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Hulk nerf

Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#41 - 2012-08-08 18:33:28 UTC
Malsavias Toralen wrote:
Hey, neat trick, run 2 hulks with a retriever or a Mack, insta mining hauler.

Hey, we'll have none of that creative thinking in this whine thread Blink

[Kudos though for using your noggin and adapting.]
Aaron Younger
Shadow Legions.
#42 - 2012-08-08 18:35:23 UTC
Javajunky wrote:

None of you saw this post where I was raging about this for like a month?

This had nothing to do with people who mine as a profession, we all got the big middle finger from CCP on this you have to realize it. This was purely empire pubbie love pure and simple.

The only people who aren't complaining about this is empire pubbies, because they know its a null sec nerf and it doesn't bother them one bit they only mine empire ores... they have never had to flip a grav site...

I mine Grav sites daily (nothing challenging about them at all, easier than belts actually) and this in no way affects my gameplay except now I have to switch to Mercoxite and Ice rigs from Cargo Rigs. These changes are mainly for people in High Sec and those that wish for a safer play style your right but its def not a nerf to Null Sec Dwellers. If you mine in Null Grav sites your already going to be in a fleet with a hauler and if your not then, well, IDK what to tell you. Let your hauler bring crystals out for you if you need more than you can hold, it's not hard.
Syphon Lodian
Fabled Enterprises
#43 - 2012-08-08 18:56:00 UTC
moronv wrote:

so when my 3 accounts expire it will be goodbye eve. Well done ccp

Contract me your Mining Assets, and I will keep them safe.

I'm part of an industrial enterprise.
Idris Helion
#44 - 2012-08-08 19:20:05 UTC
moronv wrote:
Well it looks like my playing days are over, The Hulk has finally been nerfed. Max Ore cargo 8,500 m3 cant expand it any bigger
so when my 3 accounts expire it will be goodbye eve. Well done ccp

So buy a Mack instead. Way bigger cargo, slightly less yield. Fair trade, IMO. (Plus Macks are a hell of a lot cheaper than a Hulk, though I doubt that will still be true to the same extent going forward.)
Idris Helion
#45 - 2012-08-08 19:28:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Idris Helion
Dave stark wrote:
Bad Axe wrote:
Toroup wrote:
Wow, ok. So if you want the marginally better yield of the Hulk then jetcan it and have a hauler. If you want to solo mine then use the Mack. No reason to be so over dramatic about it. Hulks have better yield but you have to haul to make it work. It's a change, you adapt.

For me personally, I have always jetcanned so it really doesn't matter.


every one with a braincell jetcan mines, before today no ships had a big enough capacity to justify not jetcan mining.

Yep. It's been ages since I've seen anyone with a Hulk doing anything other than jetcanning (or using an Orca). I never kept more than 1 cycle of ore in my bay at any given time anyhow, so the cargohold changes wouldn't affect me much in any case. Actually, having a larger ore bay may finally make jetcanning more trouble than it's worth in the Mack.

And I'm really glad I bought some Rets and Macks back when I heard the barge changes were in the offing.

This change also finally makes it worthwhile to buy the lowly Procurer, a ship that prior to this change only served to provide a hull for the Skiff.

This change is a MAJOR change for the better, IMO.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2012-08-08 19:30:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Javajunky
Aaron Younger wrote:
Javajunky wrote:

None of you saw this post where I was raging about this for like a month?

This had nothing to do with people who mine as a profession, we all got the big middle finger from CCP on this you have to realize it. This was purely empire pubbie love pure and simple.

The only people who aren't complaining about this is empire pubbies, because they know its a null sec nerf and it doesn't bother them one bit they only mine empire ores... they have never had to flip a grav site...

I mine Grav sites daily (nothing challenging about them at all, easier than belts actually) and this in no way affects my gameplay except now I have to switch to Mercoxite and Ice rigs from Cargo Rigs. These changes are mainly for people in High Sec and those that wish for a safer play style your right but its def not a nerf to Null Sec Dwellers. If you mine in Null Grav sites your already going to be in a fleet with a hauler and if your not then, well, IDK what to tell you. Let your hauler bring crystals out for you if you need more than you can hold, it's not hard.

You know nothing of multi-boxing. Sorry you're missing the point.
Idris Helion
#47 - 2012-08-08 19:42:16 UTC
Crexa wrote:
Ok, so lets assume the OP has had a nervious breakdown and the Hulk is still a useful ship. Any ideas on re-arranging a fit that boosted max cargo to something else? No need to be tank heavy.

Hulks are now considered fleet-mining vessels. If you solo and need ore-storage more than raw yield, go with a Mack. Also, since a Mack only needs 2 crystals rather than 3, you'll save a bit of coin on re-outfitting. Not a big deal, but every ISK helps.

