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High Sec Hauler Ganking

Kyokushin Corporation
Muh Zkill...
#1 - 2012-08-14 11:52:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Kal'Orellian
This is probably a topic that has been rasied a million times but I think it needs to be raised again. CCP have taken steps to prevent miners from being ganked in belts, or at least given them the option to choose between ships that maiximise yield and ships that offer protection. CCP, please address haulers in a similar way?

Personally I believe that there should be a game mechanic that allows the high sec gank to continue. If you have a goal to achieve, or revenge to take on an enemy then this path should be open to you, but at a cost. At present it is far to easy, too cheap and with far too few consequences to gank a hauler with ships like the arty Tornado.

The situation at present is ridiculous. Wherever I go I have to use a Viator with a cloak, even then I get locked and scanned when approaching stations or at undock points in the main trading hubs. It is now for all intents and purposes suicide to afk haul in high security space. I am sure this is not the situation CCP invisaged when they allowed this mechanic. You should not need to cloak and warp and have insta undocks for every station you visit to operate in high security space. Nor should you need to fly an Orca or a Freighter to move goods safely, which of course are not 100% safe either.

If CCP choose not to change this mechanic then please address cloaky hauler cargo sizes, As I can no longer use T1 haulers I am finding I have to make several trips in a Viator to move the same amount of goods as I could in an Itty V.

Trumpets and Bookmarks
#2 - 2012-08-14 12:24:05 UTC
It is suicide to AFK haul with anything of value, yes, but that's the way it should be. You want to risk your cargo you're welcome to. If you don't, fit your hauler well and you'll get through.

I've not had a problem hauling around high sec since I discovered the joys of tanking my haulers instead of going for max hold.

I've also seen a vid of an Iteron V toasting a Domi.

Suicide ganking haulers isn't easy unless the hauler pilot isn't paying any attention and hasn't fit their ship well. This is working as intended.

Just so it's clear, I've never suicide ganked anyone with any of my characters. I just don't think haulers need any work.
Kyokushin Corporation
Muh Zkill...
#3 - 2012-08-14 12:37:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Kal'Orellian
Suicide ganking is incredibly easy, more so since the introduction of the tier 3 battlecruisers whereby you can fit a full rack of 8 x battleship sized guns on a relatively cheap battlecruiser hull. Before if you wanted that sort of damage you needed to to risk a tier 2 or tier 3 battleship, a minimum of 130 million hull + fittings. By way of example I have friends in another corp who produce T2 fitted Tornado's for 75mil.

As it is easy and cheaper to gank effectively more people are doing it to the point where the chances of getting killed are much higher than they ever have been before.

And its not just afk haulers, I lost an Itty V some weeks ago to a Tornado and I wasn't even afk. I jumped into one system and was in my pod before I knew what had happened. My cargo that time was approx 300mil. Lesson learned I now only use Viators and cloak immediately upon entering a system. However doing anything takes twice as long as I have to tank and can carry less even when I am fitted for max cargo and not tanked. Plus added dangers of station undock points where you cannot cloak, so now I have to make insta undocks for every station I use. Does CCP want it to be this easy for gankers and that hard for haulers? It was never that way in the past and I have been around since 2005.
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#4 - 2012-08-14 12:58:22 UTC
Kal'Orellian wrote:

And its not just afk haulers, I lost an Itty V some weeks ago to a Tornado and I wasn't even afk.

What tank did you have fit? All cargo expanders in the lows, right? No tank mods in the mids either and cargo rigs?
Kyokushin Corporation
Muh Zkill...
#5 - 2012-08-14 13:02:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Kal'Orellian
Shield modes in the mids and cargo in the lows. But unless I seriously armor tanked that Itty I would not have survived the alpha strike of the Tornado. If everyone has to do that to an Itty then whats the point of having a ship that specialises in carrying cargo?

My suggestion to CCP would be to make a T1 hauler that has battleship level EHP, as they have done for the miners. Carry less but can't be easily ganked. Then have the larger variants with more cargo but less tank.
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#6 - 2012-08-14 13:05:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Griffin Omanid
To be honest. I want to see your fitting on the Iteron V. When you put in all low slots and rigs cargo extenders, it´s your own fault. I think a DC II and a Inertia Stabalizer should be fitted in every industrial, they have enough low slots. Because of the stacking Penality also more then 3 same moduls are often useless.
Kyokushin Corporation
Muh Zkill...
#7 - 2012-08-14 13:08:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Kal'Orellian
My loss on that occassion was my own fault, I made a bad choice.

That does not detract from my point that it is far to cheap, to easy and with far too few consequences to suicide gank. If the person who ganked me had to sacrafice a 150-200mil ship would he have taken the chance of my 300mil cargo dropping? As he only had to sacrifice a 75-80mil ship his risk to reward ratio was much better for him.
Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#8 - 2012-08-14 13:19:54 UTC
If only there was some kind of hauler that could cloak and warp while cloaked. Or maybe another hauler with hundreds of thousands of hp.
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#9 - 2012-08-14 13:20:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Griffin Omanid
Kal'Orellian wrote:

That does not detract from my point that it is far to cheap, to easy and with far too few consequences to suicide gank.

That may be true, but you can also use a Occator. I think it got unfitted nearly the same EHP as an unfitted BC. But it got a little less cargo then a Iteron V (i think it was the same as an Iteron III) and you need to fit armor tank. Maybe you train for one of the shield tanked Deep space transporter (minmatar/caldari). Maybe they could get more cargo with the right fitting because they also got a lot low slots, and are more agile because they got less mass.
Kyokushin Corporation
Muh Zkill...
#10 - 2012-08-14 13:25:34 UTC
Michael Harari wrote:
If only there was some kind of hauler that could cloak and warp while cloaked. Or maybe another hauler with hundreds of thousands of hp.

Afk hauling used to be a luxury of high sec, should I need to cloak and warp every time?
And no the occator does not have BS level EHP, I would still need to be presen to activate any active mods.

Does CCP want to stop people AFK hauling?

Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#11 - 2012-08-14 13:27:43 UTC
If you want to afk haul, haul less than twice the value of ships needed to gank you.
Kyokushin Corporation
Muh Zkill...
#12 - 2012-08-14 13:31:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Kal'Orellian
Michael Harari wrote:
If you want to afk haul, haul less than twice the value of ships needed to gank you.

Which is what I have been doing. However the cost needed to gank a hauler has fallen from a tier 2 or tier 3 BS 150-200 mil to about 75 million for a fitted Tornado. That represents a significant drop which I feel creates an inbalance in favour of gankers and at the expense of haulers.
Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#13 - 2012-08-14 13:33:41 UTC
Kal'Orellian wrote:
Michael Harari wrote:
If you want to afk haul, haul less than twice the value of ships needed to gank you.

Which is what I have been doing. However the cost need to gank a hauler has fallen from a tier 2 or tier 3 BS 150-200 mil to about 75 million for a fitted Tornado. That represents a significant drop which I feel creates an inbalance in favour of gankers and at the expense of haulers.

Nobody used tr2 or tr3 bs. They used insured tr1 bs, which cost less after insurance than a nado does now.
Kyokushin Corporation
Muh Zkill...
#14 - 2012-08-14 13:36:25 UTC
Michael Harari wrote:
Kal'Orellian wrote:
Michael Harari wrote:
If you want to afk haul, haul less than twice the value of ships needed to gank you.

Which is what I have been doing. However the cost need to gank a hauler has fallen from a tier 2 or tier 3 BS 150-200 mil to about 75 million for a fitted Tornado. That represents a significant drop which I feel creates an inbalance in favour of gankers and at the expense of haulers.

Nobody used tr2 or tr3 bs. They used insured tr1 bs, which cost less after insurance than a nado does now.

They did until the insurances got nerfed in CCP's last effort to reduce ganking. Even then the output of a tier 1 BS was nowhere near the alpha of a T2 fitted Tornado which can be supplied for 75-80 mils at cost. Allowing gankers a greater chance to be successfull.
Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#15 - 2012-08-14 13:42:10 UTC
Kal'Orellian wrote:

They did until the insurances got nerfed in CCP's last effort to reduce ganking. Even then the output of a tier 1 BS was nowhere near the alpha of a T2 fitted Tornado which can be supplied for 75-80 mils at cost. Allowing gankers a greater chance to be successfull.

Any ship with 8 gun slots has the same alpha as a tornado. I suggest you take a look at the amarr battleships.
Kyokushin Corporation
Muh Zkill...
#16 - 2012-08-14 13:45:15 UTC
Amarr ships have higher DPS, they do not have higher alpha strike than something like a Tornado or a Maelstrom.

Whatever the costs or the mechanics I am merely saying that high sec ganking is more prolific that ever before. For miners CCP saw this as an inbalance and addressed the situation. I am asking them to look at the situation for haulers also.
Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#17 - 2012-08-14 13:48:02 UTC
Kal'Orellian wrote:
Amarr ships have higher DPS, they do not have higher alpha strike than something like a Tornado or a Maelstrom.

Whatever the costs or the mechanics I am merely saying that high sec ganking is more prolific that ever before. For miners CCP saw this as an inbalance and addressed the situation. I am asking them to look at the situation for haulers also.

They have lower dps, but the same alpha when fit with artillery. The nado and maelstrom get only rof bonuses, and I have never seen a nado get 2 shots off in highsec. All that matters is how many guns you can fit on your ship (and gyros)
Kyokushin Corporation
Muh Zkill...
#18 - 2012-08-14 13:55:58 UTC
I'm not sure if you are right, you might be but I doubt it. At the end of the day its not important to my argument. Though the majority of ganks I see are at the hands of a Tornado, which obviously means something.

Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#19 - 2012-08-14 13:58:54 UTC
Kal'Orellian wrote:
I'm not sure if you are right, you might be but I doubt it. At the end of the day its not important to my argument. Though the majority of ganks I see are at the hands of a Tornado, which obviously means something.

Yes, they are cheaper and easier to train to than battleships. They are still more expensive than the insured battleships people used to use.

Sarah Baal
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#20 - 2012-08-14 13:59:01 UTC
dont mean anything really, since u have other good ships to gank aswell.

and, the gank thing is good as it is, if u want to prevent something dont autopilot and fit tank in your haulers, for some reason concord pops pilots in highsec, and suicide ganks is in game mechanics
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