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The Case for Removing Learning Implants

First post
Ensign X
#261 - 2012-08-31 16:01:19 UTC
J'as Salarkin wrote:
A disposable jump clone does not remove that, it just makes the choices easier to implement. People that have implants plugged in will get bonus over poeple that use a disposable clone (both learning speed and bonuses from pirate implants and hardwirings). As the disposable clone only would work for a limited time it would not be that useful. I personally like going on extended exploration trips into low and even null. For this I would not be able to use a disposable clone as my time would be limited and I do not want to miss out on my learning and scanning strengths implants.

Oh no, I agree that the problem - if there even is a problem at all, that's still up for debate - is that the jump clone system is a bit ridiculous and unwieldy in it's current incarnation. I believe 24 hours between jumps is too long. I also believe the initial process of setting them up and grinding standings - or joining a jump clone corp - is poor game design. However, the debate about the current jump clone system is completely different than the debate over Learning implants.

In fact, the entire debate in this thread so far has been about Goonswarm, and their pets, advocating for the removal of implants simply because they - and their "newbros" - are too risk averse to PVP when they have "expensive" implants plugged in.

I don't believe that people should be coddled in any area of EVE, and it's even worse when the people bleating for the coddling exist in an area of space that is and SHOULD be inherently riskier than other areas. Nullsec wants the rewards of living in that space to be higher than the rest of EVE, but here they are asking to diminish the risks they take. The irony of it all and their tears are delicious as always.
J'as Salarkin
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#262 - 2012-08-31 16:05:15 UTC
Brooks Puuntai wrote:
Instead of making a disposable clone just allow JC in the same station and lower the cooldown(but don't remove it). The issue I have with disposable is that from the sounds of it there is no cooldown. There should be some risk when flying in a implanted clone even if that means you choose to sit a fight out if your that risk adverse. While it may suck for them that's the risk they take.

One could of course add a cool down to it, I would not object, even if it was set at 24 hours just like the regular jump clones (but on a separate timer from the normal jump clones). Might as well set the life-timer on the activated disposable clone to 24 hours too then. That means one could only engage in "risk free" (you can still lose your ship and you have to pay for the disposable clone) PvP once a day...

As an added though: being against disposable clones is like being against insurance on the ships. They both would work to keep your isk investment secure, only that you can still use the ship, but you will not get any bonus from your implants.
J'as Salarkin
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#263 - 2012-08-31 16:10:21 UTC
Ensign X wrote:

Alright, I agree with what you write to 100%. Removing the learning implants and thus removing the risk is not a good idea (I also never suggested this as I think you have also realized).

I might just open up a thread in the suggestions forum about my disposable clone idea. I just posted it here as I thought it would provide a convenient solution for both sides of the argument.
Brooks Puuntai
Solar Nexus.
#264 - 2012-08-31 16:10:47 UTC
Yes they should remove insurance after a character reaches a SP/Timeframe. Even still it's not really the same since insurance only lessens the loss it doesn't almost completely remove it.

CCP's Motto: If it isn't broken, break it. If it is broken, ignore it. Improving NPE / Dynamic New Eden

J'as Salarkin
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#265 - 2012-08-31 16:19:01 UTC
Brooks Puuntai wrote:
Yes they should remove insurance after a character reaches a SP/Timeframe. Even still it's not really the same since insurance only lessens the loss it doesn't almost completely remove it.

The loss of using the disposable clone would be not gaining as much SP while using it and not being able to use any other skill/ship enhancing implants or drugs. Its not a loss measurable in isk yes, but a loss nonetheless.

Remvoing the insurance would be interesting, might push people to use smaller, less expensive ships for PvP, but it might just reduce the amount of people risking their ships in PvP all together. There are basically two types of PvP players, the ones which can afford to lose their implants and ships and those that can not. Keeping the insurance (atleast for new players) and adding the disposable clones would get more of the second group in to PvP and if they like it they might just keep on doing it.
Proletariat Tingtango
Amarr Empire
#266 - 2012-08-31 16:34:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Proletariat Tingtango
I have a feeling everyone who wants to keep learning implants also cried and gnashed their teeth when learning skills were removed.

How about CCP just cuts the ****, lets everyone learn skills at the absolutely best possible rate, and re-appropriate stats exclusively for pvp/pve use, instead of creating a huge money/time sink for newbies. This game is already hard for new players to get into due to the fact that nearly everything fun requires at least a few months worth of SP. There's no reason to keep learning implants around unless you're one of the turds who puts the things out on the market.

It would be better for literally everyone, shaving days off of long training times and lessening the time required to get to the part of the game where you might actually have fun.
Brooks Puuntai
Solar Nexus.
#267 - 2012-08-31 16:44:09 UTC

Learning skills aren't the same. Learning skills where redundant for having to train skills just to train others faster. Implants allow those who are willing to risk the isk to gain a advantage over others who choose not to.

If you don't like learning implants then don't use them and think the normal training speed is the top.

CCP's Motto: If it isn't broken, break it. If it is broken, ignore it. Improving NPE / Dynamic New Eden

Proletariat Tingtango
Amarr Empire
#268 - 2012-08-31 16:53:27 UTC
Uh no they're pretty much the same. The SP rate should be constant across all characters and set at at least as high as what is achievable with learning implants at this time. Deal with it. Accept you're wrong and grow from it.
Ensign X
#269 - 2012-08-31 16:55:53 UTC
Proletariat Tingtango wrote:
Uh no they're pretty much the same. The SP rate should be constant across all characters and set at at least as high as what is achievable with learning implants at this time. Deal with it. Accept you're wrong and grow from it.

You should call Andy back to this thread, because your "arguments" are ******* terrible. No offense, this is just me being objective.
Brooks Puuntai
Solar Nexus.
#270 - 2012-08-31 17:01:03 UTC
With that ideology why have T2 or T3 ships. It should be consistent across the board and inline with all characters, risk and value should be equal in all respects. There should be no diversity and no way for people to use isk in order to gain an advantage.

Face it your too cheap and risk adverse to use implants, so you whine and moan when others do it and want it changed so you can have it without the risk.

CCP's Motto: If it isn't broken, break it. If it is broken, ignore it. Improving NPE / Dynamic New Eden

Proletariat Tingtango
Amarr Empire
#271 - 2012-08-31 17:02:19 UTC
Ensign X wrote:
Proletariat Tingtango wrote:
Uh no they're pretty much the same. The SP rate should be constant across all characters and set at at least as high as what is achievable with learning implants at this time. Deal with it. Accept you're wrong and grow from it.

You should call Andy back to this thread, because your "arguments" are ******* terrible. No offense, this is just me being objective.

Haha you think there's some kind of posting cabal or something and I can just call the other guy back in here.

Also i dont think you know what objective means and I dont think you're actually capable of knowing when someone is arguing or just making a statement of fact. I'm not participating, I just gave a half-assed opinion, didn't read the thread, and am now saying you and people like you are really stupid and wrong and absolutely nothing you say is worth reading.
Proletariat Tingtango
Amarr Empire
#272 - 2012-08-31 17:03:53 UTC
Brooks Puuntai wrote:
With that ideology why have T2 or T3 ships. It should be consistent across the board and inline with all characters, risk and value should be equal in all respects. There should be no diversity and no way for people to use isk in order to gain an advantage.

Face it your too cheap and risk adverse to use implants, so you whine and moan when others do it and want it changed so you can have it without the risk.

That makes no sense and you're just really driving home the point that you don't know what you're talking about and you're against removing learning implants for really tenuous reasons.
Ensign X
#273 - 2012-08-31 17:04:12 UTC
Proletariat Tingtango wrote:
you and people like you are really stupid and wrong and absolutely nothing you say is worth reading.

Touche. Wanna hug?
Brooks Puuntai
Solar Nexus.
#274 - 2012-08-31 17:26:04 UTC
Proletariat Tingtango wrote:
Brooks Puuntai wrote:
With that ideology why have T2 or T3 ships. It should be consistent across the board and inline with all characters, risk and value should be equal in all respects. There should be no diversity and no way for people to use isk in order to gain an advantage.