But honestly, most hisec miners I know who use Hulks have corp-members/alts who drive haulers for them. As I said in a previous post, it's been forever since I've actually seen someone use a Hulk for ore-hauling. It was silly to use it that way even before the barge changes -- the Hulk was for yield, not transport. That's still true.

All the miners got something nice: null and lowsec miners got a BS-tanked hull (Procurer/Skiff), hisec miners got a massive ore bay (Retriever/Mackinaw), and fleet miners got a whole load of cheaper Hulks now that everyone else will be selling them.

I think CCP did a really good job on this one. (However, I reserve the right to change my opinion once I see how high the price for a Mack goes when I log in tonight....)
Aaron Younger
Shadow Legions.
#48 - 2012-08-08 19:44:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Aaron Younger
Javajunky wrote:
Aaron Younger wrote:
Javajunky wrote:

None of you saw this post where I was raging about this for like a month?

This had nothing to do with people who mine as a profession, we all got the big middle finger from CCP on this you have to realize it. This was purely empire pubbie love pure and simple.

The only people who aren't complaining about this is empire pubbies, because they know its a null sec nerf and it doesn't bother them one bit they only mine empire ores... they have never had to flip a grav site...

I mine Grav sites daily (nothing challenging about them at all, easier than belts actually) and this in no way affects my gameplay except now I have to switch to Mercoxite and Ice rigs from Cargo Rigs. These changes are mainly for people in High Sec and those that wish for a safer play style your right but its def not a nerf to Null Sec Dwellers. If you mine in Null Grav sites your already going to be in a fleet with a hauler and if your not then, well, IDK what to tell you. Let your hauler bring crystals out for you if you need more than you can hold, it's not hard.

You know nothing of multi-boxing. Sorry you're missing the point. The hulk cargo bay nerf is a nerf on Multi-boxers, legitimate players. Hmmm.. I got 10 hulks - which ones are doing which now... oh well I'm done with Ark, let me switch - oh but no flcuk me wait now I gotta wait for a rorq to undock and get my crytals... oh fluckin wonderful, no everything is out of sync again - need to restart so everyhting is cylcing..... see all things things I just said here... nothing you've experienced unless you're a mulit-boxer. Seriously... like me chiming in on the Gymnastics events at the Olympics when the only thing I reall know whats going on in - is baseball...

GJ on being wrong again. I do multibox, not with 10 accounts, but if your doing that many the door is that way ---->>> dont be worried about that bright stuff its called sunlight. If your running 10 accounts your already committed to mining being a second (or first) job and I don't feel bad for your "problem". I've yet to run into any problems running 4 accounts while NEVER keeping crystals in the Miners. Spread those lasers out a little more so your not overlapping ores as much. Or better yet hit an ice field, only a little less ISK/HR with almost no headache and easier logistics.

Edit: Also people who don't multibox aren't "Legitimate?"
Caruleum Ursa
Orion Ore International
#49 - 2012-08-08 19:53:10 UTC
Basically, you hit the nail on the head. The Cargo Bay Nerf makes it a lot harder to switch crystals on the fly.

Even if you plan ahead, when you work in a mining group then the damn roid will go POP and you have to swtich out crystals.
If you are with a good group of miners flipping grav sites, you will have to switch crystals out OFTEN.
And, then there's also those burned out crystals that need to be replaced...

Depending where you are located, there won't be a lot of orcas running about to solve your problems ... as the ORCA is mostly a creature of EMPIRE. So, yeah. This is a big cookie for the EMPIRE MINERS, but ONLY if they like to keep their CRYSTALS in their ORCA. I vaguely remember when I did mine in empire 4 yuears ago that those roids pop really fast and crystals needed to change often.

OK. So, you claim it's not a bug and it's not a nerf. IT's just another FEATURE that happens to make playing EvE a bit more difficult for certain people... Yeah, sure. Only more difficult for people who aren't mining in EMPIRE into their ORCA.



I don't care WHAT they say so far. I still feel like I was deceived by all the promo saying this would help miners. Most people I know were already jet canning and didn't really need this new fat "ore hold". And, who cares about a battleship procurer, anyways?

KUDOS for making frigates shiny, but why nerf our well loved "EvE standard" HULK????
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#50 - 2012-08-08 19:53:49 UTC
Aaron Younger wrote:
Stuff .

Get back to me when you've got more than 10 accounts.
Aaron Younger
Shadow Legions.
#51 - 2012-08-08 19:56:21 UTC
Javajunky wrote:
Aaron Younger wrote:
Stuff .

Get back to me when you've got more than 10 accounts.

