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The Case for Removing Learning Implants

First post
Barkaial Starfinder
Brazilian Vultures
Ferrata Victrix
#121 - 2012-08-30 14:21:20 UTC
Polly Oxford wrote:
Pretty funny how you can make a 6 page thread about and article and not a single post actually discussed the article.

Anyway, making this thread about your so called 'nullbears' instead of what the article is really about is pretty stupid, even for you, but I guess preventing newbies from doing PvP in a PvP-centric game is good game design, especially if the big bad goons are against it.

No one read it.
If they want to be read, they should first fix their font size, color and type.
The Unknown Bar and Pub
#122 - 2012-08-30 14:22:37 UTC
I heard in an ~unnamed news source~ that OP is an idiot.

Also I PvP in +4s because #YOLO
Frying Doom
#123 - 2012-08-30 14:24:05 UTC
Pinstar Colton wrote:
Skippermonkey wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
nah, just because I choose not to post a link to a specific alliances mouth piece hardly makes it a reason not to post the subject.
So why do you think learning implants should be removed?

For the same reason that the learning skills were removed, they are deemed a neccesity, and not an option

Learning implants are like ships. Everyone has to use them but there are reasonable choices as to which ones to use. Like ships, people can easily switch between them as their needs change.

Just as different ships come with different price tags (and levels of effectiveness) so do implants (learning or otherwise). If you are doing high-risk pvp, you can choose to use a cheap throw-away Rifter and leave your 2.5 BN Tengu at home. Likewise, if you are going to cruise hostile null space, you might hop into a clone with +3s in just a couple skills since the chance of you getting bubbled and podded is high.

The fact that you can get +3 implants with Cybernetics I means that the choice of implants for an early player is largely a factor of ISK, rather than training time. This is what separates Cybernetics and the implants from the learning skills of yore.

The other thing that separates them is of course you lost valuable SP if you did not start training learning skills straight off the bat and could not really use the character for much for the first 2 months due to the amount of lost SP you would have otherwise.

Cybernetics however only takes a few minutes to learn and is a bonus to have putting cheap implants in while you save up for better implants and you can actually train the character in skills to actually do things while you save up to buy the better implants.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#124 - 2012-08-30 14:24:41 UTC
Barkaial Starfinder wrote:
Polly Oxford wrote:
Pretty funny how you can make a 6 page thread about and article and not a single post actually discussed the article.

Anyway, making this thread about your so called 'nullbears' instead of what the article is really about is pretty stupid, even for you, but I guess preventing newbies from doing PvP in a PvP-centric game is good game design, especially if the big bad goons are against it.

No one read it.
If they want to be read, they should first fix their font size, color and type.

Most don't mind the font, but if you do:

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Frying Doom
#125 - 2012-08-30 14:30:26 UTC
Polly Oxford wrote:
Pretty funny how you can make a 6 page thread about and article and not a single post actually discussed the article.

Anyway, making this thread about your so called 'nullbears' instead of what the article is really about is pretty stupid, even for you, but I guess preventing newbies from doing PvP in a PvP-centric game is good game design, especially if the big bad goons are against it.

I was almost going to do a serious reply to your post then realized you are one of the Nullbears I was talking about..

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Eternal Error
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#126 - 2012-08-30 14:31:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternal Error
A few things, in no particular order:

1. Stop pretending like people are proposing this change for newbies. Everyone understands it's for nullsec guys.

2. Learning skills were removed because they were a necessity that cost TIME no matter how you sliced it. Implants only cost ISK (or ISK and LP).

3. The idea that "anything that makes you risk-averse and prevents pvp is automatically bad" is flat out stupid. Go play on the test server where everything costs 100 isk, that way flying a certain ship won't make you risk averse either.

4. The difference between +2s and +5s is not game-breakingly significant. I've had +4s in my learning clone my entire career even though I could afford +5s, just because it's really not that relevant.

5. Experienced players need only have two implants at a time.

6. Choices and risk are what make Eve the game it is. The people whining for total learning implant removal are no better than miners whining for mining barge changes (although in the end, the mining barge changes weren't all that bad).

This isn't even touching on the issues of needing a new LP store item to replace the ISK sink, etc. If you want to talk about small modifications to bubble mechanics or JC standings, have at it, but the full removal of learning implants is a dumb idea.

Also, if you read the comments section on the article, it's pretty clear that the author is dumber than a box of rocks.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#127 - 2012-08-30 14:38:44 UTC
Eternal Error wrote:
A few things, in no particular order:

1. Stop pretending like people are proposing this change for newbies. Everyone understands it's for nullsec guys.

Are these groups mutually exclusive?

