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War dec griefing!

Jim Era
#61 - 2012-08-09 17:15:27 UTC
Ginger Barbarella wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Ginger Barbarella wrote:
If you think you're being harassed file a petition.
Yea because those queues aren't long enough already. So let's waste more time on useless petitions.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it? Think about it for a couple seconds, unless you start to get a headache from the exertion.

Because war dec's are harassment.


Urgg Boolean
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2012-08-09 17:15:43 UTC
Meet the so called Bully Corp. It may suck, but it's perfectly within the rules.

A possible solution if you are a small corp: just hang out in low sec. We found a quiet 0.2 system with virtually no pod kills for lengthy periods of time, and set up PI there and in the surrounding systems. Once we are in low sec, the Wardec is dropped soon after, because they won't follow us into low sec to wage war. At least, none of the Bully corps have so far.

Now, does this cut into our profits? Yes. But a Wardec must be dealt with one way or the other. And the main idea with our strategy is that zero losses is better than minimal High Sec profits and large losses.
Scope Works
#63 - 2012-08-09 17:21:39 UTC
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Anslo wrote:

You're telling me that jump cloning 40 jumps away would not allow them to mine or mission? Living in a wormhole or nul wouldn't either?

I do believe I said that. As long as you are logged in I can find you. 40 jumps will buy you maybe ten minutes of playtime. The jumclone will just be wasted and you will have to wait another 24 hours before you can waste it again.

Anslo wrote:
Playing on alts to do the same thing wouldn't as well? Warp stabs won't let them fly around to trade?

Alts are an effective source, if they are out of the corp. Though not everybody has an alt.

Joe Phoenix learned that slapping a rack full of stabs won't stop an determined enemy, maybe you will too.

You're very bitter mate. RL problems aren't solved via pixel hunting.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#64 - 2012-08-09 17:23:05 UTC
Simetraz wrote:
This is too funny you got one merc who claims you can't get away. False
and others who scream get some balls. Why when the person the war dec'd the OP obviously doesn't have any.

I'm sure you have met my network of friends the tracking agents right? The moment you log in your little portrait lights up on my screen because I made you my friend. Then I go to the nearest station and set a trace through an agent. After a minute or 2 I get the eve-mail with him telling me what region, system, station, or belt you are in. I grab my probe ship and head in that direction. If you lose me through a little chase in systems I simply go back to the agent and set another search.

If the agent says that you are not on the known map then that means you are in a wormhole. This is a little harder but I have a secret little method of figuring out which one you are in. Once that is accomplished its just a matter of scanning again.

Now tell me, what part of that description is false.

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

Azn Empire
#65 - 2012-08-09 17:23:09 UTC
Jim Era wrote:
Ginger Barbarella wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Ginger Barbarella wrote:
If you think you're being harassed file a petition.
Yea because those queues aren't long enough already. So let's waste more time on useless petitions.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it? Think about it for a couple seconds, unless you start to get a headache from the exertion.

Because war dec's are harassment.
Damn, I wish I'd of thought of that before posting. Thanks Jim. Cool

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

The Fiction Factory
#66 - 2012-08-09 17:24:17 UTC
There is no honor in EVE. A kill is a kill, it's all about the green numbers on your killboard because that will make you an important person, right?


What if the green numbers are all suicide ganks?
What if all the numbers are alts?
What if all the numbers are missioners and miners?

Does that make you important?

No, it does not.
But sadly alot of people think so. So they wardec non-pvp corpsto get these green numbers. Funny part is, they're just as much carebears as the ones they claim to shoot. Why? Simple, if enemy shot back they would loose their ships and get a red number.
It's how EVE is and its how it works in general despite what the "highsec pvp'ers" say.

As for those who say EVE is a pvp game, yes you're right. But it's also so much more than just pvp, did you know? Afterall, CCP advertises that EVE is a sandbox game, allowing PvE and PvP. With the current mechanics no matter how often the highsec pvp'ers give tears, it's all in their favor aslong as they have the option for wardec. It wont change and it will always be here no matter if CCP raises wardec to 500mil or not. Pvp'ers just cry then as they have to use isk to shoot you. Seen it countless of times.

For myself, i'm a bit of both. I play EVE for the fun of the moment, meaning sometimes PvE has my attention and other times PvP. However, on the PvP side, the kills that fight back are 1000 times more satisfying wether you loose or not. (Yup i'm not good at it, but still have fun) and having fun is what EVE is all about.

Therefore i understand the OP in some ways and some not. But it's true regarding the industry pilot. If a pilot plays the game for industry and train for it, what use would he be in a fight if he's expertise lies elsewhere? Thus he stays docked and the wardec'ing side give delicius tears about undocking and such :)
Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#67 - 2012-08-09 17:26:02 UTC
Anslo wrote:
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Anslo wrote:

You're telling me that jump cloning 40 jumps away would not allow them to mine or mission? Living in a wormhole or nul wouldn't either?

