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CSM7 Summit Topic: The State of Incarna

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#181 - 2012-06-12 23:26:09 UTC
Posting to confirm that I am against player submitted designs.

Except for ship skins.
Siddh Siitem
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#182 - 2012-08-19 13:14:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Siddh Siitem
Mara Rinn wrote:
Scatim Helicon wrote:
I want to be scanning down lost abandoned settlements in dangerous parts of space in an unarmed craft before boarding them on scavenging operations, racing against the clock to secure and recover lost valuable artefacts before I'm discovered. I want Guristas or Angel Cartel pirates, no longer faceless cannon fodder dying in their thousands as I run yet another sanctum or Level 4 mission, but as other individuals searching for me by torchlight in unlit habitation units and corridors because I tripped a security sensor with my portable hacking module 10 minutes ago. I want a parallel network of 'dark' agents, not working for a public corporation in a outpost everyone can see and and handing out endless streams of missions to any pilot who blunders across their path, but basing out of secret, hidden settlements, moving locations to avoid detection and requiring me to go and find them, giving me 'off-the-radar' tasks to complete and rewarding me with items and resources unavailable anywhere else.

I want the dark, cold and harsh universe CCP are so fond of describing to apply just as much to WiS as it does to the spaceships, if not more. I want WiS with teeth.

I want that too.

I want dark gritty world where it is possible for my character to interact with her friends in a social atmosphere, with a feeling of relative safety. Over here behind the shields of our POS we have our hot tub, bar with the exotic dancer, gambling den, clothing shop. Over there we have the abandoned Angel outpost which we can explore "on foot" in competition with other capsuleers and NPCs.

Same universe, same mechanics, different "feel" due to the type of activity undertaken in that specific locale.

What would be more compelling than being able to walk around in a place that is "safe" when you want to get off the grid for a while?

Hear hear. I think giving casual players an opportunity to meet up in a social space and BECOME hardcore players (as happens to moms who play their kid's WoW once a week and then all of a sudden are up in that auction house every night, and then running raids to get rare **** to come back to auction with) is a really good thing too, at least at first. For both WiS space AND the capsuleer space to be places of dark, cold, harsh, riskbeasts with dangerteeth is absolutely what is required, it's what makes EVE, EVE. The idea of being off-the-grid to the capsuleer world brings with it a set of bounty hunter risks as well, so I'd not be surprised to see space stations with absolutist requirements about no weapons and scanners to check for 'em (i.e. no weapon implementation) at first, but when certain tools get developed to fool station scanners (i.e. a later expansion) I'd think in-station assassinations would be a totally valid threat to introduce.

But I agree completely with Mara Rinn that some things just need to come first. And the dev time being spent on, essentially, getting the models right, getting the interactions between models right, seeing how everything runs with all the freedom of a social atmosphere, then injecting chaos into it bit by bit until it is every bit as complicated and dangerous a place as space...that sound great to me! I'd love to be a part of that process, as a player, rather than waiting for the period of internal testing that'll take years and years with only this in-quarters, solo avatar capability (and I really hope they pop an invite option on, so you can invite a friend who is docked in the same station to come on board, and maybe more decks and rooms in the ship, like an engine room...maybe integrated with NPC crew? But that should come well after WiS mission related content as suggested by Scatiam Helicon, I agree that should be a priority after the basics are in).
Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#183 - 2012-08-20 15:57:51 UTC
Scatim Helicon wrote:
Dersen Lowery wrote:
Nevertheless, there were howls of outrage when CCP took away ship spinning--which, unlike rooms with multiple people in them, features no multiplayer content whatsoever.

It was, however, spaceship content, and the outrage was more down to CCP removing existing content for no particular reason, replacing it with the abomination that is Captain's Quarters, and having the gall to call it an expansion.

I don't place any particular emphasis on spaceship content. It's nice, and CCP should by all means continue to publish it as a fairly high priority, given that it makes up most of the available gameplay.

Incarna, the expansion, was a disaster. I don't believe anyone disputes that. But when they were teasing people with player-owned pubs, and walking along concourses to meet other pilots, it had a lot of support. What didn't get support was freezing all other gameplay development to release a single, non-interactive, single-player room while proclaiming that "greed is good."CQ isn't even single-player content.

