to security level 0.6
Next Available on: Now

Option 2 - Caldari and Amarr (boosted by Allistar)
Caldari Empire up to security level 0.7
Amarr Empire up to security level 0.7
Ammatar Mandate up to security level 0.7
Khanid Kingdom up to security level 0.5
Next Available on: 10th Dec

Option 3 - Gallente and Minmatar (boosted by Peeeeet)
Gallente Federation up to security level 0.7
Minmatar Republic up to security level 0.7
Next Available on: 10th Dec

Stock Corp Available Now!

Electro Manufaturing - Ready now 200M ISK
> Caldari 7.25
> Amarr Empire 7.06
> Ammatar 7.96
> Khanid 6.00

Outcast Empire - Ready now 200M isk
> Caldari 7.39
> Amarr Empire 7.36
> Ammatar 8.01
> Khanid 5.87

Black Investments - Ready now 200M isk
> Caldari 7.39
> Amarr Empire 7.36
> Ammatar 8.01
> Khanid 5.87

More soon
> Gallente 8.94
> Minmatar 8.00
Boris Sandstorm
Electro Manufacturing
#2 - 2011-09-09 13:09:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Boris Sandstorm
Contact Information

Private Convo Me

EveMail Me

Join channel 'Sandstorm & Tor' - I'm on-line with my mains more often than with Boris (they are listed in the MOTD)

DO NOT: Just post in this thread asking to reserve a corp - I don't check it every day but I do check my mail


Q. Do I need to pay a deposit?
A. Yes I need a 20M deposit to finalise a booking. Sorry but having had a few people pull out at the last minute this is necessary. The 20M ISK deposit will be taken off your final bill. If you cancel your booking the deposit is not refundable.

Q. Do the corps come with the 1300 member limit (CEO skill update)?
A. No our standard corps come with 250 member limit.

Q. Great. When can you start on building my corp?
A. Check the availability section in the top post.

Q. Why do I have to leave my corp while you boost my standings?
A. At downtime corp standings move towards the average of all members. If you do not have no standings towards the faction we are boosting to it will end up as an average of your and my standings... this normally would not be high enough.

Q. How long will it take to make a new corp?
A. From the point when I form the corp it takes 7 downtimes for my standings to boost the corp standings... so approximately 7 days.

Q. How do I know you wont steal everything from my corp hangers while you are CEO?
A. My reputation is at stake but you should move all corp assets to personal hangers before leaving the corp.

Q. Where can I anchor the POS?
A. You can anchor a POS in a empire system where your corp standing with the sovereign empire is ten times that of the security rating. So for a 0.5 Amarr Empire system you need at least 5.0 with Amarr Empire. This means 0.5 to 0.7 space for the factions you chose when using my service.

Q. Can I get high standings to all 4 factions?
A. No they hate each other. If you go for the Caldari/Amarr option the Gallente and Minmatar standings will be low. If you go for the Gallente/Minmatar option the Caldari and Amarr factions standings will be low. You can't have all 4 high.

Q. How much time do I have to anchor the POS once the sale is completed?
A. You should anchor it before the seventh downtime to avoid problems with standing going down. But the sooner the better.

Q. Can I place Jump Clones with my new corp?
A. Yes there is at which ever option you go for there will be NPC corps you will have standing of 8+ with so you will be able to place JC until your standing drop.

Q. Do I need any skills?
A. Yes you must have corporation management trained to at least 1 before I can make you CEO of your new corp.

Q. How do I contact you?
A. If I'm on-line convo me. If I don't answer I'm probably afk so drop me an eve-mail. Or give a wave in my pub channel (see top of this post).
Boris Sandstorm
Electro Manufacturing
#3 - 2011-09-10 12:22:43 UTC
One premade corp ready today. Also taking bookings for boosting 16th Sept Gallente and 17th Sept Caldari.

Quantum Holdings - 150M ISK
> Caldari 7.25
> Amarr Empire 7.06
> Ammatar 7.96
> Khanid 6.00

Mail me or join in game channel 'Sandstorm & Tor' for sales

Boris Sandstorm
Electro Manufacturing
#4 - 2011-09-15 11:54:25 UTC
One premade corp ready today. Also taking bookings for boosting 23rd Sept Gallente and 17th Sept Caldari.

Quantum Holdings - 150M ISK
> Caldari 7.25
> Amarr Empire 7.06
> Ammatar 7.96
> Khanid 6.00

Mail me or join in game channel 'Sandstorm & Tor' for sales
Boris Sandstorm
Electro Manufacturing
#5 - 2011-09-17 13:51:52 UTC
One premade corp ready today. Also taking bookings for boosting 2nd Oct Gallente and 24th Sept Caldari.

