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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Trying out something new. Thanks for the attention i recieved.

Count Austheim
Redemption Denied
#1 - 2012-08-12 20:57:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Count Austheim
First things first, im just looking for now. But things are looking more and more like im gonna change to a new home.

There is something that i feel im missing and want to do. That is using capitals more, and other shiny expensive ships. And i dont have a problem losing them in a proper battle. But you fly them with pilots that knows what to do and that i know has logi to keep you alive for it to be of any use. Ive never used a BS pirate ship in PvP cause never flown with people that can offer logi and fleet setups to use them fks.

I dont want blob warfare, i want more tactic against superior\equal numbers, as i feel that is the only way to feel good after a fight. Im not opposed to help some blues thats gonna end up in a blob clusterfuck. It just sucks looking at everything in slow motion, as time dilate in game as it dilate my butthole at the same time. Tho it helps when you want to surf porn. Where to put those fingers ey?

I can fly a lot of stuff and i rarely get to use any of it. So i rarely buy it. Im not much of a solo pilot but more of a team player.

So what can i fly? ill list the interesting stuff:

All Logistics to 5
All Recon to 5
All Command ships to 5
All Battleships to 5
All HAC to 5

Can T2 fit all of it except T2 Torps launchers.

Cant Fly T2 Caldari Frigates\Destroyers. but all the others.

Can fly all dreads, tho im best at Amarr, and Worst at Caldari, Can fly all Carriers, but suck at flying all of them. Focusing on skilling for them all the next year.

Got an alt that ive focused more as a capital pilot.

Carrier 5, Dread 5 and Titan 5, With all skills needed for them. Hes my proper capital pilot.

So am i looking for something new? Or am i just venting my fustration? Who knows. I dont care, you read this far.

Should also know im not elitist, im extremely laid back, dont like elitist douchebags. I am EU tz. Would like daily roams or hotdrops or whatever gives me a good fight. I Work like 14 days away and live by the computer for 21 days when im home. I travel to Fanfest cause im probably gonna die alone with all of the other single nerds that comes there to breathe through their mouths.

Dont copy paste your SOV systems that rains golden showers every night or your new and growing corp. Ive been a recruiter for 4 years and copy pasting is just being lazy.

The ones copy pasting affirms from now on they like to eat their own excrement as it co-ops with their social life and has not actually read this post. Seems there are quite a few of them playing eve it seems.

PS: Want EU tz corp or EU\US, where im now its fallen heavily on US tz.

If this ships a´rockin, then im strangling someone....

Ataal R'tha
Team Pizza
Good at this Game
#2 - 2012-08-12 21:11:00 UTC
Hey Austheim ,

Team Pizza is a C5 wormhole corp that is currently recruiting US and EU TZ pilots for PVP and PVE. Wormhole PVP is all very small gang (usually about 10 v 10) based and allows for actual tactic use. We make good isk from corp-based PVE and fly a lot of shiny/capital ships in PVP. We're established in WH space and have a reputation for always bringing a Good Fight and are looking for a few more pilots to share that with. As you might have gathered by the name we're not exactly super serious and like to have a lot of fun, but are good at what we do and know how to tighten up with a PVP op crops up. Feel free to message me in game or check out a proper recruitment post with all the juicy details at

Count Austheim
Redemption Denied
#3 - 2012-08-13 17:46:56 UTC
Gonna give this a little bump before i go through stuff.

If this ships a´rockin, then im strangling someone....

Lex Arson
Psychotic Tendencies.
#4 - 2012-08-13 19:44:55 UTC
I guess I won't copy paste then :P Anyway you might want to take a look at Adversity, we do a lot of small gang stuff and we do it well, and with our recent re-location and the growth of the corporation we're going to start running fleets of shinies. I see you're in Vanguard, well if you've been in it for any decent amount of time you probably remember Psychotic Tendencies, I was a director in it's founding corp (Idiots in Spaceships) and have since formed my own. Check out our Recruitment thread and our killboard, and drop by our public channel "Adversity." or convo me in-game.