As soon as you bring other people into the picture, and take CONCORD/faction police out of the picture, it becomes much more interesting. People in your own alliance pulled off the FW exploit by sitting around and talking, they just did it out of game because in-game communication support is anemic. Why would they suddenly sit around and talk about the weather if their avatars were together in a room? No, of course not. The PVE content you're suggesting all sounds great, but the most compelling game in EVE is the metagame; all WiS has to add to that are faces and voices. The rest will take care of itself.

I love the idea of "dark" agents, by the way. +1 to that idea.

Scatim Helicon wrote:
These things already exist, the people doing the plotting and negotiating in Eve are perfectly capable of opening a private chat in-game or using an IRC client or sendng PMs on a forum. The only thing this offers is the opportunity to marry them to some pretty graphics, and 'pretty graphics with no new content' is the exact opposite of what WiS needs to provide.

Yes, there are currently band-aid and duct-tape solutions. They either carry serious compromises (text chat in the far future? please), or they take you completely outside the universe that EVE is trying to model comprehensively. None of that is nearly as compelling as doing communication in-game and in-universe. The best you can say about it is that it does the job.

Scatim Helicon wrote:
The vision for Eve is providing players tools with which to shape their own storylines, but you have to actually provide the tools in the first place, not just the space and some pretty graphics. Like I said earlier in the thread, dumping a bunch of avatars in an empty room with nothing tangible to do but stare at some themepark content won't result in anything interesting or emergent appearing, otherwise we'd be seeing compelling, emergent, player driven gameplay sprouting up from Second Life or Sims Online too.

Sure, but some things need fewer tools than others.

As I recall, there has been plenty of emergent gameplay from Second Life, despite the general aimlessness of the platform. Creative people create. I'm not as familiar with Sims Online.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#184 - 2012-08-20 22:13:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Scatim Helicon
Dersen Lowery wrote:
As soon as you bring other people into the picture, and take CONCORD/faction police out of the picture, it becomes much more interesting. People in your own alliance pulled off the FW exploit by sitting around and talking, they just did it out of game because in-game communication support is anemic. Why would they suddenly sit around and talk about the weather if their avatars were together in a room? No, of course not. The PVE content you're suggesting all sounds great, but the most compelling game in EVE is the metagame; all WiS has to add to that are faces and voices. The rest will take care of itself.

The point of the 'meta-game' is that it takes place largely outside of the normal confines of the game and can just as easily take place outside of the client completely. Our Economic team plotted the FW trick in jabber, and I'm pretty sure none of them are thinking to themselves 'boy I sure wish we could have had our pretty avatars sitting in a room together while we literally plotted out playing the Eve economy like a fiddle'. Mittens is another good example of this - he spent a good couple of years running our intelligence agency and communicating with the directorate from his work office through email and instant messaging clients whilst literally not ever having to log in or maybe not even having an active eve subscription (I should ask him about this some time). Eve doesn't rely on graphical fireworks to pull people in - Goonswarm tempted thousands of players over from Something Awful despite the fact the game literally looked like a series of numbers going up and down with red and purple squares moving slowly around and three grey bars turning red, because the concept was compelling enough to appeal to those of us looking for something a little different. Provide the tools, and the immersion looks after itself even if you're tabbing between three different communication clients and an Excel spreadsheet. Fail to provide the tools, and all the pretty avatar graphics in the world won't save you.

If an in-game feature offers nothing that isn't available elsewhere, there's really no reason to use it. That's why the original pay-to-use Eve Voice was such a horrific failure and why even now most sizeable corps and alliances use seperate VOIP clients rather than Eve Voice. If WiS just replicates existing mumble and teamspeak in terms of actual things to do, why should I or anyone else make the switch?

Yes, there are currently band-aid and duct-tape solutions. They either carry serious compromises (text chat in the far future? please), or they take you completely outside the universe that EVE is trying to model comprehensively. None of that is nearly as compelling as doing communication in-game and in-universe. The best you can say about it is that it does the job.

