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Ammo upgrades [Isk Sink]

Anthar Thebess
#1 - 2012-08-23 11:37:15 UTC
What is one of the common thing used in eve?
So maybe we should allow some add next step of upgrade to increase isk 'usage' on this.
My suggestion is quite simple, create additional station service to upgrade all types of ammo in the way that it will not have significant impact on PVP.

For example.
All types of missiles could be upgraded to 'racked' versions.
-30-50% of reload time
All typical ammo to 'High compressed cartridge'
-50% of cargo space
Only crystals are quite resistant to this ( fast reload and 'large stack' )

Price of this upgrade:
- t1 versions ( also faction ) 5000 units from 0.5mil - 2mil
- t2 version 5000 units from 1mil - 4mil

With the amount of ammo used this can have good impact on iskflow
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#2 - 2012-08-23 11:50:00 UTC
You know that this will only become a Isk-sink if it will be sold by a LP-Shop or NPC-shop.
Normal T1 and T2 ammo are just a sink of goods like ore.
Verity Sovereign
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-08-23 11:56:17 UTC
Have you heard of faction ammo?

Go to station, hand in ISK, ammo, and LP, receive ammo that does 15% more damage.
Anthar Thebess
#4 - 2012-08-23 12:12:02 UTC
Verity Sovereign wrote:
Have you heard of faction ammo?

Go to station, hand in ISK, ammo, and LP, receive ammo that does 15% more damage.

- t1 versions ( also faction ) 5000 units from 0.5mil - 2mil

Additional upgrade not connected with increased dps.
Hand Trade Society
#5 - 2012-08-23 19:58:28 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
What is one of the common thing used in eve?
So maybe we should allow some add next step of upgrade to increase isk 'usage' on this.
My suggestion is quite simple, create additional station service to upgrade all types of ammo in the way that it will not have significant impact on PVP.

For example.
All types of missiles could be upgraded to 'racked' versions.
-30-50% of reload time

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-08-23 20:15:19 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
What is one of the common thing used in eve?
So maybe we should allow some add next step of upgrade to increase isk 'usage' on this.
My suggestion is quite simple, create additional station service to upgrade all types of ammo in the way that it will not have significant impact on PVP.

For example.
All types of missiles could be upgraded to 'racked' versions.
-30-50% of reload time
All typical ammo to 'High compressed cartridge'
-50% of cargo space
Only crystals are quite resistant to this ( fast reload and 'large stack' )

Price of this upgrade:
- t1 versions ( also faction ) 5000 units from 0.5mil - 2mil
- t2 version 5000 units from 1mil - 4mil

With the amount of ammo used this can have good impact on iskflow

Does someone play World of Tanks?

Anthar Thebess
#7 - 2012-08-23 22:48:20 UTC
No, and never did or plan to ;)
Verity Sovereign
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2012-08-24 17:07:33 UTC
You can't just throw in an ISK sink for no significant bonus, and then expect people to use it.

Who is going to pay 2 million per 5,000 rounds just to have it take less cargo space?
The missioner using the ammo? no, that will be a huge cut to his ISK/hour

The trader? sure he moves more ammo... but... damn... that ammo is expensive, carrying 2x as much is not worth it if your profit per unit is halved.

PvPer? nope, you specifically said it wouldn't be worth much in PvP.

Why would anyone shell out millions of ISK more for this ammo?

If the ISK sink isn't mandatory, then it has to be useful so that people voluntarily use the ISK sink. The utility directly correlates with how much of an ISK sink it will be.

You could make it cost a billion per round to do this - and nobody will use it, and you will sink 0 ISK.

You could make it cost 0 isk per round, then people will likely use it, but it won't remove much ISK.

Faction ammo will remain the biggest ammo-ISK-sink

What might be interesting is lower quality Faction ammo that doesn't require LP to acquire.
That way people don't need to farm LP before they can sink their ISK into the ammo.

Suppose Navy ammo that costs LP does +15% damage, and low-grade Navy ammo that doesn't require LP to purchase is only +10% damage
Anthar Thebess
#9 - 2012-08-24 17:15:39 UTC
Suppose Navy ammo that costs LP does +15% damage, and low-grade Navy ammo that doesn't require LP to purchase is only +10% damage

Also good idea.
Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2012-08-24 19:37:31 UTC
no, it would be better to redo the LP stores.
I think the big thing could be implants. no one buys implants from the lp store because they are dropped or missions rewards most of the time.
this is why +4s are about the same or even cheaper then +3s.