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Another Tech 2 Battle Ship??

Shane Joven
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-08-30 01:32:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Shane Joven
Marauders and Black Ops are both very very specialized ships. Where are the general all purpose Tech 2 Battle ships like an Assault ship and heavy assault ship for the frig and Cruiser levels.

Are pirate ships suppose to be the Unofficial Tier 2?

Edit: Yes, Tech 2
Shovel Bros
#2 - 2012-08-30 02:11:51 UTC
Tier 2 battleships consist of the Apoc, Raven, Mega, and Tempest. What exactly would you suggest more tier 2 ships do?

What I actually think you're talking about are Tech 2, which currently consist of Marauders and BlOps. If you can think of a needed role which a tech 2 BS is needed for, go ahead and make the suggestion (Note: a high-resists, high DPS BS really isn't what the game needs).
Shane Joven
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-08-30 02:23:47 UTC
Well, their isn't a defined roll of the Assault ship or HAC. Just a more expensive all around good frig/cruiser.

When choosing to advance from a Tier 1 Battle ship its limited mostly to Faction bought ships of pirate and Navy.
To mare
Advanced Technology
#4 - 2012-08-30 02:45:29 UTC
I think ccp said somewhere they wanted to rework marauders, since they are now obsolete with faction bs and noctis around.
So maybe we will have some more pvp t2 BS.
#5 - 2012-08-30 04:23:25 UTC
The problem with a HAC-style T2 BS is that it would be difficult to balance and not make a new solopwnmobile or useless. Just think of an 7 torp launcher Khanid-painted Armageddon variant with resist and rep bonuses. Ye gods.

It would be cool, but impractical, to add a different ship for each race, with differing roles that complement the existing lineups.
Gallente - T2 Hyperion, tackle bonuses, Mach-like agility, Thorax MWD bonus (Just sounds OP already)
Amarr - Torp Geddon with Rep/Resist/Cap bonus, plus a bonused Heavy Neut
Minmatar - T2 Phoon with web range bonus, 6 missile mounts (ROF bonus) and a TP boost
Caldari - T2 Rokh with ability to fit a single bonused capital shield repper, plus shield tank bonus.

Those are all probably horrible, but it's a fun thought exercise. Only problem is that they will remain just so, exercises.
#6 - 2012-08-30 05:06:04 UTC
The problem is with your perception that the HACs are just "better cruisers" or the assault ships are just "better frigates" so you want "better battleships"

The HACs and assault ships are specialized ships (as all T2 ships are) with specialized roles (as all T2 ships should have). What would the specialized role for your new "heavy combat ship" be? and please dont say "being a better battleship"
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2012-08-30 05:50:09 UTC
Fix Marauders and Black Ops and this won't need to be discussed.
If anything, a second class of t2 destroyers and t2 battlecruisers would be nice, but not until a good time as passed after the racial split of the skills.
For dessies, I would like to see a min-marauder of some kind. Less gank, more tank and cargo plus utility slots.
For BCs, another pilot and myself we discussing the idea of an off-grid AOE mortar boat.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2012-08-30 05:57:27 UTC
To emphasize on the mortar boat.
The amount of tank would be sub-par for on-field warfare. Make beacons a stackable item that you can jettison for the mortar boat to scan down(which suggest the need for scan bonuses). This would require ships on-field to lure the enemy towards the beacon to be within the blast zone.
The mortar itself would have a SLOW RoF. Fitting requirements that makes it impossible for other ships to fit. Possibly a small siege module would be required in order to fire the weapon with the trade off of leave the ship immobile.

Problem is that this only seems to be practical in a scheduled battle of some kind, but would be handy in defending POS's or home systems in w-space/null.
John Ratcliffe
IChooseYou Alliance
#9 - 2012-08-30 06:22:32 UTC
I'd really like to see a Navy version of the Rokh. It's ret@rded Caldari hasn't got a Navy turret BS.