When you're mid 600-man fleet battle, nobody gives the slightest damn about the fact that our FC is calling primaries through an out-of-game voice client. Not one person. And are you suggesting that avatar conversations in hypothetical future WiS establishments won't be at least partially text-based? If anything, keeping it text-based retains the sense of character immersion better because participants don't have to confront the uncomfortable reality that the ... well proportioned ... blonde female avatar in the corner is speaking with a man's voice.

We're communicating perfectly well right now through text. Would this be a 'better' debate if our super-detailed characters were arguing it out in a bar, waving our arms around as we made our cases, surrounded by exotic dancers and pints of pretend alcoholic drinks? Or would those things merely be graphical gimmicks that served no practical purpose and which 99% of players would simply switch off a few minutes in once the novelty wore off?

Sure, but some things need fewer tools than others.

As I recall, there has been plenty of emergent gameplay from Second Life, despite the general aimlessness of the platform. Creative people create. I'm not as familiar with Sims Online.

Second Life's 'creativity' seems to mostly manifest itself in increasingly bizarre body modifications and dungeons for users to virtually penetrate and torture each other with, however.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#185 - 2012-08-20 22:26:07 UTC
Scatim Helicon wrote:
The point of the 'meta-game' is that it takes place largely outside of the normal confines of the game and can just as easily take place outside of the client completely. Our Economic team plotted the FW trick in jabber, and I'm pretty sure none of them are thinking to themselves 'boy I sure wish we could have had our pretty avatars sitting in a room together while we literally plotted out playing the Eve economy like a fiddle'. …

We're communicating perfectly well right now through text. Would this be a 'better' debate if our super-detailed characters were arguing it out in a bar, waving our arms around as we made our cases, surrounded by exotic dancers and pints of pretend alcoholic drinks?

Y'all don't need that modern tel-eye-fone, y'all got that pony express ta git the word through to y'all's family in a hurry.
Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#186 - 2012-08-21 02:45:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Dersen Lowery
[stupid forums]

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#187 - 2012-08-21 02:46:15 UTC
Scatim Helicon wrote:

The point of the 'meta-game' is that it takes place largely outside of the normal confines of the game and can just as easily take place outside of the client completely.

Is that a bug, or a feature? Is it better that way, or is that just how it's done?

Or, if you guys are dead set on playing Jabber rather than EVE, can you respect that maybe some people would prefer to conduct in-game business in game, even if it's "metagame?" Certainly, there's no possible way to stop people from getting on VT100s and using talk to run an alliance (that's all any text chat client is, finally), I just wonder what the appeal is.

Well, the obvious appeal is that you can run the game from work. For us casual players who work at work, it would be nice to play more of the game in the game. I would hope that in the far future, we have gotten beyond plain text and phpBB, because we have Skype now.

Also, you're hung up on "need." This is a game. Nobody needs anything. The only question is whether a feature would make EVE a better game. For me, this would. And so would the other things you've suggested.

Scatim Helicon wrote:
Provide the tools, and the immersion looks after itself even if you're tabbing between three different communication clients and an Excel spreadsheet. Fail to provide the tools, and all the pretty avatar graphics in the world won't save you.

I can't get immersed in EVE when I'm looking at a bulletin board. Sorry. It looks like the 1990s. All I need (ha!) are the in-game tools to replace #%*&@#ing Mumble, and I will be much happier. Because, see, Mumble sucks. TeamSpeak sucks horribly. They're unreliable, insecure, and their user interfaces were designed by clueless idiots. I would love nothing more than to delete them off my machine. An in-game system would be much more elegant and much less hassle, and able to add information such as only people in a room hearing you speak, or being able to hear speech and noise from where another person's avatar actually is in relation to you. Done right, it would be a straight upgrade. You don't need it, in the same way that you don't need any of them, either. You could just as easily play your metagame over the post.

Scatim Helicon wrote:
When you're mid 600-man fleet battle, nobody gives the slightest damn about the fact that our FC is calling primaries through an out-of-game voice client. Not one person. And are you suggesting that avatar conversations in hypothetical future WiS establishments won't be at least partially text-based? If anything, keeping it text-based retains the sense of character immersion better because participants don't have to confront the uncomfortable reality that the ... well proportioned ... blonde female avatar in the corner is speaking with a man's voice.

