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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Player Law Enforcement (Concord LP Thread Inspired)

#1 - 2012-08-24 23:13:02 UTC
I was reading the Concord LP ideas thread the devs have up in the Missions forum. I saw one idea that set me to thinking about how players could move into a law enforcement role in high sec. This would be roughly in line with their plan to make players able to scan for drugs/contraband and then attack the offender. I'm not a programmer so I have no idea how hard this stuff really is. Its just some dreaminess. Old time D&D players will recognize the 10 level specialty class format and themed ability progression style. Please don't rip me to shreds!

This badge/rank system could be implemented through the Medals feature in the character sheet or something similarly character specific. Perhaps even filling booster slots. You can only purchase the items if you meet the basic requirements. They are not permanent. They will be immediately revoked if the pilot incurs GCC or any other type of future criminal suspect flagging, including being fleeted with criminals or others with GCC or criminal flagging.

Base requirements:

* Must not have a bounty on you
* Must not have any kill rights on you
* Must have 0 or better unmodified standing with all empire factions

Badges: You must acquire the badges in the order presented. Costs, etc. TBD.

* Patrolman: Must have and maintain +3.0 sec status. Can attack criminals using the faction police rules in .5, .6, .7 systems (example, could fire on -3.5 in .7 system).

* Sergeant: Must have and maintain +4.0 sec status. Access to Concord Agents (of which a small number would be reintroduced/re-enabled) )

* Dispatcher: Must have and maintain +5.0 sec status. Star Map includes filter option that shows where Concord System Announcements are made (e.g., whenever a criminal enters a system and the message for "you are not welcome here" pops up, it would be indicated on the map, allowing a player to navigate towards the criminal)

* Lieutenant: Must have and maintain +6.0 sec status. Can attack criminals using the faction police rules in all systems (example, could fire on -2 in Jita)

* Investigator: Must have and maintain +7.0 sec status. Remote access to Concord locator agents. Agents have 50% better response times and can be used again in 50% of the time of regular agents.

* Captain: Must have and maintain +8.0 sec status. Can attack anyone with a negative security status.

* Ranger: Must have and maintain +9.0 sec status. Can collect bounties on players, including players who have a positive security status. Can attack pods with a bounty, criminal standings, GCC, or criminal flagging in high sec and low sec. (Wanted player bounties now restricted to Badge access. Bounties are only removed when claimed by a Ranger.)

* Marshal: Must have and maintain 10.0 sec status. Pilot receives Pod Disruption ability: when you destroy the ship of a pilot with a bounty, criminal standings, GCC, or criminal flagging, the pod cannot warp for 5 seconds.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2 - 2012-08-25 00:06:53 UTC
While having players police New Eden is not such a bad idea, your idea of implementation stinks. The ability to attack anyone with a negative security status and warp disruption for 5 seconds? Are you out of your friggin` mind?

If you're gonna post here thinking your idea is the greatest thing since bacon and that it will save EVE and possibly all humankind with it, you're gonna have a bad time.

Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#3 - 2012-08-25 00:50:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Griffin Omanid
Although i agree with the idea of torturing pirates, gankers and so on, lets give them at least the same fairness they gave their victim. So I think the warp scrambling of pods is a no go.

Cause you easily can get a negativ security, it should be ok Captains to just being aloud to go against pirate up to -1.0. Also allowing players to hunt for others just because of a bounty is a bit unfair and can easily being exploited, and you still won´t get scam chars.
Why can´t the Ranger and Marshall level just be something to show of. But if you want to give the Ranger f.e. the option to use the kill rights of other players. And the Marshal could for example give a fleet bonus to players who get attacked unjustified in the same system by other players, while at the same time they get the postion of the fight and the right to loot the attacker, beside the victim.

Edit: I didn´t read it in your post but i hope that your pod will get any kind of dog tag, and pirates can always defend themselfes against you. So by show of I mean you´ll get a nice corpseLol.
Saede Riordan
Alexylva Paradox
#4 - 2012-08-25 02:50:05 UTC