Hahaha. I think I heard you mom saying your sandwhiches were done but that shes sorry she forgot the Dunkaroos. Like i said the door is that way ------------->>>>>>>>>>>
Idris Helion
#52 - 2012-08-08 20:05:13 UTC
Caruleum Ursa wrote:

If you're a nullsec miner and carry all that crap in your Hulk, you're doing it wrong. You need to find a mining crew who knows what they're doing. If you're maxing cargo on a Hulk in nullsec, you're begging for a gank -- a properly-tanked nullsec Hulk didn't have much cargo room even before the change.

It sounds to me like your problem is ****-poor logistics, not a lack of ore-hold capacity.
Caruleum Ursa
Orion Ore International
#53 - 2012-08-08 20:33:15 UTC
Idris Helion wrote:
Caruleum Ursa wrote:

If you're a nullsec miner and carry all that crap in your Hulk, you're doing it wrong. You need to find a mining crew who knows what they're doing. If you're maxing cargo on a Hulk in nullsec, you're begging for a gank -- a properly-tanked nullsec Hulk didn't have much cargo room even before the change.

It sounds to me like your problem is ****-poor logistics, not a lack of ore-hold capacity.

Oh, good advice. I just need a new corporation in Null Sec!

What is the name of your PvP Corp/Alliance with the regular mining crews that will give me free T2 crystals?

It's not one of those Gypsy Renter groups, is it?
Ickthus Incentive
#54 - 2012-08-08 20:45:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Voltlock
Caruleum Ursa wrote:
Oh, good advice. I just need a new corporation in Null Sec!

Or you can just fit a Skiff, work it out. It really wouldn't be hard to solo mine in nullsec with one, it has a 15,000m3 ore hold, plenty of room for a "set" of crystals, as in it only has one miner and only needs 1 crystal.

It's also small and likely quick to align for warp, so I'd imagine it wouldn't hurt fitting a couple astronautic rigs to improve inertia. As for low slots? Warp core stabilisers, sure it reduces your target range by a lot, but you could just save a location close to the roids and warp in there.
Idris Helion
#55 - 2012-08-08 20:53:58 UTC
Caruleum Ursa wrote:
Idris Helion wrote:
Caruleum Ursa wrote:

If you're a nullsec miner and carry all that crap in your Hulk, you're doing it wrong. You need to find a mining crew who knows what they're doing. If you're maxing cargo on a Hulk in nullsec, you're begging for a gank -- a properly-tanked nullsec Hulk didn't have much cargo room even before the change.

It sounds to me like your problem is ****-poor logistics, not a lack of ore-hold capacity.

Oh, good advice. I just need a new corporation in Null Sec!

What is the name of your PvP Corp/Alliance with the regular mining crews that will give me free T2 crystals?

It's not one of those Gypsy Renter groups, is it?

Let me explain it slowly for you: nullsec mining is about logistics, not yield. It doesn't matter how much ore you mine if you can't turn it into ISK. If you are into manufacturing for nullsec markets, you'd probably do better to buy ore rather than mine it yourself; if you're into selling ore, you should be focusing on Orca/Rorqual mining gangs (with appropriate escort).

But if you're determined to mine in the lamest and most inefficient possible way in nullsec, then buy a Mack and take your chances against the rats or buy a Skiff and tank them. Or move back to Empire space.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#56 - 2012-08-08 20:54:19 UTC
moronv wrote:
Well it looks like my playing days are over, The Hulk has finally been nerfed. Max Ore cargo 8,500 m3 cant expand it any bigger
so when my 3 accounts expire it will be goodbye eve. Well done ccp

Can I have your Hulks?

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

Ginger Barbarella
#57 - 2012-08-08 21:08:02 UTC
moronv wrote:
Well it looks like my playing days are over, The Hulk has finally been nerfed. Max Ore cargo 8,500 m3 cant expand it any bigger
so when my 3 accounts expire it will be goodbye eve. Well done ccp

Let me guess: you paid for a full year, and you'll be "quitting" when that year is up in 8 months.

UNLESS CCP dares to "fix" the problem...


"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Caruleum Ursa
Orion Ore International
#58 - 2012-08-08 22:10:03 UTC
Idris Helion wrote:
Caruleum Ursa wrote:
Idris Helion wrote:
Caruleum Ursa wrote:

If you're a nullsec miner and carry all that crap in your Hulk, you're doing it wrong. You need to find a mining crew who knows what they're doing. If you're maxing cargo on a Hulk in nullsec, you're begging for a gank -- a properly-tanked nullsec Hulk didn't have much cargo room even before the change.

It sounds to me like your problem is ****-poor logistics, not a lack of ore-hold capacity.

Oh, good advice. I just need a new corporation in Null Sec!

What is the name of your PvP Corp/Alliance with the regular mining crews that will give me free T2 crystals?

It's not one of those Gypsy Renter groups, is it?

Let me explain it slowly for you: nullsec mining is about logistics, not yield. It doesn't matter how much ore you mine if you can't turn it into ISK. If you are into manufacturing for nullsec markets, you'd probably do better to buy ore rather than mine it yourself; if you're into selling ore, you should be focusing on Orca/Rorqual mining gangs (with appropriate escort).

But if you're determined to mine in the lamest and most inefficient possible way in nullsec, then buy a Mack and take your chances against the rats or buy a Skiff and tank them. Or move back to Empire space.

Oh, wai... I thought I had to join YOUR group to get it right. But, you won't tell me who it is. Darn.
[Did he dectect troll?] I was really looking forward to getting some FREE T-2 mining crystals from your ORCA/RORQUAL.

It's probably just best to switch over and do ratting, once again. Better isk in the anoms, and less hassle.
I did enjoy building stuff, but perhaps that's better left to the EMPIRE DWELLERS with HULK/ORCA combos.
That's probably what CCP intended, anyways.

I can put my HULK on the shelf next to the Fighters from my 2005 Carrier. Awesome stuff.

P.S. - it's amazing to me how many people apparently couldn't afford to field a full set of mining crystals - guess those guys really won't care. They aren't concerned about YIELD or EFFICIENCY and so they probably prefer using a SKIFF, now, anyways.

The Dresdeneers
#59 - 2012-08-08 22:14:35 UTC
Caruleum Ursa wrote:
Idris Helion wrote:
Caruleum Ursa wrote:
Idris Helion wrote:
Caruleum Ursa wrote:

If you're a nullsec miner and carry all that crap in your Hulk, you're doing it wrong. You need to find a mining crew who knows what they're doing. If you're maxing cargo on a Hulk in nullsec, you're begging for a gank -- a properly-tanked nullsec Hulk didn't have much cargo room even before the change.

It sounds to me like your problem is ****-poor logistics, not a lack of ore-hold capacity.

Oh, good advice. I just need a new corporation in Null Sec!

What is the name of your PvP Corp/Alliance with the regular mining crews that will give me free T2 crystals?

It's not one of those Gypsy Renter groups, is it?

Let me explain it slowly for you: nullsec mining is about logistics, not yield. It doesn't matter how much ore you mine if you can't turn it into ISK. If you are into manufacturing for nullsec markets, you'd probably do better to buy ore rather than mine it yourself; if you're into selling ore, you should be focusing on Orca/Rorqual mining gangs (with appropriate escort).

But if you're determined to mine in the lamest and most inefficient possible way in nullsec, then buy a Mack and take your chances against the rats or buy a Skiff and tank them. Or move back to Empire space.

Oh, wai... I thought I had to join YOUR group to get it right. But, you won't tell me who it is. Darn.
[Did he dectect troll?] I was really looking forward to getting some FREE T-2 mining crystals from your ORCA/RORQUAL.

It's probably just best to switch over and do ratting, once again. Better isk in the anoms, and less hassle.
I did enjoy building stuff, but perhaps that's better left to the EMPIRE DWELLERS with HULK/ORCA combos.
That's probably what CCP intended, anyways.

I can put my HULK on the shelf next to the Fighters from my 2005 Carrier. Awesome stuff.

P.S. - it's amazing to me how many people apparently couldn't afford to field a full set of mining crystals - guess those guys really won't care. They aren't concerned about YIELD or EFFICIENCY and so they probably prefer using a SKIFF, now, anyways.


Seriously, I'm having a difficult time making sense of whatever the gripe is. Apparently someone who has a stuck CAPS KEY is not happy? Or wanted free stuff...or has no clue how to do much of anything at all save forum-rage.

Seriously, it sounds like someone's yelling for the sake of yelling. Just adapt and overcome, there's plenty of logic and advice posted in here already.

Oh, you might want to have your keyboard checked. The Caps/Shift key seems to malfunction often.
Minmatar Citizen160812
The LGBT Last Supper
#60 - 2012-08-08 22:28:32 UTC
I mistakenly trained for a Hulk when I first started playing to make money and stopped at a Retriever when I realized just stealing the ore was more lucrative. It was also a much more active type of game-play. I thought those skill points were a total waste after becoming an outlaw...until today. Now, I can mine the good stuff in a decent ship while I wait for prey which I previously wouldn't do because it would mean jet canning and if ya think that's dumb in high sec do it in low where shooting it is ok.

This one is a win all around for people with braincells that still function normally.


Everyone take 5 minutes and learn how to locate and read patch notes the day before a patch is released if ya don't understand what just happened. P