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ECM* Drones OP fix solution

MJ Incognito
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#1 - 2012-08-28 01:51:25 UTC  |  Edited by: MJ Incognito
Everyone and their brother will tell you ECM drones are horribly overpowered in game atm. One example that is really telling is the Rokh.

Currently, 5 ec-600 drones with maxed skills has a 27% chance to jam a Rokh. Some people are already like, oh that's not so bad. But then you start looking at probability trees where you start to rule out the chance that the prior jams do not hit until you get a jam and you realize that by the 3rd cycle of the ewar drones, you've reached a 61% chance to jam the Rokh at some point in that duration. The biggest problem is that from the first jam chance to the 3rd jam chance is 10 seconds of time + any flight time.

You then realize that If the Rokh is fighting any ship BS or smaller, it's going to have at the very least a 3-5 second lock time. Because Ewar drones cycle in a certain manner, lets assume the Rokh has a 5 second Relock time. In the period of time where the Rokh lost lock, the Ewar drone gets a new jam chance at 0 seconds past jam, and another hit at the 5 second mark where the Rokh finally get's you relocked. At this point, the laws of probability already put you at a 46% chance to be re-jammed. And 5 seconds later, you're back up to a 61% chance to have been jammed somewhere in that 15 second period of time meaning the rokh might at best get one or two shots off on you.

I chose a rokh because the sensor strength is reasonably high for a BS, and obviously higher than ships under the size of a BS.

What's important to note is that the cumulative effect of probability on a very fast ROF drone in addition to the further stacking at the moment the jam cycle ends + the additional relock time all add up to silly chances to jam a ship over time.

So in order to fix this, I would reduce Ewar drone strength by 50% and Increase the ROF by 2.5 seconds. This provides a slightly longer jam, but also a much larger window between likely jams and smaller stacking over time.

If you're curious about the current probability tree here's how it works for the Rokh:

27% first cycle (5 medium drones)
46% by the 2nd cycle
61% by the 3rd cycle
71% by the 4th cycle
79% by the 5th cycle

In other words, through shear probabilty, you have a 79% chance to be jammed somewhere along the line within the 25 jam attempts by medium drones over the course of 5 cycles each.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-08-28 02:38:10 UTC
What about fitting ECCMs? How would that effect all this math stuff?
MJ Incognito
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#3 - 2012-08-28 03:13:48 UTC  |  Edited by: MJ Incognito
It doesn't work the same as ship to ship modules. The reason is that the power of the ewar drone comes from stacking probability over multiple instances.

For 5 drones and 5 instances, with 1 ECCM Grav II, the Rokh Grav str goes up to 47... nearly double, but the chance to jam after 5 cycles is still 56.6%

It breaks down to

15% first attempt
27.75% second attempt
38.5% third attempt
47.79% forth attempt
55.6% fifth attempt

Every time you get a jam, you basically return to the 3rd level of likelyhood due to the way drones work plus lock time.
Shovel Bros
#4 - 2012-08-28 03:14:21 UTC
Actually, Ewar drones as a whole absolutely suck right now, they're horrible. The only ones that are usable at all are ECM drones, which are relatively powerful.

You should learn what the difference is between Ewar and ECM so you don't sounds like an idiot.
MJ Incognito
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#5 - 2012-08-28 03:26:52 UTC
mxzf wrote:
Actually, Ewar drones as a whole absolutely suck right now, they're horrible. The only ones that are usable at all are ECM drones, which are relatively powerful.

You should learn what the difference is between Ewar and ECM so you don't sounds like an idiot.

Small technical details stealing away from purposed meaning.... I forgot how important nerd technicals on a forum were.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-08-28 03:51:44 UTC
mxzf wrote:
You should learn what the difference is between Ewar and ECM so you don't sounds like an idiot.

Be nice. A lot of people regard ewar as being ECM. Let's not go crazy on technicalities here...

While your math is right, OP, we're still talking about probabilities here. Yes, you have an 80% chance of getting jammed after 5 cycles, but that doesn't mean you will. While technically correct, it's a bit wrong to look at ECM drones that way. Each cycle you have a 73% chance of not getting jammed, which is pretty big imho. While over time your probability of landing a jam cycle increases, you're still bound to the jamming strength formula. So at any given time you still have 73% odds of doing nothing.

I personally have had fights where I didn't land a single jam cycle with med drones. Not one. Of course I've been in fights where I've been jammed on the first cycle. ECM drones are hit or miss. And you can counter them with ECCM.

Still, the fact remains that they can be quite effective some times and can easily be fielded by anyone flying a ship with a drone bay, whereas fitting an ECM mod sacrifices a mid slot. Then again, bringing ECM drones sacrifices some of your DPS.

