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Cruise Missile Revamp

Justin Cody
War Firm
#1 - 2012-08-26 20:24:09 UTC
The main problem with cruise missiles is three-fold.

1) lack of dps/alpha
2) despite good range they are not fast enough to get on target.
3) The Raven is the sole platform on which they can be used to even marginal effectiveness (MARGINAL)


1) Pick either dps or alpha and do not compromise. Since it is a long range weapon - alpha normally dominates
2) Cruise missile flight time should be better than torpedo, but velocity should be far higher, faster than 20K/sec if possible. In-fact their flight range at max skills should extend beyond 250Km as targets tend to move and flight paths may extend as people move around a battlefield.
3) The Raven is the premier missile based long range stand-off platform, that has been in the unenviable role of a short range brawler that gets called primary often. The Raven's feelings are very very hurt CCP. Aside from flight time, speed, or rof for bonus choices I suggest a new bonus: role bonus

Role Bonus: Cruise Missile Specialist

Caldari Fire Control Specialists have revamped the targeting and tracking systems of the Raven for increased efficacy

Cruise missile damage increases as range increases (up to 200% of base damage @ 150km+)

Damage is based on missile flight distance (time*speed): 0-30 Km Base+40%, 31-60 Km+80%, and so on until you get that nice alpha.

Of course at these rates one could slow down RoF and there would have to be balancing with ballistic controls, but cruise missiles already have the slowest RoF...but someone else can do those maths!

Manar Detri
#2 - 2012-08-26 21:47:38 UTC

On cruise missiles in general, do buff em a bit, but your idea of range interfering with damage would just increase the lag missiles create.
Kitt JT
True North.
#3 - 2012-08-26 23:30:26 UTC
Cruise missiles need to travel much faster to be viable in their intended role. That I will agree with.

But modifying the missile formula isn't something i could get behind.
Uris Vitgar
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2012-08-27 01:30:38 UTC
It feels to me like making cruise missiles too much faster is against their "personality". They take ages to reach the target, that's what's fun about them, and it gives them an interesting counter in the form of defender missiles. Really all they need is some extra DPS and/or better ability to hurt fast targets
Tor Gungnir
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2012-08-27 02:23:05 UTC
The weapon platforms really need an overhaul.

Small weapons: Pretty much even here. Missiles and turrets are both good.

Medium weapons: No contest. Heavy Missiles just leave the Medium turrets in the dust.

Large weapons: Due to the increase in range over Medium turrets, and packing quite a punch, Large turrets tend to beat Cruise/Torpedoes. It is just too much effort to get decent DPS on Cruise Missiles, and getting near the paper DPS of Torpedoes requires a ship like the Golem or a Stealth Bomber.

Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-08-27 04:42:31 UTC
Tor Gungnir wrote:
The weapon platforms really need an overhaul.

Small weapons: Pretty much even here. Missiles and turrets are both good.

Medium weapons: No contest. Heavy Missiles just leave the Medium turrets in the dust.

Large weapons: Due to the increase in range over Medium turrets, and packing quite a punch, Large turrets tend to beat Cruise/Torpedoes. It is just too much effort to get decent DPS on Cruise Missiles, and getting near the paper DPS of Torpedoes requires a ship like the Golem or a Stealth Bomber.

Also once you start dealing with battleship ranges, the travel time of torpedoes causes issues.
Dennis Gregs
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-08-27 06:04:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Dennis Gregs
I'll have to agree that Cruise Missiles are a little weak, DPS wise. Their alpha isn't bad though (the problem there is the travel time, not the volley damage). I'd say a nice way to buff them would be to decrease the cooldown between attacks on all Cruise Launchers. That way the volley damage won't reach sick levels (do keep in mind the crazy range Cruise have) and the DPS will be upped a bit. Perhaps lowering the damage reduction on frigates and cruisers slightly would also be nice.
Pinky Denmark
The Cursed Navy
#8 - 2012-08-27 10:30:20 UTC
I all honesty all long range weapon platforms need a revamp...
Beams, Rails and Artillery need more dps
and beams and rails also need more alpha (likely twice the alpha)

Cruise missiles could easily have their range cut in half and given a significant dps/apha boost but so could light missiles and to some limited degree also heavy missiles.
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#9 - 2012-08-27 11:23:12 UTC
I think the DPS of Cruise missiles is ok. But it wouldn´t hurt to increase the damage but lower the rate of fire. And for the speed: I think it was something around speed 10 km/s and flight time 30 s (maybe already skill modified) change it to something like speed 15 km/s and flight time 20 s. Result is roughly the same range (except fast moving target with MWD) but you hit them earlier which would make cruise a little bit more usefull.
serras bang
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-08-27 13:02:24 UTC  |  Edited by: serras bang
you guiys all think about pvp only you gotta remmember about mission runners also my cnr creats around 800 dps with tech 1 missles .