Eternal Error wrote:
6. Choices and risk are what make Eve the game it is. The people whining for total learning implant removal are no better than miners whining for mining barge changes (although in the end, the mining barge changes weren't all that bad).

You're right, removing learning implants would remove all risk from the game. Losses would no longer matter and there would be no choices left.

Eternal Error wrote:
Also, if you read the comments section on the article, it's pretty clear that the author is dumber than a box of rocks.

As opposed to those angry about how somebody would ~dare~ suggest such an idea that would obviously threaten the very fabric of the game.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Eternal Error
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#128 - 2012-08-30 14:45:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternal Error
Andski wrote:
Eternal Error wrote:
A few things, in no particular order:

1. Stop pretending like people are proposing this change for newbies. Everyone understands it's for nullsec guys.

Are these groups mutually exclusive?

Eternal Error wrote:
6. Choices and risk are what make Eve the game it is. The people whining for total learning implant removal are no better than miners whining for mining barge changes (although in the end, the mining barge changes weren't all that bad).

You're right, removing learning implants would remove all risk from the game. Losses would no longer matter and there would be no choices left.

Eternal Error wrote:
Also, if you read the comments section on the article, it's pretty clear that the author is dumber than a box of rocks.

As opposed to those angry about how somebody would ~dare~ suggest such an idea that would obviously threaten the very fabric of the game.

1. No, the groups aren't mutually exclusive, but it's perfectly valid to get annoyed when someone claims it's for one group when it's obviously for another (see: tax cuts and modern politics).

2. Straw man, and you obviously can't read.

3. I'm not angry, I just think you're wrong. Also, I wasn't referring to you as an idiot for coming up with/repeating the idea of removing learning implants, but your hilarious power trip and threats to ban people who disagree with you in the comments section of the article.

Try harder. Consider refuting some of the points that myself or others make in this thread.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#129 - 2012-08-30 14:51:26 UTC
Eternal Error wrote:
1. No, the groups aren't mutually exclusive, but it's perfectly valid to get annoyed when someone claims it's for one group when it's obviously for another (see: tax cuts and modern politics).

So how does this benefit older players and not newbies?

Eternal Error wrote:
2. Straw man, and you obviously can't read.

You're assuming that those who regularly PvP with implants plugged in wouldn't just switch to hardwirings if they were removed. Learning implants are not the only implants in the game. Of course I used a straw man just to show how ridiculous it is to bring up "risk" and "choices" considering that you'd still have plenty of choices with how to go about buying implants.

Eternal Error wrote:
3. I'm not angry, I just think you're hilariously wrong. Also, I wasn't referring to you as an idiot for coming up with/repeating the idea of learning implants, but your hilarious power trip and threats to ban people who disagree with you in the comments section of the article.

Try harder. Consider refuting some of the points that myself or others make in this thread.

If you disagree with me, that's fine. If you're just going to post dumb comments like "well the author should just go back to hisec lol!" I don't really care for you.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Eternal Error
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#130 - 2012-08-30 15:01:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternal Error
Andski wrote:
Eternal Error wrote:
1. No, the groups aren't mutually exclusive, but it's perfectly valid to get annoyed when someone claims it's for one group when it's obviously for another (see: tax cuts and modern politics).

So how does this benefit older players and not newbies?

Eternal Error wrote:
2. Straw man, and you obviously can't read.

You're assuming that those who regularly PvP with implants plugged in wouldn't just switch to hardwirings if they were removed. Learning implants are not the only implants in the game. Of course I used a straw man just to show how ridiculous it is to bring up "risk" and "choices" considering that you'd still have plenty of choices with how to go about buying implants.

Eternal Error wrote:
3. I'm not angry, I just think you're hilariously wrong. Also, I wasn't referring to you as an idiot for coming up with/repeating the idea of learning implants, but your hilarious power trip and threats to ban people who disagree with you in the comments section of the article.

Try harder. Consider refuting some of the points that myself or others make in this thread.

If you disagree with me, that's fine. If you're just going to post dumb comments like "well the author should just go back to hisec lol!" I don't really care for you.

1. It benefits nullsec players (disproportionately) in that they are by far the most likely to lose implants (sidenote: I would support bubble changes that would make shooting pods require SOME effort rather than lolfishinabarrel). It benefits newbies (disproportionately) as they are the least likely to have the ISK required to buy +3s and up. It is not necessarily tied to age.