In a fleet battle, Incarna doesn't matter. Trivially. That's... an easy point to concede. If you're walking in station, you don't give the slightest damn about the fleet interface, either. It's still something you'd like to have.

As to the latter, CCP is actively looking for better voice synthesis software. Given good enough voice fonts, problem solved. In the meantime, you could send some goons over to the man's house and give him a swift kick in the family jewels.

Scatim Helicon wrote:
We're communicating perfectly well right now through text. Would this be a 'better' debate if our super-detailed characters were arguing it out in a bar, waving our arms around as we made our cases, surrounded by exotic dancers and pints of pretend alcoholic drinks? Or would those things merely be graphical gimmicks that served no practical purpose and which 99% of players would simply switch off a few minutes in once the novelty wore off?

The closer it is to actually speaking in person, the better. It is possible to conduct a conversation over text, it's just that you lose so much information, between expression, tone of voice, and body language. You gain the ability to spend time thinking about answers, so it's not all bad, but let's not pretend that text is anything other than a lossy compression of language.

Scatim Helicon wrote:
]Second Life's 'creativity' seems to mostly manifest itself in increasingly bizarre body modifications and dungeons for users to virtually penetrate and torture each other with, however.

You probably know more about what the Goons do with Second Life than I do. The things I've heard about are cooler than that. It's a pretty bad metaphor for Incarna anyway, because the emergent gameplay in Second Life emerges from its vast ability to be user-customized, which is something that we will never see here. If SL is too chaotic an example, consider LambdaMOO (which is text-based--I don't deny that text has its advantages). But again, that's user-programmable in a way that EVE will never be. Any emergent gameplay in Incarna will be driven by the metagame.

(As to bizarre body modifications, SL is actually getting more conservative as more people join and the social pressure to not be "weird" ratchets up. And, well, some of your alliance mates have taken EVE's character creator out to its design limits in rather creative ways. Maybe CCP will offer a free re-customization when they roll out Incarna content.)

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Dun Bar
Baba Yagas
The Initiative.
#188 - 2012-08-28 22:15:51 UTC
CCP Bayesian wrote:
Sorry for the radio silence for the past couple of weeks, I've been variously ill, spraining ankles and on holiday.

I've got bad news about the devblog we promised. It's been swallowed by the black hole of corporateness and won't be seeing the light of day for the foreseeable future. The team have been as vocal as we can about the merits of putting it out but to no avail. We're continuing to try and work out a way of showing you work we're proud of and think you will like but for now our hands are completely tied.
Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#189 - 2012-08-31 16:43:26 UTC
Dun Bar wrote:
CCP Bayesian wrote:
Sorry for the radio silence for the past couple of weeks, I've been variously ill, spraining ankles and on holiday.

I've got bad news about the devblog we promised. It's been swallowed by the black hole of corporateness and won't be seeing the light of day for the foreseeable future. The team have been as vocal as we can about the merits of putting it out but to no avail. We're continuing to try and work out a way of showing you work we're proud of and think you will like but for now our hands are completely tied.

I went and tracked down the original post this is from and am following it up.

2004-2008: Mercenary Coalition Boss

2007-2010: CCP Game Designer | 2011-2013: CSM6 Delegate & CSM7 Chairman

2011-2015: Pandemic Legionnaire

2015- : Mercenary Coalition Boss

Follow Seleene on Twitter!

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#190 - 2012-09-03 04:00:07 UTC
Thank you, Seleene.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Mikaila Penshar
#191 - 2012-10-24 06:53:59 UTC
Skills should be the basis of WiS- we need to know what we can do... what we are capable of doing and how to go about doing it.
Maybe they ought to be called "Abilities" -but something other than "Skills" so as not to confuse them with the spaceship skill trees.

