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Sell Orders

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First post
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#81 - 2012-07-15 10:02:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Genoir
I'll take one kit please.

Wherever you have it currently is fine
Pearl Sky
The First Six Inches
#82 - 2012-07-20 10:38:50 UTC
Just a friendly bump to say so far the OP has been brilliant to deal with and have just purchased a kit. Will bump again when I'm done!
Black Market Wholesale
Pyramid Celestial
#83 - 2012-07-24 19:53:08 UTC
Contract one to me please.
Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#84 - 2012-08-11 13:32:26 UTC

As a result of patch changes (specifically mining), the price of Michi's mining hardwiring has skyrocketed from 0,7b to 1,7b. As the item is the final and most valuable reward for the Caldari COSMOS arc, we are now raising the price of the kits to 1b (one billion) ISK.

Please understand that we need to set our prices accordingly to the rewards of the arc. With current kit price you are still able to make a nice profit from doing the arc (even bigger than before), but at a bigger investment cost. Discounts are still an option if you buy more than one kit.

TL;DR Caldari COSMOS more profitable to do by 1b, our kit 400m more expensive.
Griffin Support Services
#85 - 2012-08-15 09:28:55 UTC
Is this still in business? If so I'd really like one delivered to Jita.
The Destiny Logistics.
#86 - 2012-08-15 09:55:00 UTC
Takashi Ishikawa wrote:

As a result of patch changes (specifically mining), the price of Michi's mining hardwiring has skyrocketed from 0,7b to 1,7b. As the item is the final and most valuable reward for the Caldari COSMOS arc, we are now raising the price of the kits to 1b (one billion) ISK.

Please understand that we need to set our prices accordingly to the rewards of the arc. With current kit price you are still able to make a nice profit from doing the arc (even bigger than before), but at a bigger investment cost. Discounts are still an option if you buy more than one kit.

TL;DR Caldari COSMOS more profitable to do by 1b, our kit 400m more expensive.

Hi there,

I was 1 of you first costumers on this post and i just started yesterday to run the cosmos.
Are the items still the same that are needed ? butt just expansiver ?

Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#87 - 2012-08-15 10:46:16 UTC
Debster wrote:
Takashi Ishikawa wrote:

As a result of patch changes (specifically mining), the price of Michi's mining hardwiring has skyrocketed from 0,7b to 1,7b. As the item is the final and most valuable reward for the Caldari COSMOS arc, we are now raising the price of the kits to 1b (one billion) ISK.

Please understand that we need to set our prices accordingly to the rewards of the arc. With current kit price you are still able to make a nice profit from doing the arc (even bigger than before), but at a bigger investment cost. Discounts are still an option if you buy more than one kit.

TL;DR Caldari COSMOS more profitable to do by 1b, our kit 400m more expensive.

Hi there,

I was 1 of you first costumers on this post and i just started yesterday to run the cosmos.
Are the items still the same that are needed ? butt just expansiver ?


The kit is exactly the same, the missions are exactly the same, the rewards are exactly the same, just the final item you receive is waaaay more expensive, that's why we raised the price of the kit.

If you purchased our kit some time ago and are doing the missions right now - you made a good choice, as you will make a lot more ISK!

To the rest of you - purchasing our kit is still profitable, as the kit is 400m more expensive and the Michi implant is 1b more expensive. Do the math - reach into your wallet - buy our kit - PROFIT!
Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#88 - 2012-08-22 10:39:07 UTC

Three kits available at a discount price: 750m (750,000,000.00 ISK).

The Michi implant currently at 1,4b! Buy our kit - get the implant as a reward for final mission - PROFIT!

Discounts on bulk sales still apply, convo for individual offers.

Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#89 - 2012-08-27 10:04:02 UTC
Only two kits remaining at discount price 750m. The Michi's implant (final rewards for Caldari COSMOS) is at ~1,5b and not likely to drop anytime soon. This is most likely our last special offer in a few months, so hurry up, get the kit (or more, there will be another discount for bulk sales), grab your friends, alts, corpmates, little sister, reactivate your dog's account, do the missions and PROFIT!

Put your ISK to good use and boost your standing towards Caldari.

We provide help with intel, dangerous couriers, kill missions and everything COSMOS-related.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#90 - 2012-08-27 18:39:14 UTC

Ordered a kit before the patch, did the missions after the patch.