There's no use crying after every mistake, you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake.

Count Austheim
Redemption Denied
#5 - 2012-08-14 13:41:30 UTC

If this ships a´rockin, then im strangling someone....

Lord Azori
Bob's Bait and Tackle
#6 - 2012-08-14 14:21:37 UTC
I am with Ataal, Team Pizza for the win. Honestly, it does sound like you would be a good match for our.....ethos. We fly to fight and have fun. This is what I tell people about TP:

1. If you love shiny ships from Bhaals to T3's, we may be for you.
2. If you ever though self-destructing was a good idea, we are not for you.
3. If you like to sit that shiny ship in a POS shield and brag about it, we are not for you.
4. If you are willing to follow a slightly drunk FC into an engagement where the odds are not in your favor, we might be for you.
3. If, after you lost that 1.5 bill ship, you laugh about it on coms, and rush back to the POS to reship, we may be for you.

Thats all, give us an honest look and ask yourself what you REALLY have fun doing in this game.
Caldari State
#7 - 2012-08-14 20:37:14 UTC
Test to lazy.....Pew pew all day everyday (blob if you want it, skirmish tonnes of it)

Count Austheim
Redemption Denied
#8 - 2012-08-15 11:49:16 UTC
Cluck cluck cluck begaaak!

If this ships a´rockin, then im strangling someone....

Total Newbie
State War Academy
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-08-15 12:18:20 UTC
You're peeking. We are lQQking for people like you. Will be on most all weekend, hit me up in Evil Doers Pub
Ian Harms
Troll Legion
#10 - 2012-08-15 18:59:31 UTC
Like what you are looking for, it's what I'm looking for in pilots as well. However our game time is 00:00 hrs to 0600 hrs most week nights - so depending on your game time when you are at home, not sure if that work for you - but free bump for you anyways :)
Dystopian Angels
Sleep Reapers
#11 - 2012-08-15 19:07:44 UTC
Who We're After

> Anyone who has an interest in living and pvping in nullsec

What We Offer

> Laid back group of people that love to laugh and have fun
> PVP Training
> U.S. and E.U. Timezone. Fleets formed up most all the time.
> NPC Null. All the fun of 0.0 with some of the Highsec benefits such as no need for SOV and don't have to worry about losing your stuff in a station.
> Constant roaming fleets of all sizes.
> Capital support available
> We have a LOT of experience between us in a lot of different fleet compositions and tactics.

What We Require

> Standard API check
> TeamSpeak 3
> A sense of humour

For recruitment ingame, please contact:
Count Austheim
Redemption Denied
#12 - 2012-08-16 13:08:41 UTC
Lol, a copy paste.

If this ships a´rockin, then im strangling someone....

Count Austheim
Redemption Denied
#13 - 2012-08-20 02:26:18 UTC
Gonna give this a one last bump.

If this ships a´rockin, then im strangling someone....

BlackLight Jr
Corbulo Academy of Navel Science
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#14 - 2012-08-20 18:06:55 UTC
The Black Nova Corp. "Recruiting"

Black Nova Corp. seeks players of all skills and professions. We are looking to recruit people, not accounts.

Black Nova Corp. is made up of pilots who are mature, professional, and team oriented.
“Everyone Fights, Everyone Mines, Everyone Prospers” is the philosophy we live by.
We live in 0.0, lowsec and are involved in PVP everyday.

Much of our success lies in its discipline and organization. We recruit people, not accounts, and the result is a very close-knit group of players who put their ships on the line for each other daily, and who dedicate their time to helping Corp-mates with no expectation of payment in return. BNC operates under a semi-socialist system, with money making operations for the Corp periodically throughout the week, and small to large PvP operations happening nightly.

We currently seek:
SKILLED combat pilots. Note that skill! = skill points.
-DEEP SPACE PILOTS. We need those with 0.0 experience, BNC is for fast learners.
-10 Pirate Status (No Problem)
-Anyone with dedication, big ideas, and the drive to succeed.

