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The Pirate Story Thread

First post First post
Serena Serene
Heretic University
#481 - 2012-08-16 07:27:23 UTC
Lady Thanatos wrote:

[great stories]

... I want to do this, too.
The Black Shell
#482 - 2012-08-16 20:27:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Reppyk
Ladies, pirates, scamers, griefers, mercs and other proud Citizen of C+P, I have two new stories for you.
I'm trying to improve my poor English writing skills so feel free to correct me.


I was chilling in highsec, when I spotted someone from a previous wardec in local. That was some corp alt holding a DG large tower near Jita ; I tried a few months ago to get the loot but they onlined the tower.
One week later, still chilling, I decided to check the POS again. Bingo, same position. Full of labs/ammo mods, and... Offline. I don't know why but, eh, let's shoot at stuff.

Wardec, bla fast forward 24h later. I'm sitting on it and began shooting the tower. 60m EHP, a 450 dps tank, I had time. So, I thought what I should do. The original plan was to kill that tower and loot every mod. But ammo mods are cheap and barely worth the hauling. I decided to shoot 3 of them.

The first went kaboom. Empty. But the 2 others dropped a can. \ Pirate /
I (slowly) moved to it and check what was inside. 100m of goodies inside each one ! I hastly destroyed every remaining similar mod (you don't get the loot if you repackage them). Now I was sitting at a pile of ~1b2 of loot. I had to make a choice : to shoot the labs and loot 50% of the BPCs/interfaces (it would take 5m but that's not very valuable) and call it a day, or shoot the tower, get a shiny killmail, loot the labs ang get every BPC. Since the OP was already a ~success~ and I had free time, I decided to continue.

A few hours later. The POS has 21% shield remaining but suddenly, someone from the corp logs in. Aha Pirate
I docked to reship with a proper pvp fit (it took time since I left some modules in Jita). Another alt loggued in. They warped to their POS with a tengu escorting a bestower, and managed to fuel the POS. 20mn to go... The bestower docked.

I warped my fleet phoon, veteran of multiple wardecs and nicknamed "the bear hunter", at zero.
The tengu engaged me (onoz) but no point and not taking much range. The phoon finished to lock it, point web neuts and stuff on it. He had no chance to escape. Since torps do sh1t damage at cruisers, I warped another bs to kill him quicker.

I opened the can. Caldari launchers, caldri BCUs. Sweet sweet. Then my Internet connection crashed. NAAAAAAAAAAH
Reboot of the modem, log in back, I saw him in a velator running away with his loot. Well I didnt want that caldari stuff anyway. Straight
I checked the killmail and, well, check by yourself :

The wardec was going great. Tengu 4b1, the ammo mods about 100m, 1.2b of loot from them so another 1.2b lost in the explosion.
At this point, I had 5mn before the forcefield erected (sup funny word). I could **** all the labs, but decided to not do it. I shoot once at the tower and it went rf. He tried to do something with a prop-less, active armor tank machariel (I guess another PVE ship) but saved it by running inside the FF. Oh well.

1 day 16 hours later.
We talked about ransoms. He offered 300m, I said 4b "or the mach", he declined. Then I began to shoot the tower (again !).
Now 6 alts were loggued in, and the main toon (which was not in the corporation). They tried a few things to stop the bash...
My megapulse laser says no.
BLSHL is not your average "Save the damsel" mission, bro'.
Cmon I'm shooting the POS, I won't let you rep it. Kids these days.
It took me time to kill them, especially the basilisk that was playing "hide and seek" with the FF. A few other ships made it alive (including a raven).
At this point, I saw an increasing number of polish toons in local, one that went directly in the FF in a dominix (hi), their intel leaked in local (pro) and there were 2 scimitars next door. Normally I would stop here, I'm just a lone guy, no neutral RR at all, but since I got enough loot from the ammo mods to buy a whole bunch of new armas, I said "**** it" and hold the line.

They made another attempt, polish neutral spike in local, and after a long fight, I lost one arma. I think it was 3 armas vs raven/falcon/kestrel/domi/2 scimis. I knew about the falcon but couldnt do much about it ; he almost perma jammed the 3 armas (otherwise that raven would have been spanked but eh, I can't win everyday).

