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Improvement: Camera Remains for Destruction Animation

Sunset Logistics Company
#1 - 2012-05-07 02:17:49 UTC
This is a fairly small and simple improvement, though I don't know much about programming.


When 'Looking at a Target' (As in your camera is focused on it) and the target is destroyed, the camera does not automatically revert back to your ship but instead 'watches' the target's death animation take place for 3 seconds or more, dependent on the target being destroyed.

How it works

Whenever a target is destroyed, the client immediately removes it as something you can look at. This is somewhat unfortunate as, for the vast majority of objects in EVE, distances are so great that explosions are really quite small and can't be enjoyed up close (unless you are, of course, up close).

Particularly in PvE (which has gratuitous destruction), you can't enjoy the trail of death you're leaving because as soon as that target you were pounding is destroyed, your camera whirls right back to your ship.

Instead, change the client such that the entity of the ship actually continues to exist for the duration of its death animation or create a smooth transition for the camera such that...

IF focused on a destroyed target THEN camera switches to wreckage automatically of that target (which means you'll see the explosion). This works except in cases where an object leaves no wreckage (such as sentry turrets or station objects with no loot container).

Thus I propose

IF focused on a destroyed target, target drops (it's dead) but focus remains for duration of death animation - short for small objects like frigates, fairly long for objects like carriers.

It's a small improvement and all it really adds is quality of life in the game - but especially with the new missile graphics coming out, it's a shame that you have to manually aim and zoom your camera to really see the destruction animations in their fullness.

When focused on a target that is then destroyed, camera remains on that destroyed target for the duration of its destruction animation - as opposed to its current format of the camera immediately returning to your ship.

This adds more detail to EVE for what I would think is a relatively simple fix and provides a better experience for all players, especially new players hopped up on the videos of awesome explosions that got them to join in the first place.

Please keep suggestions specifically to this idea and how it can be implemented - a 'replay' cam or what folks traditionally think of as a 'Kill Cam' is not being suggested or supported in this thread. This thread is aimed at a quick and easy improvement. Thanks!
Sunset Logistics Company
#2 - 2012-05-07 21:27:31 UTC
Does this idea have zero traction or is it so brilliant nobody has anything to say? Lol

In all seriousness, if you like the idea in its original form, just post a +1 or something so it gets attention - I honestly think this would be a simply quality of life improvement that could be tacked onto whatever the next patch is.
Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#3 - 2012-05-07 21:36:40 UTC
To me it's kind of a no brainer. Of course this should be implemented.
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-05-07 22:05:08 UTC

We are our own worst enemy.

Im Super Gay
Investtan Inc.
The Republic.
#5 - 2012-05-07 22:05:09 UTC
Good ideas like yours are usually bumped off of the first page because there's nothing to argue about.
Sunset Logistics Company
#6 - 2012-05-07 22:41:34 UTC
Im Super Gay wrote:
Good ideas like yours are usually bumped off of the first page because there's nothing to argue about.

I figured that was the is good I guess?

Please continue to +1 if you feel like this is a simple fix devs should look at. Thanks for the support!
Sunset Logistics Company
#7 - 2012-05-11 02:17:06 UTC

Please +1 this thread so the devs will implement it - it's a crazy easy fix (no really, it is) that could probably make the Inferno release it's so easy.

Quality of Life Improvements.
Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-05-11 05:04:40 UTC
SandKid wrote:
Does this idea have zero traction or is it so brilliant nobody has anything to say? Lol

In all seriousness, if you like the idea in its original form, just post a +1 or something so it gets attention - I honestly think this would be a simply quality of life improvement that could be tacked onto whatever the next patch is.

Well, nobody saying anything is typically a sign of a good idea, since nobody wants to troll/ I have wanted better camera controls for a while. I know anybody who makes videos does.

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Della Monk
Monastery of Drakes
#9 - 2012-05-11 05:39:13 UTC
Though maybe make it an option
Xhaiden Ora
#10 - 2012-05-11 08:16:36 UTC

Always wondered why it didn't do this in the first place.
Sunset Logistics Company
#11 - 2012-05-14 18:17:23 UTC
Please +1 for more attention, or at least 'like' it.

...or I will be forced to bring out the troll bait...

(Glances at his notes on how this improvement would make Hulkageddon that much more savory)
Plaude Pollard
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2012-05-14 21:01:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Plaude Pollard
Supported. That's all there is to say. I don't care if we have to wait until Inferno 1.1 or 1.2, but it certainly would look lovely, being able to watch your enemies' shiny ships blow up in all their glory. Even more so with new missiles coming out soon.

Added: If the ship as an object remains until its death animation is finished, should inbound missiles hit the already dying ship and blow up, or should they pass through? It would look nice to see the ship dying under an ongoing barrage, rather than all attacks stopping the moment the ship dies.

New to EVE? Want to learn? The Crimson Cartel will train you in the fields of _**your **_choice. Mainly active in EU afternoons and evenings. Contact me for more info.

Sunset Logistics Company
#13 - 2012-05-15 22:07:06 UTC
Plaude Pollard wrote:
Supported. That's all there is to say. I don't care if we have to wait until Inferno 1.1 or 1.2, but it certainly would look lovely, being able to watch your enemies' shiny ships blow up in all their glory. Even more so with new missiles coming out soon.

Added: If the ship as an object remains until its death animation is finished, should inbound missiles hit the already dying ship and blow up, or should they pass through? It would look nice to see the ship dying under an ongoing barrage, rather than all attacks stopping the moment the ship dies.

That is certainly a potential idea - but it could also result in ammo waste on accident, especially for larger targets with longer animations. While this change is simple - it could lead to a longer term goal of improving the destruction animations too.

After all - all ships will soon be V3...except capitals.

I can only imagine that CCP is probably looking at revamping their animations as well... Blink
Sunset Logistics Company
#14 - 2012-05-28 16:21:09 UTC

I almost want a dev to lock the thread just so they'll see the idea and go,

"Oh hey...I like this."
"I'll go share it with my buds and get an extra beer for being awesome."
Adrian Dixon
Arbitrary Spaceship Destruction
#15 - 2012-06-25 20:12:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Adrian Dixon
Now that your camera view direction is persistant when jumping though gates and view destance maintained when looking at different ships. Please fix the way the camera behaves when objects you are looking at are destroyed.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#16 - 2012-06-25 23:05:20 UTC
Cameras in EVE are pretty much fail all around. This is a no-brainer, as said above. +1
Sunset Logistics Company
#17 - 2012-08-23 19:23:39 UTC
IIRC...I think I saw this change find its way into a dev blog for either Inferno or the winter.

Could someone confirm? I tried to find it again but I'm not a very good forum hound. =(
Oberine Noriepa
#18 - 2012-08-23 19:31:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Oberine Noriepa
Yes! I definitely want this. Especially when the new destruction effects are patched into the game. Maybe they can implement this once they update the HUD with the picture-in-picture feature?

The Mach
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2012-08-23 19:40:32 UTC
+1 Should definitely be add, like 6 years ago... ive missed 6 years of pretty explosions cause of this Evil
Sunset Logistics Company
#20 - 2012-08-27 04:22:36 UTC
The Mach wrote:
+1 Should definitely be add, like 6 years ago... ive missed 6 years of pretty explosions cause of this Evil

Well I didn't think of it that way...but this is true in many ways. With the new missile changes though (graphically) I can see this as being an even more gratifying change. I'm no expert on programming, but this seems like it would be fairly easy to implement.
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