I do believe I said that. As long as you are logged in I can find you. 40 jumps will buy you maybe ten minutes of playtime. The jumpclone will just be wasted and you will have to wait another 24 hours before you can waste it again.

Anslo wrote:
Playing on alts to do the same thing wouldn't as well? Warp stabs won't let them fly around to trade?

Alts are an effective source, if they are out of the corp. Though not everybody has an alt.

Joe Phoenix learned that slapping a rack full of stabs won't stop an determined enemy, maybe you will too.

You're very bitter mate. RL problems aren't solved via pixel hunting.

Usual fallback when you've got nothing. Unfortunately ad hominem's aren't very effective I'm afraid and I will still find you.

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

Jim Era
#68 - 2012-08-09 17:30:30 UTC
Amiar wrote:
stuff n' things

Its a kill, or be killed world. make your choice.


Scope Works
#69 - 2012-08-09 17:30:30 UTC
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Anslo wrote:
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Anslo wrote:

You're telling me that jump cloning 40 jumps away would not allow them to mine or mission? Living in a wormhole or nul wouldn't either?

I do believe I said that. As long as you are logged in I can find you. 40 jumps will buy you maybe ten minutes of playtime. The jumpclone will just be wasted and you will have to wait another 24 hours before you can waste it again.

Anslo wrote:
Playing on alts to do the same thing wouldn't as well? Warp stabs won't let them fly around to trade?

Alts are an effective source, if they are out of the corp. Though not everybody has an alt.

Joe Phoenix learned that slapping a rack full of stabs won't stop an determined enemy, maybe you will too.

You're very bitter mate. RL problems aren't solved via pixel hunting.

Usual fallback when you've got nothing. Unfortunately ad hominem's aren't very effective I'm afraid and I will still find you.

Well looking at
your killboard
, I guess I should be very afraid. Please don't hurt me Mr. Merc.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#70 - 2012-08-09 17:31:58 UTC
Claudia Heti wrote:
I am here to ask what everyone thinks about corps who war dec a mining/indy corp/alliance to stop them from doing their normal activities like mining, misisoning, ratting ect. and also so they can get a few easy kills in between.

This is where you're getting things mixed up, they are doing it FOR the kills, this isn't griefing, its a PvP Game, no one ever picks a target they know they are going to loose for, if they are picking you/your corp/some corp you know then its because they've made themselves look like a weak target.

Claudia Heti wrote:
Also for allot of new players it can be somewhat scary for them as they will just sit in the station all day because they are too scared to undock incase they get blown up. Not only new players are affected, people who have just skilled in the indy side of things won't exactly be up for undocking to get blown up either cause they may not have the skills to fight back or just not have experience to fight the attackers. This is not a fun way to play the game.

It's actually been brought up by the CSM to help introduce new players sooner to loosing a ship/getting podded, to help remove this pre-set fear/worry a newer player has from having this happen to them.

Claudia Heti wrote:
Now what is your opinion and what can we do about it?

As an Industrialist, my opinion is that it is fine just the way it is, I don't consider it griefing, I consider it part of the game, hulkageddon hasn't impacted my corp because myself and my friends pay attention and only take calculable risks.
Azn Empire
#71 - 2012-08-09 17:33:15 UTC
ohnoes, he's posted KB stats, this must mean you were wrong. Oh wait.... Roll

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Soundwave Plays Diablo
#72 - 2012-08-09 17:33:58 UTC
Claudia Heti wrote:
I am here to ask what everyone thinks about corps who war dec a mining/indy corp/alliance to stop them from doing their normal activities like mining, misisoning, ratting ect. and also so they can get a few easy kills in between. Also for allot of new players it can be somewhat scary for them as they will just sit in the station all day because they are too scared to undock incase they get blown up. Not only new players are affected, people who have just skilled in the indy side of things won't exactly be up for undocking to get blown up either cause they may not have the skills to fight back or just not have experience to fight the attackers. This is not a fun way to play the game.

Now I know it's not just us it is happening to, it is happening to many many other corps/alliances and to be honest it is really really annoying allot of us.

I know there may be allot of people against me on this but this has to stop, it has gone too far now. This ontop of hulkageddon is making miners angry and frustrated. Personally for me the game is no longer fun, I know many people who feels the same way and it is all because of these idiots who think it is fun to grief us and other miners alike.

Now what is your opinion and what can we do about it?

I should probably state this is based on a personal problem but not all the scenarios apply to us, like the sitting docked up, we are fully willing to stand up for ourselfs. What I am trying to say is we shouldn't be forced to PvP, we enjoy doing other things but can't do it if we are war deced.

PS. dropping out of corp/alliance is out of question.

(We are not looking for help we are doing fine, this is meant for discussion on the matter for other people to see and maybe get some advice)

Yes this is an alt.

What corp is your main in? I'll come to your assistance.

Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#73 - 2012-08-09 17:34:15 UTC
Anslo wrote:

Well looking at
your killboard
, I guess I should be very afraid. Please don't hurt me Mr. Merc.

You broke the link. But don't worry too much, I don't chase npc characters around. Also rest assured that this isn't my only character.