They all began to rep the tower (2 scimis 2 ospreys 1 basilisk -yes, he got a new one-). I tried to kill their ospreys but my naga didnt have the alpha. Then I took a scorp to jam the remote Big smile but after a while, one neutral toon got a warpin of it, they tried to get it with manticore+raven but I escaped.

End of a fight that lasts 6 hours. I improved my skills at playing with multiple toons ! Oh, and if the price of scourge rage missiles/L barrage is spiking, blame me.


EDIT : the forum ate my second post (AAAAAAAAAAAAAH) so later for the lowsec story. :(


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#483 - 2012-08-17 14:13:24 UTC
I don't get to play very often these days and when I do my Eve time is often spent in the pursuit of ISK unfortunately. Last night though I figured I was overdue for a little can flipping. What with all the clatter in GD I was inspired.

I happen upon an Orca and a couple other industrial with 2 cans out. Very strange and should have set off some warning bells. I make one of their cans my own and the Orca actually targets me. He had tech 1 drones out and was an 09 pilot. I was pretty excited that he might attack. He didn't but what did happen is a Drake dropped in on my Hawk.

He was at 24K and launching HAMs. Figured i would take a shot at him, by the time I got to 13K and his Hammerhead IIs were out I knew I couldn't win the fight. I did manage to make an escape to a safe spot at about 20% shields. After a couple minutes to allow shield regen I headed back into the belts. Encountered the Drake pilot again bit this time he was in a Dramiel. Guess he didn't appreciate me burning out of point range and escaping.

The Dramiel and I had a great one on one fight and I wasn't sure of the outcome until he melted. Before the fight ended a Caldari Navy Hookbill landed on grid. It targeted me, so while the Dram was burning i targeted it, sure enough it goes blinky red and I am thinking I am screwed because i only have 15% shield left. Whatever though, was way too fun a fight to bail out on and you never know if you're up against a fail fit or not.

The Hookbill and I exchange probably three volleys and then Concord showed up to save my ass. Hookbill pilot wasn't part of the corp I offended.

Great encounter and about 250m in damages from the great Hawk!

Encountered the Drake one more time but thought in this case that I had already pushed my luck enough for one night.

Alice Saki
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#484 - 2012-08-18 09:34:21 UTC
Great Story's guys, Keep up the 'good' work :D

FREEZE! Drop the LIKES AND WALK AWAY! - Currenly rebuilding gaming machine, I will Return.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#485 - 2012-08-20 11:20:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
So After my previous Thorax Loss I decided to check if those guys are there again a couple of days later. I needed to revenge my Thorax.

I check which belt they are mining with a cloaky since I know if they use the same Gila and Raven from long range im going to loose it again. I see them mining so I start creating safe spots at 100km and 200km.

In I warp with my Thorax and flip a massive load of a few cans before they warp off. Sure enough as predictable as people are I see a Gila and a Raven on scan. 5 minutes of aggression left the gila warps in ontop of me and the raven sitting 60km. Both engage and I use my BM to warrp in ontop of the Raven.

I can;t take the Gila down since it tanks like nobodies business and I start eating through the raven shields very quickly. What I don't understand though.. not once did he use his shield booster. The Gila Pilot warps off since I am not going to sit there and die to it. I was already sitting at 40% armor left.

Raven Kill:

Also had a fun weekend bugging war targets in their WH.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

The Black Shell
#486 - 2012-08-20 15:30:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Reppyk

Okay, today, a lowsec story !

The 3 cap battles from Maut.

You don't know the ~Thundermautdome~ ?. Listen, kid, and learn.

Maut and its people

Maut is a 0.2 lowsec system, part of the highsec border of North Placid, next to the Orvolle Hub, PF- and its bubbles, Chardalane and its JF losses. For some (good) reasons it's not camped 24h/24 -but if you want to see orcas, try Oulley next door-.
Not many people are passing by Maut : some loners from the CFC moving to Pure Blind [but that's rare since they are easily ambushed in the pipe] and the FW farmers.

We have 3 main forces in the constellation :

Me. Well, at the moment most of my allies are busy elsewhere, so I'm pretty much on my own. I'm most of the time hunting 'tards and FW bot farmers in my rocket manticore. And idiots with freighters.