I'm very impartial to whether ECM drones need adjusting or not. But nerfing their jam strength is not the way to go. Reducing it by 50% means that they'll have a 13% chance of jamming, or an 87% chance of being _totally useless_.

If you're gonna post here thinking your idea is the greatest thing since bacon and that it will save EVE and possibly all humankind with it, you're gonna have a bad time.

MJ Incognito
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#7 - 2012-08-28 03:57:15 UTC  |  Edited by: MJ Incognito
NiGhTTraX wrote:
I'm very impartial to whether ECM drones need adjusting or not. But nerfing their jam strength is not the way to go. Reducing it by 50% means that they'll have a 13% chance of jamming, or an 87% chance of being _totally useless_.

No, that would mean medium drones have a 13% chance of jamming a Battleship.... Cruiser class weapon on BS class hull.
Heavy ECM drones would have a higher % chance.

Against another cruiser, they'd have a much higher % chance, vs a frigate, they'd still be silly powerful.

Right now, a Iskur with 5 light ecm drones has something like a 45-50% chance to jam another frigate on the first cycle. Same would be true of any cruiser hull with 25m3 drone bay. How is that reasonable. The strength needs to come down, the cycle time needs to go up.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-08-28 04:29:26 UTC  |  Edited by: NiGhTTraX
You're right, I forgot we were discussing about med drones.

I did the math myself and got a 55% chance of a cruiser jamming a Kestrel with 5 light ECM drones. Whereas fitting a single 'Hypnos' Multispectral ECM would give you a 30% chance, while a racial jammer would yield 45%. This choice in drone jamming strength made by CCP may be reflected by the fact that if you choose to bring 5 ECM drones on a cruiser, you are left with no drones to deal damage to fast frigates. While you can break their lock and possibly escape from a fight, you may be sacrificing the only way to kill them. It might or might not be a fair trade.

I guess their jamming strength could be brought inline with that of a single multispectral ECM mod fitted on the same hull. A 50% decrease in jamming strength would indeed bring the chance of a successful jam to 33%.

Like I said, I'm highly skeptical when it comes to this subject. Nerfing them too much might make them completely useless. Remember, you are sacrificing 5 good damage drones for them.

If you're gonna post here thinking your idea is the greatest thing since bacon and that it will save EVE and possibly all humankind with it, you're gonna have a bad time.

MJ Incognito
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#9 - 2012-08-28 05:21:13 UTC
NiGhTTraX wrote:
You're right, I forgot we were discussing about med drones.

I did the math myself and got a 55% chance of a cruiser jamming a Kestrel with 5 light ECM drones. Whereas fitting a single 'Hypnos' Multispectral ECM would give you a 30% chance, while a racial jammer would yield 45%. This choice in drone jamming strength made by CCP may be reflected by the fact that if you choose to bring 5 ECM drones on a cruiser, you are left with no drones to deal damage to fast frigates. While you can break their lock and possibly escape from a fight, you may be sacrificing the only way to kill them. It might or might not be a fair trade.

I guess their jamming strength could be brought inline with that of a single multispectral ECM mod fitted on the same hull. A 50% decrease in jamming strength would indeed bring the chance of a successful jam to 33%.

Like I said, I'm highly skeptical when it comes to this subject. Nerfing them too much might make them completely useless. Remember, you are sacrificing 5 good damage drones for them.

You get 4x the amount of jam chances in one multispec cycle.... saying that 30% on both is equal is really unrealistic. 5 second drone jam cycle vs 20 second mod cycle is a huge advantage for drones.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-08-28 05:27:02 UTC
MJ Incognito wrote:
You get 4x the amount of jam chances in one multispec cycle.... saying that 30% on both is equal is really unrealistic. 5 second drone jam cycle vs 20 second mod cycle is a huge advantage for drones.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Activation time on ECM drones is 20 seconds. It's 5 seconds on the other ewar drones, but it's 20 on the ECM ones.

If you're gonna post here thinking your idea is the greatest thing since bacon and that it will save EVE and possibly all humankind with it, you're gonna have a bad time.

Kingston Black
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-08-28 09:23:02 UTC
show me on the pirate ship where the carebear jammed you and warped away

fit ECCM it works I never have problems in my ECCM fitted mega
Corus Aerospace
#12 - 2012-08-28 11:17:46 UTC
I have a better solution... reduce the duration of a jam from ecm drones to 1-5 sec... why? because ECM drones are "gtfo" drones, in a small gang situration, ecm drones jam duration is often enough to make them much more valuable than damage drones... this shouldn't be the case if you ask me

it's fine they have a good chance to jam, but it's not fine how long they jam... nerfing the duration of a jam would bring them in line with the other ewar drones

Supercap nerf - change ewar immunity Module activation delay!

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#13 - 2012-08-28 15:43:22 UTC
Your Rokh should fit a smartbomb.