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[Winter] Existing destroyer rebalancing

First post
Karl Planck
Caldari State
#101 - 2012-08-11 23:18:40 UTC
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. DO NOT CHANGE THE COERCER FOR F*CKS SAKE.

This is literally one of the best ships in teh game, precicesly because it has one mid. Dont change it. Please! what can i do to change your minds on this?

I has all the eve inactivity

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#102 - 2012-08-12 04:19:53 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
chatgris wrote:

Catalyst - will remain subpar since it's got the worst damage projection, and only 2 mids.

Catalyst needs a third mid for a web. It currently sucks in almost every fight with the exception of suiciding hulks in high sec belts. These changes do nothing to make it approach the effectiveness of the Thrasher in any real combat scenario. The only advantage it had over the current coercer was the ability to fit a point. That advantage is now gone too.
Aurum Gallente
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#103 - 2012-08-12 04:43:29 UTC
This destroyer's rebalance will change nothing. Just useless westing of time and resources. They need new role bonuses like mwd\ab boost, middle-range webifieres, long-range small neutralizers for effective fight against frigates-tacklers or good boost of target painting.

Just give them all that frigates hate.
Soon Shin
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
#104 - 2012-08-12 04:58:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Soon Shin
My opinion is that all destroyers should be changed to this base off the previous posts. I agree on the idea of a removal of a high and turret slow in exchange for a damage bonus would be better and relocating that high to a low or mid:

Catalyst: 7 hi/ 7 turret
3 mid
3 low

CPU: 195
PG: 80

Drone Bay: 25 m3
Bandwidth: 15 m3

Role: 50% falloff and tracking

Bonus: 5% small hybrid damage and 10% falloff per level

This will turn the catalyst into brawling anti-frigate blasterboat and not infringe on the cormorant's rail sniping abilities.

Coercer: 7 hi/ 7 turret
2 mid
4 low

Role: 50% optimal and tracking

Drone Bay: 15 m3
Bandwidth: 10 m3

Bonus: 5% small energy rof and 10% reduction in capacitor usage per level.

CPU: 180
PG: 90

This will make the coercer the way it is but an additional mid to tackle.

Cormorant: 7 hi/7 turret
4 mid
2 low

CPU: 215
PG: 77

Role: 50% optimal and tracking

Bonus: 5% hybrid damage and 10% optimal range per level.

This will make cormorant more on par with other destroyers, but inferior to the catalyst for close range blasters.

Thrasher: 7 hi/ 7 turret
3 mid
3 low

CPU: 205
PG: 82

Role: 50% optimal and tracking

Bonus: 5% projectile damage and 10% falloff per level.

I am not sure about whether the thrasher should have double falloff or double optimal since it can fly with either artillery or autocannons.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#105 - 2012-08-12 05:45:06 UTC
Im no massive experts on Dessies, but I fly them on occasion and you see a lot of them in FW.

Here are the common fits you see in FW and why people fly them:

Corm ( awesome sniper)
Coercer (brick or sniper or cockbag (insta-lock alpha))
Thrasher (OP, Cockbag, AC kiter, AC in your face, awesome slot layout).
Catalyst (because some crazies (like myself) like to fly Gallente ships just because - really no other reason).

Cat is the worst dessie already. These suggested changes make it even worse.. Cat is a gallente ship that needs to be able to fit full tackle. Other than for suicide ganking an unmoving hauler, people just rarely fit blasters on them because of the lack of tackle. If it needs to be balanced in other ways, that is fine, but give it a third mid. It is outclassed as a Rail ship by the Corm, and blaster fits dont work because there is a lack of web. Thus, there is really no reason to use it.

Basically, just because the Catalyst is a good high-sec suicide gank blaster boat doesnt mean it is balanced for normal pvp. :)

spaceship, Spaceship, SPACESHIP!

Alticus C Bear
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#106 - 2012-08-12 07:32:13 UTC
Cat needs more power grid for a start.

How woud swapping the optimal bonus for another fall off bonus or even split 25% of both would this improve DPS projection enough to make a web less needed?
Kitt JT
True North.
#107 - 2012-08-12 07:50:03 UTC
Removing the fourth mid on the cormorant for a low is a huuuuuuuuuuge nerf to an already suck-y destroyer.

Its slot layout is honestly fine. In general, its a fine ship
Dr Sheng-Ji Yang
#108 - 2012-08-12 09:02:48 UTC
I was flying the Coercer some time.
Main problem is that CCP had done good work with Incursus and Merlin (okay Punisher is a joke) . Rifter was op in comparison to the others. Waht CCP maybe not sees is that Thrasher is actually completely op in comparison to the other dessies. Minus one low slot on Coercer will hurt but okay it is amarr, it simply has to suck. Coercer would need more CPU and Capacitor. An arty Thrasher can fire 10 mins and longer, Coercer not.
What CCP does also not see is the cost aspect. With 8 turrets you need to get minimum 4 mil ammo in a coercer that it works (4 crystals). Putting ammo for close and long range hurts much more with minimum 6 or 8m. An Arty Thrasher for fast skirmish maybe needs 0,8m in ammo and it works. Total imbalance here. TBH Coercer should even be better than the others BECAUSE the loss in ammo alone is HORRIBLY higher than in other ships and hurts much more. It should be: Better ship=higher risk and not equal ship but higher risk because of laser ammo.
I agree that Cormorant sucks and would really need mor buff. Catalyst probably too and Coercer would need more cap and cpu.
We need an end of these 20 Thrasher gangs. I would be happy to see a 20cormorant gang for example.
Actually Thrasher can do everything and is total overpowered. The other 3 dessies need more buff. Especially the cormorant.
Dorah Hawkwing
Old Galactic Earth Regiment
#109 - 2012-08-12 09:03:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Dorah Hawkwing
Removing the 4rth low on the coerer defenitely takes away it's ability to tank and gank at the same time.

I was able to fit it with 6000 ehp tank + 2 HS II and an engagement range out to 38 km's :) Now I will ahve to either sacrifice a HS or tank.. in either case, it looses uniqueness. I was able to sucessfully deal with any other destroyer out there. Either by warping out when they sniped, or by simply outlasting them while delivering 280 dps on target. Usually by the time they realised my tank wasn't breaking and ther glasscannon was going down, they didn't have the time anymore to align and warp.
Tanky designs on the other hand got out-dpsed.

No need for scram.

Removing one low will reduce this aspect, by either taking away tank or dps, in both cases making the performance mediocre and taking away the uniqueness of the coercer.
Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#110 - 2012-08-12 11:06:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Takeshi Yamato
The main reason why Thrashers are so popular is artillery. It's just a notch above railguns and beam lasers.

It does lower dps on paper, but in reality against the targets destroyers are meant to engage, it actually tends to do higher effective dps because the first shot is free damage and it has high alpha. This concept is graphically explained here:

It's also has the lowest fitting requirements, selectable damage types and doesn't need cap. Too many advantages. The fact that Thrashers have the equivalent of 8.75 guns vs the other destroyers having 8 or 7 certainly doesn't help either.
Duchess Starbuckington
#111 - 2012-08-12 14:53:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Duchess Starbuckington
Personally I'm in favour of removing the utility high from the Cormorant and moving it to a low. That or just giving another slot to destroyers in general.

Also seriously WTB a Caldari missile destroyer.
VR Highfive
Hayabusa Logistics.
#112 - 2012-08-12 17:08:19 UTC  |  Edited by: VR Highfive
I am joining the 'Keep the 4 mids on the Cormorant!' club.

I am a big Cormorant fan. <3 The 4 mids is what makes this little ship unique and versatile. I'd hate to see that changed and have the Thrasher slot layout. 4 mids allows a decent shield tank or plenty or ewar or dual prop and full tackle etc. This is the advantage it has over its competitors who generally have more dps and or speed.

Personally I like I like the slot layout on the Cormy the way it is and I don't think an exchanging of high to a low slot is neccesary or giving it 8 turret hardpoints for more dps. As it is it can field 7 turrets AND 1 launcher which is great . I don't hear people mention that in this thread.

I do like the extra tank proposed, it is lacking in that regard compared to the Thrasher (dunno how that compares to the Cat or the Coercer).

Cormy love <3!

I like the extra mid on the Coercer - 1 low.

Haven;'t flow the Cat at all so can't really comment

Make the Thrasher better than it already is hmmm.... not sure about that. It is already head and shoulders above the rest.
But we'll see how they fly when the changes hit SiSi.

It is nice to see that all dessies are getting a little speed buff as well. The difference between them frigs is quit huge now. I think they will need a little more though. As they are now they are a little faster than T1 cruisers but they will get a speed buff too so that means they will end up pretty close together again. IMHO dessies should in general be much faster than cruisers while frigs should fly circles around destroyers.

Learning solo PvP, one explosion at a time.

Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#113 - 2012-08-12 23:11:29 UTC
The catalyst is still an unfocused mess after this change - falloff and optimal bonuses leave it in a confused position compared to the other three. One solution might be to split the class in half by swapping out the optimal role bonuses on the catalyst and thrasher for falloff bonuses to make them more dedicated close-range ships compared to the sniper-focused cormorant and coercer. That would leave the catalyst in an unusual position of having a double-falloff bonus, but I'm not familiar enough with small blasters to guess if that would be a good thing, or whether the Destroyer skill falloff bonus would then need switching to something else.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#114 - 2012-08-13 00:23:00 UTC
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
The main reason why Thrashers are so popular is artillery. It's just a notch above railguns and beam lasers.

It does lower dps on paper, but in reality against the targets destroyers are meant to engage, it actually tends to do higher effective dps because the first shot is free damage and it has high alpha. This concept is graphically explained here:

It's also has the lowest fitting requirements, selectable damage types and doesn't need cap. Too many advantages. The fact that Thrashers have the equivalent of 8.75 guns vs the other destroyers having 8 or 7 certainly doesn't help either.

Destroyer vs. Destroyer is like two midgets shooting bazookas at eachother. Artillery is very nice and I cut my pvp teeth on arty thrashers. They are also VERY susceptible to AB frigates or Dual prop frigates. Their massive alpha only goes out every 6 seconds or so. If you time your shot wrong or need to change ammo types you can easily be screwed. The 125mm rail Catalyst sends a salvo downrange every 1.53 seconds. A gank fit Coercer can shoot in 2 seconds or less. The challenge is placed more on the frigate to get into position before it is obliterated off of the field.
Lunaleil Fournier
Amarr Empire
#115 - 2012-08-13 09:08:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Lunaleil Fournier
CCP Ytterbium,

I am concerned that ships undergoing re-balancing are starting to look a bit too.....standardized. While standardization makes balancing easier, it saps uniqueness and variation from the different races and ships within the same class.

The slot layouts for destroyers....8/2/3 or 8/3/2.
You did this also for the EAFs.....2/4/3 or 2/5/2.
All ships within these two classes also have bonuses that mirror each other (racially, of course)

Where's the variation? Why are there only 2 slot layouts per class instead of 3 or 4? Where's the destroyer that uses speed and damage to take out frigs, the destroyer that's slower but focuses on scram/web to take them out, and the destroyer that doesn't have the big damage but tanks the assault frigates better? (I'll refer to these as sub-roles)

Lets take Combat Recons for example. Same role, EW based. 4 different slot layouts. All have racial EW bonuses, but fight very different because of their sub-roles....Huginn based on slowing people down, Lachesis based on locking people down, Curse based on disabling ships down, and Rook based on jamming ships down. Shouldn't all ship classes try to be as varied and interesting?

Can you take some time to explain your philosophy on keeping ships within the same class unique, while making them balanced?

And the cormorant needs to keep it's 4th midslot....thanks :)
Veshta Yoshida
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#116 - 2012-08-13 09:29:15 UTC
Lunaleil Fournier wrote:
.. legitimate concern ..

Spot on. If we wanted 'more of the same' Eve Online wouldn't be our addiction in the first place .. Give us variety!
Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#117 - 2012-08-13 12:17:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Scatim Helicon
Veshta Yoshida wrote:
Lunaleil Fournier wrote:
.. legitimate concern ..

Spot on. If we wanted 'more of the same' Eve Online wouldn't be our addiction in the first place .. Give us variety!

See my comments above about splitting the role bonus to create 2 short range ships and 2 snipers.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Sophie Cry
#118 - 2012-08-13 17:00:32 UTC

or even use it like a cyno or something something with poor tank that cant move but lights up a say 20k area or something

i think its gay how one dude in a bomber can keep 10 guys trying to mine or run plex at bay while he goes to taco bell

btw i dont mean keep them visable maybe show position for 3 seconds or something like that
Kraschyn Thek'athor
Gallente Federation
#119 - 2012-08-13 17:11:07 UTC
T2 Version: Corvette

A cloak-ship hunter. A bit out-of-the-box Ideas.....

Corvettes have special equipment to hunt down cloaked ships.

High-Energy Flashlight:
This high intensive light beam overloads the light bending cloaking technique that keeps stealth ships invisible. Also it cannot defeat the sensor cloaking of a stealth ship.
All 20 Seconds a beam with 30 degrees is emitted up to 100km. In this beam a cloak ship becomes visibile, but not targetable via Overview or right-click onto it. Also it is only visible for Corvette Class ships. The beam is emittet into the viewing area of the pilot, similar to the directional scanner.

Light, Medium and Heavy Plasma-Mortar
These weapons firing a contained plasma field similiar to Blasters. A small cartridge containing the field generator are fired from the barrel, emitting a force field containing the plasma, dragging the field behind the cartridge. After the battery charge of the cartridge runs dry, the plasma is no longer containted and a violent explosion errupts.
The Plasma-Mortar fires in the direction of the viewing area, similiar to a directional scanner. The Mortar has fixed ranges and area effects, the splash damage becomes weaker every 100m. Light Mortars have the shortest range, but a big radius, while heavy mortars firing a longer distance but with less area effect.

Stardust-Cruise Missile System:
The Stardust Cruise Missile System is the combination of Scanner Probes and a warp-cable Cruise Missile System. A cloaked ship in space leaves a shadow, an anomaly into gravity and starlight. Blankness, perfect void space were normally something shoul be. It is the silence, in an Ocean full of noise. This hole in space becomes easier to detect the longer a ship remains in place or moving with sub-warp speed in the same area. In the first hour it is impossible to find an cloaked ship as long as you don't put the probes on the same grid as the cloaked ship. With every hour afterwards, the area to detect increases. The Stardust-Cruise Missile locks on the probes, travels by warp speed in the vincinity of the target and explodes. The nuclear charge creates a small area damage effect, but more importantly, the strong EMP weakens the cloak and a full hit deactivated it. Afterwards a conventional scanning-ship can detect the hidden raider.
Probes with an special probe launcher. Works like conventional scanning. Detection range is deternined by cloak duration and starts after one hour. Stardust Missiles weakens the cloak and can make it possible to warp on the same grid or to decloak. Startdust Missiles are fired from the same launcher as the probes.

Maybe as an direction a new way to install a cloak vs. counter cloak with modification of implemented features.
Quontor Zarrkos
Island Monkeys
#120 - 2012-08-13 17:22:29 UTC
I really like your idea to have some counter to 'afk cloakers' who just go camp systems forever. It's a bit farfetched though. maybe we just need some special kind of probes who can detect cloaked ships. (which would be easier the longer the cloak stays active).