The Islandics/Quantum Cafe.They got the eight Maut POCOs and are doing PI. "Doing PI" means that they hide 16h/24 in a deathstar faction fitted POS, and when they really think it's safe, they warped a random warpcored iteron to a POCO.
I wouldn't say that they are terrible, because it would be an under-statement. Let's just say that they are some of the worst bears I have never seen, and would prefer 100x to cry in local for a few hours than getting in a ship and trying to kill someone.
I have a long history of me farming them (destroying their POSes, killing their barges, and how sup dawg nice pod you just lost) but some months ago, we made a deal (cool kids call that "a ransom") that I (and my blues) would stop destroying their POCOs -and before they claim I'm a dishonorable spaceship warrior, I really honored it-.

The Constantine corporation. Ex-PLs that still own a titan and at least 2 supers, they recently joined the Ninja Unicorns.
They are your average "pimp faction pirate gang", using disproportionate tools to get kills (they stopped hot dropping with the supercapitals a while ago. It seems that at least "L.", owner of a sc, is not playing anymore) but lacking ~tactical sense~.
They were mostly inactive the rest of this year but are making a good show recently.
I'm not a Constantine fan ; sometimes they can act like dicks (example, or the fact that I saw them playing once with an orca ) but I prefer far more these pirates than the Quantum bears.


The Constantines killed or stole (yes... Quantum ftw) all the POCOs in Maut and put their own.
Let's just say that the Quantums were mad as f|_|ck and were very vocal about it.
Sadly, I would not copy logs since it would make my eyes bleed again, but you can look at their losses, I sometimes put some in the comments.
I met the Constantines when they were shooting one, but decided to not do anything. Andrejs's vindicator or the Quantums losing their POCOs ? I made my choice and Constantines became (without them knowing it) my proxy against the POCOs.

The first cap battle of Maut

I wasn't there when it happened, so can't say much about it. Basically they tried to rf the POCOs. After losing a few ships (I killed a bomber and they ran away ; later Constantines got their PVE nighthawk), they tried it later, still using assigned fighters from their POS.
The Constantines hotdropped them, killing a carrier and barely missing another one.

The second cap battle of Maut

I got lots of questions about this one.
Basically, Quantum Cafe dudes were trying to do the same thing, but since they are suck risk-averse bears that they were now only using shuttles and rookie ships with fighters. The moment something is approching, they run to their POS for hours.
I still managed to got some, that's why I have velators/shuttles on my kb.
The Constantines tried the same thing, hotdropping the carrier. He managed to get inside the FF. But their cap fleet was pinned down by the POS. A nag died in the first minutes (sd ? I don't know) while half of the fleet warped away.
A revelation and a thannie were still trapped. The revelation exploded after 10mn, and Andrejs (Constantine's CEO) bravely came back in his archon to rep the thannie. A bit later, another cyno was lit, some Ninja Unicorns (not from Constantine) carriers joined the fun. At this point, reps were holding (no more whoring :( ) and they slooooooowly slow-boat outside of the range of the POS. Yes, that's 200km in capital ships while webbed.
Then they warped away. I got a point on one of this carrier but couldnt do much on my own and let it escape.
During this time, the Quantum bears were hiding in their POS, too scared to do anything. Any decent pvper could have killed a carrier with just a random BS with a point (and the help of the POS).
I got the loot, so I claim :op success:.

Summary pic.



Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

The Black Shell
#487 - 2012-08-20 15:33:45 UTC

The third cap battle of Maut

The Quantums, being able to play 12h/day, reinforced the POCO at planet 7, using their shuttles.
It went out of rf, and our "regular" three ways began.
After a while, suddenly, an Islandic carrier warped to the POCO. The Constantines immediatly hotdropped it with their fleet (and some friends from Suddenly) and it went down in flames in a minute. A neutral in an anathema lit a cyno and another cap fleet, roughly of the same size (Huns, GangBang, Spies) engaged them while a 25-man battleship fleet entered the system.
Constantine's titan warped away and the first Hdictor landed a while after. Ships exploded, and you can read Andrejs's BR about it. Outnumbered, the Ninjas lost half their cap fleet, but still managed to save a few and kill some carriers.
Once the battle was settled, 2 brave warriors from Quantum Cafes came to "fight". One in an astarte that did pretty much nothing, the other in a pimp dramiel that... Stayed immobile and got OS by a 1400mm mael. /o\
Stuff died.
I got a Constantine pod and collected the bounty, so :op success:.
The Quantum allies raped the POCO P7 and left, allowing the Constantines to ninja-anchor a new one before the Quantum Cafes, busy looting the field, could make a move.

