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New NeX store idea - Doritos and Tacos

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Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#21 - 2011-10-12 13:54:18 UTC
I get really really hungry for tacos whenever I smoke those "Sweet Leaves" that the pirates drop.....I'll admit it, I've grown too fond of them.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Blue Nine Industries
#22 - 2011-10-12 13:55:34 UTC
CCP Wrangler wrote:
Those things doesn't exactly fit in with the story in EVE Online though. People came through the EVE gate, when it closed all civilizations collapsed and had to be rebuilt over tens of thousands of years, but somehow Doritos survived? Lol

First thing I would have rebuilt is a Burrito.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#23 - 2011-10-12 14:06:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Zagam
CCP Wrangler wrote:
Those things doesn't exactly fit in with the story in EVE Online though. People came through the EVE gate, when it closed all civilizations collapsed and had to be rebuilt over tens of thousands of years, but somehow Doritos survived? Lol

A couple of things...

First off, have you ever left a Dorito under the seat in your car, only to find it a week later looking perfectly ok? If it can survive a week in your car, it can survive a trip through a wormhole.

Secondly, as others have mentioned, history repeats itself, and Doritos are a good idea. Therefore, they are bound to be repeated.

Third, it doesn't have to be called a "Dorito". It can be a "Vorito" or something like that. And "Funyuns" can become "Dunyuns" or "Funwuns".

And finally, have a few drinks then reconsider this topic. I'm sure that a bit of alcohol will clarify things.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#24 - 2011-10-12 14:07:06 UTC
Mersault wrote:
CCP Wrangler wrote:
Those things doesn't exactly fit in with the story in EVE Online though. People came through the EVE gate, when it closed all civilizations collapsed and had to be rebuilt over tens of thousands of years, but somehow Doritos survived? Lol

First thing I would have rebuilt is a Burrito.

Lord MuffloN
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#25 - 2011-10-12 14:30:03 UTC
CCP Wrangler wrote:
Those things doesn't exactly fit in with the story in EVE Online though. People came through the EVE gate, when it closed all civilizations collapsed and had to be rebuilt over tens of thousands of years, but somehow Doritos survived? Lol

You wouldn't expect a advanced civilization to rebuild such grand things inadvertertenly? Brand matters less, but damn, SOMEONE would make Tacos, and someone WOULD make Doritos! HEATEN!
Chiana Moro
Hideaway Hunters
The Hideaway.
#26 - 2011-10-12 14:48:25 UTC
CCP Wrangler wrote:
Those things doesn't exactly fit in with the story in EVE Online though. People came through the EVE gate, when it closed all civilizations collapsed and had to be rebuilt over tens of thousands of years, but somehow Doritos survived? Lol

Grans recipes? Familly cookbook?
Must be worth a fortune ...

(oh noes, I gave CCP a pricing idea Twisted )
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#27 - 2011-10-12 15:51:39 UTC
CCP Wrangler wrote:
Those things doesn't exactly fit in with the story in EVE Online though. People came through the EVE gate, when it closed all civilizations collapsed and had to be rebuilt over tens of thousands of years, but somehow Doritos survived? Lol

Maybe you can call them "durritos". :-P

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Verboten Technologies
#28 - 2011-10-12 16:01:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Epiphaniess
Tacos and Doritos are actually a special Minmatar tribal ceremonial food, meant only for the most celebrated, courageous, and prestigious tribal warriors used in the most revered of tribal ceremonies. A extraordinary ceremony, to honor said tribal warriors before all of the honorable tribal elders. To show that said warriors are worthy of the great burdens that will be quested on them from then onto forever in the leadership of and the defenses of spectacular tribal traditions and ways of the Minmatar tribes.

Then one day the Amarr showed up and claimed they came in peace and wanted to be friends. That they wanted to show and tell the Minmatar about their god. But the Minmatar told the Amarr that they had no need for a god such as the one the Amarr was trying to push on them. That something must be wrong with the Amarr and their ways, if they felt the need to push and persuade others to follow their beliefs. That their beliefs were full of contradictions and hypocrisy and did not have any true spirit for the souls of the Minmatar.

In the meantime as the Amarr were acting as they wanted to be friends, being in actuality a vile, evil race of snaked tongued spinner of lies. The Amarr surreptitiously discovered the Minmatar ceremonies that was to honor their warriors and became enraged with envy and greed. For they discovered Minmatar's prized ceremonial foods of Tacos an Doritos and were horrified and ashamed that the Minmatars ceremonial food was a delicious ambrosia compared to the vile tasting, nauseating, offensive slimy hardtack that the Amarr used to praise beg for favors from their sinister flagitious all corrupting evil false god.

After the Minmatar banished the wretched Amarr and their baleful god of corruption. The Amarr promptly came back to steal the secrets of Tacos and Doritos for themselves being jealous that the Minmatar would have such an extraordinarily delicious ambrosia of ceremonial foods. Which was how the mass murder and slavery of the Minmatar race by the unworthy Amarr came about many many years in the past tell the Minmatar through great power of their will managed to rebel and will one day show help every Amarr face their wretched god face to face through death.
Tir Capital Management Group
#29 - 2011-10-12 16:27:52 UTC
CCP Wrangler wrote:
Those things doesn't exactly fit in with the story in EVE Online though. People came through the EVE gate, when it closed all civilizations collapsed and had to be rebuilt over tens of thousands of years, but somehow Doritos survived? Lol

Hate to tell you this... but Dorito's are already in space.

Likelihood isn't that bad (let's not get into the odds please), depending on where EVE Galaxy is.

Where I am.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#30 - 2011-10-12 18:12:01 UTC
Bloodpetal wrote:
CCP Wrangler wrote:
Those things doesn't exactly fit in with the story in EVE Online though. People came through the EVE gate, when it closed all civilizations collapsed and had to be rebuilt over tens of thousands of years, but somehow Doritos survived? Lol

Hate to tell you this... but Dorito's are already in space.

Likelihood isn't that bad (let's not get into the odds please), depending on where EVE Galaxy is.

See? Now we have an even more plausible lore connection.

30,000 light years away, in the EVE part of the universe, the Doritos commercial would be received approximately 30k years after transmission. Since timeline matches up (give or take a few thousand LY/years), all it would take is one entrepreneur to see the transmission, and have a light bulb moment. Voila! Doritos in EVE!
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