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[MLIBA] Declaration of Intent

Rodj Blake
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#81 - 2012-08-11 14:30:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Rodj Blake
I have no doubt that we will be getting regular unverifiable updates from this self-styled Mishi Liberation Army regarding their supposed activities.

I also have no doubt that their actual impact on the Empire will be minimal.

Furthermore, it wouldn't surprise me if they were later revealed to be a front organisation (that's if one capsuleer can be called an organisation) for another anti-Amarrian group.

However, since they have made their nefarious aims so clear, they have earned themselves a red standing.

Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori

#82 - 2012-08-12 15:41:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Fantesca
Fellow capsuleers,

Thank you for your kind felicitations, regretfully I have no authority to accept invitations or to give you any further information regarding arrangements for the Festival. I hope that the following letter will explain why.

Excellencies and assorted capsuleers,

The lives of those brutally slain require justice. For the wellbeing of our community it has been decided to convene an Auto - act of faith. Prior to the start of the auto, before the commencement of the festival, there will be a grace period of 40 days.

An auto will be open in the central district of any conurbation larger than a town, additionally no auto will be more than 1000 kilometers apart from an other. All will be required to facilitate passage to an auto upon request, whether if be asked by freeman or nobleman. There will be an all-night vigil with prayers. Each auto will end with a Mass at daybreak, when a breakfast feast will be prepared for all who came.

We urge anyone who has any guilt or knows of someone who is guilty of any crime or heresy to visit the auto and confess. The suspect will not be allowed to examine this evidence, it will all be completely confidential. The grace period will be followed by the execution by the authorities of the sentences imposed on the condemned, whether the offences be criminal, heretical or apostasy.

I have heard concerns regarding the tone of my previous letter. I would like to reiterate that this process will be comprehensive. The jurisdiction of the auto does not extend to those of Noble birth or Holders, however all relevant information gathered will be passed on to the appropriate authority.

Please accept, Excellencies, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Adjunct to the Overseers Office for Entertainment and Economic Development,

(Any information, sent to capsuleers Fantesca from any source, will be received by this office with thanks)
Makkal Hanaya
Revenent Defence Corperation
#83 - 2012-08-17 00:27:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Makkal Hanaya
Kazzzi wrote:
Kalaratiri wrote:
Your people hold slaves of your own.

Sure, because an overwhelming majority of Ni-Kunni are holders, right?

I understand that's a rhetorical question, but I'm going to answer it anyway because people have the odd idea that everyone in the Empire and the Kingdom is a slave or a Holder.

The number of Ni-Kunni Holders are a pittance. The majority of Holders are from noble houses and there are only a handful of Ni-Kunni noble bloodlines.

In all truth, there are probably more Minmatar slavers than there are Ni-Kunni Holders.

The vast majority of Ni-Kunni in the Empire are commoners. I'd guess we're talking about 85-90% of Ni-Kunni citizens.

Render unto Khanid the things which are Khanid's; and unto God the things that are God's.

Azdan Amith
#84 - 2012-08-17 01:07:31 UTC
It should also be noted that contrary to popular belief, Holders are a minority in the Empire. Less than 10% (and that's being generous) of the people in the Empire can legally maintain slaves.

~Archon Azdan Amith,  Order of Light's Retribution

Evet Morrel
#85 - 2012-08-17 07:44:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Evet Morrel
Azdan Amith wrote:
It should also be noted that contrary to popular belief, Holders are a minority in the Empire. Less than 10% (and that's being generous) of the people in the Empire can legally maintain slaves.

Really, one in ten, or one in five, or even one in one hundred seems very generous... And these holders will hold anything for you? I wish we had some more of them there holders, but they're automating everything these days, it's self-service this self service that.
Dos Naari
#86 - 2012-08-22 04:26:32 UTC
I for one am glad to see Ni-Kunni finally stepping up to reclaim their stolen heritage. I wish you the best Tasha Ayanara of the Mishi Liberation Army, may the waters of Mishi flow freely to seek their own course.
Amaki Mai
#87 - 2012-08-22 06:36:50 UTC
Dos Naari wrote:
I for one am glad to see Ni-Kunni finally stepping up to reclaim their stolen heritage. I wish you the best Tasha Ayanara of the Mishi Liberation Army, may the waters of Mishi flow freely to seek their own course.

Why am I not surprised to find you HERE too, spreading your messages of hate and dissension. I do not know who hurt you in your childhood, but I am deeply sorry for the very obvious trauma that you seem to suffer under.
Dos Naari
#88 - 2012-08-22 08:01:04 UTC
Amaki Mai wrote:
Dos Naari wrote:
I for one am glad to see Ni-Kunni finally stepping up to reclaim their stolen heritage. I wish you the best Tasha Ayanara of the Mishi Liberation Army, may the waters of Mishi flow freely to seek their own course.

Why am I not surprised to find you HERE too, spreading your messages of hate and dissension. I do not know who hurt you in your childhood, but I am deeply sorry for the very obvious trauma that you seem to suffer under.
As a Khanid standing before a banner that supposedly represents freedom, I find your words a bit contradictory.
Azdan Amith
#89 - 2012-08-22 11:44:00 UTC
Dos Naari wrote:
As a Khanid standing before a banner that supposedly represents freedom, I find your words a bit contradictory.

I will give you credit for being consistent but I would urge you to consider actually addressing the points and arguments made in opposition to you rather than pointing to a photograph and seeking to defame the person rather than the argument. Twice now you've tried to discredit Miss Mai simply because she is standing in front of the Eagle banner of the Federation but that does not change her words or message. Allow me to demonstrate:

You're standing in front of an unimpressive, blank slab of dense metal. I find this is indicative of your arguments and the thought process behind them.

It does nothing to change or affect what you actually said. It's petulance, really.

~Archon Azdan Amith,  Order of Light's Retribution

Amaki Mai
#90 - 2012-08-22 15:36:40 UTC
Dos Naari wrote:
As a Khanid standing before a banner that supposedly represents freedom, I find your words a bit contradictory.

The picture was taken at Laic station, where I am currently based running anti-piracy patrols for the Federation government. It is a requirement that identity pictures be recent and representative, is it not?