They are hitting the POCOs two or 3 times a day, so it won't be long before one got rf and another ~Maut battle~ happens.
The scale of the battles are increasing, sadly I'm now totally useless unless I decide to open a cyno.

Summary pic (screenshot by me, photoshop by the Constantines).



Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#488 - 2012-08-21 06:47:35 UTC
Since my last post, i have done some soul searching about what i wanted in EVE. And the guys in The Marmite Collective were not discusted by my personality, or my lust for killing things..... not sure if thats a good thing or not. I guess only time will tell.

So, eager to get in on some kills, and to get affiliated with my new commrades, i joined up for some war target hunting. Initially not alot went on but we soon sniffed out a loot pinata running missions during wartime(Really, you think moving 12 jumps to run missions will save you ass?).

After some probing we finally got a hit and.

Ze Killmail

after that we took a short break and i just sat outside the undock the WT was in waiting for our group to reform

Really who dies at an undock?

The evening carried on well. plenty of kills, which carried on in the next day too as expected. We found ourselves another mission pinata to chase down.

Ze CNR Killmail

So all in all a productive few days.

Much fun has been had over the past few days. And i'm pretty sure i havnt offended anyone yet \o/

Take it easy
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#489 - 2012-08-21 08:07:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
Samoth Egnoled wrote:

Take it easy

Looks like your having fun in Marmite. Good bunch of guys, you will enjoy it there since there are some really good PVP guys spread out between the corps in the alliance.

To many people for my liking. Less is more in my mind, but that's just me.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Ristlin Wakefield
Amarr Empire
#490 - 2012-08-21 16:43:24 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Samoth Egnoled wrote:

Take it easy

Looks like your having fun in Marmite. Good bunch of guys, you will enjoy it there since there are some really good PVP guys spread out between the corps in the alliance.

To many people for my liking. Less is more in my mind, but that's just me.

I agree. I want just enough active people so that no one ever has to play alone, but not too many so that there are 3 conversations going at once in corp chat.

I have a lover, her name is EVE. I see her every night and all she asks in return is that I have a pilot's license.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#491 - 2012-08-21 16:51:04 UTC
Still prefer being on my own though.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Ristlin Wakefield
Amarr Empire
#492 - 2012-08-21 18:09:12 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Still prefer being on my own though.

Just a few months ago you were talking about wanting to join Hydra Reloaded at some point Big smile

I have a lover, her name is EVE. I see her every night and all she asks in return is that I have a pilot's license.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#493 - 2012-08-22 05:19:53 UTC
Ristlin Wakefield wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Still prefer being on my own though.

Just a few months ago you were talking about wanting to join Hydra Reloaded at some point Big smile

Yep, but that is a long term Goal for me.

Not now.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#494 - 2012-08-22 09:41:10 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Samoth Egnoled wrote:

Take it easy

Looks like your having fun in Marmite. Good bunch of guys, you will enjoy it there since there are some really good PVP guys spread out between the corps in the alliance.

To many people for my liking. Less is more in my mind, but that's just me.

They definately are a good bunch of guys, Been cursing my service provider the past few days but its game on today.

I do like hunting alone, but i also like the opportunity to pick up a group. And just chillin on TS is cool
Lady Irradiance
Give my 11percent back
#495 - 2012-08-24 21:07:32 UTC
So there I was, in Ami, solo.

Scouting/afking in my cov-ops. Local's got a few, new ships on dscan and a fresh GCC appears. I figure I'll find them, come in at range and whore the pirate with my TD.
Find the station, go to uncloak on landing, suddenly blinky apoc warps off.
Didn't quite think through that he could have been amongst them & stabbed(or I didn't notice some ECM) rather than just sniper, but I chase him to the customs office he's gone to anyway. Land 50km off, decloak to mwd to tackle, but he's off again. Chase to a belt and he's 200+km off the landing point, and aligned to a gate.
**** it, may as well try. BM and rewarp, twice, while prepping a message for local. Check the BS has 8 guns so no neut or smarty and rewarp to tackle range.
Decloak, go for the hero tackle, get the tackle, send out the prayer.
[20:25:49] Lady Irradiance > belt X-2 apoc tackled, need fleet invite, 200km off belt
Get under the guns... start to be chased by drones, start to lose point shaking the drones while keeping under the large guns tracking. Naga lands in the belt at plausible sniper range.
Cry louder in local
[20:26:28] Lady Irradiance > fast
Get the fleet invite, it's the naga, give him the warp in, GTFO.
Local spikes, carriers on dscan, it was a bait cyno tier3 for a hotdrop. Roll
A mega tries to save the apoc but the naga is repped from hull just in time.
**** jump drives.

