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Why Off Grid booster nerf won't happen (ever) or won't be what you think

First post
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#81 - 2012-08-14 17:08:12 UTC
Seishi Maru wrote:

Luckly is not your opnion that matters but of the main game designers.

And I can return your statement.. if you want to kjeep your booster safe PILOT IT! Stop tryign to dumb down the game to the point where you don even need to be on keyboard!

Frankly, if you aren't at the keyboard you WILL lose the booster alt. And frankly it might happen if you are at the keyboard. I don't think you realize how easy they are to probe out if you've got good skills and implants.


Ed: Oh, you've been gone for a while. Just in case you missed it, there's no such thing as unprobeable anymore.

I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Rico Minali
Sons Of 0din
Commonwealth Vanguard
#82 - 2012-08-14 17:31:25 UTC
T3s seriously need to not be able to fleet boost better than a dedicated command ship, its ridiculous, so yeah limiting their ability to boost large gangs AND be offgrid AND be almost unprobable needs to go.

For the people whining that command ships cant be used in main fleets, really? 200k ehp not enough? Command ships are fine and fully usable but should be limited to on grid. T3s being better at almost everythign than dedicated ships is whats wrong.

Trust me, I almost know what I'm doing.

James 315
Experimental Fun Times Corp RELOADED
#83 - 2012-08-14 17:34:41 UTC
Rico Minali wrote:
T3s being better at almost everythign than dedicated ships is whats wrong.

I agree that it's best to keep things in roles rather than having solopwnmobiles. Recons, HACS, Battleships, and Command Ships all have unique roles and are not automatically superior to each other. T3s can potentially muddy the waters if not handled properly. Smile
Lin-Young Borovskova
#84 - 2012-08-14 17:38:52 UTC
Diesel47 wrote:
Alot of people don't think the game is currently broken. Me included.

No, very few actually. The fact you argue "a lot" doesn't mean whatever truth you believe yourself. Truth is majority of players think combat boosting should be on gridd, just because you make yourself a little vocal in this thread doesn't mean you're right, not more than me by the way but since this is a social pvp gaming experience, the use of alts is already bad, the use of boosting alts is really really bad when you could do the same thing with other players instead.

So what in the end? -a few rage quitting nerds will leave (for a couple months) but in the end this game will become better so, CCP and Eve has everything to win with the change and very few, if not "nothing at all" except a couple replaceable nerds to loose.


Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#85 - 2012-08-14 17:40:00 UTC
Rico Minali wrote:
T3s seriously need to not be able to fleet boost better than a dedicated command ship, its ridiculous, so yeah limiting their ability to boost large gangs AND be offgrid AND be almost unprobable needs to go.

For the people whining that command ships cant be used in main fleets, really? 200k ehp not enough? Command ships are fine and fully usable but should be limited to on grid. T3s being better at almost everythign than dedicated ships is whats wrong.

See, there you go thinking only in terms of blob vs blob. But that's not the only place that command links are used. Another use for them is for a small gang to harass a big blob. Previously the situation would normally be that the small gang had 1-2 sets of links and the blob had a full set, but then it would be that the blob had a full set of links and the small gang none.

The core problem here is that command ships simply do not fit into the structure of small gangs. You can't afford to bring along a Vulture because it doesn't fit into the shield gank doctrine. You can't afford to bring along a Claymore because it isn't fast enough to keep up with a solid kiting gang. You can't afford to bring along an Eos because it doesn't fill a role in a typical ewar heavy fleet.

Basically what I'm suggesting is that bringing command links on grid requires a fundamental change to the Field Command Ships themselves. They're just not engaging to fly and they don't fit into the gang types they're meant to boost. There's tons of options to fix it, but the simple removal of off grid boosting just isn't one of them.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Lin-Young Borovskova
#86 - 2012-08-14 17:54:21 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
Basically what I'm suggesting is that bringing command links on grid requires a fundamental change to the Field Command Ships themselves.

Maybe this is what is needed and included in those BC T1/T2 rebalance, since those WILL be rebalanced soon. Of Grid boosting harms more the game than it's good. People never stop arguing "get friends" "L2P with friends" "omg miner = bot" but then when something is about to change like OGB some players always talk about "small gang" and very little about the solo/tandem dudes with the obvious OGB.

There's a noticeable difference in between being good at the game and being good at exploiting game failures or bad mechanics in need of changes, to take advantage over other players. OGB is one of those bad mechanics that need severe changes, the only thing I can hope it's properly done and not like giving ASB's to shield tanks and throw a RAH bone to the underdogs.


Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#87 - 2012-08-14 17:59:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Yahrr
I'm all for having boosting ships on the field. Let it be CS, T3 or BCs with a link. Yes BC's can fit links and before the introduction of T3 cruisers this was the way the roaming gangs used to do it.

Diesel47 wrote:
Stop trying to simplify the game

Have the boosting ships on the field AND have them to target the boost-receivers like Logistic ships do. If any change would make running fleets more complex and interesting, then this would be it. It won't be an alt-job anymore, so you'll have to train that one into a Retriever pilot...

*edit: Also the argument of having boosters forced to be on grid as a nerf to small gangs is complete bull excrement. Where were you before the T3 cruiser?! Ohwait... Retriever pilot....
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#88 - 2012-08-14 18:11:49 UTC
Lin-Young Borovskova wrote:
Liang Nuren wrote:
Basically what I'm suggesting is that bringing command links on grid requires a fundamental change to the Field Command Ships themselves.

Maybe this is what is needed and included in those BC T1/T2 rebalance, since those WILL be rebalanced soon. Of Grid boosting harms more the game than it's good. People never stop arguing "get friends" "L2P with friends" "omg miner = bot" but then when something is about to change like OGB some players always talk about "small gang" and very little about the solo/tandem dudes with the obvious OGB.

There's a noticeable difference in between being good at the game and being good at exploiting game failures or bad mechanics in need of changes, to take advantage over other players. OGB is one of those bad mechanics that need severe changes, the only thing I can hope it's properly done and not like giving ASB's to shield tanks and throw a RAH bone to the underdogs.

I think it's extremely revealing that you say this: "some players always talk about "small gang" and very little about the solo/tandem dudes with the obvious OGB." That is small gang warfare. It is, whether you like it or not. Furthermore, I am having trouble accepting your assertion that this is somehow more despicable than bringing 30 guys with their own OGBs to swat at the "solo/tandem dudes with the obvious OGB".

Basically: it's a valid play style and I don't think that you should be allowed to say it isn't.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#89 - 2012-08-14 18:15:13 UTC
Yahrr wrote:
I'm all for having boosting ships on the field. Let it be CS, T3 or BCs with a link. Yes BC's can fit links and before the introduction of T3 cruisers this was the way the roaming gangs used to do it.

Diesel47 wrote:
Stop trying to simplify the game

Have the boosting ships on the field AND have them to target the boost-receivers like Logistic ships do. If any change would make running fleets more complex and interesting, then this would be it. It won't be an alt-job anymore, so you'll have to train that one into a Retriever pilot...

*edit: Also the argument of having boosters forced to be on grid as a nerf to small gangs is complete bull excrement. Where were you before the T3 cruiser?! Ohwait... Retriever pilot....

I've been pirating longer than you've been playing Eve.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#90 - 2012-08-14 18:20:34 UTC
Effortpost incoming

Firstly everyone complaining that their ehonourable 1v1 fights are ruined by offgrid boosters is a moron. If you find yourself in a fair fight in Eve you ****** up, simple as. Eve PvP is 90% preparation and its likely to stay that way for the forseable future.

I'd like to see booster ships on grid but putting them there with the game as it is right now is a terrible idea. Boosting ships are going to be primaried to the point where it just isn't fun to fly one and games are supposed to be fun. Sure you could fly a brick tanked command ship but at that point your role in the fight has been reduced to sitting still and receiving reps (again not fun). Secondly with the way the boosting system is set up its almost impossible to reconfigure who is giving boosts mid combat. Lose a booster and good luck juggling your fleet layout to fix things in a reasonable amount of time. It takes long enough setting that stuff up outside of combat. Boosting ships are just too exposed and too obvious (theres no real reason to fly a command ship in pvp if you aren't boosting) but the pain of reorganising the fleet tree means theres no real benefit to bringing spares either.

If boosters are forced to be on grid I'd like to see the top down requirement of boosts removed so that you always recieve the best possible bonuses chosen from all the boosters on grid with you (in fleet obviously). You'd probably have to compensate fleet command ships somehow to make it more worthwhile to bring one over 3-6 field command ships.

Unfortunately if my (somewhat spotty) memory serves me right we used to have a flat fleet structure for bonuses but CCP had to move to the current system because of the lag caused by constantly having to recompute bonuses.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#91 - 2012-08-14 18:51:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Diesel47
Alot of the people in here arguing about the OGB changes have little to no knowledge of how the actual mechanics work.

I doubt they've even fought against or used an OGB before. Yet alone command ships.

I see the same things regurgitated over and over again. Then I see people say things that are just downright stupid, and they try to defend these horrible ideas with all their might.

So far I've had people compare OGBs to botting, and another guy saying that if a tengu gets nerfed then somebody could just fix the problem by throwing 10 more tengus into the fleet. *Facepalm*.

So far the only ones making arguments that are even understandable are the pro-OGB crowd. But even those are unoriginal.

I've yet to see any new or thoughtful suggestions from anybody else. Which leads me to believe nobody here actually uses their brain when posting and just yells out whatever they are feeling.

The community needs to realize that threads aren't suppose to be a place to post endless amounts of whining, but instead somewhere to encourage discussion about topics or problems. Maybe then CCP would actually take us seriously and we wouldn't have to resort to shooting structures ingame to get our points across.
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#92 - 2012-08-14 19:50:49 UTC
They should just make the boosting less effective if not on grid.

- 100% boosting effectiveness to any fleet member on grid, 66% effective on any vessel off-grid..

or something like that.. would make all parties happy, make both options viable and give us tactical choice.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#93 - 2012-08-14 19:53:48 UTC
Chandaris wrote:
They should just make the boosting less effective if not on grid.

- 100% boosting effectiveness to any fleet member on grid, 66% effective on any vessel off-grid..

or something like that.. would make all parties happy, make both options viable and give us tactical choice.

This doesn't really solve the problem of blobs having links where a small gang won't have links that are as effective. They really need to address the problems inherent with Fleet Commands. Though I admit that I'd be content with a very fast or very tanky 3 link destroyer for small gang work.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#94 - 2012-08-14 19:55:53 UTC
how is that?

our 5 man frigate gangs run with loki links.. why don't yours?

Are we trying to address the issue of off-grid boosters being unbalanced, or new players not being able to afford links.. I'm confused.
Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#95 - 2012-08-14 20:06:01 UTC
Chandaris wrote:
how is that?

our 5 man frigate gangs run with loki links.. why don't yours?

Are we trying to address the issue of off-grid boosters being unbalanced, or new players not being able to afford links.. I'm confused.

Please pay attention. What I said was that it didn't address the problem of Small Gang vs Blob. Under your solution, your max skilled mindlinked Loki would look more like a half skilled BC pilot. The blob would have full mindlinked links. Thus, you basically don't have links in your small gang.

Again, the core problem here isn't whether links are on grid or not - it's that bringing fleet commands on grid is actively detrimental to small gang PVP. Let's find a way to fix that and then bring links on grid.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#96 - 2012-08-14 20:10:05 UTC
Small gang vs blob, small gang should be less effective..

Obviously I appear to be misunderstanding the point your trying to make.. But given your condescending attitude, I'm not particularly interested in continuing the conversation.. My 2c is in so I'm done.
Alavaria Fera
#97 - 2012-08-14 20:11:17 UTC
Chandaris wrote:
Small gang vs blob, small gang should be less effective..

Obviously I appear to be misunderstanding the point your trying to make.. But given your condescending attitude, I'm not particularly interested in continuing the conversation.. My 2c is in so I'm done.

Now now, blobs cause all the evil in this space world.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#98 - 2012-08-14 20:13:14 UTC
Chandaris wrote:
Small gang vs blob, small gang should be less effective..

Obviously I appear to be misunderstanding the point your trying to make.. But given your condescending attitude, I'm not particularly interested in continuing the conversation.. My 2c is in so I'm done.

I contend that a small focused gang should be more effective than a random assortment of **** thrown together. Specialization is the only way that smaller groups are ever going to compete against larger groups.

Unless you'd like the game to just boil down to an auto resolution battle sim where them bringing N+1 ships simply self destructs yours. Roll


Ed: And frankly I find it peculiar that you should talk **** about my "attitude" when you're the one that starts laying the smack on.

I'm an idiot, don't mind me.

Alavaria Fera
#99 - 2012-08-14 20:16:24 UTC
Liang Nuren wrote:
Chandaris wrote:
Small gang vs blob, small gang should be less effective..

Obviously I appear to be misunderstanding the point your trying to make.. But given your condescending attitude, I'm not particularly interested in continuing the conversation.. My 2c is in so I'm done.

I contend that a small focused gang should be more effective than a random assortment of **** thrown together. Specialization is the only way that smaller groups are ever going to compete against larger groups.

Unless you'd like the game to just boil down to an auto resolution battle sim where them bringing N+1 ships simply self destructs yours. Roll


Ed: And frankly I find it peculiar that you should talk **** about my "attitude" when you're the one that starts laying the smack on.

Numbers usually aren't that close.

Like what I saw today. 200 of them vs 400, 500 by the time they ran off.

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Liang Nuren
No Salvation
Divine Damnation
#100 - 2012-08-14 20:20:15 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:

Numbers usually aren't that close.

Like what I saw today. 200 of them vs 400, 500 by the time they ran off.

I will freely admit that I do not play in and do not care about blob vs blob fighting. I can see why bringing gang boosters on grid would hurt that style of gameplay, but it'd probably hurt both sides equally. In small gang vs blob, it only hurts the small gang. That's why I've been so adamant that there are problems to solve before simply moving gang links on grid.

If you would like to add more problems that need solved from a blob perspective, that's fine with me. I remember some reasonable comments about bonuses needing to auto-move around when the booster gets instapopped.


I'm an idiot, don't mind me.