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getting paid for pvp

Elliot Vodka
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#21 - 2012-08-09 15:45:47 UTC
It could go well,

until you get paid to walk into an ambush....

sucks but thats life bro...

Why is it that people think this game is for everyone?A better question would be "Why do some people think this game is only for them?"

Praxis Ginimic
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2012-08-09 17:22:23 UTC
highonpop wrote:
I would be willing to purchase your security services for our corporate mining operations in Fade. How many pilots do you have and what do you fly?

I don't actually have any pilots, fly anything worth while or offer any services. The truth is that I'm just kicking around ideas. Thanks though
Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#23 - 2012-08-09 18:10:10 UTC
Praxis Ginimic wrote:
Inxentas Ultramar wrote:
This might be a better idea for lowsec. There are moments I'd wish I had a few people extra in local, now that a part of my gang is on vacation. I might be interested to hire additional security if you can pull your own weight on a gate camp. The most problematic aspect would probably be proper standings for NBSI (Not Blue Shoot It) when dealing with smaller lowsec corps that have allies. If you don't mind joining a corp temporarily to inherit these standings, your idea isn't that stupid. It also depends on how much you ask for your service. Would you settle for a cut of the bounties through Fleet mechanics?

I could just have the crew add your aliance as a contact and set to blue for the duration of the op

You could, but you would still be Not Blue to allies of your employer. You'd still be a NBSI target. Should the op take place far from the employer corps turf, it wouldn't be a problem. However, it's not realistic to keep asking allies to set standings for individuals you want to work with occasionaly. If you want to remain in your own corp I'd try to get standings (and more work) from these allies too. If you can get standings on an Alliance level, even better. Not every corp is in an Alliance though.
Praxis Ginimic
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2012-08-09 18:49:32 UTC
Inxentas Ultramar wrote:
Praxis Ginimic wrote:
Inxentas Ultramar wrote:
This might be a better idea for lowsec. There are moments I'd wish I had a few people extra in local, now that a part of my gang is on vacation. I might be interested to hire additional security if you can pull your own weight on a gate camp. The most problematic aspect would probably be proper standings for NBSI (Not Blue Shoot It) when dealing with smaller lowsec corps that have allies. If you don't mind joining a corp temporarily to inherit these standings, your idea isn't that stupid. It also depends on how much you ask for your service. Would you settle for a cut of the bounties through Fleet mechanics?

I could just have the crew add your aliance as a contact and set to blue for the duration of the op

You could, but you would still be Not Blue to allies of your employer. You'd still be a NBSI target. Should the op take place far from the employer corps turf, it wouldn't be a problem. However, it's not realistic to keep asking allies to set standings for individuals you want to work with occasionaly. If you want to remain in your own corp I'd try to get standings (and more work) from these allies too. If you can get standings on an Alliance level, even better. Not every corp is in an Alliance though.

Good point. This idea obviously needs a f#%@ ton of work. Also its seems as though I'm late to the drawing board any way. Well, maybe my next post will be a winner. I'll see you trolls then. And to those who offered constructive input..thank you
Tom Gerard
Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
#25 - 2012-08-09 18:50:24 UTC
Praxis Ginimic wrote:
Inxentas Ultramar wrote:
Praxis Ginimic wrote:
Inxentas Ultramar wrote:
This might be a better idea for lowsec. There are moments I'd wish I had a few people extra in local, now that a part of my gang is on vacation. I might be interested to hire additional security if you can pull your own weight on a gate camp. The most problematic aspect would probably be proper standings for NBSI (Not Blue Shoot It) when dealing with smaller lowsec corps that have allies. If you don't mind joining a corp temporarily to inherit these standings, your idea isn't that stupid. It also depends on how much you ask for your service. Would you settle for a cut of the bounties through Fleet mechanics?

I could just have the crew add your aliance as a contact and set to blue for the duration of the op

You could, but you would still be Not Blue to allies of your employer. You'd still be a NBSI target. Should the op take place far from the employer corps turf, it wouldn't be a problem. However, it's not realistic to keep asking allies to set standings for individuals you want to work with occasionaly. If you want to remain in your own corp I'd try to get standings (and more work) from these allies too. If you can get standings on an Alliance level, even better. Not every corp is in an Alliance though.

Good point. This idea obviously needs a f#%@ ton of work. Also its seems as though I'm late to the drawing board any way. Well, maybe my next post will be a winner. I'll see you trolls then. And to those who offered constructive input..thank you

I get paid to do many things, but PVP is not one of them.

Now with 100% less Troll.

Toaulk Rokbyter
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#26 - 2012-08-09 18:52:22 UTC
I'm always the "there is a hole in your boat" guy, and I hate it... but thats the way it works...

Couple of problems, then we can move on to solutions.

Problem #1. As a merc corp, your "safety" would be actually in the war dec system, not a "per op" hire situation. The REASON you would want to PVP in the war dec system vrs open contract is because you cannot guarantee a way to be safe if you are being paid to be somewhere at a certain time.... Too many people will bring enough friends to kill you, payment or not.

Problem #2. As someone who runs a PVP training corp, and participates in a NPC 0.0 corp, good trustworthy people don't just materialize. To run a proper merc team you are going to need people you can trust with your isk... because lets face it.. if they are flying with you they are what stands between you and disaster.

Problem #3. While these services sound good on the surface, until you had the opportunity to build a reputation as reliable protection, no "carebear" is going to hire you to come sit around their "shiney ship" in your PVP battle hardened stuff while they shoot rats or run missions, or shoot rocks in a vulnerable area. If you get to the point where you need protection, you are not going to likely trust an outside source to watch your back when there are no consequences to them putting a knife in it.

Ok... there are the holes in your boat... now we can talk about patching them or fixing them with solutions.

Solutions to problem#1: Do your "homework"... don't be lazy about who you are accepting contracts from. Know who they talk to, and what their situation is. Also, use good judgement. If someone like Fatal Ascention, who has no spine and has thousands of players at their disposal asks for your service and you don't hear Admiral Akbar in your head... don't start this service.

Solutions to Problem#2: We use a PVP training corp to seperate the good from the bad, and get our pilots experience. It is an expensive endeavor, but it helps. You can also recruit strait out of RvB or other corps and require references.... this will help some.. But remember that corp mates can not only steal, they can also shoot each other even in high security space... this goes back to trusting them with your isk. You will have to participate in wars and do other things to get your coordination on key, which will require a lot of funding.

Solution to Problem #3: Be there best there is. Be honorable beyond reproach, and fight like a whirling dervish. Eventually the community will take notice, and you will become what you wanted to be. It will have road blocks and speed bumps... but it is possible,
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