Cov ops, most deadly ship in the game I swear. Bear
The Black Shell
#496 - 2012-08-26 01:47:13 UTC
Reppyk wrote:
End of a fight that lasts 6 hours. I improved my skills at playing with multiple toons ! Oh, and if the price of scourge rage missiles/L barrage is spiking, blame me.
Little update : they let most of their ships inside the FF.
The wardec ended.
Two weeks later... And being short on fuel...

BLSHL got +1 dominix, +1 basilisk, +1 falcon, +2 manticores, +1 kestrel, all (badly) fitted.

Thanks. Oops


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

drunk asfck
#497 - 2012-08-27 00:52:41 UTC
still not disband ?

takeing to long
Gothicae Goodkat
Auryn Astrometric Industries
#498 - 2012-08-27 08:42:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Gothicae Goodkat
I have just returned to Eve after a few years absence and after being not able to find any people willing to play in my lowsec area, I went into hisec to see if fun could be had.

So I roam through Uttindar and annoy the local miners. I arrive at a belt, it's full of wrecks. Luckily, the owner of the wrecks is still there as well, mining in a Retriever. Seconds after I land he warps off, business as usual. You should think people know how hisec game mechanics work.

I am chatting with a friend and while doing so orbit one of his wrecks. I have not looted them, so the Retriever pilot does not have killrights (yet). After a minute or so, he comes back in a Tornado and lands at a spot about 180km out of the belt, far away from me, staying there and watching me peacefully orbitting what he believes is rightfully his own space garbage.

Then suddenly he decides to warp to his wrecks and loot them. Alrighty, here we go. I wait for him to loot all but his last wreck. He approaches and shortly before he's there I take the (very valuable, of course) scrap metal and make it mine. Muhaha, more scrap for me...He does the only logical thing left for him, and that of course is to defend his honor as this belt's only garbage collector and starts shooting at me. Only problem, at that point I was already orbitting him at 1000m with AB on, so his guns never hit me even once. Let's just say that my guns hit him a little better. That's what you get for having a terrible character name (and no, I'm not talking about me P).

So, looks like I can at least still kill guys in hisec, yay for me. Next day, I am roaming through lowsec again, looking for a fight. Jump into a system, two people in it. I quickly look them up on battleclinic, one guy in an Incursus with quite a number of kills, the other guy in a Cyclone with no kill and a handful of losses so far.

I find them both in a mission room, they warp away even before I come out of warp. Actually I only saw the Cyclone, and only very briefly in my overview. I warp back to a safe spot just to find the Cyclone back again in the mission, the Incursus nowhere to be seen. Back in I warp just to get my ass handed to me. Quick chat in local afterwards and the guy tells me that the other guy is actually his alt and that he renamed his alt's Incursus to look like it belonged to his main. Nice trap, probably nothing you would fall for, still, I did. But I'm practically an Eve noob again. At least the Tornado drops more or less refinanced a new Thorax.
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#499 - 2012-08-31 04:37:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
So the past few days I started moving to Amarr space. Why? It looks pretty and my KB consist of 80% Caldari kills so I just got tired of shooting at Drakes.

Last night I decided to scope of my new space take record of corps I see around and number of people. As I am checking Dscan going through the systems I see some cans at a belt with Covetors. I warp in and flip them all. 3 members of the corp in system and one of them warps in with an APOC.

He sits there for a minute and yellow boxes me and lets loose. It did not stand a chance.

While this was taking a place another members warp in with a Navy Apoc. He just stood there watching me and warped away. Would have really been nice if he also engaged.

And I actually recorded it as well.

My first day in and around my new home. I am going to like it seems.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

The Black Shell
#500 - 2012-08-31 11:55:35 UTC
An apoc with 3 smartbombs, some webs and an armor repair...

You should check this guy in 3 months with a covie, he may lose a disco paladin in a mission. Big smile


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !