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3 things you would give priority to as a CCP Senior producer

First post
Cranky Old Bastards
#101 - 2012-08-14 22:49:21 UTC
Lets see. 1. trash the aur and all this space barbie bullshit.2.remove the true sec system and return nullsec.3 stop all nerfing of skills and skill point requirements. IMO CCP is taking what was a top end MMO and turning it into a sheltered workshop soon to be full of people with 5 sec attn spans wanting to do thing but grief.
Hiyora Akachi
Blood Alcohol Content
#102 - 2012-08-14 23:02:47 UTC
1. Removal of all existing T2 BPOs.

2. Fix the bounty system.

3. Nerf Concord.
CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#103 - 2012-08-15 00:53:26 UTC
Renan Ruivo wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:
Hi. If you were a manager in CCP you wouldn't be responsible for any of this. Your top 3 would probably be:

1. Carry out performance reviews of your department
2. Have regular one to one meetings with those in your department
3. Organise a fun team building activity for your department

You might want to rephrase to "If you became Senior Producer, what 3 things would you set as your priorities"

So you're telling me that the work done by a project manager in CCP is the same work that project managers do in every other company?!

/me stops preparing résumé for CCP.

Personnel managers. Our project management group works in a very different way and this isn't really the place to explain it. They don't have the title "project manager" though, which is why I drew the distinction.

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Remnant Madeveda
Apex Mining and Industry
#104 - 2012-08-15 01:11:28 UTC
Hm top 3 wishlist..

1.) Fix POS
2.) Revert mining EHP change, with a memo to the community working as intended.
3.) Re-balance Ore, and Industry benefits for High/Low/Null sec to a -20% for High increasing tax reducing rewards, Low gains +25 % of current ore yield with lower taxes available and more slots for production, Null remains king with Higher Rat Bounties, and Higher mining yield by 10% more than Low.

On item 3 I would also add a teir based system to show clear progression from high to low to null in terms of rewards gained scaling with the security status of the system you do them in. Perhaps a 10% modifier for each system from .5 down to null.
Cyprus Black
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#105 - 2012-08-15 01:34:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Cyprus Black
Riall wrote:
Cyprus Black wrote:

3) Give the "good guys" the ability to be good and thrive at it. So muh of the game revolves around underhanded cruel player behavior, yet good guys can't really thrive. It's easy to be a pirate but near impossible to be an anti pirate. It's easy to scam but impossible to fight the scammers. It's so repulsive to hear every newbies tale of how they experience the awful and cruelty from other players. This game is brutal and harsh because the game doesn't allow for good guys.

I read that as "Fix bounty hunting"

I didn't really bounty hunting in mind.

I'm really talking about a much more basic concept than that. Bad player behavior yields rewards through various activities such as ransoms, scam payoffs, corp thefts, ganking, and general ass-hattery. Good player behavior yields nothing through any sort of actions. Anti-piracy only goes so far when it relies on security status. Even that isn't a true measure of what constitutes a pirate.

I'm not some do-gooder carebear, believe me. I'm usually on the other end doing the griefing and ganking. I go around joining corporations, holding their members hostage, demanding ransoms, then blowing them up when they don't pay. I've done this several times now and the corps I do it to really have no recourse against it.

What can good honest players do against all the corruption, scamming, griefing and piracy? I find it a bit strange that in a game that's all about social interactions, there really are no real consequences for being bad. And that you have to go far out of your way to be good. Living in the EvE universe is like living in Mexico. Sure there are "police" and "laws", but they're circumvented so many times that they've become meaningless.

Summary of EvEs last four expansions:

Lilianna Star
Vagrant Empress
#106 - 2012-08-15 01:40:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Lilianna Star
I'd give my attention to fixing Nullsec. It's too safe as it is. Nothing ever happens because the game design allowed nullsec dwellers to entrench themselves. And no one is willing to make a huge offensive. Or at least the ones that do promptly get their ass whooped.

I'd hold regular meetings about the issue and gather data as to why exactly this is and what can be done about it.

Anything else, I don't really know. I'd have to talk to the team about that. *shrug*
Inexorable Retribution
#107 - 2012-08-15 02:35:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Wrayeth
1.) Add significantly more space to the cluster to spread the population out and encourage small gang PvP (think 2005-2006 system population levels). This may require doubling, tripling, or even quadrupling the size of the cluster.

2.) Implement a system to limit easy relocation of combat assets via jump-bridge networks and ships with jump drives. Currently, it is too easy for a large entity to hold massive areas of space without maintaining a steady presence in said space. (Limit max jumps per hour to 2 or 3 for capital ships?)

3.) Bring pilot skill back into PvP by removing the ability of warp scramblers to shut off microwarpdrives. Grant warp scramblers some other hindering effect, such as a 25% reduction of target MWD speed instead. At the same time, increase max web strength to 70% or 75%; do not go back to the full 90% that once prevailed. These changes will allow pilots to more effectively maneuver against their enemies without suddenly finding themselves completely immobile.
Venerated Stars
#108 - 2012-08-15 04:37:30 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Hi. If you were a manager in CCP you wouldn't be responsible for any of this. Your top 3 would probably be:

1. Carry out performance reviews of your department
2. Have regular one to one meetings with those in your department
3. Organise a fun team building activity for your department

You might want to rephrase to "If you became Senior Producer, what 3 things would you set as your priorities"

In that case:

1. After performance reviews I would fire the bottom 1/3, give menial but necessary tasks to the middle 1/3, and then let the top 1/3 devise ways to punish gankers and highsec wardeccers.

2. Have private one-on-one meetings with each employee wherein I would ask them probing personal questions and make them show me their private facebook page.

3. Sign everyone up for bikini paintball and put all the hot chicks on my team.
Nicolo da'Vicenza
Amarr Empire
#109 - 2012-08-15 04:43:53 UTC
1) Ban NPC corps. They lower player retention, make alts the standard, drive down the economy and effect EVE in millions of ways, all of which are bad.

2) Make nullsec industry capable of parity with highsec industry

3) Add features and 'terrain' to systems, both game and player generated. Visible nebulas were a great start in making EVE regions unique. This should be the direction EVE heads in.
Venerated Stars
#110 - 2012-08-15 04:45:19 UTC
Pilna Vcelka wrote:
If you became a top decision-making CCP manager, what 3 things would you tell the staff to do first?

Ok, in all seriousness:

1. Hire a physicist to fix the mechanics and make them more like real space.
2. Remove local chat from everywhere and improve the scanner UI to make it more readily useable/customizable
3. Add crew and officers to ships and give them worthwhile (read: realistic) pluses to ship operations
Frying Doom
#111 - 2012-08-15 05:09:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
Pilna Vcelka wrote:
If you became a top decision-making CCP manager, what 3 things would you tell the staff to do first?

My take:
1. giving players more tools to materialize player driven content (more stuff to set-up, build, destroy and fight over)
2. strenghtening marketing of EVE to bring in more players
3. making low-sec space more interesting to go to


P.S.: It would be cool if everyone could just stick to brining in their 3 top issues and refrain from flaming other people ideas.

My take:
1. Corporate roles and Access
2. POS
3. Implement the changes found in the forum post "Why We Cloak"

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#112 - 2012-08-15 07:59:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
Renan Ruivo wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
If i was allowed a fourth option:

4. Encourage people to eventually leave HS. Nerf level 4 mission payouts, move high level incursion sites to low sec, limit the kinds of ore found in HS and add new game play features specific to low sec like combat arenas.

Without making people feel like low sec, null sec and wormhole space are a way for them to move up in the world and experience new and exiting things not available in HS, the game will grow stagnant over time.

Because subjecting people to all the problems in null/low/wh that aren't related to HS is a sure fire way to keep a steady subscription base.

Space beyond HS must be long-term fun for people to move away from High-Sec. Otherwise you're just doing the same thing that the Soviets did in WW2: Shooting your own men to give the wrong kind of motivation.

That's why I said "encourage" people to move on from high sec by improving low sec and nerfing HS. Did you miss that bit?

I don't care about subscription numbers, I care about having a fun, interesting and progressive game to play.

If people are subscribing to this game just to get computer game rich running level 4 day in and day out, they need to get their lives sorted out.

CCP should be giving people reasons to aspire to live in null, low sec and w-space.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#113 - 2012-08-15 08:08:47 UTC
- Teircide

- POS changes

- Repair the fish tank camera
Tiger Would
#114 - 2012-08-15 09:43:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Tiger Would
Jill Xelitras wrote:

Won't happen imho, because there are already tools out for it (Fraps, Gamecam,,

I do not think those packages have options for in game camera views or cameras that can be controlled as if it where small drones. And thats actually what I meant.

Jill Xelitras wrote:

And how is that a exciting way to cover a galactic speedway race, or have a exiting galactic speedway, or putting a face on emerging game play to a greater audience than some "close (eve) friends"?

Jill Xelitras wrote:

Does Music allign with beat?
Are figures formed and faded over to other forms in a story telling or krumpin kind of way, representing your corp or alliance......I would say No.......its cool....but in no way choreographed as I am suggesting.

I am talking making your logo's appear with lasers.....have shapes made from lasers move and be intermittent exactly syncd on beat......which can be done!.....I am talking about a stage where this story is told or alliance /corp is represented. I am talking regular events.

Quite different from simply shoot lasers mix spacy music in captured material and cutting it up in a snazzy manner.
I am talking "Live" performance and taking it to a whole other level.

So, you are not able to interpret the concept of alliance or better "cartel".

Once you think you have it all, you have actually become ignorant towards everything else.

T. Would

Josef Djugashvilis
#115 - 2012-08-15 10:09:51 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Hi. If you were a manager in CCP you wouldn't be responsible for any of this. Your top 3 would probably be:

1. Carry out performance reviews of your department
2. Have regular one to one meetings with those in your department
3. Organise a fun team building activity for your department

You might want to rephrase to "If you became Senior Producer, what 3 things would you set as your priorities"

It would be interesting to find out what was said at the 'performance review' of the department which agreed to release the new inventory system, despite being told repeatedly that it was not, at that stage, fit for purpose.What?

This is not a signature.

Josef Djugashvilis
#116 - 2012-08-15 10:14:46 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
If i was allowed a fourth option:

4. Encourage people to eventually leave HS. Nerf level 4 mission payouts, move high level incursion sites to low sec, limit the kinds of ore found in HS and add new game play features specific to low sec like combat arenas.

Without making people feel like low sec, null sec and wormhole space are a way for them to move up in the world and experience new and exiting things not available in HS, the game will grow stagnant over time.

It has always baffled me why moving to null sec is simply believed to be a good thing to do.

Hi-sec and lo-sec and fine for me.

The very thought of the politics in null sec puts me off ever living there as opposed to 'visiting'

Many of my old corp mates have left null for exactly this reason.

This is not a signature.

CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#117 - 2012-08-15 10:19:12 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:
Hi. If you were a manager in CCP you wouldn't be responsible for any of this. Your top 3 would probably be:

1. Carry out performance reviews of your department
2. Have regular one to one meetings with those in your department
3. Organise a fun team building activity for your department

You might want to rephrase to "If you became Senior Producer, what 3 things would you set as your priorities"

It would be interesting to find out what was said at the 'performance review' of the department which agreed to release the new inventory system, despite being told repeatedly that it was not, at that stage, fit for purpose.What?

One department doesn't release a feature, a scrum team does. A scrum team is comprised of members of 3-5 departments.

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath

Josef Djugashvilis
#118 - 2012-08-15 10:23:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Josef Djugashvilis
CCP Goliath wrote:
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:
Hi. If you were a manager in CCP you wouldn't be responsible for any of this. Your top 3 would probably be:

1. Carry out performance reviews of your department
2. Have regular one to one meetings with those in your department
3. Organise a fun team building activity for your department

You might want to rephrase to "If you became Senior Producer, what 3 things would you set as your priorities"

It would be interesting to find out what was said at the 'performance review' of the department which agreed to release the new inventory system, despite being told repeatedly that it was not, at that stage, fit for purpose.What?

One department doesn't release a feature, a scrum team does. A scrum team is comprised of members of 3-5 departments.

So, presumably more people got a poke in the eye?

My comment was not intended to disparage CCP employees in general, (they produce a fantastic gaming experience, which I play on a daily basis) I was just genuinely baffled how the new inventory system with all its 'known faults' was released somewhat prematurely.

This is not a signature.

Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#119 - 2012-08-15 10:29:11 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
If i was allowed a fourth option:

4. Encourage people to eventually leave HS. Nerf level 4 mission payouts, move high level incursion sites to low sec, limit the kinds of ore found in HS and add new game play features specific to low sec like combat arenas.

Without making people feel like low sec, null sec and wormhole space are a way for them to move up in the world and experience new and exiting things not available in HS, the game will grow stagnant over time.

It has always baffled me why moving to null sec is simply believed to be a good thing to do.

Hi-sec and lo-sec and fine for me.

The very thought of the politics in null sec puts me off ever living there as opposed to 'visiting'

Many of my old corp mates have left null for exactly this reason.

Null sec doesn't interest me personally either. I have lived in wormhole space almost my entire eve life.

I just think that HS peeps have it too easy in that they can earn boat loads of isk without risk. I don't think that is good for the player or the game long term.
Radius Prime
Tax Evading Ass.
#120 - 2012-08-15 10:31:52 UTC
1. Focus on adding content , graphics are great but do not improve overall game experience
2. Make eve bigger , don't see why their should be only capsuleers , Planet builders , terraformers should be in the game interacting with capsuleers. They control the planets, we tax em from space, give them mining contracts , they build bigger.
Simcity in space :) With one interacting economy => different types of players, games in one universe.
3. Hire more devs for eve , more devs , bigger game . more subscriptions , everyone happy.
4. get rid of dust , will never work.

Reopen the EVE gate so we can invade Serenity. Goons can go first.