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#74 - 2012-08-09 17:35:28 UTC
Claudia Heti wrote:
I should probably state this is based on a personal problem but not all the scenarios apply to us, like the sitting docked up, we are fully willing to stand up for ourselfs. What I am trying to say is we shouldn't be forced to PvP, we enjoy doing other things but can't do it if we are war deced.

Ok, here's my question for you......... Lets say CCP and everyone in these forums, jumps up and agreed with you suddenly, and through some magic made it impossible for people to war-dec and grief industrial corps, because "they don't want to pvp".

With this in mind, what is the risk vs reward factor for your chosen profession? With the chance of being suicide ganked or war-decced, what is the possible risk to your activities? wouldn't that make the game horribly boring and dull?

Additionally, making empire activities like this That safe, would mean even more people would do it, which means there would be even more competition, which would mean your profit margins would get nuked.
256th Shadow Wing
#75 - 2012-08-09 17:35:47 UTC
1. Hire some help.
2. Train up some combat skills. Make this a thing your whole corp/alliance does.
Have some train for blackbirds and ecm. Easy and effective. Have some skill for drakes and missiles. Have some skill for Rifters and hurricanes.
Mission runners can do the combat roles and miners/haulers/indy guys can do the ewar rolls.
3. build a nice flock of blackbirds drakes canes and Rifters.
4. go out as a fleet and have some fun.

if you are indy guys and missioners then isk shouldn't be an issue nor building your own ships.

either you do the above suggestions, leave your corp, or sit in station and suffer. This is EVE not candy land. Grow some cojones or lay on your back and take it.
Scope Works
#76 - 2012-08-09 17:36:33 UTC
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Anslo wrote:

Well looking at
your killboard
, I guess I should be very afraid. Please don't hurt me Mr. Merc.

You broke the link. But don't worry too much, I don't chase npc characters around. Also rest assured that this isn't my only character.

Not broken when I click it lol. Also, obligatory flame for not posting with your main.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#77 - 2012-08-09 17:39:56 UTC
Anslo wrote:
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Anslo wrote:

Well looking at
your killboard
, I guess I should be very afraid. Please don't hurt me Mr. Merc.

You broke the link. But don't worry too much, I don't chase npc characters around. Also rest assured that this isn't my only character.

Not broken when I click it lol. Also, obligatory flame for not posting with your main.

It is leading me to a blank page and no flame about main posting, I don't attack people I can't dec (unless its low or null). Do you have anything else that is actually constructive to thread itself or are you finally out of steam and just want to resort to a tit for tat?

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **

Scope Works
#78 - 2012-08-09 17:40:57 UTC
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Anslo wrote:
Micheal Dietrich wrote:
Anslo wrote:

Well looking at
your killboard
, I guess I should be very afraid. Please don't hurt me Mr. Merc.

You broke the link. But don't worry too much, I don't chase npc characters around. Also rest assured that this isn't my only character.

Not broken when I click it lol. Also, obligatory flame for not posting with your main.

It is leading me to a blank page and no flame about main posting, I don't attack people I can't dec (unless its low or null). Do you have anything else that is actually constructive to thread itself or are you finally out of steam and just want to resort to a tit for tat?

What do you fly when you "hunt?" I'm just curious :3

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Pak Narhoo
Splinter Foundation
#79 - 2012-08-09 17:42:51 UTC
I think that if that alt dear OP you just posted with can be tracked down to your corp, you made the wardec declared upon you now being extended.

- It's part of the game, deal with it.
- Stop crying, deal with it.
- You are not special. So why should the rules be changed for you?
- You must have done something, local smack talk usually does it, to get the attention of others. Kick the dudes in your corp who have trouble keeping their mouths shut.

- If you'd bother to check other corporations wars you may find a clue how long these last. (hint not that long).
- Have a corp member with diplo skills contact the wardeccers, see whats the deal and or can be worked out.
- Jump into no-implant/ low cost clones, then get in those frigates and see what damage you can do.
- Stop mining when being wardecced, don't use Orca's or freighters or anything you do not want to lose.
- Check who is in the corporation(s) that wardecced you. Maybe you can find a time to be online when they are not.
- Even better, set a trap and shoot them back. A lot of wardeccers run like hell in the opposite way if you show you're fighting back.
- Stay docked up, even better don't log in. Patience is on your side most of the time.

See it as an opportunity to learn from this thing which involves large part of the game.

- Oh yeah, hire guns to shoot back for you.
- Jump into low sec, hide there. Some high sec wardeccers have trouble following you there.
- Combine anything of the above, again see it as an opportunity, not a loss.
Micheal Dietrich
Kings Gambit Black
#80 - 2012-08-09 17:44:25 UTC
Anslo wrote:

What do you fly when you "hunt?" I'm just curious :3

Depends on what the opponent is flying. You've got a working copy of my killboard, that should give you an idea. I can fly almost everything up to BS and I can shoot anything that has a trigger so I can keep my options open.

Out of Pod is getting In the Pod - Join in game channel **IG OOPE **