Cut the cosmos time down by 85% if not more, and came out of it with an implant I sold at 1.7b, and a shed load of other implants.
Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#91 - 2012-08-30 12:21:46 UTC
One last kit remains at a discount price 750m! Hurry up, the Michi implant is still expensive, this is your last chance to make an extra profit out of Caldari COSMOS arc. Of course our regular prices still guarantee you a nice return of investment.

  • Discounts on bulk sales.
  • We accept returns, whatever the reason. We also take back partially used kits and offer partial kits for those who started the arc and are stuck/bored halfway.
  • We provide help with kill missions, couriers etc.

Invest your ISK!

Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#92 - 2012-09-20 12:03:04 UTC

Current price for one kit is 700m. If you buy two, the second is 675m. If you buy three, the third is 650m. Any purchases above three kits are negotiated individually.


  • One kit for 700m total
  • Two kits for 1,375b total (you save 25m)
  • Three kits for 2,025b total (you save 75m)

This is a great way to boost your standing and earn ISK. Bring your corpmates or alts, fresh chars benefit from this greatly.
Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#93 - 2012-09-22 13:38:36 UTC

The kits are still available

Current price for one kit is 700m. If you buy two, the second is 670m. If you buy three, the third is 640m. Any purchases above three kits are negotiated individually.


  • One kit for 700m total
  • Two kits for 1,37b total (you save 30m)
  • Three kits for 2,01b total (you save 90m)

This is a great way to boost your standing and earn ISK. Bring your corpmates or alts, fresh chars benefit from this greatly.
Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#94 - 2012-09-23 12:52:30 UTC

Current price for one kit is 680m. If you buy two, the second is 670m. If you buy three, the third is 650m. Any purchases above three kits are negotiated individually.


  • One kit for 680m total (20m off regular price)
  • Two kits for 1,35b total (you save 50m)
  • Three kits for 2b total (you save 100m)

This is a great way to boost your standing and earn ISK. Bring your corpmates or alts, fresh chars benefit from this greatly.
Black Dragon PHP
Brave Collective
#95 - 2012-09-23 17:44:35 UTC
one please.... i didnt read but where is pickup station?


Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#96 - 2012-09-23 20:57:09 UTC
Shadowess wrote:
one please.... i didnt read but where is pickup station?

Delivery is in Friggi system, Okkelen constellation, The Forge. That is the hub of all Caldari Cosmos missions.

The contract for you is up, please contact us if you have any further questions.
Ken Sunji
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#97 - 2012-09-25 09:19:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Ken Sunji
1 Kit please
Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#98 - 2012-09-25 12:00:49 UTC

Current price for one kit is 700m. If you buy two, the second is 670m. If you buy three, the third is 640m. Any purchases above three kits are negotiated individually.


  • One kit for 700m total
  • Two kits for 1,37b total (you save 30m)
  • Three kits for 2,01b total (you save 90m)

The main reward (Michi's Excavation Augmentor) is currently unavailable on contracts. This means you can set the price and make a nice profit

This is a great way to boost your standing and earn ISK. Bring your corpmates or alts, fresh chars benefit from this greatly.
Black Dragon PHP
Brave Collective
#99 - 2012-09-26 10:45:06 UTC
how often can the cosmos missions be run...just completed it...i heard you can only run them once every 2 months you know?? also....i just got standings high enough for the 2 run hookbill bpc but how can i tell if this char has already recieved the caracal and CNR it a once per char payout???


Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#100 - 2012-09-26 14:41:27 UTC
Shadowess wrote:
how often can the cosmos missions be run...just completed it...i heard you can only run them once every 2 months you know?? also....i just got standings high enough for the 2 run hookbill bpc but how can i tell if this char has already recieved the caracal and CNR it a once per char payout???

Every character can do COSMOS arc just once (one for every faction that is). You can do faction epic arc and SoE epic arc once per 3 months. To get the Caracal BPC you need 9.5 and to get CNR you need 9.9 faction standing. That's a lot, and very hard to grind because the higher your standing is, the slower it climbs further up. And yes - it's once per charcter payout, like all COSMOS rewards (there are some that can be done indefiinitely, but they are crap and don't raise your faction stating).

If you want to make more isk - I suggest taking another char and doing the whole arc again. Now that you know exactly what to do it'll take very little time. You may even do it with multiple chars at once.