2. It's not ridiculous to bring up risk and choices.
3. I don't think you'd see a massive switch to hardwirings. The people who aren't pvping because they're afraid to risk a pod with implants that gain them a few extra days/weeks a year aren't suddenly going to start spending equal or greater amounts on hardwirings. In their mind, ISK cost defines the risk, and that wouldn't go away depending on implant type. I'm not really quite sure what you're getting at here unless you think that they will decide that a 3% damage boost is a much more significant reward or something.

4. I wasn't posting dumb comments, I was making a legitimate criticism of you, the author, based on things you wrote in the comments section. Power trips and generally bad posts like those you made in the comments section reflect poorly on the individuals that make them in a variety of ways, one of which is intelligence. If you prefer, I won't bring it up again and will instead focus on the issue at hand.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#131 - 2012-08-30 15:17:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Andski
Eternal Error wrote:
1. It benefits nullsec players (disproportionately) in that they are by far the most likely to lose implants (sidenote: I would support bubble changes that would make shooting pods require SOME effort rather than lolfishinabarrel). It benefits newbies (disproportionately) as they are the least likely to have the ISK required to buy +3s and up. It is not necessarily tied to age.

2. It's not ridiculous to bring up risk and choices.
3. I don't think you'd see a massive switch to hardwirings. The people who aren't pvping because they're afraid to risk a pod with implants that gain them a few extra days/weeks a year aren't suddenly going to start spending equal or greater amounts on hardwirings. In their mind, ISK cost defines the risk, and that wouldn't go away depending on implant type. I'm not really quite sure what you're getting at here unless you think that they will decide that a 3% damage boost is a much more significant reward or something.

1. Almost every change made in the game has benefited one group disproportionately. This isn't a terribly big deal.

2. As I've said, learning implants are not the only thing you normally put at risk in your clone. Hardwirings aren't as uncommon as you seem to believe.

3. I'm fairly sure that many of those who would otherwise have their +3s or what have you plugged in when flying about would decide that if they were able to afford that, they'd switch to using hardwirings. A Zor's hyperlink gives you a huge benefit in a fast ship, capacitor hardwirings are almost universally useful - these are more situational rewards, sure, but you're not going to see the end of pods with implants by any stretch.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Ivory Kantenu
#132 - 2012-08-30 15:20:46 UTC
Andski wrote:
Ivory Kantenu wrote:
Personally, I think Implants should be removed, Cybernetics should give you the permanent + to attributes, and that's that. Leave the different levels of Skill Hardwiring how they are now. Still need an isk dump for it somewhere.

It would probably impact the market a fair deal, etc, but in all aspects of the game, it improves life for basically every player.

As far as what to do with the Implants left over, there should be an option to turn them in for LP. Maybe Concord would be best. Kind of like a Space Version of 'Guns for Toys' except it's 'Implants for going towards expensive crap'.

Yeah, CCP would have to do something to address the massive number of learning implants in people's hangars. I suppose that they could be "cashed in" at a given LP store for LP and an "ISK credit" (i.e. redeemable only through that LP store) to get other crap. vOv

The problem is though, people could use this as a way to get around not having to grind a specific faction for lps, and just dump them all for loot that sells a lot better. Sure this seems fair to the marketeers whkio spent a lot of time on the implant market, but it seems kind of lke a lazy fix. Giving them in to Concord sounds more logical, and maybe for a brief while, up to conversion rate for lps from 2:1 to something like 1.5:1, just for breathing room.

[i]Learn the basics of Wormhole Selling:[/i]

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#133 - 2012-08-30 15:22:01 UTC
AdmiralJohn wrote:
I heard in an ~unnamed news source~ that OP is an idiot.

Also I PvP in +4s because #YOLO

Oh hey, guess I'm not the only one.
I did PVP in +5s for a while, but that clone also has hardwirings that are basically useless to me now but I don't want to unplug them. So it's kind of just languishing now. Surprised it's still alive.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#134 - 2012-08-30 15:24:18 UTC
Ivory Kantenu wrote:
The problem is though, people could use this as a way to get around not having to grind a specific faction for lps, and just dump them all for loot that sells a lot better. Sure this seems fair to the marketeers whkio spent a lot of time on the implant market, but it seems kind of lke a lazy fix. Giving them in to Concord sounds more logical, and maybe for a brief while, up to conversion rate for lps from 2:1 to something like 1.5:1, just for breathing room.

That's not a bad point, but players dumping all of their LP into implants to cash out in an LP store from a "better" faction would only take place between the "hey guys this is how we're going to reimburse the implants you have in your hangar" post and the patch that introduces the change (which will probably never happen, but yeah)

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Frying Doom
#135 - 2012-08-30 15:24:56 UTC
AdmiralJohn wrote:
I heard in an ~unnamed news source~ that OP is an idiot.