as for other missles im not quite sure it is possible for standard heavys to fly at 80k and on a tengu will break 120k but going by the way there doing it now i doubt this will change infact if they keep buggering up cal ships i can see a standard heavy missle surpasing 100 km. lets hope this dont happen.

however i do agree that on other ships that dont cost 1.8 bill upwards that missle especialy heavy and possibly criuse do need a bit of a dmg buff as a cara with pritty much max skills implants and navy bcu's only generate about 400 dps.
Bouh Revetoile
In Wreck we thrust
#11 - 2012-08-27 15:38:42 UTC
You all forgot the problem of long range missiles doing the same damage at extreme range than at point blank ; hence, comparing them to close range ammo turret dps is dumb.

With 3BCS, the Raven does 500dps at 250km. That is the dps of a long range BS at 70-80km.

The problem is also HML which are too powerful : a drake or a tengu can achieve the same dps of a 2BCS Raven but without the problems of cruise missiles (low explosion velocity and large explosion radius).

And if missiles velocity is often mentioned to be a critical problem, I'm not so sure about it : cruise missiles velocity is the same as HML velocity on tengu (>8km/s). And if this time to hit is definitely a weakness of long range missiles, tengus prove that this is not a so critical factor.

I think the only problem of cruise missiles is their low explosion velocity and large explosion radius. Even Precision missiles don't allow to hit cruiser size target for decent damage. Though, the more I look to cruise Raven, and the more I wonder why it's not use ; my best bet is that it's not good enough *compared to the drake and its HML*... The problem is then more about the the drake or HML than about the raven or cruise missiles.
Tor Gungnir
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2012-08-27 19:51:02 UTC
Bouh Revetoile wrote:

With 3BCS, the Raven does 500dps at 250km. That is the dps of a long range BS at 70-80km.

That's sorta balanced by turrets hitting instantly though. 250km range you're looking at one helluva travel time.

Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.

Atrament Inc.
#13 - 2012-08-27 20:23:19 UTC
CCP said in the CSM Minutes that they need a buff, but that is about it. No word on what will change. I expect that nothing will happen until tiericide reaches battleships. As for your ideas, damage of missiles should be constant.
Loius Woo
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2012-08-27 21:07:11 UTC
I think that the missile damage formula should remain unchanged.

However, I think that the OP has a point about the viability of cruise missiles. Granted they have pretty much the longest range in the game and so they make good snipers, but I think the problem is two fold:

1. Cruise missiles do shite damage against smaller OR faster targets and even worse against small AND fast targets. I would fix this by decreasing the explosion radius of the cruise missile while keeping the explosion velocity where it is. This way a smaller ship that is stationary will feel the effect of the cruise missile much more than one that is moving quickly effectively boosting cruise damage in select circumstances while not making them OP.

2. On grid scanning provides instant warp in capability against sniper gangs. This problem has pretty much eliminated most sniper fit gangs and fleets. If on grid scanning probes were fixed, Sniping Ravens might be a viable sniper ship. To fix this, I would propose a change to scan probe mechanics that prevents scan probes from returning any results which are on grid with more than one probe at a time. This way, dropping a bunch of probes on grid and hitting scan will not give you a warp in to a sniper gang which is on grid.
serras bang
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#15 - 2012-08-27 22:43:14 UTC
Bouh Revetoile wrote:
You all forgot the problem of long range missiles doing the same damage at extreme range than at point blank ; hence, comparing them to close range ammo turret dps is dumb.

With 3BCS, the Raven does 500dps at 250km. That is the dps of a long range BS at 70-80km.

The problem is also HML which are too powerful : a drake or a tengu can achieve the same dps of a 2BCS Raven but without the problems of cruise missiles (low explosion velocity and large explosion radius).

And if missiles velocity is often mentioned to be a critical problem, I'm not so sure about it : cruise missiles velocity is the same as HML velocity on tengu (>8km/s). And if this time to hit is definitely a weakness of long range missiles, tengus prove that this is not a so critical factor.

I think the only problem of cruise missiles is their low explosion velocity and large explosion radius. Even Precision missiles don't allow to hit cruiser size target for decent damage. Though, the more I look to cruise Raven, and the more I wonder why it's not use ; my best bet is that it's not good enough *compared to the drake and its HML*... The problem is then more about the the drake or HML than about the raven or cruise missiles.

i totaly disagree with all these points tbh

point 1 if you want a raven or cnr to achiev the same dps as a tengu go and spend tengu money on it. My tengu 740 dps or so my cnr has the ability to be that or more . i spend 1.8 bill on me tengu and 2 bill on buying and fitting me cnr point made here i think.

Point 2 Low explosive velocity vs high radius again this is all bull all criuse missle have like a 1.5 km explosive radius even tech 1 and tbh if you want low explosive radius then go use tech 1 ammo as tech 1 explosive radius even on criuser will drop bellow or not much above 160 explosive radius and last i cheacked thats full dmg on criuser.
Loius Woo
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2012-08-27 23:49:56 UTC
serras bang wrote:
Bouh Revetoile wrote:
You all forgot the problem of long range missiles doing the same damage at extreme range than at point blank ; hence, comparing them to close range ammo turret dps is dumb.

With 3BCS, the Raven does 500dps at 250km. That is the dps of a long range BS at 70-80km.

The problem is also HML which are too powerful : a drake or a tengu can achieve the same dps of a 2BCS Raven but without the problems of cruise missiles (low explosion velocity and large explosion radius).

And if missiles velocity is often mentioned to be a critical problem, I'm not so sure about it : cruise missiles velocity is the same as HML velocity on tengu (>8km/s). And if this time to hit is definitely a weakness of long range missiles, tengus prove that this is not a so critical factor.

I think the only problem of cruise missiles is their low explosion velocity and large explosion radius. Even Precision missiles don't allow to hit cruiser size target for decent damage. Though, the more I look to cruise Raven, and the more I wonder why it's not use ; my best bet is that it's not good enough *compared to the drake and its HML*... The problem is then more about the the drake or HML than about the raven or cruise missiles.

i totaly disagree with all these points tbh

point 1 if you want a raven or cnr to achiev the same dps as a tengu go and spend tengu money on it. My tengu 740 dps or so my cnr has the ability to be that or more . i spend 1.8 bill on me tengu and 2 bill on buying and fitting me cnr point made here i think.

Point 2 Low explosive velocity vs high radius again this is all bull all criuse missle have like a 1.5 km explosive radius even tech 1 and tbh if you want low explosive radius then go use tech 1 ammo as tech 1 explosive radius even on criuser will drop bellow or not much above 160 explosive radius and last i cheacked thats full dmg on criuser.

I am not sure if I agree with you because I am not sure what you are trying to say.

Can you please repost with some semblance of punctuation and proper syntax? Right now you look like something google translate threw up.
Vapour Holdings
#17 - 2012-08-27 23:59:10 UTC
I'd like to see something done with Torps, Citadel Cruise Missiles and Citadel Torps as well. At present they are... weak.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#18 - 2012-08-28 01:18:33 UTC
Cruise missiles need to deal a lot more volley damage, with a reduce rate of fire. This should be done in such a way as to result in a bit more damage than what they're doing now (10% sounds good). A ROF of around 40 second baseline (much like 1400mm arty) would be a good place to start.

They need to have their sig radius and/or explosion velocity adjusted so they put more damage onto the target.

Missile speed is less of an issue if they hit like an exploding mountain.

The Raven needs 7 or even 8 missile hardpoints to use them properly (adjust the faction variants to have some other benefits to make them worthwhile still).

"Wow, that internet argument completely changed my fundamental belief system," said no one, ever.

Atrament Inc.
#19 - 2012-08-28 03:08:35 UTC
Found it...
CSM Minutes wrote:
CCP Ytterbium exclaimed that the Raven needs help, but the fault lies mostly with Cruise Missiles.

UAxDEATH agreed wholeheartedly and added that he hasn't used Cruise Missiles since the missile formula was changed in 2006. The Scorpion and Rokh were deemed relatively balanced and overall good.

I think it should be noted that the Torp Raven was once a feared battleship. I think that as things have changed, the effectiveness of the Raven has waned. A light buff is in order.
ApolloF117 HUN
The All-Seeing Eye
GaNg BaNg TeAm
#20 - 2012-08-28 11:06:17 UTC
Paikis wrote:
I'd like to see something done with Torps, Citadel Cruise Missiles and Citadel Torps as well. At present they are... weak.

yea torps need some love too Blink
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