Compulsory Requirements:
-10mil SP+
-TEAMSPEAK. Microphone is required.
-English language is a must.
-Be a PvP focused pilot.
-Have Iskenderun making alts (I.e. Miners, PvE)

Secondary Requirements:
-Use of out of game forums.
-Adequate weekly play time.
-Mature, professional conduct.
-Ability to follow instructions

We recruit people, not accounts. Black Nova Corp. is not an ordinary corporation. If you can not see yourself in BNC for more than a year, do not apply. We work together for our common goals and benefit, and we are only interested in people who will do the same.

In-game contacts :
- BlackLight Jr, CEO


Please note:
-Former members of hostile corps or alliances are often not considered.
-100% dedication is the only level of dedication accepted in B N C Period.
Black Nova Corp. has a solid group of experienced leaders; we offer a mix of roughly 80% veterans, 20% newer members. This is not a corporation, this is a home.

Join channel " Nova PuB. " in-game to speak with B N C members. Convo any of the listed contacts to setup an interview.

To apply, send your full APi to BlackLight Jr for review. A Teamspeak interview will be setup after your background check is complete. Visit “Nova PuB.” In-game for questions.


Regards and Fly Dangerously
Count Austheim
Redemption Denied
#15 - 2012-08-21 13:38:03 UTC
Guess he didnt read through it.

If this ships a´rockin, then im strangling someone....

Templar Nato
#16 - 2012-08-21 23:53:46 UTC
I decided not to copy and paste.
Count Austheim
Redemption Denied
#17 - 2012-09-21 06:13:11 UTC
Lets try this again

If this ships a´rockin, then im strangling someone....

maximus babbarus
Knights of the Posing Meat
#18 - 2012-09-21 12:26:41 UTC
FETID is an experienced PvP corporation who enjoy roaming for kills in low & Nullsec.
We are currently looking to expand our corporation with more experienced PvP pilots.

Check out the link to our killboard:]Link Here

What we offer?
- A large verity of fleet compositions
- A number of experienced FCs
- Nullsec settlement
- An active EU Tz based corp
- JF services to move large amounts of your assets easily from A to B
- Nullsec market
- Our own mature and friendly TS server and forums

What we are looking for?
- A pilot experienced in PvP
- Active in atleast 2 fleets OPs weekly
- TS3 Downloaded, able to follow fleet commands given on all OPs. Mic is a Bonus!
- 10Mil SP minimum! or able to fly t2 frigs & cruisers

For more info join our recruiting channel Fetid Monkey Scrotii or Send a message to paco time or Maximus Babbarus.

Until then,
Fly wreckless o7
Colonel Rage
Happy Pandas
#19 - 2012-09-21 17:53:51 UTC

If you are at all interested in WHs, give us a shout. We can always use a couple more cap pilots amongst us.

We're a bunch of die hard PvPers currently wasting our time away doing stuff on a much smaller scale than we're used to, and flying ships that really shouldn't leave the station.

Its a high SP environment, and the corp is very much drama free.

Logistics etc are sorted.

Dalun Zenrod
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#20 - 2012-09-21 18:35:47 UTC

- ACTIVE PLAYER BASE (Most have been flying together for years)
- VOICE COMS (Mumble)

- Always deployed some where with logistic support to move ships and gear in combat area
- Always fleets up, Cap and Sub Cap
- Cap building program (if you need a cap for cheap)
- Ship replacement program in place at alliance level
- Forms with fleet ops

- You will need a sense of humor and don't be heart-lighted
- Full API Required
- Ratting to Fill your wallet
- Pub Free
- 0.0 Corp/Alliance
- Fountain/Delve/Querious/and more to COME!!
- Forums/Jabber

MV Publord Lounge
(Public Channel)
Dalun Zenrod/Trebizond/Lana Lane/CommandPrompt/John Dowland/Caprican Erock/Divercity/Zverofaust/5weety
TeamSpeak for a Chat
(Evemail a Recruit Member in list in public channel)
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