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A Question for you Pl industrialists by a Dust514 beta-tester....

Adoniah Carrefour
the Whatley Brothers
#21 - 2012-08-07 19:56:55 UTC
blood hauler wrote:
It would be like if ccp gave eve players control over dust players ammo supply.

The outcry from dust players would be huge

Pretty sure Eve industrialists will be manufacturing everything we use. Not to mention the burn rate at which we go through gear is off the charts. Dust as it has been envisioned for launch in the minutes is a huge isk bonus to any industrialist that wants in on the action. Mind you it is free to play so maybe they have no plans to give us influence over any of the in game resources, I suppose there would be some some logic to that.
Ginger Barbarella
#22 - 2012-08-07 22:15:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Ginger Barbarella
Adoniah Carrefour wrote:
(edit: serious question asked in a tongue-in-cheek manner) .. would you crap your pants and rage-quit if Pl was only available through Dust514 assets?

Answered in a serious manner: CCP requiring me to invest in a) a new game (Dust) and b) a game console that I would use ONLY for one purpose in one game would honestly have me reconsidering my commitment to CCP Games in general.

Edit: working on the assumption that DUST will NOT be free.

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#23 - 2012-08-08 00:20:04 UTC
Serious answer:

If PI becomes a DUST-only thing, I'll shift to whatever new market opens up. People will undoubtedly keep blowing up each other's stuff - I'll undoubtedly figure out a way to make money supplying them.

(That won't be through playing DUST myself, though. I'm not buying a PS3 just to get involved.)
Styth spiting
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#24 - 2012-08-08 05:11:12 UTC
Adoniah Carrefour wrote:
blood hauler wrote:
It would be like if ccp gave eve players control over dust players ammo supply.

The outcry from dust players would be huge

Pretty sure Eve industrialists will be manufacturing everything we use. Not to mention the burn rate at which we go through gear is off the charts. Dust as it has been envisioned for launch in the minutes is a huge isk bonus to any industrialist that wants in on the action. Mind you it is free to play so maybe they have no plans to give us influence over any of the in game resources, I suppose there would be some some logic to that.

I think you're missing the key point blood was making with his comment.

Removing PI from eve (and making it available in dust) is still removing it from the game. It becomes an items that is equal to NPC items with mostly outrageous prices. It doesn't matter its still sold from dust players. It would literally mean anyone who has a POS (any wh corps, vast majority of nullsec, etc) would now need to rely on some outside game to supply their POS equipment, as well as POS fuel. At that point whats the point of evening having it available in dust; it might as well just be sold by NPC's.

There is a fine line between bridging the two games. Having the two games interact with one another is a great idea, but removing parts of one game, and then expecting (assuming, hoping) the other game supply's them, and at regular levels is just a tinder box waiting to ignite. Why not move all ship manufacturing to dust? Or ammo, or mods, etc.

Currently players can buy pos items or pos fuel. If these prices go out of control we can make them ourselves/mine ice. If they want to save money they can make it themselves, or they can sell it. By removing the ability to make the items in eve players would then be in a situation where if players in dust just don't want to do PI the entire galaxy starbase infrastructure would collapse. It would also have huge effects on t2 production, all manufacturing in general, move materials, wh items, bpo research, etc.
Itis Zhellin
#25 - 2012-08-08 12:01:28 UTC
Adoniah Carrefour wrote:
(edit: serious question asked in a tongue-in-cheek manner) .. would you crap your pants and rage-quit if Pl was only available through Dust514 assets?

So the idea is that all planets would be controlled only by Dusties and only they could mine the planet resources and sell it to the EVE players? So if we want some PI stuff we need to pay lots of isk or hire other dusties to take over some planets and sell the stuff to us?

Moving further, it means that some big a$$ alliances could take over huge areas and even have total control over these resources? I dont know.. its a very risky business. This would turn PI into something similar to moon harvesting where only some alliances have total control over the business. Also would cut off a huge load of players for whom PI is a big resource of income and also fun.