And a Navy version of the Drake would be sweet too Cool

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2012-08-30 06:27:24 UTC
The only t2 BS I could think of adding would be a Heavy Command Ship with Offensive Warfare Links.
Alara IonStorm
#11 - 2012-08-30 06:29:02 UTC
I would like to see Tier 3 Fleet Battleships with short range jump drives.
Lin-Young Borovskova
#12 - 2012-08-30 10:44:41 UTC
Alara IonStorm wrote:
I would like to see Tier 3 Fleet Battleships with short range jump drives.

Me wants. Twisted


Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#13 - 2012-08-30 11:22:35 UTC
Lin-Young Borovskova wrote:
Alara IonStorm wrote:
I would like to see Tier 3 Fleet Battleships with short range jump drives.

Me wants. Twisted

Because there isn't quite enough hotdropping in Eve already...
Le'Mon Tichim
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2012-08-30 14:07:15 UTC
Gypsio III wrote:
Lin-Young Borovskova wrote:
Alara IonStorm wrote:
I would like to see Tier 3 Fleet Battleships with short range jump drives.

Me wants. Twisted

Because there isn't quite enough hotdropping in Eve already...

Yes, but imagine a world where a cyno doesn't usually mean supers are about to land on you.

Can you hear them? They are calling to us. It is beautiful.

Aeril Malkyre
Knights of the Ouroboros
#15 - 2012-08-30 14:19:03 UTC
Only roles I can think of that aren't covered in the battleship line is command ship or fleet tender.

Flagship: warship with limited guns, but the ability to field gang links. Better resists and defense numbers to stay at the front with the rest of the fleet.

Fleet Tender: Even more limited guns, but bonuses to RR and shield boosting rate and range. Decent defenses. Dedicated drone bay for repair drones.
Ten Thousand Days
#16 - 2012-08-30 14:35:13 UTC
Before changes to webs/nos/drone-bandwidth, command ships where released and CRUSHED a lot of opposition. the Eos was an unkillable monster that did battleship DPS meanwhile things like the sleipnir and absolution where projecting damage like boss's and had pretty solid tanks to boot.

creating a super-heavy assault ship would require them to make something that could take down 2-4 battleships solo and would have 4 bonuses, which would no doubt end up giving most of them a viable frigate defense without using specific fitting... i think they are trying to avoid doing that.

T3 was a good example. They tried to make ships more versatile rather than just better at fighting. Same with marauders... they tried to make a ship with a role that wasn' t a PVP beast... also black ops, they tried to give the ship and interesting mechanic that wouldn't result in it crushing multiple opponents.

Personally i think all Tech 2 battleships are a hideous failure compared to smaller hull sizes, so perhaps an assault-BS would change that opinion. But it would also skew the balance of power tremendously.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2012-08-30 14:37:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Hrett
I would like them to finish balancing the current ships before they add any new ones.

spaceship, Spaceship, SPACESHIP!

Alara IonStorm
#18 - 2012-08-30 14:55:25 UTC
Hrett wrote:
I would like them to finish balancing the current ships before they add any new ones.

2018 will be an interesting year then.
Sparrowhawks Corp
#19 - 2012-08-30 14:55:57 UTC
Fix Marauders and BlOps. Properly balance powergrid/cpu/and slot layouts, perhaps give a salvager bonus to marauders. Make BlOps either better at not being detected, or better at fighting once they are detected.
Dorian Tormak
RBON United
#20 - 2012-08-30 15:32:53 UTC
Sigras wrote:
The problem is with your perception that the HACs are just "better cruisers" or the assault ships are just "better frigates" so you want "better battleships"

The HACs and assault ships are specialized ships (as all T2 ships are) with specialized roles (as all T2 ships should have). What would the specialized role for your new "heavy combat ship" be? and please dont say "being a better battleship"

If the HACs and AS are "specialized" as you say than the T2 Battleships would be specialized in the same way, just on BS level. Please tell me what the role of a HAC is and then I will tell you what the role of a Marauder should be.

Holy Satanic Christ! This is a Goddamn Signature!

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