Quantum Holdings - 150M ISK
> Caldari 7.25
> Amarr Empire 7.06
> Ammatar 7.96
> Khanid 6.00

Mail me or join in game channel 'Sandstorm & Tor' for sales
Indecisive Cid
The Scope
#6 - 2011-09-17 16:44:31 UTC
you have mail
Boris Sandstorm
Electro Manufacturing
#7 - 2011-09-19 08:31:13 UTC
Sold out of premade corps.

Taking bookings for boosting 2nd Oct Gallente and 25th Sept Caldari.

Mail me or join in game channel 'Sandstorm & Tor' for sales
Boris Sandstorm
Electro Manufacturing
#8 - 2011-10-10 13:42:38 UTC
New Gallente / Minmatar corp ready tomorrow

Deep Space Research Inc [DSRI.] - Ready 11th Oct 150M ISK
> Gallente 8.75
> Minmatar 7.81

Taking bookings for any faction boost.
Boris Sandstorm
Electro Manufacturing
#9 - 2011-10-12 13:05:00 UTC
New Gallente / Minmatar corp ready now

Deep Space Research Inc [DSRI.] - 150M ISK
> Gallente 8.75
> Minmatar 7.81

Taking bookings for Gallente / Minmatar faction boost now and Caldari / Amarr for 18th Oct.
Boris Sandstorm
Electro Manufacturing
#10 - 2011-10-13 14:53:42 UTC
New Gallente / Minmatar corp ready now

Deep Space Research Inc [DSRI.] - 150M ISK
> Gallente 8.75
> Minmatar 7.81

Taking bookings for Gallente / Minmatar faction boost now and Caldari / Amarr for 18th Oct.
White Hot Research
#11 - 2011-10-13 18:17:35 UTC
Interested in buying a caldari corp or boosting a already existing corp. Please contact me ingame on this toon.
Boris Sandstorm
Electro Manufacturing
#12 - 2011-10-14 12:01:41 UTC
TyStaRR you have mail...

New Gallente / Minmatar corp ready now

Deep Space Research Inc [DSRI.] - 150M ISK
> Gallente 8.75
> Minmatar 7.81

Taking bookings for Gallente / Minmatar faction boost now and Caldari / Amarr for 18th Oct.
BlueCore Gen
Stoli Holdings
#13 - 2011-10-14 15:04:15 UTC
Intrested in buying New Gallente / Minmatar corp.
Boris Sandstorm
Electro Manufacturing
#14 - 2011-10-17 09:47:47 UTC
Blue you have mail...

New Gallente / Minmatar corp ready now

Deep Space Research Inc [DSRI.] - 150M ISK
> Gallente 8.75
> Minmatar 7.81

Black Star Research - 150M (Ready 18th Oct)
> Caldari 7.25
> Amarr Empire 7.06
> Ammatar 7.96
> Khanid 6.00

Taking bookings for Gallente / Minmatar faction boost now and Caldari / Amarr for 18th Oct.
Boris Sandstorm
Electro Manufacturing
#15 - 2011-10-18 15:18:32 UTC
Two corps ready now.

Deep Space Research Inc [DSRI.] - 150M ISK
> Gallente 8.75
> Minmatar 7.81

Black Star Research - 150M (Ready 18th Oct)
> Caldari 7.25
> Amarr Empire 7.06
> Ammatar 7.96
> Khanid 6.00

Taking bookings for Gallente / Minmatar faction boost now and Caldari / Amarr for 26th Oct.
Deep Space Research Inc
#16 - 2011-10-20 00:22:45 UTC
Premade corp bought.

Very easy transaction. Fast. Had ceo ownership in minutes of establishing comms with Sandstorm.

Thanks again
Boris Sandstorm
Electro Manufacturing
#17 - 2011-10-20 09:21:26 UTC
Thanks for your purchase Dankario

One premade corp for sale today.

Black Star Research - 150M
> Caldari 7.25
> Amarr Empire 7.06
> Ammatar 7.96
> Khanid 6.00

Taking bookings for Gallente / Minmatar faction boost now and Caldari / Amarr for 26th Oct.
Boris Sandstorm
Electro Manufacturing
#18 - 2011-10-21 14:48:04 UTC

Taking bookings for Caldari / Amarr for 26th Oct and Gallente / Minmatar faction boost on 27th Oct

One premade corp for sale today.

Black Star Research - 150M
> Caldari 7.25
> Amarr Empire 7.06
> Ammatar 7.96
> Khanid 6.00

Boris Sandstorm
Electro Manufacturing
#19 - 2011-10-22 10:18:39 UTC
Taking bookings for Caldari / Amarr for 26th Oct and Gallente / Minmatar faction boost on 27th Oct

One premade corp for sale today.

Black Star Research - 150M
> Caldari 7.25
> Amarr Empire 7.06
> Ammatar 7.96
> Khanid 6.00
Sirena Revenge
4S Corporation
The Initiative.
#20 - 2011-10-22 17:25:43 UTC
I am interested to buy Black Star Research asap.
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