Even if EVE its a sandbox game, this trend to push and force people to join massive alliances and turn everything into extreme violence and hate is just too much. I liked the Dust concept, the risk that someday some little people would land on my planets trying to blow stuff up so I need to hire others to defend it or drop some stuff on their heads. But giving out the entire PI system to Dust and make it available only to big as$ alliances is not fair nor healty. The game is changing and seems like we dont have too much to do about than to like it or get lost. Its not too much sand left in the box with so many rules and changes around.
Oska Rus
Free Ice Cream People
#26 - 2012-08-08 12:46:13 UTC
Imho PI must still be managed by eve players because we are PC superrior gaming race. :D PS3 shooter gamers would not be appealed by such a long term and nonviolent task like is PI management.

PI is currently my main income source and i would be seriously enraged by its loss. I live in sov space so i dont think that some small people can just like that land in the middle of our teritory, conquer planet and start selling PI products.

I think it might start in highsex where is just no way how to compete with someone else setting up PI in your spot on the planet. (in lowsec you can compete by shooting and setting up POCO and in sov by taking soverginity)
John Cant
NEXUS Holdings Inc.
#27 - 2012-08-29 11:43:13 UTC
Previously on the market we had planetary vehicles, small arms etc and other npc goods which were all basic trade goods and were then moved over into PI as items that could be made in the factories on the planets. As an industrialist I want to tap into the dust market but I don't want the control of the market to be completely in the lap of the pods.....

Hopefully, the bpo's for the dust items will require pi goods (ie planetary vehicles as the chassis for the tanks/drop ships etc) so these goods will be traded more, there will be more call to use pi to manufacture them and it will give dust-bunnies more places to fight over.

We'll see...

Vincent Athena
#28 - 2012-08-29 14:13:26 UTC
When PI and Dust were first talked about, people were saying "Will I have to worry that Ill wake up one morning and find all my planet based assets were blown up by a 10 year old with a PS3?" CCP has said no. I do PI in High sec and in W. Both are places where Dust is not currently scheduled to be. My operations makes me 2 billion a month. So yes, I would not want that arbitrarily blown up by a 10 year old with a PS3.

But what they have said is there may be something.

For example if you set up PI in a district controlled my friendly Dusters, you get more production.

If dusters could set up their own PI installations in parallel with eggers... there better be new ways to use all the stuff produced or it would crash the market. But I could see that happening.

Currently there is no way to transfer PI material from one player to another without launching it from a planet. Maybe that could be a place for dusters: intra-planetary transport.

I could also see that if a planet district was controlled by hostile dusters, then I would be blocked from placing PI there, although existing stuff would remain. This would allow dusters to take a planet and charge rent.

There can be interaction with dusters getting access to resources without taking them away from us eggers. I await to see what actually happens.

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Minmatar Heavy Industries
#29 - 2012-08-29 18:42:30 UTC
Lady Ayeipsia wrote:

So yeah, pi is important to eve in general. As for dust... Eve is a big worlds. If some dust bunnies try to keep me from doing pi on a planet, I would move else where. There are plenty of planets out there.

Just do PI in WH's where there are no Dust Bunnies
An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Anya Ohaya
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#30 - 2012-08-29 22:13:10 UTC
Adoniah Carrefour wrote:
Please for the feedback? I apologize if I was too flippant in my first post. We have a debate going on the closed Beta forums that I can't get into because of NDA but I really would like to know. I have never done Pl .. is it an important source of income for a large portion of the industrial base? Would its loss represent a game-breaker? Just looking for a little feedback to take home to my fellow Dust-Bunnies.

No. PI is loose change. A bit of spare ISK for not much effort.
Anya Ohaya
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#31 - 2012-08-29 22:17:42 UTC
Adoniah Carrefour wrote:
blood hauler wrote:
It would be like if ccp gave eve players control over dust players ammo supply.

The outcry from dust players would be huge

Pretty sure Eve industrialists will be manufacturing everything we use. Not to mention the burn rate at which we go through gear is off the charts. Dust as it has been envisioned for launch in the minutes is a huge isk bonus to any industrialist that wants in on the action. Mind you it is free to play so maybe they have no plans to give us influence over any of the in game resources, I suppose there would be some some logic to that.