I think they should also be able to be trained at the same time as spaceship skills, with a sliding bar to adjust the concentration of training between "Skills" and "Abilities". Set it at 50/50 to train both your 'skill tree' and 'ability tree' at half speed... 90/10 to focus mostly on "Skills".... 0/100 to completely focus on "Abilities" alone if you plan on being a station dweller- and that should be a viable playstyle. People SHOULD be able to spend their entire EvE career inside a station if they so desire, and there should be ample enough things to do therein... PvP should be a possibility via combat clones in designated areas that could have gambling pools set up in the local player owned establishments -in which you COULD buy a virtual beer if you'd like (why the heck not) and also play some poker or darts or GO, or any other game that someone comes up with- but it'd be your Abilities that would give you the advantage you need - talents in hand-eye coordination and bluffing and luck and your imposing presence and your precision at wielding a firearm or experience fistfighting...

any ability that can be thought of needs to be represented in a way so as to be trainable for WiS.

Without a way to do something better than someone else there is no EvE, THAT is exactly what Incarna missed the boat on... EvE is not about being able to just do stuff - it's all about being able to do stuff better than the next guy... give us that aspect and we will do the rest.
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#192 - 2012-10-24 08:57:39 UTC
Seleene wrote:
Dun Bar wrote:
CCP Bayesian wrote:
Sorry for the radio silence for the past couple of weeks, I've been variously ill, spraining ankles and on holiday.

I've got bad news about the devblog we promised. It's been swallowed by the black hole of corporateness and won't be seeing the light of day for the foreseeable future. The team have been as vocal as we can about the merits of putting it out but to no avail. We're continuing to try and work out a way of showing you work we're proud of and think you will like but for now our hands are completely tied.

I went and tracked down the original post this is from and am following it up.

I'm guessing that the recent devblog "Team Avatar and the future of our prototype" is the response to this?
Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#193 - 2012-10-30 14:50:34 UTC
Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#194 - 2012-11-07 23:39:48 UTC
I've asked that some update on the status be including in the December summit meetings.

Body Count Inc.
Mercenary Coalition
#195 - 2012-11-12 13:24:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Seleene
Just to chime in - yes, that post and the follow-up by CCP Unifex was the direct result of the CSM saying, "Ya'll need to get in front of this."

To re-post something I said in another thread, this is something we've poked the hornet's nest about a few times now and the best I can tell you is that you probably shouldn't hold your breath expecting much in the way of ~Incarna~ advancement in the near future. Unless CCP pulls something out of their ass at FanFest that the CSM is unaware of, I have heard nothing that would lead me to believe we are going to see much iteration on space dolls or their living quarters soon. I have mixed feelings about it because, on one hand, it seems like there is a lot of potential there. On the other, CCP is very laser focused on getting the 'spaceships' side of the game working as well as possible. I hate to be a Debbie Downer about it but short of a full blown player rabble about how CCP needs to stop working on spaceships in the next 12-18 months, I'd be surprised if CCP does much with this stuff. But, as I said, maybe I'm wrong and there is just something they are not telling us. What?

2004-2008: Mercenary Coalition Boss

2007-2010: CCP Game Designer | 2011-2013: CSM6 Delegate & CSM7 Chairman

2011-2015: Pandemic Legionnaire

2015- : Mercenary Coalition Boss

Follow Seleene on Twitter!

Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#196 - 2012-11-12 17:33:15 UTC
I can't complain about CCP's current priorities--<3 the new Vexor. That said, I really appreciate both dev posts. The sign-off on Team Avatar's proposal from CCP Unifex was great to see, even if the ETA is :soon:.

Thanks for going to bat for us, and thanks to TA and Unifex for keeping us in the loop.

One day, the door will open.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Michael Loney
Skullspace Industries
#197 - 2012-11-12 18:48:24 UTC
If the walking in stations get a fleshed out FPS style engine for hit boxes before they fix / implement line of sight issues in EvE I will make it my goal in life to shoot down every station I see.

In all fairness we are taking about adding a separate game altogether while there are some outstanding problems that need to be addressed in the main content first.

Warcraft did this, the Cataclysm expansion literally changed the face of the world that remained unchanged for nearly 6 years. New areas, every old area was revamped, cities moved / destroyed.

Making the sub-game of walking in stations would be good to new players but bad for old ones. With all the stickies listed in the features and ideas forum that deal with game engine issues, there needs to be improvement of the main game first!

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