Face it your too cheap and risk adverse to use implants, so you whine and moan when others do it and want it changed so you can have it without the risk.

That makes no sense and you're just really driving home the point that you don't know what you're talking about and you're against removing learning implants for really tenuous reasons.

You seem to think that paying for an advantage is bad. Buying implants to speed up training is no different then paying more for higher tiered mods or ships that give a better advantage. What is there not to understand.

CCP's Motto: If it isn't broken, break it. If it is broken, ignore it. Improving NPE / Dynamic New Eden

Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#275 - 2012-08-31 18:00:55 UTC
I can't help but laugh at those parading clone costs and learning implants as risk to pvp. The majority of players in this game live in high sec and almost all of them steer clear of pvp because of clone upgrade costs and losing learning implants. What others in this thread are trying to discuss and explain to you guys is that this should be looked at. Sure the ideas we talk about are not the best but it would mean some actual pvp happening for them. Guess how much those high sec players are risking for pvp now?

None. Who cares what ship they are flying, clone they are in or implants plugged in their head if they don't pvp at all? One ISK or a billion ISK is irrelevant if they never see combat.
Paul Oliver
#276 - 2012-08-31 19:14:48 UTC
As a newbie I agree that one of the big issues holding me back from pvp combat is the expensive implants in my head. When I first started I got lucky and someone gave me a shot of isk which I went and spent on implants to train stuff faster, so now that I have them and I can see how much time they take off training long skills I feel very nervous about losing them, especially since it would near wipe me out to replace them. Thing is if they're removed it will take me that much longer to get my skills up, which means that much longer till I feel like I can confidently pvp without getting pwned right off the bat by someone else.

I've seen a lot of people say that lose is one of the attracting factors of EVE, I'm not convinced. When a newbie like myself has to spend hours grinding away to make his isk just to afford a ship and fit that the rest of the community can brush away like a flea, pvp doesn't seem all that attractive. The obvious solution of course would be to find a corporation/alliance that can fund all this, thing is despite access to a chatroom, recruitment menu, and forum I'm kind of finding it hard to find the corporation that's right for me (or doesn't just flat out assume I'm a spy). So in the mean time here I am logging on long enough to update my skill que and maybe run a boring lvl1 mission, then logging off to do something fun.
Its good to be [Gallente](
HVAC Repairman
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#277 - 2012-08-31 19:16:45 UTC
HVAC Repairman
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#278 - 2012-08-31 19:16:57 UTC
except ship spinning
#279 - 2012-08-31 19:19:40 UTC
Paul Oliver wrote:
As a newbie I agree that one of the big issues holding me back from pvp combat is the expensive implants in my head. When I first started I got lucky and someone gave me a shot of isk which I went and spent on implants to train stuff faster, so now that I have them and I can see how much time they take off training long skills I feel very nervous about losing them, especially since it would near wipe me out to replace them. Thing is if they're removed it will take me that much longer to get my skills up, which means that much longer till I feel like I can confidently pvp without getting pwned right off the bat by someone else.

I've seen a lot of people say that lose is one of the attracting factors of EVE, I'm not convinced. When a newbie like myself has to spend hours grinding away to make his isk just to afford a ship and fit that the rest of the community can brush away like a flea, pvp doesn't seem all that attractive. The obvious solution of course would be to find a corporation/alliance that can fund all this, thing is despite access to a chatroom, recruitment menu, and forum I'm kind of finding it hard to find the corporation that's right for me (or doesn't just flat out assume I'm a spy). So in the mean time here I am logging on long enough to update my skill que and maybe run a boring lvl1 mission, then logging off to do something fun.

Look with your eyes and hear with your ears CCP. New guys are afraid to pvp because they might lose their learning implants.

*bold and underline mine
Paul Oliver
#280 - 2012-08-31 19:23:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Paul Oliver
Too-Boku wrote:
Look with your eyes and hear with your ears CCP. New guys are afraid to pvp because they might lose their learning implants.

It's true.
Its good to be [Gallente](