I get the impression that there will also be NPC sell orders - maybe for Aurum. How else are CCP going to make money?
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2012-08-30 13:16:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Javajunky
Dust will have the ability to impact a handful of planets at best. CCP is not going to put a basic mechanic of the Eve Cash cow at risk for some Free to Play stuff. While there could be some interaction or issues related someones PI set up. Considering the hundreds of thousands of PI set ups running Dust 514 impact is nominal.

At worst, if you hit one of my PI set ups. I'm out about 20 mins of work to light off a new one. That should be some context to chew on.


<< woke up had coffee and edited>>
Huttan Funaila
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#33 - 2012-08-30 15:54:34 UTC
I don't have room for another console in my home, so I won't be purchasing a PS3 no matter what the encouragement might be. Even if given one for free, I don't have a place to set it up. Placing PI into the hands of Dust players will trash so much of the T2 and POS economy that Eve will become unejoyable for most folks. As mentioned above, every T2 ship, weapon and ammo requires something made via PI. Making every planet participate all the time would trash far too much of the economy. A smart approach would have to be something like incursions: only a few systems per region are "vulnerable" to mercs/Dust.
#34 - 2012-08-30 16:23:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Marsan
Lady Ayeipsia wrote:
Additionally, many people have pi alts to make passive income. Losing those alts would hinder ccps bottom line depending if they are on paid accounts it not.

Keep in mind accounts paid with plex are paid accounts. Someone bought a plex with cold hard cash. It doesn't effect CCP's bottom line if it wasn't the player who owns the account.

Former forum cheerleader CCP, now just a grumpy small portion of the community.

Bully Hedro
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#35 - 2012-08-30 23:42:32 UTC
Well, seeing that it would be the 2nd time in a year that my core income source was directly nerfed to nothing.... yeah, I would probably quit for a long while.
Ryno Caval
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2012-08-30 23:45:29 UTC
I actually this would add a very interesting aspect to PI however I think ony in warring SOV areas this would be apliciable cause if a alliance has a system locked down it would be a little onesided to allow DUST players to manipulate the planet without being in the alliance.
Ginger Barbarella
#37 - 2012-08-31 21:53:15 UTC
I wouldn't ragequit, no, because I would ASSUME that CCP would let me, as an Eve player and spaceship pilot, to screw with DUSTers as much as removing PI would screw with EVEers...

Say, let us gank the ship transports that are bringing DUST players planet-side. They DO have to get there somehow, no? Or does CCP plan to have them auto-magically appear?

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Huttan Funaila
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#38 - 2012-09-04 19:56:58 UTC
For Faction Warfare, the Dust players automagically get to their destination.
Kristoffer Touborg wrote:
“For Faction Warfare, you won’t need to [ferry DUST players to planets for fights],” says Kristoffer, “as we assume the militias take responsibility for moving the troops around. For the 0.0 integration, where we move away from a kind of loose coalition structure and into very firm and solid social communities, it’s something we’ve been talking about for a long time but haven’t entirely decided how to approach yet.”

Celgar Thurn wrote:
No information has been released on the War Barge or how DUST mercs will travel through space or arrive on the planets. I tend to agree with the viewpoint that EVE capsuleers WILL NOT be able to attack the War Barge or other craft transporting DUST mercs and their vehicles/equipment etc to the planet. This ties in with DUST 514 having no effect on Nul sec Sovreignty and probably not that much effect on Factional Warfare boundaries either.

Logically speaking if DUST players kept having all their vehicles & equipment destroyed before they even stepped on a planet thet wouldn't want to play DUST very long.


Planetary bombardment by capsuleers requires you to have one of the dust bunnies using a target painter of some sort.
[T]o shoot from orbit Eve players will need to have a target designator on the ground, gameplay videos released indicate that quite clearly. However, there’s one thing you can trust about Eve players, if there is a way to grief someone, they will find it, and if all that requires is sacrificing an alt, they’ll gladly take this chance.

This implies that for the first few development cycles, there will be no way to affect folks playing Dust without having a PS3 and playing it.

Dust plus Walk-In-Station:
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