Coming from you...Than is quiet ignorable.Lol

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

General Nusense
#136 - 2012-08-30 15:25:33 UTC
rodyas wrote:
Sorry to ruin the suprise, but it was EveNews24


Ladies and Gentlemen,

This character has clearly drank the DekCo koolaid. EN24 did not post that article. Obviously this was a post to slander EN24 and make it look like EN24 was trying to help remove learning implants. But this is not the case, it was a GOON who wrote the article and its published on a GOON propaganda website.

Made a signature so I am taken seriously on the forums, since thats the only thing they are good for.

James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#137 - 2012-08-30 15:28:10 UTC
General Nusense wrote:
rodyas wrote:
Sorry to ruin the suprise, but it was EveNews24


Ladies and Gentlemen,

This character has clearly drank the DekCo koolaid. EN24 did not post that article. Obviously this was a post to slander EN24 and make it look like EN24 was trying to help remove learning implants. But this is not the case, it was a GOON who wrote the article and its published on a GOON propaganda website.

Ironic, considering rodyas is quite anti-goon.

The website is simply hosted by a Goon and has lots of Goon writers, but it's actually rather neutral.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Eternal Error
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#138 - 2012-08-30 15:28:33 UTC
Andski wrote:
Eternal Error wrote:
1. It benefits nullsec players (disproportionately) in that they are by far the most likely to lose implants (sidenote: I would support bubble changes that would make shooting pods require SOME effort rather than lolfishinabarrel). It benefits newbies (disproportionately) as they are the least likely to have the ISK required to buy +3s and up. It is not necessarily tied to age.

2. It's not ridiculous to bring up risk and choices.
3. I don't think you'd see a massive switch to hardwirings. The people who aren't pvping because they're afraid to risk a pod with implants that gain them a few extra days/weeks a year aren't suddenly going to start spending equal or greater amounts on hardwirings. In their mind, ISK cost defines the risk, and that wouldn't go away depending on implant type. I'm not really quite sure what you're getting at here unless you think that they will decide that a 3% damage boost is a much more significant reward or something.

1. Almost every change made in the game has benefited one group disproportionately. This isn't a terribly big deal.

2. As I've said, learning implants are not the only thing you ever put at risk in your clone.

3. I'm fairly sure that many of those who would otherwise have their +3s or what have you plugged in when flying about would decide that if they were able to afford that, they'd switch to using hardwirings. A Zor's hyperlink gives you a huge benefit in a fast ship, capacitor hardwirings are almost universally useful - these are more situational rewards, sure, but you're not going to see the end of pods with implants by any stretch.

1. It's not a big deal from a balance perspective, and I never said it was. I just said it was annoying that people kept claiming that it was for newbies when it's obviously nullsec powerblocs lobbying for it.

2/3. I disagree. Some would, but I think many would not replace the implants with hardwirings of a roughly equal ISK value. With the exception of some of the more basic ones (e.g. Zor's), I think most people who currently go without hardwirings would continue to do so. TL;DR I think we'll see a vast decrease in implants lost (using ISK value as a metric) which translates into more risk free PvP (regardless of whether this is a good or bad thing).

This is my last post for a while, but I'll be back ITT later.
James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#139 - 2012-08-30 15:35:45 UTC
I still think that allowing people to clone jump within the same station without a timer would be a better way of taking care of the "risk averse PVPer" problem.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#140 - 2012-08-30 15:40:49 UTC
Eternal Error wrote:
1. It's not a big deal from a balance perspective, and I never said it was. I just said it was annoying that people kept claiming that it was for newbies when it's obviously nullsec powerblocs lobbying for it.

2/3. I disagree. Some would, but I think many would not replace the implants with hardwirings of a roughly equal ISK value. With the exception of some of the more basic ones (e.g. Zor's), I think most people who currently go without hardwirings would continue to do so. TL;DR I think we'll see a vast decrease in implants lost (using ISK value as a metric) which translates into more risk free PvP (regardless of whether this is a good or bad thing).

This is my last post for a while, but I'll be back ITT later.

1. This isn't a "bloc-level lobbying" thing. A lot of the flak that came my way was from some CFC dudes.

2. I can't speak for everyone in trying to gauge how players would act after a proposed change, but I'm quite sure that anybody who doesn't mind regularly PvPing with learning implants would consider hardwirings more often than they do now.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar