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Wormhole Failblog Edition

Le'Mon Tichim
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#381 - 2012-08-09 21:11:07 UTC
Tasiv Deka wrote:
Le'Mon Tichim wrote:
Last night was the greatest GTFO moment I've ever been apart of. I'm sure by now my corps scorched earth policy has made the rounds, and a certain corp will be along shortly to tell you all about it. Last night while chilling in an alternate teamspeak (because our corp ceo is an incompetent null dweller), those of us that had things still in the hole were discussing how long we wanted to hold on to our orcas, and how to go about restructuring. A buddy is scanning our our hole, find our static bubbled, and then finds a c2 that wasn't there earlier. He locks it in, an warps to it. Nothing is on the hole, that we can see. Two guys check the watch lists to see who is on, while the scanner hops into the c2 to scan it out, all the while saying "This is so totally a trap." And we were inclined to believe him. You wouldn't leave a wormhole ungaurded on either side, let alone the high sec exit we found. No wt's in local either. Scanner warps away to buy a Blackbird to augment our two Falcons.

Priority: Throw ourselves at any war target and make sure the Orcas get away.

Now, this is when we switch, for a moment, entirely to what I was flying. A Harbinger. The thing is, for whatever reason, five of my guns were offline, along with my capbooster, and we didn't want to risk logging combat ship on, lest we alert the horde. So I went into the first engagement with two guns and drones. Scanner, who has now come back to the c2 side of the exit, tells us to log in, Orcas and all. And we do. Our Tempest, who was logged in first, is already in warp to the hole, followed closely by a falcon, one was already sitting at the hole. My Harby lands, I jump through followed by the Falcons, when we hear the most beautiful sound in the world:


We get set up, preparing to web them off for faster escape, when the first one lands. Disaster strikes. "Loki and Proteus just decloaked! Manticore, Buzzard too." I'm not entirely sure what happend, but I'd like to know from the enemies POV. The first Orca jumped, decloaked and was webbed off before the enemy decloaked on the c2 side. The Falcons and Blackbird go into overdrive while the Tempest and my Harbinger try to pick off the frigates. Did I mention one Falcon was fit soley for Minmatar? Said pilot almost laughed when he crossjammed the Proteus with a minnie jammer. It was in the middle of this engagement that the second Orca landed and jumped. Here we are fighting and then we have to divert to get the Orca off, which went down flawlessly. It's at this point the enemy decided they can't take us with that much ECM, and jump back through. We all break off to make sure the fat men get docked up in high, and I dock to online my modules. Hammer II is back in business. During this time, another pilot who hadn't made it out (caught in a bubble with both his toons) has burned his Navy Scorpion out of said bubble, and is prepared to warp to the hole. At this point, we've lost the Tempest because he had to log off (real life is sometimes inconvenient, right?) so we've got a Blackbird and one Falcon because the other Falcon is piloting the Tempest. The original pilot has terribad sec status.

"I just landed on the hole, they're following me."

Same fleetcomp, sans the Proteus. We get off to a rough start, mostly because I'm still in warp, and the Blackbird took a bit to get the jams up. Falcon lands a good cycle as I land, and start tearing into the Loki. The Scorpion gets out, and they once again jump back through. Said Scorpion pilot then logs his main, in a Tengu, and starts burning towards the edge of the bubble. We're not prepared for this, as we're making sure the Scorpion gets docked up. Unfortunately, they find him, and lay into him. We're prepared to warp to him as soon as he gets in fleet, but we discover the squad is full, and by the time we do anything about it, he's into armor, and he tells us to leave. He got what he wanted out, the Tengu isn't that important to him. So we bail. It's a setback, but with the Orca's out, which were filled we shinies that would have otherwise set us back about oh... twenty billion, we decided it wasn't so bad to loose a Tengu. The pilot even agreed.

We were of course trolled in local, about finally doing something, and being thanked for the entertainment. I'd like to know, did you actually have the high sec scanned out? Because we dicked around in local for about ten minutes before your Helios popped out. A certain somebody thought it was hilarious it took you that long to find it. He had time to go buy booze and bring it back to us.

Tl;dr: We GTFO'd and thought we were going to die in a fire, but ended up having the most fun any of us have ever had in this game.


actually we had about 35 bil, you forgot all the sleeper loot packed in the badger II

Must've missed the Badger II when I was shooting at the Manticore with two guns.

Can you hear them? They are calling to us. It is beautiful.

Klarion Sythis
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#382 - 2012-08-09 21:46:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Klarion Sythis
Hidden Fremen wrote:
Klarion Sythis wrote:
R.I.P. Wormhole Failblog

I still remember when you came to be. Stories were told, laughs were had, and the community came together to share in your amusement. Alas, your time was short, as people quickly used up their better stories you began to become a place of smack talking, alt posting, and began to hang out with threads from CAOD. But I will remember you for what you were, and not what you had become. Rest in peace, Failblog; you will be missed.

Dramatically jumped the gun on this thread having gone too far off course? All it needs is a post to get it back on track. And now we're back.

I wasn't focusing on your groups exchange in particular. That kind of thing just seems to happen a lot in this thread now. I'm not sure having our own forum section has helped the wormhole community. It fosters forum warrioring that can taint otherwise good, friendly, fights.

Without the forums, that would have been "lol Moros got away" the end.
Hidden Fremen
#383 - 2012-08-10 05:26:07 UTC
Yea, although there are some helpful threads, the rest (majority) are garbage pleading for help or ego-stroking.
QT McWhiskers
#384 - 2012-08-10 06:21:07 UTC
Le'Mon Tichim wrote:

Tl;dr: We GTFO'd and thought we were going to die in a fire, but ended up having the most fun any of us have ever had in this game.


Glad to be of service.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#385 - 2012-08-10 06:24:59 UTC
Le'Mon Tichim wrote:
Tasiv Deka wrote:
Le'Mon Tichim wrote:
Last night was the greatest GTFO moment I've ever been apart of. I'm sure by now my corps scorched earth policy has made the rounds, and a certain corp will be along shortly to tell you all about it. Last night while chilling in an alternate teamspeak (because our corp ceo is an incompetent null dweller), those of us that had things still in the hole were discussing how long we wanted to hold on to our orcas, and how to go about restructuring. A buddy is scanning our our hole, find our static bubbled, and then finds a c2 that wasn't there earlier. He locks it in, an warps to it. Nothing is on the hole, that we can see. Two guys check the watch lists to see who is on, while the scanner hops into the c2 to scan it out, all the while saying "This is so totally a trap." And we were inclined to believe him. You wouldn't leave a wormhole ungaurded on either side, let alone the high sec exit we found. No wt's in local either. Scanner warps away to buy a Blackbird to augment our two Falcons.

Priority: Throw ourselves at any war target and make sure the Orcas get away.

Now, this is when we switch, for a moment, entirely to what I was flying. A Harbinger. The thing is, for whatever reason, five of my guns were offline, along with my capbooster, and we didn't want to risk logging combat ship on, lest we alert the horde. So I went into the first engagement with two guns and drones. Scanner, who has now come back to the c2 side of the exit, tells us to log in, Orcas and all. And we do. Our Tempest, who was logged in first, is already in warp to the hole, followed closely by a falcon, one was already sitting at the hole. My Harby lands, I jump through followed by the Falcons, when we hear the most beautiful sound in the world:


We get set up, preparing to web them off for faster escape, when the first one lands. Disaster strikes. "Loki and Proteus just decloaked! Manticore, Buzzard too." I'm not entirely sure what happend, but I'd like to know from the enemies POV. The first Orca jumped, decloaked and was webbed off before the enemy decloaked on the c2 side. The Falcons and Blackbird go into overdrive while the Tempest and my Harbinger try to pick off the frigates. Did I mention one Falcon was fit soley for Minmatar? Said pilot almost laughed when he crossjammed the Proteus with a minnie jammer. It was in the middle of this engagement that the second Orca landed and jumped. Here we are fighting and then we have to divert to get the Orca off, which went down flawlessly. It's at this point the enemy decided they can't take us with that much ECM, and jump back through. We all break off to make sure the fat men get docked up in high, and I dock to online my modules. Hammer II is back in business. During this time, another pilot who hadn't made it out (caught in a bubble with both his toons) has burned his Navy Scorpion out of said bubble, and is prepared to warp to the hole. At this point, we've lost the Tempest because he had to log off (real life is sometimes inconvenient, right?) so we've got a Blackbird and one Falcon because the other Falcon is piloting the Tempest. The original pilot has terribad sec status.

"I just landed on the hole, they're following me."

Same fleetcomp, sans the Proteus. We get off to a rough start, mostly because I'm still in warp, and the Blackbird took a bit to get the jams up. Falcon lands a good cycle as I land, and start tearing into the Loki. The Scorpion gets out, and they once again jump back through. Said Scorpion pilot then logs his main, in a Tengu, and starts burning towards the edge of the bubble. We're not prepared for this, as we're making sure the Scorpion gets docked up. Unfortunately, they find him, and lay into him. We're prepared to warp to him as soon as he gets in fleet, but we discover the squad is full, and by the time we do anything about it, he's into armor, and he tells us to leave. He got what he wanted out, the Tengu isn't that important to him. So we bail. It's a setback, but with the Orca's out, which were filled we shinies that would have otherwise set us back about oh... twenty billion, we decided it wasn't so bad to loose a Tengu. The pilot even agreed.

We were of course trolled in local, about finally doing something, and being thanked for the entertainment. I'd like to know, did you actually have the high sec scanned out? Because we dicked around in local for about ten minutes before your Helios popped out. A certain somebody thought it was hilarious it took you that long to find it. He had time to go buy booze and bring it back to us.

Tl;dr: We GTFO'd and thought we were going to die in a fire, but ended up having the most fun any of us have ever had in this game.


actually we had about 35 bil, you forgot all the sleeper loot packed in the badger II

Must've missed the Badger II when I was shooting at the Manticore with two guns.

Your welcome, Maybe next time you can fight us instead of self destructing all your ships that wouldn't fit in the orcas, K?

Senn Denroth
#386 - 2012-08-10 07:24:54 UTC
Aaaaaand there's the other side of the story. lol

That's a lot of ships.
QT McWhiskers
#387 - 2012-08-10 08:58:26 UTC  |  Edited by: QT McWhiskers
These were blown up before we even started thinking about shooting the pos. We were still working on the guns of the OTHER pos they had in system when they blowed up these shinies. They could have tried a break out with these ships, they could have attempted SOMETHING, but nope they simply gave up the instant they saw the 25ish BS and 5 guardians at their other pos.

The "fight" over the system went something like this. We put up a tower over the course of two hours under heavy battleship guard... And they never knew we were there. We waiting till right after downtime and warped to their pos and started to attack it. The guy inside of the pos didnt know we were there for at least 15 minutes as no one was getting kind of concentrated fire from the guns or jams until about 15 min in. We start to take out the outer modules one by one, working from grouping to grouping. After we killed a large, someone woke up and started onlining everything that was offline. (I guess they had a lot of extra cpu and powergrip available by then.) It was then that we started noticing permajams on our guards and neuts never switching off of our geddons. When the geddons switched to scorch to hit a neut that was playing major havoc on the chain, all jams switched to our geddons. We knew they had a pos gunner at this point in time. Since he was doing nothing but delaying us from our objective, I figured they were stalling for their batphones to finally start working.

It was about this time that four bombers decloaked and made a bombing run on our battleships. About everyone was taken down to about 80 percent armor. This was the part that had me worried. If they would have brought in 6 bombers, and used several runs on us, they would have worn us down.

It was at this moment that I got a little worried because we saw a semi medium number of people log in on the enemy side. It was then that our scout at the other pos reported several ships jetisoned from the hanger. When we saw the Nightmare initiate self destruct in his fully armed and unbubbled pos, we knew that at that moment, we could turn on youtube, or play monopoly online, and do the occasional tab over d scan maneuver to make sure that no random competent WH entities could run up behind us with a giant pole. Because these guys had given up.

They could have tried to make it out, especially with some of the ships they had in there. The pilgrims especially. What could our single scout in his cloaky loki done? Burned to you to force a decloak and then get neuted out by you as you made it to safety? I can guarantee you that this maneuver would have pulled ALL of our battleships off of that pos and gave you guys time to form up a defense. Especially if you decided to try and bait us by staying and fighting the loki. But you guys did none of this.

You simply gave up when you saw our numbers, and then wasted all of that isk when you could have EASILY made several escape attempts. Remember, the pos where everything was SDed at was UNBUBBLED. There were several options open to you, but you simply gave up.

Btw... most of our battleships were range fit with no points on our ships. So even if we showed up at the hole, you could have still made it out.

The big breakout that was the start of this topic only happened because most of our members were out of your hole (i had made it out of the hole and was working my way back to a low sec in our home hole) or logged off. We left a token force inside because we were trying to get some orca kills. The unbubbled c2 was a trap and yes we were prepared for your orcas... just not the numbers you had ready to go. We were expecting maybe 5 or 6 of you. The amount of jams you had also killed any chance of us killing anything you had.

The breakout proved you were somewhat competent. If you had used this level of thought on your wormhole defense, you could have at least given us a run for our money, if not driven us off for the moment as we reshipped to deal with you. Instead we have this, somewhat inaccurate, list of ships that you guys self destructed.

TL:DR You turtled up WAY too early and self destructed ships that didnt need self destructing yet, then made a successful breakout against a token force. Then bragged about it. Good job.

Anathema: 1
Armageddon Navy Issue: 1
Ashimmu: 2
Badger Mark II: 11
Basilisk: 3
Blackbird: 2
Brutix: 1
Buzzard: 6
Caldari Navy Hookbill: 2
Caldari Shuttle: 1
Caracal Navy Issue: 1
Catalyst: 1
Cheetah: 1
Cormorant: 1
Covetor: 5
Curse: 2
Cynabal: 2
Devoter: 1
Dominix: 2
Drake: 12
Dramiel: 2
Exequror: 1
Falcon: 2
Ferox: 1
Flycatcher: 1
Guardian: 4
Harbinger: 2
Harpy: 1
Hawk: 1
Heron: 2
Hoarder: 1
Hound: 3
Hurricane: 5
Imicus: 1
Imperial Navy Slicer: 5
Kitsune: 2
Loki: 1
Magnate: 1
Mammoth: 1
Manticore: 7
Merlin: 1
Naga: 3
Nightmare: 1
Noctis: 2
Onyx: 2
Orca: 1
Osprey: 2
Pilgrim: 2
Primae: 2
Procurer: 2
Rapier: 1
Raptor: 2
Raven: 4
Republic Fleet Firetail: 1
Retribution: 1
Retriever: 4
Rifter: 1
Rokh: 1
Scorpion: 1
Slasher: 1
Talos: 2
Tempest: 1
Tengu: 2
Thorax: 2
Thrasher: 1
Tornado: 2
Typhoon Fleet Issue: 1
Vengeance: 1
Zealot: 1

Edit: Also, we only had one bubble ship in the hole. You could have thrown most of these ships at us and made it out in your pods to reship.
Tasiv Deka
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#388 - 2012-08-10 10:55:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Tasiv Deka
QT McWhiskers wrote:

It was about this time that four bombers decloaked and made a bombing run on our battleships. About everyone was taken down to about 80 percent armor. This was the part that had me worried. If they would have brought in 6 bombers, and used several runs on us, they would have worn us down.

Sadly our bombs were a little low in the hole due to some people practicing bombing runs a couple days prior, also as ill state further down we were short on people able to get on, oh also five logi can rep all that armor damage up by time we were able to pull another run

QT McWhiskers wrote:
They could have tried to make it out, especially with some of the ships they had in there. The pilgrims especially. What could our single scout in his cloaky loki done? Burned to you to force a decloak and then get neuted out by you as you made it to safety? I can guarantee you that this maneuver would have pulled ALL of our battleships off of that pos and gave you guys time to form up a defense. Especially if you decided to try and bait us by staying and fighting the loki. But you guys did none of this.
The big breakout that was the start of this topic only happened because most of our members were out of your hole or logged off. We left a token force inside because we were trying to get some orca kills. The unbubbled c2 was a trap and yes we were prepared for your orcas... just not the numbers you had ready to go. We were expecting maybe 5 or 6 of you. The amount of jams you had also killed any chance of us killing anything you had.
Unfortunately about half of our combat pilots were unable to be bat phoned at all and then the rest had to leave. As to your bubble trap well there were only about 5 or 6 combat ships, the rest were 2 orcas a badger2 and a cov ops frig

QT McWhiskers wrote:
The breakout proved you were somewhat competent. If you had used this level of thought on your wormhole defense, you could have at least given us a run for our money, if not driven us off for the moment as we reshipped to deal with you.

Actually the thing is we had an idea planned out the only problem was well lack of people, i mean of the 10-12 people logged on only 6 toons could really fly anything worth bringing into a fight with and of those Two people left due to family emergencies, one had kids to take care of, another logged when he determined that hey theres only three of us online. thereby leaving us with two whole toons capable of fighting, trust me we had every intention of atleast trying something (hence why we were attempting to save a few ships for last). So all in all no we couldnt have given you a run for your money instead we did the only thing we could we yanked all the shiny stuff we could packed it up in 4 orcas and a badger 2 and warped off to hide it, then we blew up all the other assets to deny you any spoils.

QT McWhiskers wrote:
TL:DR You turtled up WAY too early and self destructed ships that didnt need self destructing yet, then made a successful breakout against a token force. Then bragged about it. Good job.

Actual TL;DR Superior force invades so smaller corp takes only logical action and denies spoils, Larger force is pissed at wasting time so complains(also lots of ridiculous lies on reddit), Smaller corp is sustained on tears enough that loss isnt really that big a deal to them.

QT McWhiskers wrote:

Edit: Also, we only had one bubble ship in the hole. You could have thrown most of these ships at us and made it out in your pods to reship.

Really thats odd because i remember seeing both a saber and a flycatcher out and about oh wait shame on me for not know what all your ships are fitted with instantly, actually that works for quite a bit of the things the forum doesnt give me space for.

The really funny thing is a couple of your own corp mates even agreed that we took the right approach, perhaps a tad bit too early but like i said with all but two of us having a deadline we had to act early.

Also the funny thing is had you waited about 2-3 weeks we were going to move into a c5 (i know one of you in local were complaining about no cap support) so i will say this thank you for helping us realize we dont have the people to move up yet.

Edit: all and all though good job sneaking into our hole and getting all that set up although despite what you listed in this forum post we didnt have any chance to pull off a victory simply put you all had backup ships at the pos and we needed atleast 8 or 9 combat pilots on (remember the ratio is 3:to1 for attackers to defenders [atleast in RL warfare]) And at that point most of us were getting really vindictive and didnt want to give you kill mails/had to go so left it up to 2 toons.

Oh, Do go on... no seriously ive got nothing better to do then listen to all the petty arguments and feeble trolling attempts... 

The sad thing is i'm not sure if i'm telling the truth.

Tasiv Deka
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#389 - 2012-08-10 11:00:28 UTC
Also the (slightly more accurate) list of ships that were sded

Anathema: 1
Armageddon Navy Issue: 1
Ashimmu: 1
Badger Mark II: 11 (dont even remember how many of these we had)
Basilisk: 1 (possibly not even sure about that)
Blackbird: 2
Brutix: 1
Buzzard: 6 (if thats true i know most of them were unfitted)
Caldari Navy Hookbill: 2
Caldari Shuttle: 1
Caracal Navy Issue: 0 (no, i think there *might* have been a regular one in there)
Catalyst: 1
Cheetah: 1
Cormorant: 1
Covetor: 2 (and 1 procurer and 2 retrievers)
Curse: 2
Cynabal: 2
Devoter: 1
Dominix: 1(i think only one of these to be honest)
Drake: about 6 or so
Dramiel: 1 the other was crammed into the orca
Exequror: 1
Falcon: 1 (i flew one out)
Ferox: 1 (to be honest i was going to blow that thing up regardless)
Flycatcher: 1 not entirely sure but i dont think anyone could even fly that yet(may be mistaken on that one)
Guardian: 2 (seriously dont think we had that many logi in hole)
Harbinger: 1 (other one was flown out)
Harpy: 1
Hawk: 1
Heron: 2
Hoarder: 1 (eh we had snagged it abandoned a few days prior)
Hound: 3 (not sure on that but i dont fly the hound so maybe)
Hurricane: 5 (maybe 2 or 3 to be honest)
Imicus: 1
Imperial Navy Slicer: 5 (yea ill give you that one we had waay to many of those in hole)
Kitsune: 2
Loki: 1 (thing is the only loki i knew of in hole made it out so i have no idea on this one)
Magnate: 1 (eh another t1 scan frig oh well)
Mammoth: 1
Manticore: 7
Merlin: 1 (fitted solely for webbing so no real big deal )
Naga: 2 (may have been a third but i dont think so)
Nightmare: 1 (sadly cant deny that)
Noctis: 2
Onyx: 2 (yea wish we held onto atleast one)
Orca: 0 (No we still had two orca pilots who could have taken an orca if that were the case)
Osprey: 2
Pilgrim: 2 (i actually think it was only 1 but it could be flip flopped with the curse on that)
Primae: 2
Procurer: 1 (already listed up above but for alpha sake)
Rapier: 1
Raptor: 2
Raven: 2 or 3
Republic Fleet Firetail: 1
Retribution: 1
Retriever: 4 (i really think it was only 2 but i dont remember)
Rifter: 0 (however i dont keep track of all the small ****)
Rokh: 1 (i dont know about that because i think it got pulled out a while back really not sure though so ill give you that)
Scorpion: 1
Slasher: 1
Talos: 2
Tempest: 1
Tengu: 2
Thorax: 2
Thrasher: 1
Tornado: 2 (to be fair i think one of these did die trying to shoot you)
Typhoon Fleet Issue: 1 ( yea that happenned to)
Vengeance: 1
Zealot: 1

To be honest though im still not entirely sure about all of these but this is a little closer to accurate. Also i will say this you are about a thousand times closer to what people on reddit were trying to say. They were saying we were blowing up vindicators by the handful i think they also tried to list 2 or 3 orcas as well.

Oh, Do go on... no seriously ive got nothing better to do then listen to all the petty arguments and feeble trolling attempts... 

The sad thing is i'm not sure if i'm telling the truth.

QT McWhiskers
#390 - 2012-08-10 13:11:46 UTC  |  Edited by: QT McWhiskers
Edit: all and all though good job sneaking into our hole and getting all that set up although despite what you listed in this forum post we didnt have any chance to pull off a victory simply put you all had backup ships at the pos and we needed atleast 8 or 9 combat pilots on (remember the ratio is 3:to1 for attackers to defenders [atleast in RL warfare]) And at that point most of us were getting really vindictive and didnt want to give you kill mails/had to go so left it up to 2 toons.

I never said victory, I said options. You guys did well getting your orcas out. It took us completely by surprise and we werent ready for that. Good job.

The point I was trying to make is that you guys gave up WAY too early. I know you coudlnt have beaten those odds without outside help. But you could have saved more than you did.
Le'Mon Tichim
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#391 - 2012-08-10 14:06:44 UTC
QT McWhiskers wrote:
Edit: all and all though good job sneaking into our hole and getting all that set up although despite what you listed in this forum post we didnt have any chance to pull off a victory simply put you all had backup ships at the pos and we needed atleast 8 or 9 combat pilots on (remember the ratio is 3:to1 for attackers to defenders [atleast in RL warfare]) And at that point most of us were getting really vindictive and didnt want to give you kill mails/had to go so left it up to 2 toons.

I never said victory, I said options. You guys did well getting your orcas out. It took us completely by surprise and we werent ready for that. Good job.

The point I was trying to make is that you guys gave up WAY too early. I know you coudlnt have beaten those odds without outside help. But you could have saved more than you did.

Good lord, don't we have more important things to do rather than argue a point neither side is ever going to see eye to eye on? Oh, who am I kidding, this is the internet.

I wonder if any of you thought of this when we started blowing things up...

Can you hear them? They are calling to us. It is beautiful.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#392 - 2012-08-10 14:20:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Ayeson
Le'Mon Tichim wrote:

I wonder if any of you thought of this when we started blowing things up...

I was too busy laughing to think of any youtube videos really

Also, the only one of you that even decided to somewhat defend his home was your CEO I guess, which is appropriate, so GFGF to him?

From that I could tell from the vantage point in my POS bashing vindi it seemed like all the rest of you did was and right click -> self destruct and then ship up in an ECM fleet after you bored us to death, which was way after all your towers were already dead. Note: I'm not saying that isnt a legitimate strategy, but you really aren't in a position to be chestbeating bro.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#393 - 2012-08-10 15:57:38 UTC
Never having posted in the failblog, Ill relate my story of fail/win that went down yesterday.

I logged into our small scale expo hole (c4/c5) yesterday, and found the c5s still up from the previous day, complete with correct bookmarks. I jump through, and immediately see an archon, mega navy, devoter, and orca on dscan, all with exhale tags and no pos fields in system.

I was the only guy on, although there was still a direct HS so batphoning was a possibility. Unfortunately when I try ascertaining their position, I realize I dont have the bookmark, so its probably a new k162. The system is also too small to get off dscan from them to drop probes, so I say screw it and drop combats to try and get a hit on the archon as quickly as possible. I rushed it since I was visible on dscan the whole time, and only got a 75% hit from 16.0 au before they all disappeared off of dscan. Since it looked like a perfect wh collapsing fleet for a 5/5, I just figured they rolled their hole.

But then other probes start appearing, and I notice an orca again on dscan with exhale tags. I check to make sure the direct high sec is still up, and the orca lands at it and jumps through. Ok Im thinking, they still obviously have an entrance up, lets see where this goes. At about the same time, a Bite me Inc helios lands at our C4 and jumps through, then promptly jumps back out (I had all my alt toons sitting on login screens to keep dscan clear). Cool Im thinking, they havent seen anything so they have no idea really anyone is here except my helios that dropped combats.

I scan down and resolve the c5s, and to my dismay find there are no new k162s from the old bookmarks I had. Still puzzled about where they came from, when out of the blue, the bite me helios jumps back into our c4, and this time stays cloaked. Just a few minutes later, a bite me inc Orca then lands at our c4, jumps through and jumps back, and then cloaks up right off our c4 (!). Holy ****, Im thinking, theyre rolling right at our c4!

Unfortunately, their helios is still in our system, so if I log in combat toons he will see dscan light up. In addition, I only had 3 potential combat alts to throw at this problem, and I still had no eyes or intel on where they were coming from, or how far away their home system was (and therefore how long it would take for reinforcements to arrive after getting hero tackle on the orca).

And then, an opportunity presented itself. Two pilots in pods arrived to help the lone orca pilot roll. They all took turns hopping in and out and making passes on the wh.

It took me a minute to have the eureka moment, but when it hit I started slowboating my helios closer to the wh. When the orca had finished its 4th pass and decloaked, I quickly got within 6500m with my helios, and just waited for the occupant to eject so his comrades could continue and avoid the polarization timer. Much to their surprise Im sure, my helios instead decloaked, and as I was spamming the Board Ship command, my heartbeat stopped for a second as I realized I was going through the session timer, and found myself at the helm of what was previously a Bite Me Inc. owned orca!

I tried scooping my helios, but didnt have the room in the SMA. So I promptly jumped through into our C4 hot, and caused the wh to go crit. Warped off to our pos, saw their helios leave the system, and then brought closing hictors to finish off the hole with some pew ships in support just in case. Apparently none of their pilots in pods could fly a helios, because I was even able to grab that back before collapsing the wh.

After all the excitement had died down and the static was rolled, I went to check the contents of my brand new orca. It had:
- caldari control tower + fuel+stront+isotopes and random mods in the cargo
- devoter + a couple t2 cov ops frigs in the SMA
- lots of moros+rev ammo, numerous cap mods (triage, siege, cap armor rep and rr) in the corp divisions, and assorted mods+ fittings

Ie, it wasnt just a closing orca. It was an expo orca chock full of goodies :)
Le'Mon Tichim
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#394 - 2012-08-10 18:30:51 UTC
Ayeson wrote:
Le'Mon Tichim wrote:

I wonder if any of you thought of this when we started blowing things up...

I was too busy laughing to think of any youtube videos really

Also, the only one of you that even decided to somewhat defend his home was your CEO I guess, which is appropriate, so GFGF to him?

From that I could tell from the vantage point in my POS bashing vindi it seemed like all the rest of you did was and right click -> self destruct and then ship up in an ECM fleet after you bored us to death, which was way after all your towers were already dead. Note: I'm not saying that isnt a legitimate strategy, but you really aren't in a position to be chestbeating bro.

Which one? The one that, from the looks of things, kamikazed you all, or the one who snuck out in the middle of the night while he too bashed us for not throwing all those ships at you?

Can you hear them? They are calling to us. It is beautiful.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#395 - 2012-08-10 18:44:38 UTC
Le'Mon Tichim wrote:

Which one? The one that, from the looks of things, kamikazed you all, or the one who snuck out in the middle of the night while he too bashed us for not throwing all those ships at you?

I was unaware there was two of them
Le'Mon Tichim
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#396 - 2012-08-10 18:51:01 UTC
Ayeson wrote:
Le'Mon Tichim wrote:

Which one? The one that, from the looks of things, kamikazed you all, or the one who snuck out in the middle of the night while he too bashed us for not throwing all those ships at you?

I was unaware there was two of them

Very convoluted, the system was. One founded the corp because he had the skills, while the other was technically in charge. Neither of them really did anything aside from spending weeks together out in null.

Can you hear them? They are calling to us. It is beautiful.

Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#397 - 2012-08-10 18:56:43 UTC
QT McWhiskers wrote:
Edit: all and all though good job sneaking into our hole and getting all that set up although despite what you listed in this forum post we didnt have any chance to pull off a victory simply put you all had backup ships at the pos and we needed atleast 8 or 9 combat pilots on (remember the ratio is 3:to1 for attackers to defenders [atleast in RL warfare]) And at that point most of us were getting really vindictive and didnt want to give you kill mails/had to go so left it up to 2 toons.

I never said victory, I said options. You guys did well getting your orcas out. It took us completely by surprise and we werent ready for that. Good job.

The point I was trying to make is that you guys gave up WAY too early. I know you coudlnt have beaten those odds without outside help. But you could have saved more than you did.

I'm not surprised the orca breakout took you buy surprise QT, since you weren't even there. Those of us who WERE there were not taken by surprise. We were just out numbered and out ECMed. You really need to stop broadcasting opinions you know nothing about.
Tasiv Deka
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#398 - 2012-08-10 19:04:08 UTC
QT McWhiskers wrote:
Edit: all and all though good job sneaking into our hole and getting all that set up although despite what you listed in this forum post we didnt have any chance to pull off a victory simply put you all had backup ships at the pos and we needed atleast 8 or 9 combat pilots on (remember the ratio is 3:to1 for attackers to defenders [atleast in RL warfare]) And at that point most of us were getting really vindictive and didnt want to give you kill mails/had to go so left it up to 2 toons.

I never said victory, I said options. You guys did well getting your orcas out. It took us completely by surprise and we werent ready for that. Good job.

The point I was trying to make is that you guys gave up WAY too early. I know you coudlnt have beaten those odds without outside help. But you could have saved more than you did.

Like i said, sadly real life made us have to give up too early, but all in all both sides did really well in atleast one regard, i will also say this, you all are entertaining in local.

Oh, Do go on... no seriously ive got nothing better to do then listen to all the petty arguments and feeble trolling attempts... 

The sad thing is i'm not sure if i'm telling the truth.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#399 - 2012-08-10 19:07:09 UTC
I sense a bit of dissention in the ranks.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#400 - 2012-08-10 19:22:20 UTC
Tasiv Deka wrote:
Like i said, sadly real life made us have to give up too early, but all in all both sides did really well in atleast one regard, i will also say this, you all are entertaining in local.

I'm a little butthurt you didn't turn off the PW's, did you actually have roles to do that?